View Full Version : Puzzled Origins behind Vector Legion names

2014-05-12, 06:22 PM
What is each VL member named after? We know Tarquin is named after the Kings and Malack is a corruption of Malachi, so why are the others named the way they are?

2014-05-13, 06:03 AM
Shoulder Pad Guy is named after that one time when he played hockey for the University of Blood, in Bleedingham.

2014-05-13, 06:22 AM
I think there was a theory about Miron and his terrible habit of danking shews on here somewhere- his family showed (shew) people the safe way through a marsh (a dank place), hence shewdanker.

2014-05-13, 12:34 PM
Miron's illustrious forebear shanked a dew elemental, then had a Reverend Spooner moment.

2014-05-13, 01:30 PM
his family showed (shew) people the safe way through a marsh (a dank place), hence shewdanker.

The safe way through a mire, surely?

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-13, 07:25 PM
I think there was a theory about Miron and his terrible habit of danking shews on here somewhere- his family showed (shew) people the safe way through a marsh (a dank place), hence shewdanker.

It was mentioned here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?323849-Something-about-Myron-we-have-not-discussed&p=16737833&viewfull=1#post16737833). Not entirely seriously, but still brought up.

2014-05-14, 02:25 AM
Shoulder Pad Guy is named after that one time when he played hockey for the University of Blood, in Bleedingham.
I wonder what he was called before, then? After all, the EoB has only existed for a couple of years. :smalltongue:

2014-05-14, 02:42 AM
Miron's illustrious forebear shanked a dew elemental, then had a Reverend Spooner moment.
Fore… bear? (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ7nqXXGKRBkblYAX42U9vNfgYQNeE0Z AXTC4hOt-L4h3-en1csGU4stju5)

2014-05-14, 12:01 PM
I believe that is in fact a caddy bear, shouting fore. An easy mistake to make, among the uninitiated.

this (http://www.steinland.com/H/ForeBear.jpg) is a fore bear.

2014-05-14, 12:03 PM
Laurin is a reversal of IL, which stands for "Ioun stone Lady", her forum-name before her real one was revealed.
Shoulder Pad Guy is named after the pads on his shoulder.

Kilkil is named after Tarquin's desire to Kill! Kill! Also, the fact that people expected him to be killkilled by Belkar.

Miron Shewdanker is a corruption of Mini ShieldDurkon, indicating his role as a full caster opposite Durkon.

Jacinda is a modification of her best friend's name, Jake the Snake (Malack, cf. a Luna thread).

Alternatively, Rich just made up some names and put them in the comic.