View Full Version : Queen of clubs

2014-05-12, 10:33 AM
The invite came latter then you'd expected, a full three days after the meeting. Alyssa Ray inviting Lady Anarys Saltcliffe to have tea in the royal gardens, overlooking the bay. It was a chill day, but the vibrant greens and reds of the garden caught the sun and seemed to dance in it despite the rolling clouds of fog that blanketed the bay below.

2014-05-12, 11:21 AM
In the interests of not dragging things down waiting for Bel and I to finish our side scene, I'll just start into this one. Keep in mind, that this scene is happening after that scene with Bel, so I may need to be vague (or retcon) if something drastic happens there. Hopefully it will be as pleasant as I'm shooting for though, so it shouldn't be an issue.

Oh, and let me know if Alyssa will bother to try to hit a DC 31-33 spot check (I'll look up the specific number if you want to try).

Anarys strolled peacefully along the garden paths. A pair of her guards followed a discreet distance behind, an unfortunate victory that she had needed to cede to her husband in order to leave him behind. Still, the weather was much better than the average day on the Iron Islands, and the Royal Gardens were truly a sight to behold. She was glad that Lady Alyssa had extended her invitation. Getting to know the Rays was high on her list of priorities.

She arrived at the covered area overlooking the bay, and smiled at her hostess, "Lady Alyssa Ray, thank you so much for the invitation. I fear it has been too long since I last enjoyed a civilized conversation, a good cup of tea, and a pleasant afternoon."

2014-05-12, 12:17 PM
Yup, I'm doing stuff today so posting may be scarse---er then usual =p Anywho more a scocial see what you're up to visit. =p

And no she probably won't bother this time.

Alyssa frowns slightly. "Well that just won't do! Here, have a seat, it's just not right for a woman not to have some time for herself."

2014-05-13, 09:33 AM
Anarys smiles gratefully at the courtesy, and happily takes a seat. She gazes out over the bay as curls of steam drift from her teacup. "Well, it's been quite an eventful few days, hasn't it? A funeral, a meeting of High Lords, no less than three possibilities for the Iron Throne, and more than a few surprises." She takes a deep breath and sighs, "Then again, that seems to be a fairly regular week here in King's Landing. What about you, Lady Alyssa, what brings you to King's Landing?"

2014-05-13, 10:16 AM
A look of concern crosses Alyssa's face. "It's for my father's sake. He was... No, he is a brilliant man. Still he's no longer presentable as he once was. I remember when I was a child lord Graugeld once told me there was no higher lord, and that the gods had truly blessed us. Then when our mother passed and the family split. Since then he's lost his composure, so I am here to represent him in particular, but also the whole of the Ray family at the funeral and council." To say Marris Ray had "lost his composure" or "is no longer presentable" so was to put it lightly. However hard the Rays had tried to keep it under wraps there was not a court in the seven kingdoms that didn't know that Marris Ray, powerful as he may once have been, was now naught but a crazy old man secluded from the world. Still, many take note of how loyal the people of the Shattered Coast, and even the militia of house Ray are to the man, no matter how mad.

After a moment's pause a smile returns to her ivory face. "What of yourself Anarys, the iron islands are some ways away, how is it that you came all this way in a month?"

Or is it just bel's mystical plot teleportation ability? =p

2014-05-13, 03:03 PM
Anarys nods sadly at Alyssa's mention of Marris. "Yes, the Merchant King was quite the force in his day. His record is impressive, and you are right to be proud of that."

When Alyssa makes mention of their rapid arrival, Anarys laughs lightly. "Despite what my husband would have you believe, the Ironborn do not enjoy any particular favor when it comes to the winds on the seas. The truth is much more mundane. We left for King's Landing nearly two months ago, to inform Lord Theron Blacktyde that many members of his family had recently perished. We sailed up the Mander river, and I hadn't heard the news about the death of the King until we stopped in Highgarden. When we arrived in King's Landing, we heard the news that Lord Theron had also perished." She shakes her head and frowns, "So much death ... let us hope it is not a indication of the days to come."

2014-05-13, 04:19 PM
"I'm sorry for your loss." Alyssa intones sincerely before inquiring "Do you know how they died?"

2014-05-13, 05:17 PM
Anarys shudders a bit at the thought, "They were drowned, in seawater. But they were no where near the ocean at the time. It's actually what led to my husband taking over the Iron Islands. The priesthood of the Drowned God had backed Lord Theron's claim to the Iron Islands years ago. They took this as an omen that they had made a grave mistake. There was a quick meeting of the nobility, and it was decided that House Saltcliffe should lead. We took in the surviving members of House Blacktyde in the hopes that we could protect them from whatever or whoever was killing them, and departed at once to alert Lord Theron."

She gazes out at the bay and cheers up slightly, "It would seem that the Drowned God is pleased with the shift in power, as none of our Blacktyde charges have met with such a grisly fate. I've even managed to find young Greta a husband in House Mountry."

2014-05-13, 06:30 PM
Alyssa considers this. It couldn't have been an accident for so many high lords to have died off so close to the king's death, and of the survives there was only the decedents of Marris Ray, the north, and drone. "What is your impression of Nadia?" She asks, her own distaste clear.

2014-05-14, 03:26 PM
Anarys regards Alyssa for a moment, as if trying to decide what to say. Finally she smirks and says, "I think that she has quite a few people to kill if she wants to rule Westeros. But then, I'm not sure she wants to. She seemed quite eager at the prospect, but now ..." Anarys shakes her head, "I think she may be exactly as she appears, which is both refreshing and disappointing."

Anarys leans forward a little, "I'm honestly more interested in what situation led to the Malwoods rising to power, and what is happening in the Rheyne lands."

2014-05-14, 03:46 PM
Alyssa frowns. To her Nadia appeared as she appeared was unsettling to say the least as she'd appeared both hostel to the Rays, and as one who plays their cards close without fear of engaging in dubious activities. Combined with Marris' certainty that she'd bring death to the family, Alyssa found peace only in that the woman wouldn't have a throne from which to do so.

Thinking it better to keep such thoughts to herself Alyssa instead replied to the topic at hand. "The Graugelds and Rheyne? Yes, their and the blacktyde deaths certainly seem well coordinated with the death of the king and his family don't you think?" Alyssa sipped from her tea, the rich hibiscus and rose flavors washing over her tongue. It was fruity, but tart. She would have to find a new tea merchant if she were to stay in king's landing for any span of time.

2014-05-14, 05:49 PM
Anarys stopped to consider it, "Do you think it could be more than a coincidence? If so, who would have the resources to make such a coordinated attack on the nobility of Westeros?"

2014-05-14, 07:24 PM
"That's precisely it, my instinct tells me it must be, yet none come to mind. Or rather many come to mind. Any two kingdoms or a power of similar magnitude in essos. Any one kingdom if they were good at it. Still it troubles me that I do not know, for how then can I assure my own, and my family's safety." Alyssa takes another sip of tea and grimaces before putting it down and sending for some juices.

2014-05-15, 09:41 AM
Anarys nods in sympathetic agreement. "The only thing we can ever do to ensure such a thing, make alliances, prepare for war, and stand together against a common foe. In this case, that most likely means the North."

2014-05-15, 10:11 AM
Alyssa smiles. "Perhaps." As the juice arrives Alyssa tries some and sighs with relief. At least this they couldn't mess up.

Serving herself one of the slim cakes Alyssa casts lady Anarys a sly smile. "So, almost queen. I wonder what it would have been like of you had found your way to the throne. Would you have brought your savage god to the capitol, raised a fleet as Nadia suggested, or perhaps summoned all the valiant knights of the land to bring the north to it's knees? What sort of queen would you have been?"

2014-05-15, 02:54 PM
"What sort of queen?" Anarys muses, "I'd like to think I would have been just, and cared for the seven kingdoms as I care for my own. I'd like to think that I would have sought justice for the dead, and brought the North back into the fold. But it is difficult to say what I would do until truly faced with the responsibility." She shakes her head, "but it is likely that we will never know, as it would seem that Lord Brynden is destined to sit upon the throne. Let us hope he will be the king that Westeros needs."

2014-05-15, 02:59 PM
Alyssa shakes her head. The other woman was missing the point. "You were faced with the duity however, or at least you thought you were. You can't tell me you didn't even consider what you'd do after taking the throne."

2014-05-19, 09:34 AM
Anarys laughs lightly, "Of course I considered it, and I gave you your answer. I would have sought further evidence of Lord Stark's guilt over the next few weeks. If I found none, or if I found more, then it would have meant war with the North." Anarys looks thoughtfully at Alyssa before adding, "What sort of queen would you wish to see on the throne?"

2014-05-19, 11:03 AM
Alyssa considers this, the Rays and their sibling family the Mountreys were the two families that flanked king's landing. "I would want a calm and thoughtful queen who thought of the realm rather then the territories that it consists of. One who could keep the peace, and act as a queen rather then as a lord. One who would strengthen the city watch, yet sill trust in the knights of the land to win her wars." Alyssa pauses. She was here representing her father, and should probably comment on his views too least she mislead the woman. "Still, my father is a godly man, more so these days then before, and he'd expect the sovereign rituals concerning the seven to be upheld by the throne. Moreover he'd probably desire to meet with them in person and make his own decisions from there, so I suppose I'd also like a queen who had the courage to meet my father as he is."

2014-05-19, 11:31 AM
Anarys nods in agreement. "Your concerns about religion are understandable, but you should know that I would not try and replace the faith of the Seven with any other faith. Faith is a cornerstone of Westeros, after all." She furrows her brow and continues, "I am not in favor of what Lady Nadia proposed. The Crown should not hold a standing army and navy, but should rely on the High Lords to provide the necessary troops in defense of the realm. Such an arrangement shows respect, and perhaps more importantly trust, for the High Lords, and provides opportunity for the High Lords to pay homage to the Crown. Having the Crown raise its own army and navy is ... insulting."

She sighs heavily, "I'm afraid that war with the North will likely be necessary to keep the peace. If they are allowed to assassinate the king without repercussion, that can only lead to more conflict. It would be best to bring the perpetrators to justice and stabilize the North. With regards to your father, I would be honored to speak with such a great man."

"But again, all of this is largely irrelevant, as Lord Brynden stands to take the throne. I'm curious, of course, as to whether an investigation was done into his whereabouts when the King was killed. Blindly crowning a man who stood to benefit from the death of his family seems ... unwise. Then again, Maester Brand appears to be very knowledgeable on such matters. Perhaps his judgement can be trusted."

She shakes her head as if to clear away such troubling thoughts and smiles. "Please, let us speak of more pleasant things. My daughter Rhaenys is to be wed to Lord Darrin Mountry of Highgarden in a few months, I would be pleased if you would attend. Young Greta's wedding will also be during that week. I'll see to it that you receive a formal invitation."

2014-05-19, 11:52 AM
"Oh my! More weddings so soon? I confess my brother Bardif, and my sister Bella were to wed... But.." Alyssa falls silent before beginning anew. "I'd love to attend."

Bella was to wed into the graugelds who all died in the fires that killed the king, and Bardif went off to wed into the Reynes before the pykefells hostile takeover. There has been no news of him since.

2014-05-23, 12:25 AM
"I'm sorry to hear of your family's troubles. I do hope things in the Rheyne's lands settle down soon." Anarys looks sad for a moment, then smiles. "And what about you, Lady Alyssa? Surely you must have a Lord or two who have sought your affections?"

2014-05-23, 05:30 AM
"A lord or two, yes, but none yet have both desired me and obtained my father's blessings."

Alyssa was to wed the riverlands lord before that got taken over by the king. =\

2014-05-27, 10:44 AM
"Well then, all the more reason for you to attend the celebration!" Anarys smiles widely, "I'll ensure that the most eligible Lords of the realm will be in attendance." She folds her hands in her lap and sighs, "I'm afraid that I must be leaving soon. There is much to be done here in preparation for the events to come. I'm going to be spending the next few months in King's Landing, I would love to do this again, perhaps on a regular basis. Will you be spending more time here, or will you be returning to your family's lands?"

2014-05-27, 11:37 AM
Alyssa smiles warmly. "Well, what with a new king being coronated and my brothers attending their affairs, my father requested that I represent him at kings landing for some months. So while I may visit him occasionally in the coming months, I do intend to spend as much time as I may becoming better acquainted with the capitol of our fine realm, and I would love to spend more time with you if time allows."

2014-05-27, 06:52 PM
Anarys stands, "Wonderful! I look forward to our next get together." She pauses to take one last look out into the bay before saying, "Now, I really must be going. It was wonderful to speak with you Lady Alyssa." She exchanges her parting pleasantries with Lady Alyssa, then turns and strolls back through the gardens, her bodyguards moving into silent formation behind her.