View Full Version : 3rd Ed How to get a Spell as an Aura?

2014-05-12, 06:41 PM
Looking for a way to put a spell on a character/creature as an Aura. Existing creatures with similar abilities welcome too.
Depending on how impossible this is it could be a PC concept or an NPC concept or even a monster if it's too OP.

Homebrew more than welcome.

It would seem there is some confusion as to my goal. The idea is to find some means of having a given spell (probably one that targets your enemies) become an emanation or aura that affects an enemy whenever they're close enough.
TLDR: Take spell, affect spell with process, spell becomes aura, aura can affect enemies who're close enough.

2014-05-12, 06:51 PM
The epic feat Permanent Emanation does exactly this.

2014-05-12, 06:52 PM
From my reply in the Simple Q&A thread:

First we define the term 'Aura.' The SRD gives no strict definition of the term in the Magic Overview (http://www.d20srd.org/indexes/magicOverview.htm). The Spell List gives three spells with the term 'Aura' in them, two of which are identical.

Holy Aura (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/holyAura.htm)
Unholy Aura (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/unholyAura.htm)
Magic Aura (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicAura.htm)

The first two are a 20 ft. burst Abjuration centred on the caster, the second is a touch Illusion spell. There's no clear definition of Auras from the SRD.

If you're looking for a prestige class that converts spells into Aura based effects, it would vary depending on what you want to accomplish. Many prestige classes have their own quirks but there's not one that grants you the ability to convert every spell on your list into an aura, for obvious reasons. If there's a specific spell you want as an aura, you can use the rules for researching a new spell given in the DMG to attempt to create the desired effect.

Further on the question you asked would be to examine the alignment auras that are detected by the detect evil and their like.

Detect Evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectEvil.htm)

The spell gives charts of aura strengths based on class levels and type, but never discusses the specifics of what constitutes an aura, merely that it is a property of the creature that can't be turned off unless additional magics are used.

If you can give specific details of what it is you're trying to accomplish it would make answering a lot easier.

2014-05-12, 06:53 PM
Looking for a way to put a spell on a character/creature as an Aura. Existing creatures with similar abilities welcome too.
Depending on how impossible this is it could be a PC concept or an NPC concept or even a monster if it's too OP.

Homebrew more than welcome.

What do you want this spell/aura to do?

2014-05-12, 06:59 PM
From my reply in the Simple Q&A thread:

Further on the question you asked would be to examine the alignment auras that are detected by the detect evil and their like.

Detect Evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectEvil.htm)

The spell gives charts of aura strengths based on class levels and type, but never discusses the specifics of what constitutes an aura, merely that it is a property of the creature that can't be turned off unless additional magics are used.

If you can give specific details of what it is you're trying to accomplish it would make answering a lot easier.

My apologies, I intended no sleight to your answer in the Q&A thread. The original idea was to give a character a permanent emanation of a normally targetted spell effect. Specifically Greater Humanoid Essence, though a method that works for other spells would be infinitely useful.

The epic feat Permanent Emanation does exactly this.

Looks very much like what I'm after, too bad it's trapped in the realm of Epic.

Does anyone know of a means to change non-emanation spells into emanation spells? Perhaps through a 3rd party magic&spells book or something?

2014-05-12, 07:20 PM
Specifically Greater Humanoid Essence, though a method that works for other spells would be infinitely useful.

Do you want nearby constructs to be affected by that spell, or the character itself to be affected by it? If the latter, then just use the Incarnate Construct template in Savage Species. If the former, it would be considerably more difficult.

You'll want to use Reach Spell (+2 metamagic) or Arcane/Divine Reach from Archmage or Heirophant to give it a range of 30 ft, instead of its normal touch range. Then you'll need a way to make the spell go off every time someone comes within range. I'd probably get an Item Familiar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/itemFamiliars.htm) or just a normal intelligent item, give it a special purpose to destroy constructs and make this its dedicated power, which you can upgrade yourself on an Item Familiar using standard item creation rules. That would be an 8th level spell that's usable at-will, which the intelligent item itself activates whenever it detects a construct within range. It would need to have Kn: Arcana ranks as a lesser power just to be able to identify constructs. The price of a 7th level spell at will as a dedicated power (Waves of Exhaustion) is 164k gp, which is a 10% discount from Spell Level x Caster Level x 2k gp, so this 8th level spell would be 216k gp, which means it would automatically be considered an epic item since the price is above 200k gp.

What you're asking for is the equivalent of an epic level ability, and should not be usable by anyone below 21st level, and should not be used on players below 21st level.

2014-05-12, 07:53 PM
You could go with a repeating, resetting trap of Ocular Spell'd Humanoid Essence that fires off any time a creature comes within range. Add it to a pair of goggles. Possibly add Widen Spell, depending on how large you want the effect to be.

2014-05-12, 08:00 PM
Occular Spell(+2), Ray Extension(+1), Ray Burst(+3), Persist (+6) If you have some means of casting a spell of a certain level but not a certain spell slot(such as any of the SLA granting feats), you can technically apply all of these for free. You could also just go super metamagic reducer, but that would take longer. Also note that the rules are a little fuzzy on spells you have to concentrate on and persistence. They call out detect magic and similar spells like detect thoughts, but Ray Extension spells aren't exactly similar to them. If you have a same DM, he will require you concentrate the entire time the aura is up or lose the spell(making the swift concentration skill trick invaluable).

2014-05-12, 08:08 PM
You could go with a repeating, resetting trap of Ocular Spell'd Humanoid Essence that fires off any time a creature comes within range. Add it to a pair of goggles. Possibly add Widen Spell, depending on how large you want the effect to be.

You cannot put traps on items, they have to be affixed to a location. The only exception to this is a trap on a spellbook, which is only triggered when touched or read.

2014-05-12, 08:13 PM
You cannot put traps on items, they have to be affixed to a location. The only exception to this is a trap on a spellbook, which is only triggered when touched or read.Could you quote me the appropriate text? I can't seem to find it.


2014-05-12, 09:09 PM
You cannot put traps on items, they have to be affixed to a location. The only exception to this is a trap on a spellbook, which is only triggered when touched or read.

There's also the DMG2 page 45 Trapped Weapons section as well so more than just locations and Spellbooks can have traps on them.

Though I suppose that a given DM might define Magic Traps as their own separate thing to prevent them being added to Wondrous Items. I wouldn't agree with it, but I could see it happening.

2014-05-12, 09:18 PM
Tippy had some complicated method to get Permanent Emanation onto a high-HD permanent animated object, then shrink the object down to a size small enough to be carried, resulting in a large radius emanating whatever emanation spell was connected to Permanent Emanation.

Not quite sure that all the rules pan out, but you might find it useful if you are in a higher-op kind of game.