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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Strike Witch (3.5 e Base Class) (PEACH)(WiP)

2014-05-14, 12:42 PM
Starting up a new homebrew, this time going for a full class. Work on this will probably be slow.

Strike Witch


"Her latent ability is impressive indeed. Not only with regards to her magic, but she also has perseverance and determination. It's my mission and duty to guide her on her path to becoming a full-fledged Witch, for the sake of my, no, the world's benefactor, Dr. Miyafuji."
Mio Sakamoto, Strike Witch, speaking of new Strike Witch Yoshika Miyafuji.

Maidens dancing across the sky on wings of steel. An apt description of the original Strike Witches, magical warriors who used both magic and metal to hunt down and repel their foes. Facing off against a Strike Witch is difficult, according to those who have survived the attacks of evil Strike Witches. Their great speed and aerial prowess combined with effective ranged combat skills make them formidable opponents for the grounded, and they are no less fearsome if you can fly.

NOTE: Contrary to popular belief, Strike Witches are not restricted to the female gender. Nor race. So get flying, you male half-orcs who dream of dancing among the clouds. (Apologies for the unnecessary mental image.)

Preferred Stats: Strike Witches cast spells off of their charisma, so their highest score would likely be Charisma. Strike Witches appreciate a higher Dexterity score, since they tend to favor long range combat over melee (though there are many notable exceptions), and they cannot wear armor. A decent constitution score boosts the somewhat delicate Strike Witch's ability to take hits, as well as boosting the effectiveness of their barriers.

Hit Die: d6

LevelBABFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecialSpells Per Day/Spells Known







Bonus Feat












Barrier, Bonus Feat












Strike Unit






Bonus Feat


















Bonus Feat






Unit Upgrade












Fortified Barrier


















Unit Boost


















Reinforced Barrier












Supreme Unit

Class Skills (6+INT modifier per level): Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perform, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope.

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: A Strike Witch is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as light shields. She is not proficient with any kind of armor, however.
Spellcasting: A Strike Witch casts spells in a manner similar to a sorcerer.

In order to learn or cast a spell, she must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Strike Witch's spell is 10 + the spell level + the Strike Witch's Charisma modifier.

A Strike Witch need not prepare her spells in advance. She can cast any spell she knows at any time, assuming she has not yet used up her spells per day for that spell level. She does not have to decide ahead of time which spells she will cast.

Strike Witches choose their spells from the Warmage Spell List and any "Cure" spell.

A Strike Witch's spells are subject to Arcane Spell Failure.

Finally, a Strike Witch gets additional spells per day from having a high Charisma score.

Bonus Feat: At 1st level, a Strike Witch gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency as a Bonus feat. A Strike Witch can only use this feat for Ranged Weapons.

At 3rd level, a Strike Witch gains Weapon Focus as a Bonus Feat, for the weapon she selected with her Exotic Weapon Proficiency bonus feat.

At 6th level, a Strike Witch gains Weapon Specialization as a Bonus Feat, even if she does not meet the Prerequisites.

At 9th level, a Strike Witch gains Ranged Weapon Mastery as a Bonus Feat, even if she does not meet the Prerequisites.

Barrier (Su.): At 3rd level, a Strike Witch can create a barrier to protect herself and her allies. As an Immediate action, if both of her hands are free, she can produce a magic barrier that blocks damage from attacks and spells, and blocks line-of-effect. For example, if a Strike Witch is subject to the breath weapon of a Black Dragon, she can raise her Barrier and negate the damage. Any allies standing behind her would not be harmed, because the dragon's breath weapon no longer has line of effect. If a Strike Witch's Barrier breaks, she is dazed for one round. A Strike Witch's Barrier can absorb up to 1/2 of her hit-point total worth of damage per day before breaking.

At 12th level, a Strike Witch's Barrier can be used without her hands free.

At 18th level, a Strike Witch's Barrier can absorb up to her full hit-point total worth of damage per day before breaking.

Striker Unit: Once a Strike Witch has reached 5th level, she is granted her namesake: her very own Striker Unit. A Striker Unit contains an Air Elemental bound with material from the Elemental Plane of Earth. Both of these are bound to the soul of the Strike Witch, and will serve her faithfully for her entire life, sometimes even beyond. However, using the Striker Unit is taxing. There is a cumulative 10% chance every 30 minutes that a Strike Witch will become exhausted while using her Striker Unit. If she becomes exhausted, her Striker Unit disengages, and the Strike Witch will fall, taking fall damage as applicable. Furthemore, she can only use the Striker Unit for one hour per Strike Witch level per day.

Summoning her Striker Unit requires a full-round action, and she cannot be wearing any magic items in her feet slot, nor can it be used while exhausted or fatigued. A Strike Witch cannot fly if she is over a light load. A Striker Unit does not work in an Anti-Magic Field. If a Strike Witch has her Striker Unit targeted by a Dispel Magic, she is affected as if by the Slow spell. If her Striker Unit is destroyed, she must wait for 1 week before she can summon it again.

A Striker Unit has a hardness of 5, and has 5 HP per level of the Strike Witch.

There are three different types of Striker Units, and the Strike Witch must choose which one she will bind to herself when she reaches 5th level. She cannot change her choice later, so this is likely the most important choice of her adventuring career.

Attack: Favored by more aggressive Strike Witches, and Attack Striker Unit (ASU) grants a Fly Speed equal to double the Witch's original Land Speed with Average Maneuverability. Furthermore, it grants a competence bonus to weapon damage rolls equal to 1/2 of the character's Strike Witch levels, rounded down.

Dogfighter: The most defensive of the Striker Unit types, the Dogfighter Striker Unit (DSU) excels at air-to-air combat. The DSU grants a Fly Speed equal to double the witch's original Land Speed with Good Maneuverability. Furthermore, it grants a dodge bonus to AC equal to 1/2 of the character's Strike Witch levels, rounded down.

Scout: The fastest of all of the Striker Units. There are very few creatures that a Scout Striker Unit (SSU) cannot outspeed, and those that can often find themselves outmaneuvered. An SSU grands a Fly Speed equal to double the witch's original Land Speed, plus 5 ft. per Strike Witch level, with Average Maneuverability. Furthermore, it grants a bonus to Ranged Weapon increments of 5 ft. per Strike Witch level.

Unit Upgrade: At 10th level, the Striker Unit gains a defensive upgrade. When the Striker Unit is equipped, a Strike Witch gains an Armor Bonus equal to half her Strike Witch level, rounded down.

Unit Boost: At 15th level, a Strike Witch's can either increase the maneuverability of her Striker Unit by one stage, or double the Fly speed. Once she has chosen, she cannot change her choice.

Supreme Unit(Ex.): A Strike Witch is now a master of the air. Depending on her choice in Striker Unit, she gains one of the following abilities at 20th level.

Attack: A cyclone of destruction, she devastates her enemies in a protective hurricane of wind. As a full round action while her Striker Unit is active a Strike Witch can charge. Unlike a normal charge, a Strike Witch can pass through enemy squares. When a Strike Witch enters an enemy's square, she deals 1d6 points of damage per 10 ft. traveled, to a maximum of 20d6. If a Strike Witch ends her movement in an enemy's square, she is moved back to the last eligible square she was in.


Dogfighter: Dancing across the sky, she deftly avoids danger like a leaf in the breeze. While her Striker Unit is active, any attack or effect targeting the Strike Witch has a 35% miss chance. This ability does not work if the Strike Witch is flat-footed.

2014-05-16, 03:15 PM
Okay, almost complete. I still have to do the fluff, decide the Hit Dice, and figure out a good capstone.

Could I get some feedback on the class as a whole, and perhaps some suggestions for a capstone?

EDIT: I'm aiming toward about Tier 2-3.

2014-05-16, 09:19 PM
I assume this class is a reference to something, which I fail to get, however I would posit that for a fighting and mobility oriented class, this is maybe a bit heavy on spells (hey I just learned 9th level spells, I change my magical talent to Gate and make everything drown in Planetars). Perhaps bard casting instead, but drawn from the sor/wiz list?

Also, you do not state how long the Strike Unit lasts, or how exactly it manifests itself on the Witch's person, though I assume it has to do with their feet.

Also, for the enhancements to the Striker unit, I would make them individual to the type of unit you chose, like Unit Upgrade for an Attack based Striker Unit might give a small damage bonus, or +1d6 Sneak Attack, or something in that vein.

I have no suggestion for a capstone, sorry about that.

Looks like a fun class! More fun than Warmage at least :smallsmile:

2014-05-16, 11:04 PM
You forgot to include the SSU flight maneuverability.

I assume this class is a reference to something, which I fail to get, however I would posit that for a fighting and mobility oriented class, this is maybe a bit heavy on spells (hey I just learned 9th level spells, I change my magical talent to Gate and make everything drown in Planetars). Perhaps bard casting instead, but drawn from the sor/wiz list?

It wouldn't be a tier 3 then. It would still be near the Duskblade's power level though, which is tier 3.

EDIT: Hmm, I just noticed; You realize that the Strike Witch is just a better Sorcerer with extra BAB and class features?

2014-05-17, 11:53 AM
Wouldn't this benefit from being a fixed list caster? Also gives the option of adding ranged support spells from ranger if you make it not sorcerer+ that way.

2014-05-17, 02:02 PM
Also, you do not state how long the Strike Unit lasts, or how exactly it manifests itself on the Witch's person, though I assume it has to do with their feet.

The Strike Unit does not have a time limit. I will add that returning the unit to the soul also takes a Full Round Action. I'm not sure how I will indicate that the units manifest on the legs. Wording that effectively is a bit awkward.

Zerthex, a "better sorcerer" was a slight inspiration. However, she gets fewer castings than a true sorcerer, and she cannot swap out spells like a Sorcerer can. Mistakes are more easy to make with a Strike Witch than with a Sorcerer. Mistakes that could end up being costly in the long run if you aren't careful.

2014-05-17, 03:04 PM
Zerthex, a "better sorcerer" was a slight inspiration. However, she gets fewer castings than a true sorcerer, and she cannot swap out spells like a Sorcerer can. Mistakes are more easy to make with a Strike Witch than with a Sorcerer. Mistakes that could end up being costly in the long run if you aren't careful.

But, if you know what you're doing, those won't be an issue anyway. So the point, unfortunately, still stands.

2014-05-17, 03:09 PM
But, if you know what you're doing, those won't be an issue anyway. So the point, unfortunately, still stands.

True. However, isn't knowing what you're doing something that should be rewarded?

Also, I was sure to disallow the use of the universal spells for the Magic Talent, so no unlimited wishes. Made sure to close up THAT little loophole.

2014-05-17, 04:47 PM
I agree that the Strike Witch is simply too powerful as a Sorcerer with free flying and ranged weaponry, even if you can't swap out or have few castings, it still very powerful.

I agree with the idea about having the spell list be similar to a Duskblades, in fact I suggest the Strike Witch should have an ability similar to Arcane Channeling, but though the bow instead, and at reduced power due to doing it at range. The class concept is one I can enjoy, but I simply think it is too powerful at the moment.

I have to admit though... how are you going to combine the barrier with your ranged weapon? You can't exactly use a ranged weapon without your hands last time I checked... well I suppose there Dancing Weapon, but still, the clash of class features is extremely off putting to me... maybe you have a class feature that lets you use a ranged weapon without using up your hands?

About the Strikers, having the Scout having worse mobility than the defense one seems wrong to me... I know the defense one is about mobility, and not speed, but a Scout has to be fast AND agile...

Actually that brings me to a good point. At level 10, you'll basically be applying your level to armour if you have the defense Skystriker. That's +10 AC. At level ten... I'm sorry, that is simply too much. Either remove the level 10 feature, or chance the defence Skystriker in someway, maybe it gives you % chance to be missed instead?

Finally a suggestion for the Supreme Skystriker, is that its mobility becomes Perfect, your speed becomes 4x your normal, it is slotless and it works in an Antimagic Field. And if that's not enough, double the effect of your Skystriker choice.

2014-05-18, 04:15 PM
Tempestfury, you make some good points. I will respond to each of them.

The main reason I did not construct a custom spell list is that I simply do not have the time. Right now I have limited internet access, and cannot create a spell list myself.

You cannot, in fact, use the Barrier and hold your weapon at the same time. I based this decision on what I have seen in the original work, and I wanted to ensure that people couldn't just... hmm. this made more sense in my head. I think I will change it to "hands-free" at 12th level, and 1/2 health at 18th. I was originally going to make a point of Strike Witches keeping their weapons on bandoleers.

I factored in the maneuverability of the Scout Striker Unit based on a comment I heard about one of my favorite airplanes of all time: the SR-71 Blackbird. Standard procedure for defense against attack for an SR-71 is to simply speed up.

About the AC of the Dogfighter. An AC of 22-23 is about the standard for a tankish role at level 10, which is the likely role for a Dogfighter. Also, the Striker Unit has to be active for these effects to work. Only the Dogfighter is able to be effectively used underground and inside buildings, which is where adventures primarily take place.

Speaking of which, the rules for aerial movement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/movement.htm#movingInThreeDimensions) are another mitigating factor in balancing the Strike Witch. Narrow corridors of underground dungeons are the bane of Strike Witches. They must either spend a feat for Hover at level 6, disengage the Striker Unit whenever she goes inside, or go in and pray that the turns are only 45 degrees. Heck, even if she takes hover she will probably need to hope that turns only occur at 30 ft increments.

You know what, looking back, I think I have an idea for limiting Striker Unit use. A cumulative 10% chance of Exhaustion every 15 minutes of consecutive use, reset by not using the Striker Unit for one hour.

Your idea about a miss-chance intrigues me, though. I may use that for the capstone, once I've thought it over.

2014-06-10, 10:59 PM
A minor edit: Added a time limit to Striker Unit use, reduced spells known.

2014-06-11, 01:50 AM
Chris Hansen has noticed this thread.

He requests you take a seat.

2014-06-11, 03:14 AM
Overall, this is a crazy powerful class. But that's what you were aiming for.

I think you're going to find that the spellcasting will overshadow the class itself and will cause the character to grow beyond the aerial spellcasting striker role you had imagined. The spellcasting grants access to some really broken combos. For example, it doesn't get spell-like wish, but it needs only the Arcane Disciple feat to get spell-like miracle 3/day. And even without that, casting spells like gate, simulacrum, and trap the soul without cost is pretty hardcore. You might consider modding the SLA ability to still require costly material and xp components. This preserves some nice SLA features, like immunity to counterspelling and ability to use while grappled, but prevents many potential abuses.

Most of the class features are trumped by available spells that perform similar functions but are more effective. For example, your Barrier ability is similar to the 2nd level wings of cover spell, but that spell doesn't carry the risk of stunning the caster.

I'd specifically suggest replacing the double speed option of Unit Boost with a +20 foot improvement. Doubling will grant a scout witch a speed of 200 to 500 feet per move action, depending on optimization. You probably don't have a game board big enough for someone who can cover 800-2500 feet in a single round with a power dive.

2014-06-14, 12:50 PM
When I'm not spleep deprived and delerious, I'll have a look at what you posted and make changes if I see fit too.

2014-06-25, 10:37 PM
I buffed the shield and added an additional restriction on the Magic Talent.

2014-06-26, 08:55 PM
I've only seen a few episodes, but are you sure that some of the schools wouldn't be a horribly bad fit from a fluff POV? Enchantment comes most strongly to mind.

2014-06-29, 12:53 PM
Not too concerned about enchantment. Some of the witches are tinkerers, and there's a chance they don't use enchanting spells because they always fight constructs.

2015-05-29, 03:51 PM
I have decided to nerf the Strike Witch's ability to cast spells. First, I clarified that Strike Witches choose and cast spells from the Warmage Spell list. Secondly, tomorrow I will implement a mechanic that causes a Strike Witch to take non-lethal damage anytime they cast a spell, including cross-class spells. If she takes double damage, she can cast spells with metamagic without spending a full-round action.

2015-05-29, 08:40 PM
I have decided to nerf the Strike Witch's ability to cast spells. First, I clarified that Strike Witches choose and cast spells from the Warmage Spell list.
Seems to work.

Secondly, tomorrow I will implement a mechanic that causes a Strike Witch to take non-lethal damage anytime they cast a spell, including cross-class spells. If she takes double damage, she can cast spells with metamagic without spending a full-round action.
Usually, when a class has a weakness, that weakness is greatly reduced or even removed when the character multiclasses. A barbarian becomes literate when he takes levels in any class that doesn't also have illiteracy. A specialist wizard who takes a level of sorcerer can use magic items from his forbidden school. The only weaknesses that do port over in multiclassed character are code of conducts (from core: druids and paladins), and failing to respect them is only detrimental to the one class that has it. Considering this, I believe it would be preferable if nonlethal damage from casting a spell only applied to spells from the strike witch's classes.

2015-06-02, 08:36 PM
Usually, when a class has a weakness, that weakness is greatly reduced or even removed when the character multiclasses. A barbarian becomes literate when he takes levels in any class that doesn't also have illiteracy. A specialist wizard who takes a level of sorcerer can use magic items from his forbidden school. The only weaknesses that do port over in multiclassed character are code of conducts (from core: druids and paladins), and failing to respect them is only detrimental to the one class that has it. Considering this, I believe it would be preferable if nonlethal damage from casting a spell only applied to spells from the strike witch's classes.

This weakness applies to ALL spells she casts, including spells from multiclassing (ie. Yoshika losing stamina even though she's casting cleric spells)

2015-06-06, 08:31 PM
This weakness applies to ALL spells she casts, including spells from multiclassing (ie. Yoshika losing stamina even though she's casting cleric spells)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem to me that the anime does not adhere to DnD's Arcane and Divine divides, much less class lists of spells. I would posit that Yoshika is not casting cleric spells, merely using her power. This in itself is a strong case for being a fixed list caster, perhaps with different lists for different specialties/lineages?

Also, on the multiclass spellcasting, I think what Network was saying was that if strike witches take damages from casting other class's spells, then they are disincentivized from multiclassing, because why would they cast Cure Light Wounds when their party cleric is casting Serious Wounds already, and they've probably scored a wand or two, and it hurts the Strike Witch to boot. No win situation. Again, would suggest separate branches for different specialties of spells, so that Strike Witch features would continue to progress whilst pursuing power in their chosen fields (healing, blasting, etc.).

edit: Also, blast from the past seeing a participated thread after so long, good on you for coming back to it :smallbiggrin:

2015-06-09, 12:15 AM
Point taken. I'll drop the whole damage thing. I'll add cure spells to the Strike Witch spell list.

2015-06-09, 12:45 AM
As per suggestions, I added some capstone abilities that depend on the Striker Unit chosen. I need some help coming up with a decision for the Scout's capstone, though.