View Full Version : Player Help Immunity to Daze

2014-05-12, 04:12 AM
I've heard that there are a bunch of ways to get immunity to daze, but my Op-fu is failing. If its mind-affecting, sure, mind blank or being undead does the trick. But what about from Celerity, a Wilder or Anarchic Initiate's Wild Surge/Anarchic Grace's Psychic Enervation side effect which do not state that they are mind-affecting, nor does Daze's entry on page 307 of the PHB?

The Celerity/Anarchic Grace bits are what I'm most concerned with, as you can get rerolls for Wild Surge's bit.

2014-05-12, 04:17 AM
Favor of the Martyr(Paladin 4) is a round/level spell that gives immunity to daze, along with a laundry list of other things. Mark of the Dauntless is a feat which provides daze and stun immunity, but requires another dragonmark and probably won't be allowed by many DMs due to being setting specific in such a way that it actually matters. Quick Recovery is another feat that while it won't provide immunity, it will allow you to make a will save on your turn to remove the condition.

I think that's everything, but they're might be something I'm forgetting. Immunity to daze specifically is fairly rare.

With a box
2014-05-12, 04:25 AM
Favor of the Martyr , pal 4 (by limited wish?)
Edit :

2014-05-12, 05:54 AM
Favor of the Martyr , pal 4 (by limited wish?)
Edit :
From the Necessary Magic Item list:

- Third Eye Clarity (MIC). 3000GP, face slot. Daze is another of the conditions it can negate. See the Stun negation list.
- Minor Schema of Favor of the Martyr (MoE, SpC). 11200GP, held. The Favor of the Martyr Paladin spell grants immunity to the condition, a Minor Schema allows you to get it 1/day if you can activate it.
- Custom item of continuous Favor of the Martyr (SpC). 128000GP, shoulders slot? Following the magic item creation guidelines, this would cost 4 (Spell level) x 8 (Caster level) * 2000 (Continuous item multiplier) * 2 (1 minute/level multiplier) = 128000 GP. "HOLY CRAP, that's expensive!", you're thinking? Well, take a look at the immunities you're getting.
- Drakehelms (EbEx) and the Ring of Theurgy (CArc) offer access to the spells of other classes with few limitations. It may be possible for you to nab Favor of the Martyr from the Paladin list this way. Also, see this list.
There's also:

Spell: Favor of the Martyr, Paladin 4 spell from the Spell Compendium. It is a reprinting of the Favor of Ilmater spell from the Player's Guide to Faerūn. Usually the easiest way to get daze immunity is to get this spell in one form or another.
Feat: Mark of the Dauntless, from Dragonmarked. Flat-out immunity to stun and daze, has a true dragonmark as a prerequisite.
Feat: Quick Recovery. Does not in any way prevent the daze from being applied, but it allows you to save against it, even if the original effect didn't allow one.
Template: The fire-souled template, from Dragon Magazine 314. Blanket immunity. LA+3.
Magic Item: Third Eye Clarity, from the Magic Item Compendium. 1/day, negate the condition as an immediate action.
Spell: Permissive readings of the Freedom of Movement spell/effect.
Spell: The Heal, Healing Lorecall (Spell Compendium), Panacea (Spell Compendium) and Renewal Pact (Spell Compendium) spells can remove the condition after it has been applied - the problematic part is getting them when you can't take any actions. Renewal Pact is a permanent-duration thing you cast in advance (of limited use, though, since the dazed condition tends to only last one round, and there is a 1-round delay on the Pact), for the others you will need either an ally to cast it on you or some kind of contingent effect or other trick.
Soulmeld: the lawful version of Incarnate Avatar renders you immune. As far as I know, not accessible unless you are a single-classed, 19th level lawful Incarnate or have spent an Epic feat on unlocking the Soul chakra.

2014-05-12, 08:22 AM
Quick Recovery Feat from Lords of Madness is also worth mentioning. Whenever you begin your turn stunned or dazed, you can make a new saving throw as a Move Action to negate it.

Having said that, I would argue that NOTHING should make you immune to Daze or allow you to recover from it more quickly. The game needs some kind of status condition that nothing is immune to, specifically to balance abilities/spells/etc like Celerity.

And as a DM, I would dissuade you from every using action economy breaking combos in general, except for on very rare occasions when your DM is clearly throwing you in over your head. Nothing makes a DM and players hate Tier 1-2 builds more. If you're going to play with nuclear weapons, use them responsibly.