View Full Version : D&D 3.5/ Abundel: Edge of Perfection

2014-05-15, 08:12 PM
Dougan and Arakon had been riding for nearly a week, considering that they'd both spent quite a bit of time wrestling with the reins, and only occasionally successfully calming the unreasonable beasts on their many, many fits. The ride out of Torn Ridge was filled with criers spewing something about great discoveries, beggars asking for copper pieces and the odd sorts you'd often see congregating in the larger city-states. The road began as an open and wide passage through the foothills, but quickly after the first day turned into rugged, craggy paths. Thankfully having made their way up along the narrow cliff side road, with little struggle, they only had another few hours until arriving at the fringes of Savas Pride. They were to arrive from the east, they were expecting farm land. The King didn't give too much information regarding this "mission", just that it was of utmost importance for maintaining security in the region. Nonsense really, Savas Pride was hardly more than a depot. Though hearing nothing at all from the small town was worrisome. The two had spent most of the time conversing probable causes for this lack of communication from Savas Pride.
Take this opportunity to discuss anything in character you've been wondering about and want to share openly. If you have nothing of interest to say simply keep your posts strictly narrative style and I'll move you along.
Gharzagh and Arnvid listened patiently as the squat yet gangly man recounted his disturbing return home. Sven was his name, come scurrying back from Savas Pride after witnessing disturbingly void homes but also claiming to hear ghostly voices mocking him as he ran in terror. This would make the second time that he explained the events, "I came into t..town, it was so quiet,... like even the birds were hushed. I...I made my way to my house, my work shop. I expected, expected my son...to be there, working. He's in training, you see. B..but he wasn't there, some of our tools were out. Like they were....being used, but left." Sven wrung his hands, looking to Arnvid for some sympathy. "Then the voices, laughter! I ran! I had no other choice."
Arskaal had heard it well enough the first time, and Sven seemed too interested in the bits that wouldn't help them much. So he sat with a local, a hunter calling himself Gerst the Keen-Eye, tacky. Tacky or not, Gerst had some valuable information regarding the area, hamlet and surrounding woods that Sven was too preoccupied to divulge. Gerst set down his drink, "the woods're pretty thick north and east of Savas Pride, but the west is getting sparse, they've got a couple cutters who're doing their job well enough. There's a pond fed by a fast creek, got a mill there, it's where they cut the wood before bringing into town. Let's see, the farms're pretty big, off on the east side. An' that manor at the south end has a nice view of the cliffs below." He scrunches up his face, trying to recall more pertinent information. "My mind's not in a tactical place right now, what'd you like to know?"
Feel free to jump right into roleplay, or push forward into travel.
Rhaego perched upon a thick branch, quietly watching. Lejinna wasn't far away, but he preferred to be the one watching her back, she was unpredictable at best, but at least they seemed to work well together. They'd been traveling south for weeks on end, but Rhaego had noticed something very odd when they had entered this newer stretch of wood. Game was steadily leaving the area, at first he had expected to be caught up in a wildfire. But that blazing inferno had never come, he almost wished it had. They both felt that something was terribly wrong, and he knew better than to doubt himself, especially when someone else agreed. The day before they had made camp in a small rock cave, taking turns with watch as usual. Though neither of them had gotten any real sleep, the whole night something had been watching them. Something big and smart enough to stay out of eyesight. They'd neither seen or heard it, but they knew it was out there. The night had passed without incident, but now they traveled quietly and were ready for anything. Lejinna pointed quietly to a spot beyond a copse of trees, Rhaego looked at the spot and saw it. They both saw it, something entirely bizarre, otherworldly even. A hulking bluish creature, with a wide head, mouth lined with curved teeth. Two massive, wicked scythes protruded from its hands. It fiddled with a small black stick while trying to move through the underbrush quietly, it's bulk not aiding it in the least. It seemed actually oblivious to their presence.
You two are going right into combat, you have surprise round.

2014-05-15, 09:58 PM
The catfolk's dress consists of a baggy deep green shirt with matching pants, held in place by bands of black cloth. A dirty grey-black cloak hangs from his neck, contrasting the cleanliness of his other attire. Arskaal's slow nod speaks a fanciful tale of serenity and understanding to the man from Savas Pride, and a masterwork smile grants him a +2 bonus to disguising the impatience bubbling up within.

Does he actually want us to help, or is he merely going to tell ghost tales? Though he knew the man's concern was real, Arskaal wished the fellow would focus only on the important details. With a slight, frustrated flick of the tail, he mustered his remaining patience...

"Please describe, calmly and in as much detail as you can recall, what these 'voices' said, what they sounded like, and anything unusual you noticed other than the absence of the town's inhabitants."

2014-05-16, 12:10 AM
Dougan checks for the hundredth time that his spear is properly secured, then puts his hand to his flame necklace - the fire is all light, no heat. Much simpler than what lies ahead. But the light of Ryce needs to come even when it's not easy. Dropping into a familiar discipline, Dougan carefully thanks Ryce for the ease of the ride here, what progress has already been visible on the journey so far, and the blessings he's been given that he may well need up ahead. With that in mind, it's time to turn to just how to find out what the obstacles up ahead might be.

Starting tentatively, but quickly gaining confidence, Dougan says "So, we don't know what the problem is up ahead. What is your plan when we arrive? Is there anything you will require from me? I intend to go openly as a servant of Ryce and see what people there will tell me, before I try to explain the king's position on the matter."

2014-05-16, 01:53 AM
When the words "ghostly voices" were spoken by Sven, Gharzagh pointy elf-like ears jumped up, and his attention focused on the little man. He carefully listened about his story, and after the catfolk made his question he added in a crude common language: "Pleease e'splain a' well a bit about the peepo who live in your hamlet... you' neighbours... is the' anyone of them specially interesting to mention? And did yer see any unusual thing during the past weekk?"

2014-05-18, 05:06 PM
Arnvid sighs and removes his helmet. Discarding it on the table he runs his stubby fingers through his hair. He had feared as much. He had been hopeful, a rare moment of weakness, but the illusion had been shattered. Clearly supernatural forces were at work. The townspeople had merely been displaced, the town had not been ransacked.

He frowned. It had been only a short trip, but it still irritated him that his hopes had not come to fruition. Once more he sighed. He was well aware that it was these weak lingering emotions that held him back from perfect meditation, but he knew that however hard he tried he would always hold the tiniest glimpse of anger, a sliver of the need to avenge. Perhaps, he thought, that was why he was so irked by the difference of circumstance

Nonetheless he had a job to do, and there was always that chance. Fate was an odd mistress. He knit his eyebrows together as he racked his brains. A nomad perhaps? Teleportation? Some sort of mass Time Hop? Irritation flashed again. No, he thought, most likely not the work of psions. More likely the arcane or diine was in effect. These he had far less experience with.

Gharzagh brought Arnvid out of his internal monologue. He had only known the hobgoblin for a very brief period and it was the first time he had heard him speak. Amusement threatened to forge a smile, but he held it back. Offending the present company could be incredibly dangerous, not to mention the fact he could lose a valuable ally.

Were there any Sorcerers or Wizrds in the town? Or maybe a temple or priest? It seems clear that the forces of magic are at work. Nothing mundane could cause tools to sit forgotten. Something would be broken or knocked over in the rush.

2014-05-19, 03:00 AM
Gharzagh looked from above to Arnvid while he was formulating his questions. Dwarves and Hobgoblins had never been too friendly in the past, and often they fought each other for resources, but somehow, he felt some kind of connection with him. "He looks from the north too..." he thought, comparing his similarities in skin color, hair and cold environmental resistance. "But he is calmer than other dwarves I've met before, whose blood boiled in the presence of one of my race. However, his beard is too short for my taste... although he looks very strong, and I like that... his scar also proves that he has survived a difficult battle. I hope that he has some sense for honor, which would make him a formidable ally".

2014-05-20, 09:44 PM
Sven drew in a deep steadying breathe, then promptly said, "They didn't say anything, at all. They just, just laughed, at me maybe, I don't know. And there's no one of interest in our little town, just average folk trying to make a life for themselves, no magic practioners that I know of. And secrets aren't overly common. Me and my neighbor Colsen are the only two that ever leave the place for any great amount of time." He rubbed his temples, trying to keep himself calm and coherent. "I'm worried for my family, they're all I've got worth having. Please can we go find them. I don't know what else to tell you."


Still waiting of the remainder of players.

2014-05-20, 10:15 PM
Gharzagh stood up and quaffed the whole mug of beer he had on his hand. His tall figure much over 6 ft. of height was imposing besides the squat commoner. Then, looking out of the corner of his eye, he asked to Sven: "A'right, in kkase me go with thee to checkk wha's going on, what's in it for me?"

2014-05-22, 11:00 PM
Sven's answer, though not at all informative, seems to satisfy Arskaal. He had done his diligence, swallowed the gristle so to speak. He wasn't going to get any more information about what happened from Sven, and he had already learned the lay of the land well enough from Gerst.

Now comes the fun part!

He had nodded his thanks to the two and was just turning to depart when Gharzagh's question, the most important of all, reached his ears.

oh, right

He paused awkwardly mid step to look curiously back at Sven. However, after a moment's consideration he decided that the shaken fellow likely did not know what was in it for them. Beginning where he left off, he made his way to the exit and waited outside. The fresh autumn air greeted him, and at this he hoped for a grand adventure or two before the snows came again.

2014-05-23, 03:14 PM
"Hail, beast of the south," Lejinna begins, her hands closing on the staff of the Ice God's Fingers as she moves towards the blue demon, her movements confident and full of icy grace. Her attire is clearly not made for protection against weapons, consisting of furs to ward off the cold and accompanied by cloth. Of course, in the heated climate of the south, Lejinna had stripped much of her thick furs, exposing her midriff, arms and legs to the air in the hopes of keeping cool.

2014-06-02, 05:52 PM
Arakon turned in the saddle to face Dougan, waiting a moment before responding.

"I don't know if that is wise, my friend. We don't know what god or gods this tribe worships, and I think we should wait before declaring any divine allegiances. Let us go simply as travelers. Then, once we know more, we can reveal who we truly are."

The thin man kicked his mount into a trot, calling back to Dougan,

"We are close to Savas Pride, let us see if we can't get there before dark. I tire of the road and wish to feel the comfort of a bed once more!"

2014-06-02, 07:17 PM
Ryce's great light was almost overhead as the scenery changed into sparse clusters of forest dotting the mostly flat horizon. Arakon and Dougan set out keeping their eyes out for farmland.

Go ahead and discuss some more, also each of you make a Spot check please.


"Well, I can pay you. And I am a leather worker by trade, I could fashion you something if you'd prefer material reward over monetary reward." Sven looked anxiously around the room "In any case it's not far", then stood and exchanged a word with the owner and gestured to the door.

Do or say anything you want before leaving with Sven, he'll have a squad of horses ready.


Rhaego gripped the handle of his large weapon, waiting to see what would happen.

Brash. Good. Why are you here?, the harsh voice pondered. Standing and pushing its way past a sapling, the large blue creature addressed Lejinna. Calmly staring.

2014-06-04, 04:21 PM
Dougan strenuously resists the temptation to grumble about his mount. Despite his increasing uncomfortability on the thing, he maintains his discipline of praise to Ryce, and instead gives the thing a gentle squeeze to the ribs so that it will catch up to Arakon. Looking around, he says "I imagine we are getting close now. Care to share your thoughts on what we have been asked to do?"

Spot: [roll0]

2014-06-04, 09:23 PM
Arakon scanned the environment as he pondered Dougan's question.

"In my experience, nothing is ever as simple as it appears. I'm expecting trouble of some sort. The obvious possibilities are that Savas Pride has either decided that it no longer wishes to be under the King's protection or that something or someone is forcibly keeping Savas Pride from paying their tithe. If their tardiness were due to a bad harvest they would have sent an emissary to plea for more time."


2014-06-05, 03:44 AM
Feeling more curious about the case than tempted by the simple reward offered to investigate, Gharzagh decided to follow Sven and mount one of the horses.

2014-06-05, 10:43 AM
Dougan listened to Arakon carefully, scanning the horizon, wooden posts were becoming more frequent, marking the furthest reaches of farmland. Dougan settled on Arakon's face, listening intently, but there was something odd in the field beyond Arakon's head. Something large enough to depress the high grasses, it almost seemed like whatever it was was sleeping. Until he saw the red.

2014-06-06, 04:32 AM
"I come following visions of icy truth, granted to me by the divine snows of the north," Lejinna replies after a moment, still tense, but relieved that this creature was speaking to them rather than attacking. Even if it had, it would have been better to speak to it and engage in combat that risk it spotting and attacking them from behind, but this was even better. Especially as it was of a color that oft indicated a connection to the holy ice and snow.

2014-06-06, 10:29 AM
Rahrahrah, a gruff throaty laugh escaped Icy truth? Can't stand the stuff. The wicked scythed hand angled the black stick towards Lejinna. Normally, I'd kill you simply because you're in the way, but why do normal things? The creature pointed the black stick at Lejinna and murmured something under its breathe. Tendrils of smoke radiated out from Lejinna, soon everything was pitch black.

Rhaego watched as the large shadowy black mass shifted slightly, and the blue creature laughed heartily.

You may make a listen check if you so desire.

2014-06-10, 07:58 AM
Stepping back as the creature works its magic, Lejinna finds herself enveloped in darkness just a moment later.

"Release me from this sorcery at once!" Lejinna demands, steadying herself. Her tone is calm, but forceful, and she keeps her weapon angled towards where the beast had been before she had lost her vision.

2014-06-11, 05:49 PM
You barely hear over the hearty laughter the words, "Throw off your sheath!" These words spoken by your traveling companion Rhaego. Shortly afterwards you hear the laughter cut short by a shout of surprise. Then Rhaego begins the familiar tune you know so well. His low humming and sharp whistling punctuating his wide swings as they whoosh through the air.

Rhaego's tune grants +1 to attacks and damage and saves.

2014-06-12, 01:53 AM
Dougan quashes a fear response, and decides he needs to lead from the front. This could require diplomacy, or it could be an attack, and either way he'd better get up there. He knows he's throwing away the chance to get the drop on a possible attacker, but he's confident Ryce will allow him to prevail. So he calls up ahead of him while moving as fast as he can "Hello, up ahead! Blessings, and may the light shine upon you!"

Diplomacy check [roll0], if it's relevant.

If there's time after he gets between the thing and Arakon, he'll dismount. Ride check DC 20 [roll1]to dismount as a free action. In the unlikely event that all succeeds, he'll ready an action to Sound Burst whatever it is if it charges into range (35 feet).

2014-06-12, 05:52 PM
As Dougan cautiously maneuvered his horse up to the wooden pole fence enclosing the pasture he called out to the unknown reddish mass in the field. He awkwardly dismounted barely clearing the fence in the process, and trudged towards the scene as it became more concealed by the tall, thick grass. Some pungent metallic smell grew thick in the air, Dougan finally saw it. The torn and rotting remains of what he hoped was a horse strewn about in an odd fashion.

There is no one around to hear your call, you can examine the scene however you feel would be best.

2014-06-12, 11:44 PM
Dougan feels a little ashamed when he sees he was getting all worked up for a confrontation for nothing. Still... this is important, so he calls back "No one here, but you should still see this. I wonder what you think of it?"

Meanwhile, he's searching for clues. The rot is the most obvious. It means this likely didn't happen today. It's possible that a horse wandered here and was killed by some beast... but its owner surely would have come looking for it. Not good. If the people of Savas Pride had rebelled in any ordinary way, that wouldn't lead to a dead horse rotting here. Outside invasion though, well it doesn't explain the dead horse, but beasts might do that. It explains all too well a missing horse, and a horse not followed. Still, even if that is most likely, no sense jumping to conclusions.

First, there's seeing if there's anything else odd in the area, live or not. This is strange, and that means being a bit careful.

Spot [roll0]

Second, there's looking for obvious sign of whatever did this, which means a quick circle around the area for tracks.

Search [roll1]

Third, and the only thing he thinks likely to lead anywhere, there's checking for anything about the remains or the dirt under them that would provide a real clue as to just what happened here.

Search [roll2]

2014-06-14, 09:34 AM
Arakon came upon the scene and flinched slightly.

"This would most likely be caused by some beast, but I'm not certain. Let me think about what in the region could have done this."

Knowledge local: [roll0]

2014-06-14, 11:03 PM
Dougan glances around the field, looking for any signs of a threat. Really the only thing he can see is a roughly defined trail to or from the dead horse. Only one trail, odd. Searching closely around the remains he notices that it all appears to be a bit off. There are a few foot prints visible, smallish humanoid prints. Like something reveled in the kill.

Your successful search check elicits a Heal check, something's not right about the horse remains.

Arakon's mind wanders to the vague memories of speaking with countless individuals from the region, bears, wolves, that's normal, occasional rumors of monstrous beasts, werewolves maybe? Or an ogre, but this seems too small for that. There are so many rumors. Looking down at the tracks that Dougan was examining the realizes that the humanoid shape may be attributed to a creature of higher intelligence, but the scene just doesn't add up.

Knowledge:Local doesn't give you much in this situation, you can try another knowledge or skill. If I can come up with something more definitive that could relate to the Locale I'll edit it in.

2014-06-16, 02:13 AM
The foot prints are odd - Dougan was expecting some sort of beast. Now he doesn't know what to think, though he does say "This is looking more like someone, not something. An ordinary death I'd call coincidence, but this is no ordinary death, so I'm inclined to believe we've got something more. So now I need to see what kind of not so ordinary we've got here."

Having put it off long enough, Dougan tries to discipline himself to observe the remains carefully in the context of once having been a body, instead of their all too obvious present context.

Heal [roll0]

Heal just didn't really seem like a skill Dougan would have picked up, so he has no ranks in it :smallfrown:

2014-06-18, 08:15 AM
Dougan crouched low over the remains, the smell was more than unpleasant, still he examined. A little timid about picking into the bloody bits he kept his on his knees. Having little experience with anatomy it took him a while to piece together the torso of the animal. The curiosity was almost lost on him, but he believed whatever killed and tore apart this animal may have been doing at least some of the damage from within. A disturbing thought.

2014-06-18, 02:13 PM
Dougan just stands there for several seconds, then collects himself and says "Arakon, I think we may have a problem. This might be the work of some magic. Can you think of creatures that might attack an animal from within? That are consistent with the footprints? It seems any spell that would do something like this is quite powerful, though there is the consolation that I cannot quite see a reason for a powerful spellcaster to do something like this. Unless you can somehow track whatever did this, I think we need to proceed to Savas Pride, but carefully so we do not get caught unawares by whatever forces were at work here. The caution might cost us in diplomacy if they are simply in rebellion, but I think we can make up for that loss by using this incident to remind them of their need for help with security against things like this. And I fear that we are now well beyond that simple situation.

2014-06-19, 03:00 PM
"Demonic magicks!" Lejinna says again, moving back from the sounds of combat to work at her furs, pulling off the light shoulder covering first, hoping that the beast's spell was coming from that. If her sight still doesn't return, she begins to undo more of her already sparse clothing, baring more of her skin to the intense heat of the southern sun in an attempt to rid herself of a southern spell.

2014-06-20, 07:08 PM
The small caravan lead by Sven crested another slight hill, Sven's vice called back, "Fellows! We're nearly there! I can see my home!"
Arnvid, Gharzagh and Arskaal can see from the top of small hill a few buildings in the distance. The view though beautiful is also a bit disturbing, there are no columns of smoke signaling fires within the buildings. To the left was a stretch of open fields, however there were no farm hands or even livestock to be seen.

Ok so I bumped you three up to Savas Pride, you're free to do as you please, explore, investigate, whatever. It's a bit open ended at the moment, so make your intentions clear.


Dougan waits as Arakon considers the question directed towards him.

Cirosmar is unavailable at the moment but go ahead and do any other investigation you feel might be necessary.


Lejinna throws off the pelt covering her shoulders, exposing herself to the chill in the air and the sudden return of light and the chaotic scene in front of her. Rhaego is locked in a struggle with the blue monstrosity. A swirling mass of blackness hangs from a nearby tree.

Time for initiative.

2014-06-21, 03:46 AM
While riding his horse following Sven, direction to the strangely unoccupied hamlet, Gharzagh pays attention and looks around carefully, trying to catch any possible signs or indication which can give him any additional clue.

Listen check: [roll0]
Spot check: [roll1]


2014-06-21, 10:24 AM
Arakon ponders for a moment.

Arcana: [roll0]

2014-06-21, 02:16 PM
Arskaal is happy to have arrived, not particularly enjoying horses. After a moment's thought:

"Perhaps we should go to your own home first, Sven. Your familiarity may help us notice anything amiss that might explain the disappearance. We'll continue from there until we find something or determine that searching will yield nothing."

"Where were you coming from when you came into town and noticed everyone was gone? Are there any others you could think of who have not gone missing, perhaps a woodsman or a hermit? At the very least we may determine if the event was sudden or gradual."

Arskaal knew he could ask questions all day, but what they really needed was someone more well-versed with magic than he, and with a keener eye for details.

2014-06-21, 04:44 PM
Arnvid kept silent. No immediate signs of danger. The birds were singing, so it was unlikely that whatever attacked before was here. Still better cautious then dead. Arnvid's eye glow a bright green colour.

He is momentarily calmed by the numbness that accompanies the power, but hi eyes remain ever alert darting from object to object.

The village was clearly not affected by the same terrors that had hit Arnvid's own. Everything was perfect, as I frozen in time, undid turned by the brevity that consumed everything.

Casting Detect Hostile intent, which will last for 1 hour.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Jericho Helrauk
2014-06-22, 10:47 AM
Rhaego swings at the creature's left knee, ready to redirect his sword should the blue abomination decide to counter.

for initiative [roll0]

2014-06-22, 11:12 AM
"Perhaps we should go to your own home first, Sven. Your familiarity may help us notice anything amiss that might explain the disappearance. We'll continue from there until we find something or determine that searching will yield nothing." Arskaal said while riding beside Sven. Sven looked at Arskaal and nodded, "I think you're right, my home first then, though I'd like to keep an ear out for anything unusual, maybe someone has come back."

Arskaal nodded his own agreement with high hopes that this would be simpler than expected, "Where were you coming from when you came into town and noticed everyone was gone? Are there any others you could think of who have not gone missing, perhaps a woodsman or a hermit? At the very least we may determine if the event was sudden or gradual."

Sven pondered that for a moment before adding, "We do have a couple of woodsman who may have been out in the woods, their houses are on the southern end of town, not more than a half an hour from my house. And I came in from the East, on my way from Torn Ridge, I rode through town with a bit of suspicion when there was no one to greet me."

As Sven and Arskaal exchanged their words, both Arnvid and Gharzagh kept their eyes to the surroundings, the hamlet was only a few hundred feet away and Arnvid hadn't seen anything of hostile intent ahead of them or in the woods to the west. Gharzagh had noticed that the farms were very empty, the crops even looked a little worse for wear as if they hadn't been tended for some time.

You're just outside of town, first stop will be Sven's house, followed by the woodsmen's houses unless you interject, I'll post again if no one says anything else by 12:00 EST

Arakon turned to follow Dougan out of the field back to their horses, "There are so many creatures in the magical realms, I can't think of any that attack from the inside, maybe it's something otherwordly?"

Dougan considered this for a while, though his experience with the planes of existence was not vast he still knew enough to boast once and a while. They mounted their horses and continued into town.

Dougan you can use a knowledge(the planes) check, and you'll both be in town in the next post.


Lejinna charged the blue monster as it kept pace with Rhaego, Lejinna could easily take the advantage of her companions distraction and turn it into a well placed strike.

Lejinna won initiative, next is the blue monster, then Rhaego brings up the rear, let the fun begin.

2014-06-24, 10:13 AM
Sven leads the way to his abode, it's one of the larger residences in the hamlet bolstering two floors and a stable as well as a decent amount of land, though the grass is overgrown and weeds are starting to sprout. Sven rides his horse and wagon up to the stable and dismounts, gesturing towards a hitch "You can hitch the horses there for now, we don't want them running off."

Sven leads the way to the side door, it's unlocked. He takes a few steps in then waves his hand to welcome you in. Inside his home the air is thick and stagnant, a noticeable layer of dust has accrued over the sparse furniture in the would-be kitchen. The wood stove is cold, there are a few dishes left out on the counter and nothing really seems out of place. "This is my kitchen, usually my wife would be making something right about now... Through here is my work shop and to the right there is the linen closet. Past my work shop you'll find a flight of stairs leading up to two rooms, past the stairs is the back door." Sven steps through the doorway to his work shop.

Everyone please make a Use Rope check to secure your horse. You may either make Search checks, or more Spot and Listen checks, it's up to you. Also any other checks that you think may get you more info, I encourage interesting usage of Skills.


Dougan and Arakon ride their mounts further into town, passing two side paths, each leading up to a farm. The cluster of homes and businesses that makes up the center of Savas Pride can be seen down the road. There seems to be no activity in the area.

Waiting for that knowledge check. Do as and go where you please.


You are in combat. Lejinna goes first.

2014-06-24, 10:52 AM
Lejinna, finally freed of the blinding curse the beast had thrown upon her, changes her grip on the Ice God's Fingers as she charges, swinging the massive weapon in a wide arc to strike the beast.

Charging, unfortunately. Moving 45 feet forwards so I can swing with the Ice God's Fingers.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

AC 23 to next turn.

2014-06-25, 01:41 AM
Gharzagh ties his horse to the stable post. He looks at Sven all the time, with some suspicion. Somehow, this little man doesn't make him feel comfortable, as if he was hiding something. Is he alluring them to a trap? Everything is possible, so there could be chances... most of humans cannot be trusted, specially if their families are threatened. While entering the house after Sven, Gharzagh tries to check if he could sense any "hidden" motivation from the behavior of the little man. At the same time, he is trying to listen for any unusual noise inside the house and looking around for any strange signs, especially footprints which could show any clue to what happened to the previous inhabitants, and footprints which could be from outsiders. After these checks, he will follow Sven into the workshop, but very carefully and with a concerned face, all his senses alert...

Use rope check: [roll0]
Sense motive on Sven: [roll1]
Listen check: [roll2]
Spot check: [roll3]

2014-06-25, 09:43 PM
Uninitiated in the proper tying of ropes, Arskaal attempts to calm the creature before using his impressive natural dexterity and trained patience for the task. He is far less suspicious of the man leading them than Gharzagh, but he does keep a keen ear out for anything unusual. In the meantime he makes a halfhearted attempt at searching for anything unusual and a wholehearted effort to appear to know what he's doing.

Handle Animal: [roll0] for the horse
Use Rope: [roll1] for the rope (using motivate dexterity)
Listen: [roll2]
Search: [roll3]
Bluff: [roll4] to appear competent while searching

2014-06-30, 01:33 PM
Arskaal watches Gharzagh fumble with his hitch and reins as Gharzagh keeps a trained eye on Sven. Arskaal certain that the trick is more about complexity than structure manages to tie up a tight bundle that far exceeds the security of Gharzagh's loosening knot. He pats the horse and speaks softly to it to give it some measure of comfort before following Arnvid, Gharzagh and Sven inside. Seeing both Arnvid and Gharzagh merely glancing about Arskaal decides to set a good example; slowing himself down and making an effort to examine the doorway for any signs of forced entry his exaggerated and purposeful actions actually turn up something of interest, slight furrows in the foot board. They look something like what you'd expect from a canine or bear, something that sports claws of the non-retractable variety.

Meanwhile, Gharzagh is watching Sven for any sign of dishonesty or even clarity regarding the situation. A creak from upstairs brought a look of fear and panic into Sven's face, definitely not a rouse. Though the creak could be anything, maybe worth a look. Looking up at the stairs he notices something else that seems off, the rail is bent outward as if someone very heavy had leaned against it, Sven's not a large man by any standard, perhaps family?

Feel free to continue investigating, and searching for clues.


Hard to move you along without any input. Anyway feel free to do as you please.


Lejinna's charge brought her to the back of the monstrous blue beast, swinging her large makeshift yet effective halberd to claw its back. She watches as the hard, sharp horns bounce and scrap against the thick hide, the creature taking no notice of her strike.

This unfortunately means Rhaego is the sole target as the beast sweeps from above, its large scythes raking over and down his shoulder with unreal force. Rhaego, not one to shy from any opponent comes right back in.

Rhaego takes 14 damage, and it is now Rhaego's turn to act.

2014-06-30, 07:51 PM
Arskaal whispers to Gharzagh, not caring if Sven also hears:

"I think some beast may have found its way in."

Beginning to crouch, Arskaal looks to Sven and combines an assuring nod with a finger placed over the lips to indicate he should be quiet and stay put. He silently draws a dagger in each hand and begins moving upstairs, assuming Gharzagh will follow.

(You gain a +5 bonus to Hide, Move Silently, and initiative if you want to try to sneak up with me, joan)

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Handle Sven-imal: [roll2] (What kind of check would this be? Not sure what bonuses to add)

2014-07-01, 02:23 AM
Gharzagh looks inquisitively to Sven, and then whispers to him: "Do not go far...". It looks quite obvious that Sven was aware that something is lurking upstairs and for some reason he kept silent. Gharzagh would have been in favour of burning the house and forcing the hidden beast out of the home, but seeing the decisive -and maybe precipitated- actions of Arskaal, decides it wouldn't be a good option. So, slowly and trying to move silently, he prepares his fighting net and follows Arskaal upstairs, while waving his hand towards Arnvid indicating him to follow as well, or otherwise, trying to find another way up in order to surround whatever horror is expecting them in the attic.

Intimidate Sven: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]

2014-07-01, 04:39 PM
Seeing Ghatzagh motion him to follow, Arnvid stops hi search to trudge after him. Noting that his companions seem to have adopted a more stealthy stance, Arnvid attempts to do the same, although stealth was not his strong suit. Noting Arskaals comment regarding the intruder Arnvid frowns. Strange, Arnvid thought. The beat is either untelligent enough I leave the rest of the village flawless, or as was more likely, the beast was an irrelevant nuisance. His active psionic energies would warn him if the beast was a hostile one, at least, so it was not a momentous issue.

[roll0] Hide
[roll1] Move Silently

2014-07-01, 05:45 PM
Arakon considers everything that he knows about the area and that he is seeing in the present. He tries to figure out where everyone in Savas Pride would go if there were trouble while he looks for signs of struggle, starvation, or distress.

Gather information check: [roll0]
Knowledge (local) check: [roll1]
Search check: [roll2]

2014-07-01, 05:47 PM
Arakon considers everything that he knows about the area and that he is seeing in the present. He tries to figure out where everyone in Savas Pride would go if there were trouble while he looks for signs of struggle, starvation, or distress.

Gather information check: [roll0]
Knowledge (local) check: [roll1]
Search check: [roll2]

Gather info: [roll0]
knowledge local: [roll1]
search: [roll2]

2014-07-05, 09:24 AM
Sven stood very still and watched quietly as Gharzagh led the way up the creaking stairs, pausing at the apex he pressed himself against the wall and crept to the first door. Arskaal was crouched right behind the bugbear, keeping his profile small and his movement silent, Arnvid on the other hand seems to be finding every plank that is loose. Arskaal and Gharzagh turned to give Arnvid annoyed looks, Arnvid however was looking past them into the room they were about to enter. He didn't see anything hostile, but a a light bump spurred Gharzagh to investigate. Singing the door open he finds a small bedroom, the bed still made, a window open, a dresser with knick knacks atop it and a small stool in one corner.

Gharzagh is the only one in the room. I'd like Arnvid and Arskaal to make listen checks please.


Arakon spoke up as the two trotted into town. "I know of a manor belonging to one of the first settlers, perhaps we could find someone there? I'm sure they'd have the longest affiliation with Torn Ridge."
Dougan listened quietly, keeping his thoughts to himself, for now.

Still waiting on Dougan, though I have a potential destination to keep you busy.


Waiting for Rhaego.

2014-07-07, 04:10 AM
Gharzagh takes a peek outside the window and looks around. He also checks if there are any marks on the wooden window frame.

Spot check: [roll0]

2014-07-07, 05:29 PM
Arnvid ignores the irritated looks of his comrades and continues to cause a large amount of noise. Stealth never washis strong suit. Nirn had tried to teach him to step lighter, but Arnvid had never really got the hang of it. He was an honourable man, and sneaking was not part of his nature. He keeps alert however for any danger.


Also Detect hostile Intent works as a 30ft blindsensey thing rather then actual sight.

2014-07-08, 04:17 PM
Gharzagh peers out the open window, a squirrel scurries away from the house and up a nearby tree. Pulling his head in he stops to examine the window, the latch was left open. Arskaal is waiting patiently for anyway word from Gharzagh. Arnvid however is peering down at Sven who seems to be rooted in place staring out through the kitchen door.

Continue with your investigation, thanks Pessimism I'll depict that properly from now on.


Dougan finally speaks up as the two ride into town, "I've been considering the possibility of extraplanar activity, and well, if there's any possibility it has alluded me." Dougan shakes his head, and peers to Arakon, "Perhaps we'll have more luck at this manor."

The two ride into the main thoroughfare, the few buildings appear vacant from the outside but a closer inspection would confirm their suspicions. Arakon continues past them certain that their answers lay at the manor. Dougan hesitates momentarily. "Perhaps we should check the residences before proceeding to the manor?"

I've commandeered Dougan until raspberry badger's return.


Rhaego steps inside the monster's swing, taking a small jab from its left arm, and swings his large sword up as the monster swings down, angling to intercept its scythes. The strikes clash hard, and Rhaego's sword cuts into the bone just barely missing a clean severing of its weapons. Angered Rhaego steps back before retreating through some brush and behind a tree.

I'm posting on behalf of Jericho, he received 10 damage from the AoO, and failed his sunder attempt. It's Lejinna's turn

2014-07-08, 09:10 PM
Gharzagh looks out of the window again, trying to see if the room next door also has an open window where Arskaal could scurry in from the outside, as probably his cat-skills would allow him to do so easily. "If some'ting there, we better surround it. No eskkape". At the same time, he indicates Arnvid to go for the main door of the second room, and he follows him.

I do not intend to give orders to anyone, it's just that those would be my suggestions to do. Guys, feel free to change your actions if you wish at your will. :wink:

2014-07-08, 11:48 PM
Lejinna, seeing her ally injured, intones words of magical power, feeling the power of the icy north run through her as she swings the Ice God's Fingers once again, icy winds spilling from her weapon to envelop Rhaego if she hits.

Swift: Enter Iron Guard's Glare. This guy takes a -4 penalty to attacks not against me. He knows this.

Standard: Swing, initiating Crusader's Strike.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

Healing: [roll2]

2014-07-09, 11:49 AM
Arakon halts his horse and turns to face Dougan.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt. We may as well check them since they're on the way."

He approaches the closest building, dismounted and tied off his horse, and strode toward the entrance.

2014-07-12, 08:31 AM
Gharzagh's head fits through the window and peers to the left, he sees another window but it is closed, there's no way to know if it's locked from here. Stepping back to the doorway he motions to Arnvid his intention of checking the other room.
I'll wait to see if Arnvid or Arskaal have anything to say or do before getting into the next room. Feel free to make spot or listen checks whenever you feel it is necessary.

Dougan follows Arakon up to the hitching post near the front of the small one story building. "Remember, we're here as investigators and diplomats first, interrogators and collectors second," says Dougan as he raps upon the door.
A few moments pass without answer, Dougan again raps upon the door, with a bit more force this time. Still no answer. Turning to look at Arakon he shrugs and tries the brass handle, with a slight click the door swings open, revealing a shallow and empty foyer. Dougan steps in and calls out, "Hello! Anyone here?!" There is no answer, just silence. "What are your thoughts? Intrude and see what's happened?" Dougan turns to Arakon.
Arakon shrugs, rather indifferent to the idea of entering an open home.

Dougan turns back and strides in, the two walk to the end of the foyer and find a room maybe twenty feet wide and twelve feet deep. All the furniture is pushed to the sides of the room, none of it is broken, though the door across the room has been either torn or thrown from its hinges. In the middle of the floor is an odd scorch mark, resembling somewhat a circle, with smaller lines crisscrossing the larger circle. A door on the left wall just five feet from the two leads into another room, and a door on the far right wall leads to yet another room.

Investigation time, make whatever checks you deem reasonable, if Raspberrybadger doesn't respond then I'll post in his stead.


The large creature laughs in amusement as Rhaego dips away and puts some space between it and himself. It moves to follow but instead the pointed antlers of the Ice God's Fingers rip into its flesh from behind, snow wafts through the air trailing Rhaego, the cool flakes reinvigorate him. Yellowish blood drips from the monster's back as it turns to face Lejinna, bellowing what could only be a challenge it swings wildly with both arms.

Rhaego peers from behind his cover and witnesses the brutal assault on Lejinna. The monster's scythes slash across, Lejinna bends over backwards, the end of one scythe cutting a ragged line across her chest spilling blood. As its second arm comes plummeting down Lejinna twirls away to the right, its scythes throwing up clouds of dirt. Lejinna moves back from the cloud but too slow, as a massive maw clamps down on her shoulder.
Rhaego works himself into a red anger as he charges the back of the beast when it pulls back from Lejinna's retort. He swings low at the monster's legs, his blade instead slices across the monster's lower back, drawing a line of yellow that increases the flow of blood onto the ground.

Lejinna takes a total of 21 damage, Lejinna must make a Fort save. I posted for Rhaego and will continue to do so, he's currently unavailable, so it's back to Lejinna turn.

2014-07-12, 12:50 PM
Lejinna steps back to gain a bit more distance from the beast, swinging the Ice God's Fingers once again. This time, she is the one who is visited by the icy, revitalizing wind, and as she moves to attack her skin seems to shine slightly, as if a layer of ice was building on it.

Fort save: [roll0]
Swift to switch stances to Martial Spirit, 5' step back if it's adjacent to me. Swing with Stone Bones.

A: [roll1]
D: [roll2]

If I hit, I get DR 5/admantine for one round and am healed for 2.

2014-07-16, 02:01 PM
Arskaal listens intently for the source of the noise he had heard earlier.

Listen: [roll0]

2014-07-17, 05:15 PM
Arnvid narrows his eyes at Sven, before turning and following his team mates.

2014-07-18, 09:08 PM
Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]
Knowledge (Local): [roll3]

Arakon begins a search of the dwelling. Using his knowledge of the area, he determines what would be out of the ordinary for the locals to have.

2014-07-19, 10:02 AM
Sven doesn't look too good, he's not moving at all, something is spooking him; and he won't take his eyes off the kitchen door.

As Arskaal walks across the roof overhang to reach the second window he keeps an ear open to the outside world, and for a minute he thinks he hears the horses, neighing and kicking mixed in with the worldly chorus that sounds almost like screaming agony. He reaches the window that looks into the last room on the second floor; he scoots along the roof overhang, and peers inside. Meanwhile Gharzagh reaches the second door and tries the handle, it's locked....or jammed. Gharzagh pushes against the door, it creaks in protest but doesn't give way.

Arskaal sees within the room, the door is barricaded with furniture and nearly everything else in the room. There's a bundle of linens wrapped around a woman, sitting in the corner, unmoving. Arskaal tries the window but it's locked. It's likely that Arnvid or Gharzagh would hear him if he called back to them.

Gharzagh, you can attempt to break the door down with a Strength check. Arskaal, I don't think you have Open Lock so you're welcome to break your way into the window if you'd like, Strength check there too. Arnvid, something's up with Sven.


Arakon gets down close to the scorch mark, immediately beginning his examination. Dougan moves around the room, looking at everything and considering the mark. Arakon realizes the mark was burned into the ground using some sort of accelerant, there's a residue in the confines of the circle. Dougan stops in front of the circle at a point where several of the criss-crossing lines meet, "Here, this is where the caster stood." Arakon looks up, so it was magic. He scans the room for signs of movement or exit, the only thing could be the doorway at the back. Arakon points to it and says, "I think that's the only reasonable exit, there's no sign of anyone leaving from the front."

Dougan nods his head in agreement and moves to the doorway, his heavy steps creaking the floor boards. "Well it looks like there's a field back here, I think we're looking for someone who can summon creatures fro..." his words are suddenly cut off when his foot treads across the door frame. The wood snaps and the frame gives way, a small cross section of the ceiling collapses. Arakon falls back as dust clouds the air and muffled screams are heard.

Ok so, Raspberrybadger hasn't responded to me so I'm getting rid of Dougan, he's not dead yet. So if you have anything you want from him, better hurry. Also the circle is still intake after the collapse.


The blue monster bellows at Lejinna as she tears flesh away, it swipes it's scythed hand at Lejinna. The bony protrusions rake across the icy layer covering Lejinna, thin lines are left on her skin but even so the sheer force of the hit sends her back a step or two. She regains her composure just in time to see the creature pull away and move to flee, she reaches out and cleaves into the monster's back, spilling more blood.

Rhaego too takes advantage of the monster's flight and sweeps his greatsword across it's side, tracing a bright yellow line over it's ribs. The beast stumbles for a split second before bearing forward into the forest. Rhaego looks to Lejinna, "Chase it?"

Feel free to chase the monster down, it most likely won't get away.

2014-07-19, 10:51 AM
Arakon studies the magic circle more closely. He searches his mind for the spell he desires and, after finding it, casts detect magic. He does his best to sound concerned as he calls back to Dougan, not taking his eyes off of the ritual site.

"Are you alright? Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]

2014-07-19, 04:58 PM
Arskaal attempts to break through the window, trying until he succeeds or until it becomes apparent he lacks the strength to accomplish this task (3 rounds or so).

Strength Check (1st round): [roll0]
Strength Check (2nd round, if needed): [roll1]
Strength Check (3rd round, if needed): [roll2]

If he manages to break the window, Arskaal will quickly investigate to see if the woman is still living. If she does not appear to be, or if she is not responsive, Arskaal will return to the upstairs room to report on her condition, possibly noticing developments with Sven and Arnvid

2014-07-21, 07:32 PM
Gharzagh decides to kick the door in an intent to break through.


2014-07-21, 10:01 PM
Arskaal grits his teeth and slams the butt of his dagger into the window, shattering the glass and breaking the wooden mutin on his first attempt. Glass falls into the room and litters the floor. Arskaal looks up right as the woman weakly shrieks, she pushes herself tight into the corner.

Gharzagh hears the cry from inside and steps back before kicking in the door, his foot cracks a board and ruins the jamb; but the door knocks against something inside the room and doesn't give way. However there's a small space that can be peered through if you were to squeeze against the door.

Arnvid readies to aid his comrade in forcing the door open should his help be needed.

Nice rolls!


Arakon tries his best to block out the screaming, it is difficult to think with such racket. After a moment he comes to the same conclusion that Dougan was in the process of saying, a summoning was performed here, but he has no idea what kind or what was summoned. Maybe it'd be best to ask Dougan before his lungs give out.

Mogrym had been following Arakon since Torn Ridge, he was working off rumors, not much to really go on. Arakon seems to be the secretive kind of guy, that's usually a sign that points to ill practices. Still he was investigating Arakon still, no need to impose his will yet. Having traveled day and night he was constantly a few hours behind and outrageously tired. Having arrived in Savas Pride though he knows Arakon has no where to hide...there seems to be someone screaming somewhere in town.

Welcome Hatter! There's a tidbit for your being here and a nice morsel of intrigue! As for Cirosmar, you might want to go speak with Dougan.


Lejinna is about to respond to Rhaego when he smiles with a glint in his eye and takes off after the monster without waiting for a response, a battle cry trailing behind him.

Rhaego runs down the monster, having not made it far yet it tries to turn and bring to bare it's black stick again. Rhaego having seen the magic shutter for a moment and dives to the side losing his momentum and direction.

Rhaego botched his charge, PersonMan you still have the chance to make a charge yourself and get to the monster.

Hattish Thing
2014-07-22, 04:39 PM
The days had been long, the travel often quite difficult. Mogrym didn't care, however. He was made of stronger stuff than most men, and nothing stood between him and his quarry. There were only rumors, small stitchings of information regarding this 'Arakon'. However, Mogrym had found men with less intelligence regarding them in the past. Eventually the hunter found his way to a small hill overlooking Savas Pride. There he stands, a sentinel clad in thick iron plate, a large black cloak wrapped around him, a hood pulled back to reveal his salt and pepper beard, and slicked back hair. A long dark leather coat hides a fair amount of pouches and vials wrapped about him. Mogrym shifts his weight from his dark boot, to his dull metal peg-leg. He leans upon his ram-skull topped cudgel, looking over at the town sternly. After taking a few minutes to rest and look over the place, formulating a strategy to capture Arakon, he hears screams coming from the town. That was not a good sign... And so, Mogrym McAlabaster will begin to make his way down the hill, using his cudgel to stride forward at his full speed, a thin metal wand in his right hand as he moved forward and prepared for what was to come.

He'll move to find the source of the screaming, but will stop anyone he sees in front of him with a shout.

2014-07-22, 06:09 PM
Relieved to have found at least one survivor, Arskaal quickly composes himself. Hoping Gharzagh can hear him well enough through the ruined door, he speaks loudly but unthreateningly:

"Gharzagh, stop for a moment, she's behind the door!"

As he speaks he quickly and inoffensively rolls his daggers around his hands and flips them into their sheathes, almost like a magic trick.
With a small flourish, he then gives the woman a disarming smile and explains himself:

"We mean no harm. We're here with Sven to investigate what has happened to the townsfolk. Are you hurt?"

Sleight of Hand: [roll0] (for dagger trick)
Diplomacy: [roll1]

If/when the woman seems to be calm again, Arskaal encourages her to move out of the way so that he can begin moving the barricade behind the door. If the woman is injured he will help her move, if it is safe to do so.

2014-07-22, 07:21 PM
Dougan calls back "Rhyce has seen fit to allow me to heal myself, but my leg does seem to be trapped. You might be able to see a better way of freeing it. There's a more pressing problem though. Someone has gotten far too clever. Unless someone breaks it, that circle can extend the duration of a summoning indefinitely. There could be an invisible creature of chaos there at the moment for all I know. Which... means breaking the circle could free it, albeit temporarily. That might explain why the thing was guarded only by a trap. In any case, I suggest we cautiously proceed towards breaking the thing, and determining in more detail what the plan was for it."

Casting cure light wounds on himself [roll0] if he's taken more than 6 points of damage. Losing a prepared Hide from Undead for that.

Making an untrained Knowledge check, presumably Architecture and Engineering, to figure out if freeing himself by brute force would be safe: [roll1].

If he doesn't see a reason it would be unsafe, Strength check to get out [roll2]

2014-07-23, 02:30 AM
Realizing that there is no danger here, and that he better leave the diplomacy stuff to Arskaal, Gharzagh decides to check on Sven so he goes downstairs. "Sven, why you not tell that your wife is barrikkaded upstairs? I just ruined a door uselessly..."

2014-07-23, 12:34 PM
As he speaks he quickly and inoffensively rolls his daggers around his hands and flips them into their sheathes, almost like a magic trick.
With a small flourish, he then gives the woman a disarming smile and explains himself:

"We mean no harm. We're here with Sven to investigate what has happened to the townsfolk. Are you hurt?"

The woman squishes herself against the wall but relaxes a moment when Arskaal sheathes his daggers. As he speaks she noticeably calms,"Sven? Sven's here? Oh dear Threde keeps us safe. But my son. He was taken." The woman screws up her face as she stands to move aside, giving Arskaal space to move the barricaded furniture. "I think I'm ok, just very worried and scared. They came so suddenly, these large green creatures. Like lanky frogs brandishing awful magics and kidnapping people. It was so strange, I don't think everyone was captured, I'm sure some people got away..." Her eyes burned into the window that Arskaal had broken into, as if expecting more saviors or captors.

Arnvid steps aside as Gharzagh moves to speak with Sven about his inability to keep them properly informed. Gharzagh approached Sven and was a bit disturbed by Sven's complete lack of a response. Though Sven's eyes seem to be filled with dread and panic, darting back and forth between Gharzagh and the door leading outside.

It'll take Arskaal about three minutes to move all that stuff, but I'll skip ahead if you have more questions for the woman. Joan, Sven isn't answering you or anything; could you make a Listen check please.


Dougan feels the healing warmth of Ryce's light flow through his trapped leg, he feels certain that everything is mended and capable of functioning. Except that it's still trapped under a piece of timber from the roof frame. Examining the collapse he figures that if he can move the piece of wood off his knee and wedge it against some of the stone littering the collapse site he may be able to slip out without any danger. However, when he tries to lift the wood he finds his position less than advantageous.

Arakon is a little shocked to hear the screaming stop and even more surprised when Dougan claims there may be an invisible creature in the circle at that very moment.

Mogrym rushes past the few farms that mark the edge of Savas Pride and then the screaming stops and is replaced with an eerie silence. Still he moves towards the location he thinks he heard the screaming coming from. Within a few minutes he notices a pair of horses tied to a hitch in front of a house.

Raspberry, your strength check failed, you can try again if you'd like and you're completely healed you had taken 8 damage from the trap. Cirosmar, do as you please. And Mogrym, you can do whatever you'd like as well.

Hattish Thing
2014-07-23, 02:43 PM
Mogrym will attempt to move over to the horses, and study them for a few seconds. They seemed to be in decent health, and well-ridden, which meant that someone was still here in this blasted out ruin. The wizard hunter will sigh deeply before looking around for others around him, preparing a few spells in case something charged out of a nearby house. So, he'll be walking around and searching for any living individual.


2014-07-23, 05:43 PM
At least the damage is dealt with. Now to move forward Dougan just has to get this thing off him.

Strength check [roll0]

2014-07-24, 08:49 AM
Gharzagh's intuition after seeing Sven behaving like that, points into the direction that something "ugly" will be coming soon through the main door. So he quickly positions himself behind the door, and prepares his fighting net in order to win a surprise attack against anything which comes through.

Listen check: [roll0]
Ready action: Gharzagh prepares to throw his fighting net over any creature which crosses the door and enters the room.
If required later:
Ranged touch attack: [roll1]

Note: It would be good if we could get also a map of the lower level of the house, for better combat options.

2014-07-24, 09:26 AM
Lejinna says nothing as Rhaegar charges forwards, resting the bottom of the Ice God's Fingers on the ground. There was no point in chasing the blue beast - whatever reason it had for attacking them, it was running now.

"Let it run," the northern woman says, turning back to the road the two had been walking down, looking for her discarded garments to see if the strange black magic was still causing them to shed smoke.

Jericho Helrauk
2014-07-24, 08:44 PM
Rhaego gets on his feet and keeps his eye on the beast. It wouldn't be smart to dive into another confrontation with the beast without an advantage.

While watching his foe, he calls for Lejinna once more but this time waits for a response.

2014-07-24, 11:27 PM
Gharzagh presses against the wall and listens intently, keeping an eye on Sven. Gharzagh can hear some squabbling outside, and not much else.

Meanwhile, Arskaal continues to remove the barricade and question the woman. Arnvid watches from above, prepping his bow in case something comes in.


Mogrym wanders around the outside of the house, looking for any sign of passage, eventually he finds a man in a chain shirt, in the process of lifting a piece of timber from his leg. Dougan slips his leg out from under the wood and stands testing his foot, all seems well. He turns and sees Mogrym standing there watching him.


Rhaego returns to Lejinna after hearing her words, annoyed that the monster ran off.

Lejinna finds the smokey blackness still clinging to her fur pelt, who knows how long it would last.

So you're all more or less in position to start exploring your surroundings a bit more. Besides Gharzagh and Arskaal who are currently engaged.

Hattish Thing
2014-07-24, 11:47 PM
The Hunter looks about, finding his way through damaged houses and the labyrinth of splintered wood with the help of his keen eyes. Mogrym finally notices a shape inside a a nearby home, and gazes through a large hole in the building before quickly rushing to block the entrance. The six foot , two hundred and fifty pound cleric looms in the doorway, his cudgel pointed forward. He speaks and attempts to Intimidate Dougan. You there! Stay where you are. Who are you? Where are your allies?! Where is Arakon! His metal leg clunks on the ground as he moves forward and barks his orders. He's absolutely terrifying.


2014-07-25, 03:02 AM
Dougan turns to look at whoever just burst in, and his immediate thought is that at best this is foolish. None the less, he's going to be helpful if he can. No sense starting a fight for no reason. Still, if anyone is listening very carefully, there is a touch of dryness as Dougan speaks:

"Dougan is my name. At that volume, I imagine Arakon can hear you, so where he is you can see for yourself as well as I can. Do be careful though." - points to the fallen timber - "This area is not safe, and someone may have brought foul creatures here by magic. And no, I don't know who or what, but it's another thing to be careful of. Your name would be?..."

Hattish Thing
2014-07-25, 08:23 AM
Dougan turns to look at whoever just burst in, and his immediate thought is that at best this is foolish. None the less, he's going to be helpful if he can. No sense starting a fight for no reason. Still, if anyone is listening very carefully, there is a touch of dryness as Dougan speaks:

"Dougan is my name. At that volume, I imagine Arakon can hear you, so where he is you can see for yourself as well as I can. Do be careful though." - points to the fallen timber - "This area is not safe, and someone may have brought foul creatures here by magic. And no, I don't know who or what, but it's another thing to be careful of. Your name would be?..."

The cleric loos down upon him and frowns. I am Mogrym McAlabaster, Dark Wizard Hunter. I've been hired to pursue this "Arakon", and I know he's here. Reveal his location, before I'm required to rip it from you. He holds his cudgel close, glaring straight into Dougan's soul. Arakon is dangerous, and I am to bring him back to my order or kill him, should it come to that. If this individual is your friend or ally, I suggest simply telling me where he is now, therefore avoiding all bloodshed. He moves close now and speaks once more, with a dreadful tone of finality. Now, I won't ask you again. Where is Arakon?

2014-07-25, 11:22 PM
As he pulls away more of the barricade, Arskaal thinks about what the woman had said. The logistics of it just don't seem right.

"You say that green creatures abducted the people here? What sort of magics did they use? What did they do that let them leave so few traces of the struggle? What can we expect if we encounter one?"

Arskaal suspected teleportation, or else some sort of magic to avoid leaving a trace. All the same, he did not want to ask leading questions of someone so clearly distraught. Such stress could cause forgetfulness...

Though not known for his strength, Arskaal is no slouch. All the same, he takes extra care to avoid straining muscles he might soon need.

2014-07-26, 02:08 AM
Dougan still doesn't want a fight if it can be avoided, so he says "As I said, he's somewhere about. I don't know where he went after these things fell on me. If you are a hunter of dark wizards though, I suggest you take a look at the summoning circle I found right before I got the ceiling dropped on me. I didn't get a chance to look at it closely, but I'd like to think we can move forward and investigate the common threat. Whoever made the circle might be about. Worse yet, whatever it brought here might be about. Are you willing to look into the threat of dark magic here?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

Hattish Thing
2014-07-26, 11:21 AM
Dougan still doesn't want a fight if it can be avoided, so he says "As I said, he's somewhere about. I don't know where he went after these things fell on me. If you are a hunter of dark wizards though, I suggest you take a look at the summoning circle I found right before I got the ceiling dropped on me. I didn't get a chance to look at it closely, but I'd like to think we can move forward and investigate the common threat. Whoever made the circle might be about. Worse yet, whatever it brought here might be about. Are you willing to look into the threat of dark magic here?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

The reasoning was strong behind Dougan's words, and Mogrym found himself listening to what the large man had to say. "Somewhere about... Did you travel with this man? Or?" He'll move over towards the small summoning circle and gaze down towards it for a few seconds, his brow furrowed. He takes out a journal and begins furiously scribbling upon it. It's hard to tell, but the cleric seems to be taking notes. He'll make a quick knowledge of arcana check before speaking back to Dougan. "Hmph. What's your name, fellow? When did you find this thing here? What happened to this blasted place..." He licks his lips and sighs, frowning before apparently feeling a bit sorry for Dougan. "Furthermore, are you hurt?"


2014-07-26, 02:59 PM
Arakon surveyed his surroundings as he listened to the exchange between the two clerics. Shaking his head at the absurdity of his being a "dark wizard", Arakon spoke up.

"I am Arakon, the king has tasked my companion and me with the investigation of Savas Pride. As I'm sure you have noticed, the area is slightly less populated than one would expect. Now if you will be so kind as to excuse me, we have a possible situation on our hands."

Arakon casts see invisibility and begins searching for anything trying to remain hidden.

2014-07-28, 12:59 PM
The woman leaned against the wall and slid down to a sitting position, sighed heavily as if everything she was about to say was a burden. "I only saw one, it was green, tall and lanky. Almost looked like a frog. I don't know exactly what sorts of magics they used, I'm no wizard. I remember people seemed to freeze in place, before being carried away by nothing. I only made it because I saw the one, it watched my son get carried away by some invisible force. I closed the door and hid behind it, the creature came up here and looked in but didn't see me." She paused a moment to breathe, trying her best to stay calm and coherent, "Honestly, if I were you, I'd find any survivors and leave, these things look wholly dangerous. I should have known something was wrong when some people stopped appearing around town. First it was the scribe down near Savas Manor, then the butcher and the miller. It was slow and almost unnoticeable at first, then everyone was gone all at once." She shakes her head and slumps against her knees. By the time she's finished Arskaal has managed to move enough of the barricade to squeeze himself through and she should be able to fit as well.

Meanwhile downstairs, Gharzagh waits patiently by the door, when suddenly Sven shouts. "There's one outside! Doing something to the horses!" He moves quickly to the opposite side of the door and whispers to Gharzagh, "Oh no, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to yell that. I was stuck, I couldn't move I-I was trying so hard to alert you." Sven rubs his eyes and looks at Gharzagh. "I don't hear it, what do we do?"

Ok so I don't have a map yet, but I'm working on one, though I don't think you'll need it but you might. Here's a description of the space that will be relevant: The kitchen is 10' wide from the door that Gharzagh is next to to the door that leads outside. The barn is 15' from the kitchen exit. Sven parked his horses and carriage inside the barn, which is 30' wide and 35' deep. Your horses are outside the barn tied to a hitching post halfway down the barn, they're just out of sight from Gharzagh's position. I hope that's enough to make your next moves while I finish the map.


Arakon watches quietly while the two clerics "discuss" Arakon's possible involvement in some sort of ne'er do well activities. He shakes his head and the absurdity and finally speaks up.

Having said his piece Arakon begins searching for signs of invisible creatures or evidence, immediately he notices that there are faint runes in a near 10' circle.

Ok I would like all of you to make some Listen checks please. Also, Arakon a Knowledge Arcana check would be a good idea as well.

2014-07-28, 04:28 PM
Dougan replies to Mogrym "My name is Dougan. I found the circle moments before I got hit with the trap, the one that dropped that wood on me. I'll be fine, I'm tough enough. But we do need to hurry and see whether it is worth risking disrupting the circle. Either way, there may be further plans by whoever put this here, and that may well need further attention."

Listen [roll0]

2014-07-28, 06:04 PM
Hearing the shout, Arskaal draws his weapons and moves to the door.

"Remain hidden and safe. We will send Sven up here with you, but do not make noise unless you are discovered. When I return I will knock three times so that you know it is me."

He slips through the door and moves quickly but quietly down the stairs.

Move Silently (rushed): [roll0]

Hattish Thing
2014-07-28, 06:20 PM
Arakon surveyed his surroundings as he listened to the exchange between the two clerics. Shaking his head at the absurdity of his being a "dark wizard", Arakon spoke up.

"I am Arakon, the king has tasked my companion and me with the investigation of Savas Pride. As I'm sure you have noticed, the area is slightly less populated than one would expect. Now if you will be so kind as to excuse me, we have a possible situation on our hands."

Arakon casts see invisibility and begins searching for anything trying to remain hidden.

As Mogrym sort of leans over to slowly ponder the strange magical circle on the ground, a voice startles him from his work. Arakon voiced his concern, and as he does so, the dark wizard hunter will turn about to glare towards Arakon, pointing his cudgel towards the wizard. He clutches the long staff-like weapon in hand, moving closer to the wizard as he does so. "Don't you move. People have been talking about you, you know. I've heard from sources of your name, and I know of your proposed deeds from the individuals I've met across the road. I've been tracking you, wizard, for a few days now. You have been accused of being a dark magic practitioner, some kind of twisted warlock dabbling in infernal magics! What have you to say for yourself! No sudden moves." He growls his last sentence and continues to move closer to the wizard. "Are you responsible for what happened here? Dark wizard..."

He manages to listen as he does so, for something seems to have alerted him elsewhere.


2014-07-29, 10:45 AM
After the possible surprise attack was spoiled by Sven, Gharzagh loses his patience, and decides for a direct approach. Taking a look back to Arnvid in hope of approval, he crosses the door and heads to the barn with his weapons ready....

2014-07-29, 08:55 PM
Arskaal relays the same instructions to Sven as he had to the woman once he reaches the bottom of the stairs. He peers out to where Gharzagh's attention seems to be focused, ears alert. He follows the hobgoblin.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2014-07-30, 11:43 AM
Arakon painted a friendly expression on his face before turning toward his accuser.

My friend, I am truly sorry that you have been deceived by those people. There will always be those jealous of status and position. My place among the King's trusted will always enemies and false rumors. Once we have dealt with this magic circle I will gladly dispel any doubts you have about my character.

Diplomacy check: [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana check: [roll1]
Listen check: [roll2]

2014-07-30, 12:25 PM
Gharzagh moves through the kitchen and outside once Arskaal reaches the first floor; almost immediately Gharzagh notices that two of the three horses that were hitched on the barn are gone, and the last is very agitated. Gharzagh creeps to the front of the barn and peers inside and finds the horses attached to Sven's carriage are also agitated and panicked.

Arskaal waits patiently as Sven moves to the upstairs room, then follows Gharzagh outside. Arskaal glues his eyes to Gharzagh's back but his ears twitch at every little sound. Once Gharzagh reaches the barn front and peers in Arskaal turns his head toward the road, drawn by voices and the sound of their horses galloping away

Gharzagh finds nothing except a few horses missing. Arskaal on the other hand can hear the horses running away up the north road and swears he hears voices(inhuman voices) whispering in the opposite direction. I'll let you decide how to handle this situation.


As Dougan and Arakon try to explain their situation to Mogrym, they're all distracted momentarily by the sound of horses galloping past the house. Mogrym turns back on Arakon, not wholly convinced that this supposed dark wizard has been appointed by the king as he claims or that he is actually aiding Dougan in this investigation.

That Diplomacy didn't go over well, but I'm giving you the benefit of a doubt in Mogrym's mind since you have a +10 mod and I don't usually enforce critical failures when it comes to communication checks. However, those runes that are barely visible are recognized as notation used in an invisibility spell, when Invisibility is cast these runes are written in the spell work and memorized. The fact that they're imprinted on the ground suggests that there has been a scroll used and that it was a spell that is a bit different than Invisibility but would still confer the same effect.


After waiting for several minutes the black smoke finally clears from Lejinna's fur covering, she retrieves it and suggests that they continue on their path. Soon the foliage becomes sparse and eventually they reach the tree line, in front of them is a field with a boundary marked by a fence. Beyond the fence are wheat fields, a farm and further beyond that a town.

2014-07-30, 09:34 PM
Arskaal will catch up to Gharzagh and quietly relay what he hears.

"With luck we will find the horses in the morning. Lets search for whatever it was that Sven saw"

2014-07-31, 07:49 PM
Gharzagh listens carefully to the words of Arskaal, and agrees on that. "Alright. Let's move on". Then, he slowly turns into the direction of the inhuman sounds, and advances weapons-ready.

Is Arnvid still in the thread?

2014-08-01, 10:37 AM
Arnvid hustles into the kitchen, but doesn't leave the door, o fear that Sven's wife could be taken. Sheets an incredibly useful asset, and the information could be vital in completing his life's mission. To leave her unattended could be a huge risk. But the urgency to find whatever the thing was, coupled with the knowledge Sven would be with her causes him to leave his post, jogging to the stables, his psychic senses still active.

As he arrives he calls to Arskaal. Any sign of them?

Sorry, I've been on holiday without internet access, an it didn't occur to me that I hadn't warned anyone. I have found a place where I can get online, and so can continue playing. I apologise for not leaving any warning.

Also, Arnvid does not have a bow, just a quiver. His bow ha to be formed psionically, and can only be formed for a few rounds.

2014-08-01, 12:58 PM
Curious about the first true settlement she's seen of the southern world, Lejinna eyes the structures she can see suspiciously, wondering why they seem to have built them amidst the tall grass-like plants that grew there. It was simply inconvenient to build a home in the center of such a strange growth. Of course, it doesn't take her long to realize the obvious reason for such seemingly pointless things. The local deities were probably appeased by such things. She had yet to experience an ice storm or any southern equivalent, which meant that the locals were very peculiar about keeping their divinities properly pacified. Lejinna makes a note of their piety as something to potentially investigate, and wonders what sort of spirits would demand one builds their home inside a field of strange plants.

"Let us continue. I am curious to see the shrines of the southern people. Perhaps I will speak to the elders and ask for their wisdom," Lejinna says, continuing towards the town and giving her companion a gesture to follow her.

Hattish Thing
2014-08-01, 05:49 PM
Arakon painted a friendly expression on his face before turning toward his accuser.

My friend, I am truly sorry that you have been deceived by those people. There will always be those jealous of status and position. My place among the King's trusted will always enemies and false rumors. Once we have dealt with this magic circle I will gladly dispel any doubts you have about my character.

Diplomacy check: [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana check: [roll1]
Listen check: [roll2]

Mogrym sighs deeply and frowns, slowly pulling his cudgel down to tap on the ground. It's about the size of a staff, so he's able to comfortably lean upon it. He gazes over Arakon again, squinting his eyes in suspicion as he rattles about the thoughts rolling about in his head. This man could be lying, and simply here to... Wait, what was he doing here? These people were at a scene of a supposed crime. He speaks out, a tad kinder. It's still glaringly evident that he doesn't trust Arakon though. "Is... is that so? Hmph. What are you people doing out here? What happened?"

2014-08-01, 06:27 PM
Dougan replies: "What happened? That is precisely what the king asked us to discover when the revenue from this village stopped coming. I do not yet have the answers, but I have little doubt that this circle is directly connected to whoever or whatever is responsible. Does anyone have any reason why we should not immediately break the circle and then investigate the village for traces of what it summoned, and who did the summoning?"

2014-08-01, 06:48 PM
The runes of this circle are reminiscent of an invisibility spell. It would not surprise me if the primary purpose of this circle was to wide something from our site. Other than that, I know far less than I'd like about what has transpired here. I would like to know who just rode past in such a hurry. Would you the two of you kindly join me?

Arakon turned and hurried toward the exit.

Jericho Helrauk
2014-08-01, 10:46 PM
Rhaego follows Lejinna through the open field. A light breeze brushes his face. It felt a little too peaceful.

A rare moment curiosity of came over him as he reached into his pack to pull out a small figurine of a being wrapped in leaf-like robes, its face covered. A mystical dust floated off of its surface once exposed to the air. Being the brute that he was, he could not even begin to theorize what the figurine might be or represent. However, this town gave him the same feeling the figurine did.

He caught up to Lejinna to show her the figurine, "Do you think their elders could shed any light on this?"

Hattish Thing
2014-08-02, 01:14 PM
The runes of this circle are reminiscent of an invisibility spell. It would not surprise me if the primary purpose of this circle was to wide something from our site. Other than that, I know far less than I'd like about what has transpired here. I would like to know who just rode past in such a hurry. Would you the two of you kindly join me?

Arakon turned and hurried toward the exit.

Mogrym frowns, but quickly decides that this wizard wasn't the biggest threat to deal with at the moment. The wizard certainly didn't radiate the necromantic energy he was supposedly quite well-practiced in, and the explanation Arakon gave made some sort of sense regarding the situation. The Dark Wizard Hunter was still very much suspicious of the man that seemed to know so much about invisibility spells, however, and his gray eyes dotting over the wizard ought to make that quite clear. He limps out into the dark outside world, his metal leg clunking against wood, then sinking into dirt. He does a quick spot over the surrounding, looking for another near. He'll then chuckle lightly and raise his left hand over the crystal tip of his cudgel. "Now, gentlemen. Allow me to add a little... illumination, to this situation." A brilliant white light begins to shine out the cudgel, and Mogrym waves it in front of him, looking around feverishly.


2014-08-02, 03:19 PM
Arnvid trots past the side of the barn and comes up to his comrades; just on time to hear the last words being exchanged. For the briefest moment Arnvid thinks he sees a flicker of hostile intent beyond the houses across the way, so small he hardly noticed; he looks to the right further into the small town and sees the very clear, very large silhouettes of two creatures definitely meaning to do harm.

Good to have you back PessimismRocks!
Right then, Arnvid is the only one to see these two hostile creatures, and only as shapes. Let's have you three roll initiative.


Arakon hurries out as Mogrym eyes him. Once outside he is able to make out the dusty and dimming shapes of two horses running into a nearby field. Mogrym soon joined Arakon outside, bringing some light into the darkening sky. Dougan is left to ponder how to handle the summoning circle burned into the flooring.


Lejinna and Rhaego were crossing the field when a couple of horses trotted into a neighboring pasture and begin to feed. Then at the dwelling on the other end of the field a light shone brightly seemingly without source.
[Edit] As the two approach the light, a ragged voice, high in pitch and barely audible echoes in their heads.
"I... I need help. There is a th-threat to my ascension. Help me." The voice fades as it utters the last words.

Jericho gave me an idea, I'll explain it to both of you in PM's.

2014-08-02, 05:00 PM
Dougan's natural reaction is to go with the others, but leaving an operational summoning circle that might be maintaining forces of chaos in this place... not wise. Touching the circle doesn't seem worth the expense of a bottle of acid, so acid it is. As it attacks the material the circle is built on, rather than attacking the magic directly, there may not be defences against it. So, Dougan will take random wood debris or dirt, whatever is handy, and throw that onto the border of the circle to break it. If there is no visible reaction to that, he will also toss acid to break the circle.

2014-08-02, 11:35 PM
Arskaal advances alongside Gharzagh, weapons and wits about him. He is ready for battle.

Y'all get a +5 bonus to initiative for being within 60' of me, if the time should come to roll it.

2014-08-03, 04:21 AM
I haven't gotten a PM yet, so I'm going to wait on replying to the newest event in case it contains important info.

"Perhaps. It looks like something you may need to ask a shaman for help in understanding, but the elders are always good people to ask. Even if they don't know, they will know someone who can tell you more," Lejinna replies with a nod, inspecting the unusual carving as Rhaegar shows it to her. It seemed to be depicting a spirit of some sort - such carvings normally honored a powerful spirit or divinity - but the nature of it is one she doesn't know.

Seeing the strange light, and hearing a voice in her mind, Lejinna turns to her companion. "Did you hear that?" She asks, already moving towards the dwelling from which the light shone. "Be careful, it may be a trap laid by a spirit," she continues, both hands gripping the Ice God's Fingers as she moves.

2014-08-07, 05:15 PM
Arnvid grins at the prospect of combat and whips round to face this new threat.

In his mind a clear image forms of an emerald bow, and slowly green light pours from his eyes, forging the bow into reality. Smaller streams flow from his eyes, creating sharpened arrows glistening in his quiver.

He flip out an arrow and deftly guides it to the bow, before having it up to his eyeline, waiting for the right moment. With this motion he bellows.

Friends, we have company.

Call Soulbound Bow on his first turn or suprise round, considering he'll be warning the others.

Iniative: [roll0]


2014-08-08, 07:48 AM
Combat Engaged

Arnvid voices his warning to his two comrades, immediately pouring his psychic essence into an emerald bow, he nocks an arrow and readies to fire. As he moves, the two large figures move as well; as their feet carry them to opposite sides of the street, you all can hear quiet raspy voices murmuring. Arskaal and Gharzagh go to move but as the creatures reveal themselves as ten foot tall frog-like monsters, both Arskaal and Gharzagh are gripped by a fear welling up inside them.

This scene is just for you three, I'll be updating the other scenes once everyone posts.
As for combat notes: Initiative Order-Arskaal, Gharzagh, The monsters, Arnvid. The monsters and Arnvid had a surprise round, so it's currently Artisan's turn. I would like both Arskaal and Gharzagh to make will saves, though substitute your wisdom modifier for your charisma modifier. That is all.

2014-08-08, 10:00 AM
Combat Engaged

I would like both Arskaal and Gharzagh to make will saves, though substitute your wisdom modifier for your charisma modifier. That is all.

Gharzagh looks at the creatures with awe...


2014-08-09, 10:38 AM
Modified Will Save: (1d20+9)[18]

Arskaal's strong sense of self helps to fight away the dread. He is no coward!

NOTE: everyone within 60 feet of me gets a +1 to all saves, including me (which I forgot!). That's actually a 19.

EDIT: when you say "substitute your wisdom modifier for your charisma modifier" you mean use the Charisma modifier in place of the Wisdom modifier? The wording there is a bit confusing.

2014-08-09, 06:39 PM
If you want to keep an eye on me you better have a horse, because I'm going to check out what that was all about.

Arakon mounted his horse and raced off after the other two horses.

2014-08-09, 07:49 PM
Arskaal passes his will save, Gharzagh however is panicked, so he will run away in a random direction, as well take a -2 on saving throws. Gharzagh will run for nine rounds or until he is out of eyesight/earshot of the source of his terror. So Joan could you roll a d8, I'll have a map tomorrow so you'll see the battlefield.

Arskaal watches as Gharzagh begins visibly trembling, and suddenly runs off, scared senseless. However, Arskaal steels his nerves and faces the monsters.


Arakon rides off after the horses, the sudden sprint testing his skill as a rider. Soon he is able to catch up with them; they have turned off into a field and are trotting frightened in circles, riderless.

Back inside the house that was once a home, Dougan tried to disrupt the circle. Success was obvious when his acid broke the lines, causing the slight magical essence that had been emanating from them, to cease.

2014-08-10, 03:10 AM
Dougan is pleased with his work, but now he has to move forward. Whether that means stopping the other two from starting a fight, or finding this summoner, Rhyce will light his way.

Stepping outside, he asks "Do you know what happened here? I'm going after him." Then, he takes off at a brisk walk in the same direction Arakon went, looking around because he has no idea what might have caused this and he doesn't want to be caught off guard.

2014-08-11, 07:10 PM
Having fought off the fear, Arskaal wastes no time before acting. He will need a partner to have any effect in combat, and he sees that Gharzagh presently lacks the will to fight.

"To cover!"

The two words hang in the air as one note. Clear and crisp, they act as a catalyst to his comrades.

He then follows his frightened companion closely, hoping to rally him.

Free: Switch to Master of Tactics aura (allies within 60' get +5 damage to melee attacks while flanking)
Standard: Grant Move Action (all allies within 30' other than Arskaal immediately take a move action in their normal turn order (this does not affect intitiative))
Move: move 40' in the direction that Gharzagh runs, leading him if necessary and preferring to hug the southwest building.

I doubt it's in the rules, but could I perhaps rally Gharzagh next turn with a Charisma or diplomacy check?

2014-08-12, 03:30 PM
Gharzagh continues running wildly direction south west... :smallbiggrin:

2014-08-12, 11:23 PM
Lejinna and Rhaego continue towards the shelter across the field of whispy grass, the light still glowing. With ears actively searching for noise after the unusual message the two hear a couple of voices, then suddenly a man rides away from the shelter on horse back. It becomes apparent that he's gone to retrieve the other two horses that have settled into an agitated trot in the neighboring field. Soon after the first man rides away, two more men follow him on foot. One of the men seems to be carrying with him a cudgel that is radiating that bright light in, obviously a precaution for the darkening sky.

2014-08-14, 05:58 PM
Lejinna eyes the newcomers warily - after all, the last southerner she'd met had chosen to attack her after they exchanged a few words. These weren't more beasts, but she was still a bit suspicious of them. The Ice God's Fingers in one hand, the approaches them and raises her other arm to wave, enjoying the effect the motion has on her bare arm. Despite the setting of the sun, the heat is still significant, though less oppressive than before. Lejinna can barely imagine how the southerners, entirely covered by their attire, don't collapse into piles of sweat and fatigue, especially under the sun. She herself felt the heat work at her endurance during the day despite having discarded the majority of her clothes in an effort to fight the warmth that filled the air.

"Hail, people of the south! We wish to speak with your elders and bring offerings to the gods," Lejinna calls, waiting to see how they respond before coming closer.

2014-09-22, 08:56 PM
Dougan starts to mount his mule in time to see Mogrym suddenly crack Arakon's skull with a swing of his heavy maul. The beguiler falls from his mule, and struggles to stand. Mogrym grabs Arakon by the scruff of his cloak while producing a length of rope, he quickly ties Arakon to the mule.
Lejinna and Rhaego watch the seemingly pointless attack, Lejinna frozen by confusion and Rhaego seething with confusion and anger. Lejinna holds a hand up to Rhaego in an attempt to stop his reckless charge, but too late. Rhaego charges towards the man wielding the cudgel, closing the distance in the time it takes for Mogrym to secure Arakon and turn around. As Rhaego draws back his sword to challenge the man, Mogrym raises a hand and speaks a quick prayer to Valthanthor. Pain wracks Rhaego's body, as he writhes he swings awkwardly at Mogrym, his blade cutting the mule instead.
Lejinna and Dougan watched from two different places but felt the same confusion and shock as the mule carried Arakon away; Mogrym assaulted Rhaego with magic and maul as Rhaego pressed him further with each swing. Both Lejinna and Dougan started approaching as the shock faded.

Ok so you two are together for the moment, the fight between Mogrym and Rhaego isn't going well for Rhaego. I'll let you two decide how to proceed, however know that both of them are controlled by myself.


Katherine and Inti had been traveling together for a few months now, they were headed south towards Broken Spine when they had followed a deer into the woods. Obviously they were trying to get a meal to last them a few nights, but ended up getting lost in the wilderness. Eventually they had managed to find a small pond fed by a stream, setting camp for the night they decided to travel in the morning when they could better assess their surroundings. In the early morning they realized they were on the outskirts of a town, relieved to be out of the wild they headed towards it.
Arskaal tried to pace Gharzagh but kept losing sight of him, eventually the cat-folk grew agitated and realized that their comrade Arnvid was still facing those monsters, alone. Turning back Arskaal made haste towards Sven's house again, a stroke of bad luck ended his return short, as he plummeted through a hidden hole.
As Katherine and Inti approached the village's edge they noticed a hobgoblin, it was alone and seemed to be recovering from a great deal of running. Laying on it's back and breathing heavily, the hobgoblin noticed the two approaching and held a hand up in greeting.

Urashima and Debatra you'll be joining Joan for the moment, he'll be able to fill your characters in on the happenings.


Having seen Sven's request for aid Edmond and Kinthony had arrived just a bit too late and missed Sven's departure for Savas Pride. Kinthony was looking to establish trade with the supposedly wealthy Savas Pride so following in Sven's wake was the only reasonable response. Edmond, well Edmond was going along for the ride. The two arrived at the edge of Savas Pride within an hour of sunset, they carried on to the center of town and witnessed a couple of horses stampeding away from a home not far away. Moving closer to investigate they watched an odd trio rush outside, only to be confronted by two large green creatures. Within seconds two the odd trio ran off, leaving the dwarf alone to confront the monsters.
Arnvid faced the green monstrosities bravely, wielding his psychic weapon unwilling to retreat.

Arnvid is in combat still, and both Edmond and Kinthony will be joining you soon. I'd recommend a Knowledge(the planes) check for Edmond. Have fun.


Keda had been tracking a chaos beast for days, his quarry as part of his rite of passage. Finally the moment was upon him, he watched as the shifting, seething creature tried to climb a jagged rock. Keda approached cautiously, watching the drifting chunks of rock above to use their shadows to best effect. He started to move rapidly, drawing his annulat as he approached, readying his first strike he was beaten to the target. A red slaad lunged from above and landed roughly on the chaos beast. Keda watched for a split second before charging in, we wasn't going to let a slaad stop his chance, maybe if he could attack while they were both distracted. Keda swung at the red slaad as it flung the chaos beast against the rocky outcropping, his annulat connecting and surprising the creature. The slaad jumped back right as a series of symbols appeared on the ground where it had been standing, Keda unwittingly stepped onto the symbols, they lit up and Keda's world suddenly shifted. He stood in a dark room, odd decorations pushed against the walls, a single source of light came from one such decoration. Sitting at the wooden altar was something that Keda know was much more dangerous than any chaos beast, a gray slaad. It was facing away from him and scribbling in a book, "Go on and join your brethren, I have no use for you here. There are invaders in the town, take care of them." Keda slowly backed away from the gray, hoping beyond hope that it wouldn't turn to look at him. As he approached the door he heard a stifled cry to his left, more than a dozen humans were bound and gagged. With his back to the door and the gruesome scene of death and captives before him Keda felt only one option was available to him.

Sorry to put you alone right off the bat, but you'll be joining the groups soon.

2014-09-23, 01:34 AM
Dougan is taken aback by this sudden violence. To be sure, Mogrym attacking Arakon was hardly unexpected. The man had barely been restrained from attacking random bystanders. To be sure, Arakon was somewhat suspicious - though he could see how a king might want someone capable of understanding shady dealings. But Dougan just wasn't expecting Mogrym to be willing to attack people with this many people watching. It fits what he'd seen of the man earlier. And it means that having him around in the middle of whatever emptied this village might be a problem. Still, he must not sink to Mogrym's level without reason. He will try reason - but if Mogrym will not, Rhyce would want him to join the fight. He speaks up using his preaching voice, saying "We cannot afford to fight like this. Some one has brought some thing that has emptied this town. The way forward is to find out what has happened here. We can resolve our differences once we know we will not be killed in moments by invisible monsters."

Diplomacy [roll0]

If that fails on Mogrym, sound burst so it hits Mogrym and not Rhaego. 1d8 sound damage, and DC 16 Fort save or be stunned.

2014-09-23, 02:14 AM


I'll post an actoin as soon as I have some idea what my knowledge the planes gives me. I don't want to rush in without know what we're up against.

2014-09-23, 08:18 AM
Keda of House Frost Moon opened the door and slipped through the doorway as quickly and as quietly as he could manage, trying not to draw the attention to himself. His heart was pounding and his mind raced with more questions than he could manage - What had happened? What was one of *those* doing here? Where *was* here? Had the gray called him deliberately? Or was it trying to call the red, or perhaps the Beast, and he had fallen foul of its magics by mistake; the spell warped perhaps by the nature of Limbo itself? If so, the spell must have been incomplete, for he felt no particular compulsion to obey the commands of the slaad.

And what was with all those... things, held captive by the gray? He guessed that the strange, ugly creatures were human - you hardly ever saw humans in the Ever-Changing Chaos, so he had only the stories of his family and House to go by. Or perhaps they were orcs? The stories said that, in some places, both races were more numerous than dretches in the Abyss or lemures in the Nine Hells.

He looked around, surveying the area beyond the door. This place didn't feel right; the floor and walls were far too straight, and even the air had a strange taste to it. The gray had mentioned a town, but there were no towns in Limbo. This must not be the Ever-Changing Chaos, then... but where am I? He couldn't ask the gray; almost all slaadi would kill a lone neraph on sight. It had also mentioned brethren; more neraphim? Then again, it had spoken to him in Slaad; so, it hadn't certainly hadn't been summoning Beasts. That leaves more reds. If there were more reds serving the gray, would they assume he was also a servant of their master? He hoped so, for he might be able to take a lone red by himself, but two or more would be certain death.

Priorities, then: survive! And to do that, he needed to get out of this place. Perhaps the invaders of the town would hold some answers; maybe even help him get home? Annulat in hand, Keda began moving as quickly and as quietly as he could; his senses alert for anything and everything in this strange place as he moved away and, hopefully, out.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Move Silently:[roll2]
Hide (where possible): [roll3]

2014-09-23, 03:56 PM
Seeing the one in danger (perhaps), Kinthony will load his crossbow.

Knowledge: The Planes:[roll1]

Will use action upon seeing what knowledge check reveals.

2014-09-23, 09:00 PM
Edmond eyes the two extraplanar creatures with a cold malice. He heaves his club from its previous position as a walking stick to act more formidably his close combat, should it become necessary. With a glance at Kithony he says,

“That’ll have to be aligned or linked to the powers of order to do any good”

After a brief pause, Edmond raises his free hand, tracing arcane runes into the air, accompanied by a low chant. When he finished a light drizzle of oil trickles from areas unknown and puddles underneath the feet of the Slaad.

Cast Grease. IF the two Slaad are beside eac other, I fill both squares. If not, I choose the one closest to us.

2014-09-24, 12:03 AM
Lejinna is confused, the apparently common southern custom of attacking people for no visible reason right after meeting them catching her off-guard again. Luckily, one of the other southerners seems to have a different cultural background, so he tries to end the battle rather than rushing into join the melee. For the time being, Lejinna watches to see what happens, her weapon ready but not quite moving in to attack yet.

2014-09-25, 11:39 AM
Dougan and Lejinna

As Dougan's words pierced the air and made it through to Mogrym, Mogrym paused for the briefest of moments and commanded Rhaego to "Stop!" Rhaego suddenly ceased his attack as if some force had seized his body. Mogrym stepped back, "I came here for Arakon, this one has caused my bounty to run away. He must be brought to justice for impeding and assaulting a member of the Order." He speaks with finality, his eyes burn with the fervor of a righteous man. "Do you object, Dougan, good servant of Ryce? Or you, new comer?"
The sound of Arakon's mule can be heard drifting further away with each passing second.


Arnvid, Kinthony and Edmond
Arnvid launches an arrow in defense as one of the monsters closes in on him. Edmond seeing the dwarf react in defense realizes his efforts are best placed keeping this poor fellow alive. As Kinthony sights a slaad, Edmond coats the ground beneath the slaad charging Arnvid with thick oil. The monster slips awkwardly, its legs trying to stay beneath it, but it crashes to ground amidst the pool of grease.

Keda creeps through the entirely unnatural interior, the place seems empty. The corridors long and wide, rooms filled with odd decor, unlike anything Keda has seen. Having descended some all too straight stairs Keda finds a large space, over looking this space from above Keda notices large double doors slightly ajar with the soft breeze of early evening drifting in. There is no movement.

2014-09-25, 01:11 PM
Lejinna shrugs.

"I know little of the south, and less of your order. You are no elder or shaman, as far as I can see, so I do not see why acting against you should bring some sort of retribution," she says. Her posture is confident, voice clear as she speaks - she clearly isn't intimidated by the heavily armored man, despite the fact that the closest thing she has to armor, her furs, have been mostly discarded. What remains covers little, leaving most of her skin open to try and fight the oppressive heat of the southern lands.

2014-09-25, 02:31 PM
Dougan has been telling himself that Arakon was shifty, perhaps he will be well treated, and perhaps Mogrym means well. But when the man says that he must drag off yet another man... Dougan decides this soul is in need of some help. He hates the distraction from finding whatever emptied this town, but he cannot be faithful to Rhyce and let Mogrym's twisted idea of justice pass. So he speaks up, saying "Do you not see that your idea of justice is that any who oppose you deserve whatever you do to them? How then will your soul fare when you have passed on, and are under the tyranny of those more powerful than you, with nothing you can do or say against it? You call it assault when you are attacked with clear reason, and justice when you attack without explanation. I fear for your soul, my friend, and I hope you do not get what you deserve for stubbornly holding to this course - death then worse than death.

2014-09-25, 04:59 PM
Kinthony, seeing that the two other people engaging the beasts from Limbo, seem to have it under control, he will work on making his weapon affect them in a better way. As well as making himself less of a target, he hopes.

Infusion Used, Weapon Augmentation, Personal for Bane(Outsider, Chaotic)

2014-09-26, 06:53 AM
Realizing that the survival of the group could depend on having more allies to fend of the extraplanr beasts, Edmond focuses on another spell. Drawing on his arcane energies, he calls forth a denzien from another plane to assist himself and his allies.

Summon Monster I = Celestial Badger

2014-09-26, 10:00 AM
Katherine and Inti had been traveling together for a few months now, they were headed south towards Broken Spine when they had followed a deer into the woods. Obviously they were trying to get a meal to last them a few nights, but ended up getting lost in the wilderness. Eventually they had managed to find a small pond fed by a stream, setting camp for the night they decided to travel in the morning when they could better assess their surroundings. In the early morning they realized they were on the outskirts of a town, relieved to be out of the wild they headed towards it.
Arskaal tried to pace Gharzagh but kept losing sight of him, eventually the cat-folk grew agitated and realized that their comrade Arnvid was still facing those monsters, alone. Turning back Arskaal made haste towards Sven's house again, a stroke of bad luck ended his return short, as he plummeted through a hidden hole.
As Katherine and Inti approached the village's edge they noticed a bugbear, it was alone and seemed to be recovering from a great deal of running. Laying on it's back and breathing heavily, the bugbear noticed the two approaching and held a hand up in greeting.

Urashima and Debatra you'll be joining Joan for the moment, he'll be able to fill your characters in on the happenings.

The hobgoblin -not a bugbear as defined wrongly by the DM-, breathing heavily, finally looks up, and to his surprise he notices the new two characters. His face still is sweating copiously, and the mark of fear can be seen in his eyes. He looks back, slowly, and then back to the characters. Then, in a crude common language, he speaks: "Herp.... ufff... ufff... We are under attakk!!!". His eyes are almost out of the orbits, showing panic and shock.

2014-09-27, 04:49 AM
Inti briefly returns the Bugbear's greeting before approaching the Hobgoblin. (:smalltongue:)

"Attack from what? Where?"

2014-09-27, 10:05 AM
The hobgoblin points to the northeast. "That direksion... two big munsters... I left my comrades..." He shows some shame, and continues: "I should be there fighting... but... i don't know why... i panikked... ran here...". It can be noticed in the ape-like face of the humanoid that there is an internal battle for honor... as if he feels he broke it, but at the same time, he couldn't avoid it...

2014-09-27, 01:19 PM
Lejinna and Dougan

Mogrym stares coldly at Lejinna, is she weren't already used to the frigid north his attempt at intimidation would have worked. "I am a representative of Valthanthor, by his unyielding laws I act. My order maintains the chaos that afflicts the land. Acting against me would be a direct act against my God." Mogrym turns his stare upon Dougan, his face relaxing just a bit. "Dougan, though you follow another god, Ryce understand the need for civility, though he is weak in enacting his justice. The men my order seek out are accused of breaking the law and avoiding justice. I am here to right that wrong. My methods may seem unreasonable to you but I assure you, there is no room for a soft touch when dealing the dregs of society. Oh and my God's will is done regardless of my actions here and now, I go to my rest with peace." Mogrym eyes Rhaego, the spell holding the wild man having departed moments ago. Mogrym raises his hand in peace, "I will go, my quarry is off. Do not try to stop me again." Those last words hang as an obvious threat.
I'm still controlling Rhaego, you can either try to stop Mogrym or not, it's up to you.


Arnvid, Edmond and Kinthony

One of the green beasts moves from sight behind Sven's house. The other struggles on the oil coating the ground beneath its feet. Arnvid wastes no time in striking the fallen monster with another arrow crafted from raw psychic energy. A snarling, angry badger walks into view from a grayish mist, it stands ready to obey Edmond's every command. Kinthony unbothered by the newest arrival finishes his preparations, a weapon better suited now to injure these monsters of chaos.
It's currently Edmond's dog's turn as it acts on his turn. Once his badger takes its actions it will be Arnvid's turn, he'll be attacking and moving. The movement hasn't been determined yet because the dog hasn't moved yet. After that it'll be Kinthony's turn, then the slaads.


Gharzagh, Inti and Katherine

You three continue figuring out what to do. As soon as your have a set plan I'll push you all into the scenario.

2014-09-27, 02:52 PM
"Is the Wal-tatter the one who tells you southerners to attack each other on sight?" Lejinna asks, smiling, thought her tone and eyes show that there's no true merriment in her words. "If you maintain this strange custom, then I don't see why. It results in a great deal of unnecessary conflict," she continues. As he leaves, she doesn't move, but frowns, instead turning to the other southerner.

"This man he chases. Do you know if he has done wickedness?" She asks.

2014-09-28, 06:57 AM
The young Tiefling starts in the indicated direction, but stops short of leaving. Seemingly as an afterthought, she begins looking through her supplies. After a few silent moments, she turns back to Gharzagh. "Are you in pain?"

2014-09-28, 10:23 AM
Gharzagh replies to Inti: "Thanks for asking... In fakt, I am not huurt, but just skkared like hell! What I do? I do not dare to get back there... but, somehow I feel this is against my principples... I wanna fight!". The face of the strong goblinoid looked comically embarrassed and puzzled at the same time.

2014-09-28, 12:08 PM
Kinthony will unfortunitly make his presecence known to the Slaad, as he unleashes his bolt.

Critical Confirmation:
Critical Damage:[roll3]
Bane1d6 <----roll in OOC.....:smallredface:

2014-09-28, 06:55 PM
Dougan turns to the northerner and says "He is no innocent, but I know of no great wickedness. I don't believe his attackers claims of great wickedness either."

2014-09-29, 04:40 PM
Inti shrugs, stows away her things and draws her axe. "Well, I'm going to check on things over there. You're free to follow along, or to do whatever." She starts heading off northeast, then turns to her companion of recent months. "Coming, Kat?"

2014-09-29, 08:16 PM
Dougan and Lejinna

Rhaego speaks up as Dougan and Lejinna discuss the potential err of Mogrym in capturing Arakon, "I don't think it's right, you can't just seize people. Do neither of you feel strongly enough about this?" Rhaego watches and waits as the two digest his words.


Arnvid, Edmond, Kinthony/Gharzagh, Inti and Katherine

Arnvid moves suddenly past the fallen slaad, running into the open road before turning to face the slaad and preparing another arrow. A bolt whizzes past Arnvid as he moves around the slaad, the bolt strikes the prone creature, bouncing harmlessly against its thick hide.

Inti hustles through the thick grass across the slightly rolling hills, with buildings some four hundred feet away she estimates that if there is a fight happening she'll be lucky to get there in time.

Hey Debatra can I get a spot check?

2014-09-29, 08:38 PM
Kinthony will take the time to reload.

2014-09-29, 09:47 PM
Edmond, seeing the Slaad closing in on their new aquaintance, orders his summoned cohort to attack, sending the badger charging full throtle towards the superior Slaad. In the remaining seconds he collects his thoughts and utters a simple incantation ending it with a quick nip of his tongue.

Celestial Badger Charge and Smite:

Attack [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Edomond casts Tongue Slash (Fort save DC 13 or the Slaad take a -1 to attacks, saves and checks for 1 round)

2014-09-30, 04:08 AM
Keda creeps through the entirely unnatural interior, the place seems empty. The corridors long and wide, rooms filled with odd decor, unlike anything Keda has seen. Having descended some all too straight stairs Keda finds a large space, over looking this space from above Keda notices large double doors slightly ajar with the soft breeze of early evening drifting in. There is no movement.

Increasingly unnerved by the strangeness of this place, Keda creeps towards the doors as quietly as he can. Could this be the way out?

Without touching them, he peers through the opening in the doors, eyes and ears straining for anything that might be lurking beyond.

2014-09-30, 06:38 AM
Gharzagh, a bit confused yet, readies his longbow and starts walking after Inti, direction to the hamlet.

2014-09-30, 09:24 PM
Arnvid, Edmond and Kinthony

The vicious little celestial beast charges the prone slaad as it struggles to regain its footing, leaping onto the large monster the small badger bites down hard and draws blood. As Kinthony finishes loading his crossbow he looks up to see the slaad standing up while the badger leaps at the monster one more time. The slaad stands to it full an imposing height of nearly nine feet, it takes a swing at the small badger raking the creature and sending it tumbling away, dissolving into mist. Then suddenly a bolt whizzes towards the beast as an arrow comes from Arnvid's longbow. The arrow flies wide of its mark.

The celestial badger gets an AoO on the slaad when it stands up as well as Arnvid, since I haven't heard from Pesimism yet I'm going to roll his attacks, the one from the previous turn and the AoO, Kinthony also gets an AoO so Alihanders can you roll that please. Then it'll be Edmond's turn, at which point Tongue lash will be used along with whatever move action CGDG wants to make, if any.



Keda peers out the double doors, hard, straight edged steps lead down to a rocky path, great pillars stand on either side of the steps. The path leads to a dirt road which goes further from the manor and out through iron gates that are open. Slightly overgrown trees and bushes decorate the too tall grass in the entryway. The sound of battle can be heard in the distance towards the north.


Dougan and Lejinna

Rhaego looks back towards the man walking into the distance, an internal conflict apparent on his face. "What do you think Lejinna?"

2014-09-30, 09:54 PM
A brief wave of sadness washes over Dougan's face, but he replies confidently "I would not object if you chased him down and taught him a lesson - but I doubt that would end well for you. I would help, but Aarakon is no innocent, and someone has unleashed creatures of chaos on this town. It may be too late for the inhabitants, but more innocents may be at stake. Mogrym is a menace, but he is strictly small scale."

2014-10-01, 05:44 AM
Edmond twirls his fingers again, in the familiar motion of a previous spell. This time, however, his arcane chant rises to cacophonous proportions.

Summon Monster II: Fiendish Wolf

2014-10-01, 09:01 AM
Kinthony will fire at the Slaad once again, hoping his bolt will have an effect.

Critical Confirmation:[roll1]
Critical Damage:[roll3]

2014-10-01, 09:36 AM
Keda suppresses a sigh of relief. He has found an exit without running into any servants of the gray, but he's not clear yet.

The strange vegetation provides cover, for which he his grateful after traversing the bare stone corridors and hallways. Still on alert, he slinks from tree to bush; intending to slip through the open gates if they are unguarded, or leap over a wall if they are.

The sounds of battle concern him. Is the town the gray mentioned close by? Are the slaad attacking the "invaders"? Though as he moves, he can't help but continue to feel unnerved by the constancy of this place. Even the sky remains unchanged...

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]
(+2 if Chaotic Outsiders).

2014-10-01, 11:08 AM
Frowning as the armored man completely ignores her words, Lejinna considers whether or not to follow him, closing her eyes and breathing deeply to let the wisdom of her icy homeland flow into her.

"We shall see if this Wall-tatter of his holds any true power, to make him think he can ignore the words of one such as myself," Lejinna says with a smile after some consideration, readying her weapon and following the armored man, moving quietly but quickly until she is close enough to reach him with the Ice God's Fingers.

"Southerner! I extend you the greeting of your kin!" She says as she swings.

Moving in and swinging with Ice God's Fingers.

Init for after the surprise round: [roll0]

Rolling to see which maneuver I'm granted: [roll1]

1: Crusader's Strike
2: Vanguard Strike
3: Stone Bones
4: Leading the Attack
5: Douse the Flames

2014-10-01, 10:23 PM
Dougan was hoping violence could be averted - but it's too late for that. Better that Mogrym go down than Aarakon face torture and this woman from the north be delayed or injured.

I'm guessing that Dougan doesn't get to act in the surprise round. If he does, he's using Sound Burst, 1d8 sonic damage and DC 16 stun.
Initiative [roll0]

2014-10-02, 02:31 PM
Arnvid, Kinthony and Edmond

The slaad glanced towards the dwarf as he readied another arrow, the motion left an opening that Kinthony quickly made use of, a bolt dug into the slaad's soft neck. The slaad immediately swatted at the biting bolt and turned its attention to Kinthony and Edmond. The creature begins approaching slowly, waggling its fingers and making funny soundsChaos Hammer; a sudden explosion of multicolored sparks engulfs Kinthony burning and battering his body. Then another such explosion bursts around Edmond, showering him with colorful sparks. The slaad laughs at its own actions.
I'm going to need both Edmond and Kinthony to make Will saves, then Edmond will need to make a Concentration check to maintain the Summon Monster II spell, I'll have the DC for you once you roll your Will save.


Dougan and Lejinna

The wild woman from the north rushes Mogrym from behind, swinging her strange weapon at his back. The swing knocks the man slightly but Lejinna can tell that its pointed antlers didn't breach the armor the man wore, maybe Valthanthor was looking over this one today.
Mogrym turned on the woman with almost impossible speed, a stern look baring into her. "Again, I am assaulted!" His cudgel comes flying in from behind her own swing, but Lejinna manages to slip away from the strike. As soon as Lejinna had moved Rhaego rushes in for another attempt at the righteous man. His greatsword screeches awfully against the man's armor.

Dougan gets to act before Rhaego, I only put Rhaego's attack in because he missed. If his joining the combat would hinder your options assume he isn't there since you act first. After Dougan's turn, Lejinna is next.



The neraph moves using the trees and hedges as cover, as he nears the gate he spots a familiar sight. A large blue slaad rushes through the gate, in its hurry it moves past Keda without any sign of noticing the well hidden outsider; Keda can see the slaad is wounded. The slaad bursts through the doors to the front of the manor, leaving Keda alone in the front yard again. He edges closer to the wall, opting to go over instead of through the gate in case another such intrusion occurs. Once over the wall and away from the light foliage Keda is able to see the outlines of buildings as the sky gradually darkens, ushering in the night.

2014-10-02, 06:44 PM
This man seems hard to injure with weapons. Then again, armour will do that. Sadly, the way forward may go through killing the man. Then again, if this works, the northwoman will be able to finish this without further effort.

Dougan moves a little closer and casts Hold Person

OOC: DC 17 vs paralysis, and therefore coup de gras attacks

2014-10-03, 02:34 AM
I apologize for the AFK'ing, but I lost track of this thread, not I have it on and rolling :D

Katherine, after hearing the hobgoblin was not injured, replied to Inti. Yes, I'm going with you-nya! Then she followed the tiefling and Gharzagh. But I'm afraid running in this forme would be slowing you down. And so, she turns into a little feline of a size of a common housecat with white fur, and starts running paired in speed with her companion and goblinoid. Nya~~!

Available Stances.
◘ Child of Shadow (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/child-shadow--3685/)
○ Assassin's Stance (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/assassins-stance--3682/)
○ Flame's Blessing (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/flames-blessing--3577/)

◘ equals current stance.
○ equals non-current stance.

Readied Maneuvers.
☺ Cloak of Deception (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/cloak-deception--3687/)
☺ Distracting Ember (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/distracting-ember--3572/)
☺ Moment of Perfect Mind (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/moment-perfect-mind--3632/)
☺ Sudden Leap (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/sudden-leap--3748/)
☺ Shadow Jaunt (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/shadow-jaunt--3701/)
☺ Soaring Raptor Strike (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/soaring-raptor-strike--3747/)

☺ equals readied maneuver.
☻ equals expended maneuver.

2014-10-03, 03:21 AM
Would Abrupt Jaunt allow me to zip out of the area of effect of the spell?

Will: [roll0]

Concentration: [roll1]

2014-10-03, 08:52 PM

This may hurt.

2014-10-04, 09:16 AM
A wounded blue, running into the structure? This can only mean trouble.

Now that he's over the wall and safely clear of the odd building, and noting that the sky is beginning to darken, Keda begins to feel a little better. At least some things about this place change.

He begins to pick up pace, though he maintains the cover of vegetation wherever possible. Curiosity pulls him in the direction of the sounds of battle. If that blue is going for reinforcements, then things may go badly for who or whatever it is they are fighting... time to find out about these 'invaders'.

2014-10-04, 12:56 PM
[roll0]ten characters

2014-10-04, 01:08 PM
Remember, Lejinna has 10' reach with her current weapon, so he'd have had to step in to attack her.

Seeing the armored man shrug off the other southerner's magic, Lejinna moves back from him and swings the Ice God's Fingers once again, connection to the frozen north surging even in the southern heat.

5' step back, initiate Stone Bones. If I hit I get DR 5/adamantine for one round.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-10-04, 08:27 PM
Dougan and Lejinna

The holy warrior of Valthanthor seems well protected and guarded, with the sun dropping out of sight behind him, he illuminates the top of his cudgel as he steps in behind Lejinna's swing. His heavy cudgel sends light through the air as he swings at Lejinna, though she deftly twists out of the way. "You're a quick one."


Edmond, Kinthony and Arnvid

Edmond suddenly disappears and reappears ten feet away, while Kinthony is left to take the full barrage of multicolored explosions. Kinthony's body is burned and smells oddly, his muscles ache and he seems to have difficulty moving. Arnvid fires his last conjured arrow at the slaad, the arrow bounces harmlessly off it's thick back.
Kinthony's next, then the slaad, then Edmund


Gharzagh, Inti and Katherine

As the group gets closer to the edge of Savas Pride, the sun light nearly gone behind them and the stars making an effort to be seen, the need for light becomes apparent. Gharzagh motions towards a dark silhouette, Sven's house. The sound of battle can be heard plainly and the jitters greep back into the hobgoblin.

Can I get some Listen checks, and Spot checks from Gharzagh and Katherine.



Keda creeps up to the first looming structure on his path to the sound of fighting, another tall and straight thing. He moves to a hole that is filled with transparent material, the place is dark inside but Keda's darkvision allows him to see the outlines of the interior in stark black and white. There's sparse decoration, and no one inside. Keda moves on around the building and continues along, the sounds of battle maybe four hundred feet away.

2014-10-04, 09:12 PM
Dougan is unfazed by the temporary setback. He prepared that spell twice this morning, and it still seems like the best way to end this fight and get to dealing with the chaos summoning. He casts Hold Person again.

2014-10-04, 09:59 PM
Can I get some Listen checks, and Spot checks from Gharzagh and Katherine.

Listen: [roll0]

2014-10-04, 10:46 PM
Kinthony will back away from the Slaad and reload his crossbow.

2014-10-04, 11:34 PM
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2014-10-05, 02:13 AM
Keda taps a talon on the transparent material before moving on. Glass?! Glass is a luxury in the Ever-Changing Chaos... these must be a wealthy people indeed, if they can afford to block the windows of their dwellings with glass! Maybe the gray slaad is interested in their wealth? he ponders to himself, as he moves past the building.

With the sound of combat drawing ever-closer the Neraph picks up speed a little, slowing only as he approaches the source of the noise.

Double moving at 80' per round for about 3 or 4 rounds, so Hide and Move Silent are at -5 for moving faster than half speed. Then, dropping to half speed as he gets closer to whatever is fighting. An annulat is still in his hand, ready to throw.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]
(+2 if Chaotic Outsiders).

2014-10-06, 07:23 AM
Edmond touches a small pearl in his belt pouch, admiring the smooth texture as it fills his mind again with arcane incantations. He calls upon his rehearsed knowledge of the arcane arts to summon forth a blinding ray of colours that flash before the Slaad.

After, he orders his summon minion forward, to mercilessly maul his foe.

With a sideways glance, he looks to his companion and asks Kiinthony, "Are you alright?"

I kind of forget; do charges increase damage or just attack? I've been treating it as a +2 attack -2 AC, but I feel like it's supposed to increase damage too. Yes or no?

Cast Colour Spray on the Slaad.

Wolf charge attack + trip (if the attack succeeds)

Attack [roll0]

Crit Con [roll1]

Damage [roll2]

Trip [roll3]

2014-10-06, 10:15 PM
Dougan and Lejinna

Mogrym struggles for a brief moment as Dougan finishes his spell, but the resilient man continues to move free from paralysis. Rhaego wastes no time when Mogrym slows for just a moment, swinging with all his might the northern barbarian swings his sword. The blade screeches against metal, leaving behind a visible gash, though Mogrym managed to throw himself back just enough to avoid a disemboweling.

Ok wow, Mogrym is proving to be a pain to take down. It's Lejinna's turn.


Edmond and Kinthony/Gharzagh, Inti and Katherine

Kinthony began to move backwards, all his effort was focused on moving backward as the process was agonizingly slow. Kinthony watched as the slaad grinned and gestured as if casting a spell. Suddenly a loud, ear splitting noise seemed to shoot from the slaad and Kinthony's crossbow exploded into shards leaving him weaponless. The beast laughed in amusement before Edmond's spell struck its face, the slaad staggered a step and looks stunned. Edmund wastes no time in directing his fiendish wolf to attack the slaad. The wolf lunges at the slaad, biting its leg, but failing to penetrate its thick hide. However, Arnvid fires an arrow at the monster's head, catching by surprise, instead of the expected piercing effect the arrow explodes with a bang.

As Gharzagh, Inti and Katherine approach the back of Sven's house they hear something large moving around, though they see nothing. Then a two loud bangs occur one after the other, drawing their attention towards the front and the battle that's being waged.

I need Gharzagh, Inti and Katherine to roll Initiative. Then I need everyone to make a Listen check, that includes Edmond and Kinthony. And can Edmond and Kinthony both make a Spot check and a Knowledge(the planes) check.



Keda moves past the buildings, trying to close the distance to the fight, when suddenly two loud bangs echo one after the other. After a few seconds Keda sees the battle, a green slaad stands between two creatures, one smaller humanoid and one larger. Another short, stout humanoid is wielding a longbow, the three humanoids all seem to be coordinating against the slaad.

Roll Initiative please.

2014-10-06, 11:44 PM
Lejinna steps back and attacks again.

Swing with IGF.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2014-10-07, 12:18 AM
Nya~? The housecat lets out as they approach the scene. She tries to keep up with the other two, but separates a bit from their way and tries to go within the darkness (shadows, for example.)

Initiative: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]Available Stances.
◘ Child of Shadow (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/child-shadow--3685/)
○ Assassin's Stance (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/assassins-stance--3682/)
○ Flame's Blessing (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/flames-blessing--3577/)

◘ equals current stance.
○ equals non-current stance.

Readied Maneuvers.
☺ Cloak of Deception (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/cloak-deception--3687/)
☺ Distracting Ember (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/distracting-ember--3572/)
☺ Moment of Perfect Mind (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/moment-perfect-mind--3632/)
☺ Sudden Leap (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/sudden-leap--3748/)
☺ Shadow Jaunt (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/shadow-jaunt--3701/)
☺ Soaring Raptor Strike (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/soaring-raptor-strike--3747/)

☺ equals readied maneuver.
☻ equals expended maneuver.

2014-10-07, 02:27 AM
Initiative check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

2014-10-07, 08:48 AM
More humanoids... perhaps they are of the same House as the captives?

Initiative: 1d20+4

Also, Knowledge (The Planes) check to try and recall any strengths/weaknesses of Green Slaad. I'm not sure if I can apply Favoured Enemy bonus to this or not?
Knowledge (The Planes): 1d20+4

2014-10-07, 08:49 AM
Sorry for the double post - messed up the roll tags. :smallredface:

Initiative: [roll0]
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll1]

2014-10-08, 05:18 AM
Spot [roll0]

Listen [roll1]

Know Planes [roll2]

2014-10-08, 10:10 PM
Listen: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

2014-10-08, 10:45 PM
Keda of House Frost Moon closes the distance between himself and the combatants, annulat already clutched in one hand and sliding a short sword from over his shoulder with the other hand.

Now that he can make out some details he moves much more stealthily, taking the opportunity to observe the humanoids and their slaad foe.

Draw short sword while double moving at half speed for 40', moving silently and hiding where possible.
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Also paying close attention to the fight and the behaviour of the humanoids.
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2014-10-09, 06:08 PM
Dougan and Lejinna

Lejinna follows Rhaego's swing with a powerful strike, the pointed fingers dent Mogrym's armor, knocking the wind from his lungs.

Mogrym reaches out a hand to grab at Rhaego, Rhaego's reflexes prove to be too slow as Mogrym grabs hold of the man. Suddenly Rhaego screams in agony as his insides are wracked with pain.
Dougan's turn again.


Edmond, Kinthony, Keda, Inti, Gharzagh and Katherine

The green slaad glances to the left as Gharzagh, Inti and Katherine move into the space between Sven's home and barn. A smile spreads across its wide mouth, "More toys for my game? How fun!" The slaad pauses briefly and turns a bit more to watch Keda slip into the bushes boarding Sven's yard. "And a Neraph? How did you get here? Hmm, how about we play on the same terms."

it's Kinthony's turn.

2014-10-10, 09:02 AM
Dougan runs his options through his mind quickly. He feels summoning should be held in reserve for the greater threats to come. Heat metal is less likely to be useful, so he should use it now. He dismisses regret that he chose it over outright flame, and casts the spell.

Heat metal does no damage this round, then 1d4, then 2d4, then 1d4. If he'd memorized produce flame, he'd be working with 1d6+5 a round of touch attacks that armour doesn't partially negate instead. :smallfrown:

2014-10-11, 03:07 PM
Kinthony will inspect his cracked crossbow as he loads another bolt into it.

"You're going to pay for that one lizard."

2014-10-13, 04:57 AM
If Edmond's summoned cohort is still alive on his turn, Edmon commands it to attack again. While his minion is occupied strike out against the enemy, Edmond utilizes his arcane talents to conjure another combatant.

Attack [roll0]

Crit Con [roll1]

Damage [roll2]

Trip [roll3]

Edmond casts Summon Monster II to summon another Fiendish Wolf

2014-10-13, 11:28 AM
Dougan and Lejinna

Mogrym turns quickly away from Lejinna, bringing his cudgel to bear against Rhaego in a wide, two-handed sweep. The cudgel connects and knocks the wind out of the wild man, Rhaego stumbles briefly and Mogrym uses the moment to pull forth a white wand from his vestments.

Alright that's it for Mogrym, sorry for the delay.


The Rest of the Party

As Kinthony works to load his crossbow, the effects of the spell dragging his movement to crawl. The slaad raises its hand and starts laughing, a thick inky blackness begins spreading through air surrounding its hand. The darker than night cloud continues to spread through the air reaching out to shroud everyone. Deeper darkness

The cloud of darkness is covering everyone in this combat, you're all blinded and in Total Concealment. This is the Initiative Order,
Inti - current turn

2014-10-16, 12:38 PM
With the northwoman finding ways to damage the man, ending the fight by adding injury to injury seems like the way to go about this. Dougan starts using his outright damaging spells.

Unless the other two are exactly across from Mogrym, Dougan will use Sound Blast, [roll0] sonic damage and a DC 16 Fort save vs 1 round of stun (which would also lower AC and disarm the cudgel and wand). It's still possible to use that even if they are flanking like this:


If they are exactly opposite so he can't sound burst without hitting an ally, then Dougan will use burning hands, [roll1] fire damage.

2014-10-16, 09:26 PM
Inti takes a brief moment to asess the Slaad, then charges into the fray.


(That's an actual Charge, by the way, so -2 AC until my next turn.)

2014-10-16, 09:29 PM
Inti takes a brief moment to asess the Slaad, then charges into the fray.

*rolls snipped*

(That's an actual Charge, by the way, so -2 AC until my next turn.)

...I keep forgetting that rollv doesn't work like that anymore. So... is that a natural 14 or total?

Testing: [roll0]

EDIT: Okay, natural 14, so 22 total.

2014-10-20, 02:53 AM
Katherine (Cat Form)

Kitty-Katty threats the slaad with her teeth and hissing sounds (not much to an effect). As the situation looks, that thing might have been the evil guy, as he looks threatening enough.


Katherine will do either one of the following actions, depending on the current mapping (which I can't really map in my mind.)

Situation 1: If the Slaad is less than 30 feet appart from where Katherine is standing, she will move enough distance to get adjacent to the Slaad, then, as a Swift Action, she will use Distracting Ember to create a flanking situation right behind the Slaad, initiating the maneuver Soaring Raptor Strike to deal massive damage.
Jump Check: [roll0]
Attack Roll: [roll1]
• Flankin bonuses applied. Add +4 if the Jump check succeeded against the Slaad's AC, if not, the attack is negated completely.
Damage Roll: [roll2] + [roll3]
Attack Roll: [roll4]
Damage Roll: [roll5]

Situation 2: If the Slaad is farther than 30 feet from Katherine's standing title, she will run in a circle to get herself a charging optimal position right against the Slaad (running if it is possible for the x4), if not possible due to difficult terrain, she will move twice.Available Stances.
◘ Child of Shadow (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/child-shadow--3685/)
○ Assassin's Stance (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/assassins-stance--3682/)
○ Flame's Blessing (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/flames-blessing--3577/)

◘ equals current stance.
○ equals non-current stance.

Readied Maneuvers.
☺ Cloak of Deception (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/cloak-deception--3687/)
☻ Distracting Ember (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/distracting-ember--3572/)[/S]
☺ Moment of Perfect Mind (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/moment-perfect-mind--3632/)
☺ Sudden Leap (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/sudden-leap--3748/)
☺ Shadow Jaunt (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/shadow-jaunt--3701/)
☻ Soaring Raptor Strike (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/soaring-raptor-strike--3747/)

☺ equals readied maneuver.
☻ equals expended maneuver.Available Stances.
◘ Child of Shadow (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/child-shadow--3685/)
○ Assassin's Stance (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/assassins-stance--3682/)
○ Flame's Blessing (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/flames-blessing--3577/)

◘ equals current stance.
○ equals non-current stance.

Readied Maneuvers.
☺ Cloak of Deception (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/cloak-deception--3687/)
☺ Distracting Ember (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/distracting-ember--3572/)
☺ Moment of Perfect Mind (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/moment-perfect-mind--3632/)
☺ Sudden Leap (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/sudden-leap--3748/)
☺ Shadow Jaunt (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/shadow-jaunt--3701/)
☺ Soaring Raptor Strike (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/soaring-raptor-strike--3747/)

☺ equals readied maneuver.
☻ equals expended maneuver.

2014-10-26, 05:40 PM

Edmond reaches into his pack and pulls forth a torch, he unravels the cloth at the head and light spills into the darkness. Unable to see more than 20', he orders his wolf after the slaad, the fiendish beasts charges off into the darkness. Growls and savagery can be heard.

The wolf charges at the slaad and lunges and grabs hold of the slaad's arm in its powerful jaws. The slaad whips the wolf roughly to the ground in response.

2014-10-27, 02:53 AM
Still somewhat unsure of what to make of the situation, Keda decides to side with the humanoids, at least for now. If nothing else, the green Slaad appears to be the more dangerous opponent.

He moves to within close striking distance and flicks his annulat at the Slaad in the inky darkness.

Move to within 30' of the Slaad & throw annulat.
Attack: 1d20+8
Damage: 1d6+4 [/roll ]
(includes point blank & favorite enemy, but no skirmish due to concealment)
Miss chance: [roll] 1d100

2014-10-27, 03:11 AM
Sorry, messed up the rolls again.

Move to within 30' of the Slaad & throw annulat.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
(includes point blank & favorite enemy, but no skirmish due to concealment)
Miss chance: [roll2]

2014-10-27, 08:14 AM
Gharzagh, feeling that somehow the fear effect is gone now, decides to enter into battle against the creature who mocked him before. With a battle cry, the hobgoblin charges with his guisarme pointing to the gangly body of the greenish monster.


Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The guisarme is a reach weapon, so after the charge Gharzagh will be placed at 10ft. distance from the Slaad. He will also have a -2 penalty to AC in the next round due to the charge.

2014-11-01, 08:20 AM
Knowing that shooting into the dark would be a bad idea, Kinthony will set his bow down and pull a wand out of his backpack.

Using a charge from Wand of Lesser Vigor
Use Magic Device:[roll0]