View Full Version : prestige classes that boost both arcane and divine lvs

2014-05-12, 08:31 AM
looking for prestige's classes that boost both divine and arcane lvs. dont like neglecting them both unless it is something good.

2014-05-12, 08:38 AM
Arcane Hierophant
Mystic Theurge

even more no doubt

2014-05-12, 08:50 AM
Mystic Theurge is the standard one, and provides full advancement of both with easy qualifications.

Arcane Heirophant also gives full advancement of both, but requires some druidy stuff to qualify for.

Fochlucan Lyrist is yet another one that gives full advancement of both, plus lots of skills and full BAB, but it's a royal pain to qualify for (the expected entry involves at least one level each of druid and bard, plus two of rogue).

True Necromancer gives dual-advancement on some levels but only single advancement on others, and is generally not considered worthwhile.

A special mention goes to Chameleon, which doesn't progress anything, but which can eventually give its own dual-progression casting comparable to a mystic theurge.

2014-05-12, 08:52 AM
This should help;

Of note if you're looking for prestige classes that boost arcane and divine levels

Mystic Theurge (DMG): Arcane/Divine
Green Whisper (DM#311): Bard/Druid
Yathrinshee (PGtF): Arcane/Divine
Arcane Hierophant (RoTW): Wild Shaping/Arcane/Divine
True Necromancer (LM): Arcane/Divine

Though ah, please don't use Yathrinshee or True Necromancer, they're terrible. XD And I have no idea with Green Whisper, never seen them before.

2014-05-12, 08:52 AM
yeah, guess i am going to have to take true necro after i complete mystic theuge.....cant stand it but i guess i will eh?