View Full Version : Computer Trying to remember Diablo style/RTS game

2014-05-12, 10:19 AM
So years a go I played a RTS game on a friends PC that had a rather unique way of handling its hero units. At the start of a match you could either buy your home base, or you could just spend that money on your Hero in which case the game became a lot more like Diablo. The story was rather good from what I remember if just a tad bit formulaic and it had a rather obvious setup for a sequel but I can't remember enough details to find it on google. Anyone here every played the game?

2014-05-12, 05:33 PM
How recent did it look?

2014-05-13, 01:02 AM
It seemed recent for the time but that was roughly 5 years ago, as I've been thinking about it the details for how a multiplayer game would start was that you had the hero unit and you could turn him into a statue that was your main base if that detail jogs anyone's memory.

2014-05-13, 01:21 AM
Google-fu activate! :D

@Dragonus45: Sounds like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroes_of_Annihilated_Empires

I've never played it, but that's what it seems like. Hope this helps! :)
(And it's circa 2006, so it probably fits the timeframe you gave too).

2014-05-13, 01:33 AM
Google-fu activate! :D

@Dragonus45: Sounds like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroes_of_Annihilated_Empires

I've never played it, but that's what it seems like. Hope this helps! :)
(And it's circa 2006, so it probably fits the timeframe you gave too).

Wow that's the one, I swear I googled for about an hour trying to dig it up. Thanks. Awww the sequel never happened.

2014-05-13, 01:33 AM
No problem! Seems like an interesting game. :)

2014-05-13, 04:09 AM
No problem! Seems like an interesting game. :)

It had its ups and downs, but I really liked the idea of just taking your hero unit in an RTS and saying "Nah, I'd rather play diablo instead."

Brother Oni
2014-05-17, 03:19 AM
It's available from GOG for 10USD. (http://www.gog.com/game/heroes_of_annihilated_empires)