View Full Version : Turning undead, DMM, and other nonsense.

2014-05-13, 03:16 AM
Ok, so I have a question. I am playing a cleric, and am trying to optimize it to the best I can (yes I know, shame on me.) Anyways, I saw someone post about a way (which includes using the Rebuke Dragon ACF) to increase turn attempts to about 42 of em, and use it with DMM. But, the wording of DMM states "you can take the energy from turning or rebuking undead and use it to apply a metamagic feat to divine spells that you know.", and so I am being told that I wouldn't actually have that many turns to be able to use for DMM since the Rebuke Dragons isn't energy to turn/rebuke undead. Can someone help?

2014-05-13, 03:47 AM
Well, to begin with, you can dip Sacred Exorcist and take 3 levels of Knight of the Raven for two additional smiting pools.
I don't remember the exact wording of the Nightsticks, but it was either those or the Extra Turning feat that added 4 uses per pool for a total of 12 in the case of a Cleric6/KotR4/Sacred Exorcist1

2014-05-13, 03:50 AM
The Rebuke dragons ACF explicitly says that it's attempts can be used for divine feats as if it were turn undead. It's why that particular class feature is called out as opposed to rebuke elementals and the like.

Destroy Undead from Expedition to Castle Ravenloft and Channel Incarnum from Magic of Incarnum have similar wording iirc and can also be used to fuel divine feats. If you're willing to do some dipping and your DM is cool with alignment hopping you can do something like

Dread Necromancer (rebuke undead)/Cleric (destroy undead, channel incarnum, or rebuke dragons)/Sacred Exorcist for 3 turning pools.

Also note that while sacred exorcist does grant turn undead...this is only if you don't already have turn undead (as does every prestige class that grants turn undead that I can think of). You're not gonna get multiple pools of "turn undead," but it is pretty easy to get one of the cleric's ACF pools in addition to turn or rebuke undead for 2 pools

2014-05-13, 03:55 AM
Ok, so I have a question. I am playing a cleric, and am trying to optimize it to the best I can (yes I know, shame on me.) Anyways, I saw someone post about a way (which includes using the Rebuke Dragon ACF) to increase turn attempts to about 42 of em, and use it with DMM. But, the wording of DMM states "you can take the energy from turning or rebuking undead and use it to apply a metamagic feat to divine spells that you know.", and so I am being told that I wouldn't actually have that many turns to be able to use for DMM since the Rebuke Dragons isn't energy to turn/rebuke undead. Can someone help?

The Turn Energy ACF(RoD 106), which I think is the one you are referring to, says:

For a dragonblood cleric, turn energy counts as turn or rebuke undead for the purpose of meeting prerequisites for feats, prestige classes, and so on.
The other ACF that can be used for this is the Azurin Cleric ACF(MoI 43) which is a bit more explicit, but only works for DMM Persist.

An azurin cleric can use this ability in place of turn or rebuke undead to qualify for any divine feat, and can spend daily uses of this feat to power divine feats as if they were daily uses of turn or rebuke undead (though doing so requires a standard action rather than a free action unless the feat states otherwise)