View Full Version : Who does belkar hate now?

Professor Tanhauser
2007-02-13, 02:03 AM
Ok, when he talked to the oracle belkar had a list of pewople he hated/wanted to cause the death of.

I just wondered if that list might have grown a little by now? Do you think belkar hates hinjo for the MoJ or the wizard who put it there? Or maybe he hates roy more than ever now for it and whatever roy's supposedly planning for him?

I'm just trying to figure out who belkar hates the most now, it might have changed and you know who, she who's name is spoken too often, isn't on top of it anymore.

Lord Zentei
2007-02-13, 02:38 AM
I'm not sure that he even cares about the Wizard who put the mark of justice on him; he's just a flunkie (also, he's not even been introduced yet).

As for those he now hates: there's definately Nale, for one. See his immediate reaction when he realized that "not-Nale" was in fact Nale in disguise even though he had the Mark of Justice at that point.

Skippy the Dire
2007-02-13, 11:16 PM
Hinjol actually seems to be 'off' the list - probably due to 'chump' potential (se Durkon). Nale is SO on the list; beyond that we haven't seen enough new people around Belkar to tell.