View Full Version : Mother's and Father's in the OOTS

2014-05-12, 08:52 PM
I've noticed something quite recently, in the Order of the Stick at least in so far as the parents of the main cast go two things are pretty consistent across the board. The Mother is a generically good influence on their child. Whereas the Father is practically responsible for all negative traits the character has. I only just thought of this today but looking back at everything we've seen so far fits it completely.

First, early on we're introduced to Roy's father and given hints of there less than stellar relationship, although at that point Eugene hadn't really developed into the character we see later on when Roy dies. Speaking of when Roy dies let's talk about his mom, whose name I can't remember. Roy's mom is pretty much indisputably the most developed of the main cast's mothers, sadly though she is also very generic, rather than give her much of a personality in her own right Rich instead gave her development by proxy in showing us what she thinks of Eugene, someone that she wishes she never met, yet that she isn't cold-hearted enough to completely disregard what good times they did have or bear him any significant ill will so ultimately generically good.

The next set of parents we're introduced to are Elan and Nale's these two really hit the "mother is generically good, father is bad" idea on the head as we're literally able to see the results of both parent's parenting styles played out on two otherwise identical characters, that and Tarquin is literally Evil. Maybe we'll see more of Elan's mother later, Rich did say she was alive.

Lastly we meet Ian Starshine, Haley's father who have probably the closest thing to a positive relationship anyone in this story gets to have with their fathers, at least so far in the comic. Unlike my previous examples Ian and Haley genuinely love each other, but unfortunately Ian is still responsible directly or indirectly for every negative trait Haley has. Haley's whole arc about losing her voice is solely her father's fault for instilling in her such a fear of telling the truth. And what about Haley's mom. Whose name I also can't remember I wonder why? Why she died in the most phoned in too good-for-this-world way possible. Her last words to both of them were literally "to be better than this place."

So I have to ask. What gives? I know the Giant can only give each character so much development but If I can't remember half the names of the parents of the main cast something is wrong. Kazumi and Daigo while not main characters by any stretch are at least memorable enough that unless I forget the Azure city arc completely I won't forget their names. They're both still generically good but at least they made an impression. I know you're a better writer than this Rich I hope you won't let us down when dealing with Durkon's mom. She's some kind of Sargent so that's a good start at least.

2014-05-12, 09:57 PM
You might be interested in this post by the Giant on this very subject.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-12, 10:06 PM
You might be interested in this post by the Giant on this very subject.

I thought the title of this thread looked pretty familiar.

To the OP: Could you please break this up into paragraphs? It makes it much easier to read.

2014-05-12, 10:38 PM
My apologies about the wall of text I have a tendency to do that when I'm writing I feel like if I slow down I'll end up forgetting things I'll go back and change it now.

2014-05-12, 10:45 PM
Speaking of when Roy dies let's talk about his mom, whose name I can't remember.

Sara, I believe

And what about Haley's mom. Whose name I also can't remember I wonder why?

Probably because she hasn't been given one, as far as I can remember. Neither has Elan's.

2014-05-12, 11:05 PM
Sara, I believe

Thank you.

Probably because she hasn't been given one, as far as I can remember. Neither has Elan's.

I knew Elan's mom didn't have one but Haley's mom too? Well okay then. I just can't see myself not naming a character if they're going to be at all important even if only in backstory.

2014-05-12, 11:06 PM
And what about Haley's mom. Whose name I also can't remember I wonder why? Why she died in the most phoned in too good-for-this-world way possible.

Her name is Mia, based on Old Blind Pete's recollection (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0581.html).

I'm not sure what else to say that the Giant hasn't already said. For now, there is one thought that occurs to me: what might it have been like growing up in the Draketooth family? The only example we have of their parenting outlook comes from Orrin (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0816.html). That's not very big on evidence, especially from a family that lives on deceit.

Yeah, I'll join you in hoping to get another perspective in the dwarven lands.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-13, 05:32 AM
My apologies about the wall of text I have a tendency to do that when I'm writing I feel like if I slow down I'll end up forgetting things I'll go back and change it now.

Thank you. I feel that it's easier for others to understand what you're saying (even though you haven't changed the wording) now. I agree that I want to see more of Durkon's mother (who is a Sergeant, even though it's not pronounced that way :smalltongue:).

Her name is Mia, based on Old Blind Pete's recollection (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0581.html).
That's a good find. I wouldn't have remembered that.