View Full Version : Devombor - IC

2014-05-16, 12:40 AM
Telkherrin, south of Devombor
May 16th, year 1123

The skies have grown dark and the winds are picking up. The steppe of Telkherrin is known for its sudden violent storms in the late summer, but storm season doesn't start for a month still. Nonetheless, the clouds are accumulating rapidly as you quicken your pace, searching for shelter before the rain comes. No haven can be found on the treeless plains. Soon the rain begins, thrown in your face by the howling winds; still with no shelter in sight. Darkness descends and the rain beats down harder. Then you start to feel hail. You need to find somewhere to weather the storm.

Thunder resonates across the plains as a bolt of lightning rends the sky. For a fraction of a second, night turns to day, and in that moment you see the silhouette of a small structure on a hilltop. It looks old, like some kind of ancient monument. But its most relevant feature is that it has a roof...and an open door.

Bounty Hunter
2014-05-16, 10:26 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

White hair matted to his head and stuck to his face a stocky figure stumbles through the windswept plains in open defiance of the unrelenting force of the storm. He tries to shield his eyes with one hand as drops of rain and sleet pool and fall from his nose, his chainmail, and the various braids of his soaking shock-white beard. Then, as luck would have it, hail starts to join the downpour of rain and sleet. This transforms the storm from a large inconvenience to actually being a hazard and forcing the figure to start seeking out some shelter.

With the flash of lightning his surroundings become as bright as day and the stocky figure can be clearly distinguished as a dwarf in silver chainmail. The sight of some sort of structure catches his eyes and he quickly makes a way towards it to grant him shelter from the storm. Even one such as he, with the power of the elements at his fingers and the spirits of the wild at his call, knew only a fool would continue to stand against the whiles of nature. Quickly as his short legs would carry him he scampers through the door and into the darkness beyond.

Once inside, the dwarf places a hand on the wall and attempts to navigate away from the door and the storm that rages outside it. He doesnt yet bother with such trivial things as shaking the water off his worn travelsack, or combing the flecks of ice from his beard, and lighting up one of the two sunrods nestled in the bottom of his pack; first thing first, he needed a dry place to stop and catch his breath.

2014-05-16, 06:47 PM
Falnar Lightkeeper trundles slowly but steadily through the increasing storm. He walks with his shield above his head to block some of the rain, but it's a bad sign when hail begins to beat against it. It hardly ever rains this early in the season, and never this badly. Did someone make a prayer to Kord? Regardless, this storm is going to get worse before it gets better; I need to find shelter. When the lightning bolt illuminates the open door on the hilltop, Falnar makes a run for it. Ominous as it may be, anything's better than being stuck out here.

2014-05-17, 09:48 AM
Rheylu fixed his eyes on the looming structure. It's resemblance to the site he'd seen in his dreams was uncanny. Perhaps the spirits were trying to tell him something. Which a shrug, he advanced slowly toward the entrance.

2014-05-18, 12:48 AM
The structure is smaller than it appeared from a distance. It's walls and roof form a large dome, with a spire extending from the time. The doorway is short, but can be passed through easily enough. The room inside smells of dust, mold, and animal droppings. A whistle can be heard coming from the interior of the spire, suggesting a hole somewhere above.

Once a light is lit, the details of the room become visible. The flagstone floor is covered in dust which looks to have been disturbed recently. The floor by the entrance also shows scorch marks

There is a smaller dome inside with its own, smaller door, which is already open and leads to a downward staircase. Over the door is an inscription in the old alphabet used for writing in the Goblin language.

The script uses an archaic script and some old words and syntax, but it's readable for those fluent in the modern tongue.

"Those who disturb the rest of the Weeping Emperor shall suffer the wrath of Viska"

Someone with knowledge of History or Religion would know something about this inscription.

The sounds of others entering the tomb can be barely heard over the gale outside. Due to the danger posed by the sudden storms in the area, the region has a tradition called the "storm peace": when a storm strikes, personal grievances and vendettas are set aside as long as people share a shelter. But those arriving may not respect the old traditions.

Bounty Hunter
2014-05-18, 05:28 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

Stumbling along the first few dozen feet the dwarf feels he's reached a point far enough from the gale outside and stops to catch his breath. Even his keen dwarven vision requires a bit of light however, and the random flashes of far away lightning do little to illuminate his surroundings for long, so he takes off his pack and begins to dig through it. Grabbing one of the sunrods, he pulls it out and activates sending forth a burst of light that washes over the room and reveals the smaller dome with open door, the strange inscription above it, and more curiously the disturbed dust and burn marks that litter the floor. Just then he hears the sounds of the others entering from outside and turns towards the door.

"Ho there! Come in out of the storm...theres shelter enough in here for the lot of you. Though from the looks of it we're not the first to arrive." He holds the sunrod aloft to try and get a look at the figure(s) as they come through the door.

2014-05-18, 12:19 PM
"This is a fine mess you've gotten yourself into," Hobb mutters as he hurries through the rain. His leather overcoat is pulled right around him with the hood up to shield his face, It offers little protection from the driving rain.

Lightning flashes and thunder roars high above him, causing him to jump. He picks up his pace, heading to nowhere in particular. He curses every god whose name he can recall as he scans the darkened horizon for some kind of shelter.

After several minutes more, the first hailstones begin to fall. One impacts the ground nearby to Hobb, close enough for him to see its size. "You must be joking..." He breaks into a panicked run, rain and sleet stinging his face as he sprints across the water-slicked grass as fast as his little legs will carry him.

Another flash of lightning comes, casting blinding light across the endless fields around Hobb. In this instant, he spots a small structure. He cannot make out any distinct features in the moment of illumination, though at this point he cares little. It is shelter.

He runs headlong towards it, slipping and falling over his own feet as he scrambles up the flooded hillside. Once he is close enough to see the ruined entrance to the small stone structure, he spots a light emanating from within. It moves about, as if held by someone, and a voice comes from inside, though all he can make out before the storm carries it away is a booming "Ho there!"

Hobb barrels through the open stone entryway and into the dry ruin within. He breathes a sigh of relief and drops his heavy pack to the ground, slumping against the wall some feet in. In a rare flash of brilliance, he had remembered to don his carved mask before entering.

Looking down the hall, he sees a dwarf holding a lit sunrod - the source of the light - as well as a hulking dragonborn in soaking plate armor and a wild-looking human resting himself against a trident. "A moment to catch my breath, please, then the pleasantries." He gives a dismissive wave of his hand before any of them can speak.

Bounty Hunter
2014-05-18, 01:51 PM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

"Of course of course... no rush implied on our behalf." The white-haired dwarf answers as he continues to rifle through his pack making sure nothing had been damaged by the incessant rain. "But mind the door would ya? The elements are restless tonight and from the looks of things the storm has only just begun." He makes a sweeping motion with one hand as he says this, emphasizing his request to close the door then turns his attention back to his pack. Seemingly satisfied that his leather bag and taken the brunt of the rain and keep his belongings dry he begins to put things back into their proper order and close things up. His attitude changes however when he sees how utterly soaked his bedroll had become, exposed as it was being attached to the bottom of the travelsack.

2014-05-18, 08:32 PM
Hobb follows the dwarf's example and quickly sifts through his own pack, ensuring that everything within is still in a relatively dry and useable condition. Satisfied with his supplies, he sits for several moments, breathing deep and leaning against the hard stone.

He sets his pack to the side and stands, wandering over to the structure's entrance. He places his hand on the wall and looks out into the stormy night. Nothing but blackness greets him. The wind blows ice-cold droplets of rain in through the opening. He shakes his head and steps back. He is just about to turn and head further back in when he notices something on the ground. He kneels and examines the floor closer. There appear to be scorch marks on the stone. "That is . . . troubling," he mutters.

He turns to the dwarf and is about to make mention of the scorching when something else catches his eye. In the steady light of the sunrod, on the far wall of the small antechamber, is an inscription carved into the stone. He recognizes the script immediately as the language of his people, though the words themselves and their arrangement are strange to him. After several long moments puzzling over them, he is able to form them into a cohesive phrasing, or an approximation of one.

His heart pounds in his chest. The warning inscribed on the wall frightens him nearly as much as the thought of finding the long-lost tomb he had sought for weeks excites him. "Someone out there certainly has a cruel sense of humor," he chuckles dryly.

Demonic Jester
2014-05-18, 10:34 PM
Varis grimly looks through the rain for a site of refuge. Off in the distance he notes a group of individuals hovering around a monument. Debating his options he decides it best to try to seek refuge with the strangers then risk weathering the storm any longer.

He pulls his cloak tight and makes his way towards the group. At the entrance he addresses the current occupants "Greetings. Can I share this space until the storm passes?" As he enters the structure he opens his cloak to reveal a variety of holy symbols of an unrecognizable god as well as two ornate crystalline statues, one in the shape of a wolf, the other in the shape of a bear.

Bounty Hunter
2014-05-19, 06:24 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

"Aye I noticed that too." Thoradin says in response to Hobb as the goblin kneels and takes note of the scorch marks on the stone floor. "The burns were there and the dust was disturbed afore I came in but I don't know what to make of it though" The dwarf starts to point out the disturbed dust that leads through the room and down into the darkness beyond the next threshold but cuts the motion short as he notices goblin's attention shifts elsewhere. He watches as the masked figure puzzles of the inscription carved over the door. "What? What is it? What does it say?" He asks curiously, eager what had caused such a reaction, so much so that he hardly noticed another traveler entering to take cover from the gale outside.

2014-05-19, 08:53 AM
Varis pulls his cloak tight and makes his way towards the group. At the entrance he addresses the current occupants "Greetings. Can I share this space until the storm passes?" As he enters the structure he opens his cloak to reveal a variety of holy symbols of an unrecognizable god as well as two ornate crystalline statues, one in the shape of a wolf, the other in the shape of a bear.

Falnar bows to the newcomer. "Of course. We are all seeking shelter from the same storm. I am Falnar Lightkeeper, servant of Bahamut. And you are..? He gestures to the three strangers.

Religion to identify Varis' holy symbols and statues: [roll0]

"It is strange to see a follower of _________ in these lands. What brings you here?"

Falnar waits for an explanation instead of asking. He says nothing more.

2014-05-19, 10:52 AM
Rheylu gives off a toothy grin "Greetings. I looks like we're in for some invigorating weather tonight." Seeing the activity toward the back of the room, he says "Care to share what you're reading? I'm not familiar with that particular script." Looking further he continues "Those stair certainly look interesting. Unless that writing there mentions some kind of instant death curse, I may pop my head down there." Cocking his head to the side he finishes "Actually, I might do that anyway, such warnings are not always to be trusted."

2014-05-19, 05:03 PM
"No, no death curse mentioned. Not instant, at any rate," Hobb runs through the inscription in his head once more, making sure he has it correct, "It's a warning, against disturbing this tomb. Seems this is the resting place of one Weeping Emperor. The inscription also mentions the name Viska. Perhaps they're one in the same."

He steps closer to the inscribed characters, squinting against the light of the sunrod. His own natural vision provides him a good enough view. A thought occurs to him, and he voices it absent-mindedly, "Or perhaps this Viska is some sort of horrific, flesh-eating tomb guardian or some such." He chuckles grimly to himself.

History check to see if Hobb can recall anything related to the Weeping Emperor or the name Viska, or any pertinent information about the tomb.


2014-05-19, 11:05 PM
Hobb doesn't remember a lot, but what he does recall comes quickly, as it's relevant to his heritage. Viska is a demigod, credited with creating the Goblins, who is now subordinate to Bane. The Weeping Emperor refers to the last emperor of Vishkavhan. His is so called because the empire fell under his rule.

Bounty Hunter
2014-05-20, 06:40 PM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

"That doesn't bode well a'tall" Thoradin grumbles, a deep frown crossing his wrinkled face as his eyes turn back to the dust trail on the floor. "Who's tha Weeping Emperor and why would someone that sounds so important be laid to rest out here in the midst of nowhere? I dont suspect many travelers..." He stops mids-sentence suddenly realizing that, not only had he been wandering about the local area, but so too had several others who he'd completely forgotten about in the excitement of the mysterious tomb. He turns half-way round and gives a polite nod to those closer to the door but waits on Hobb's answer before changing the subject.

Demonic Jester
2014-05-20, 10:15 PM
Falnar bows to the newcomer. "Of course. We are all seeking shelter from the same storm. I am Falnar Lightkeeper, servant of Bahamut. And you are..? He gestures to the three strangers.

"Those who know me call me Varis, just Varis."

He notices the paladin staring at the holy symbols that draped his chest. "Ah, do you like these symbols? They are tributes to a god lost long ago, old enough that his name was forever lost to the eons of time. I could tell you about him sometime if you like."

With that he turns to the rest of the group and says "The dead don't rest easy in these parts. I have seen it first hand. There are many wicked souls who have taken eternal slumber that best remain undisturbed."

2014-05-20, 11:28 PM
"Bloody hard to speak of a god when you can't even remember his name, wouldn't you say?" Hobb looks over his shoulder at Varis, examining the numerous holy 'relics' shining beneath his robes. He turns fully around and shrugs, then looks to the dwarf. "The goblin kingdoms once thrived upon these steppes. From what I can recall, the Weeping Emperor ruled over one such nation a very long time ago. It ended badly, I've heard."

"As for Viska, it is a fallen deity. The patron of goblins and their ilk now, courtesy of Bane. Pardon my brief lapse in memory," he eyes Varis once more, smirking behind his mask, "I've never really been a religious man."

2014-05-21, 11:06 AM
Varis notices the paladin staring at the holy symbols that draped his chest."Ah, do you like these symbols? They are tributes to a god lost long ago, old enough that his name was forever lost to the eons of time. I could tell you about him sometime if you like."

Falnar smiles as he responds. "I would like that. I am always interested in discovering different faiths."

Varis turns to the rest of the group and says "The dead don't rest easy in these parts. I have seen it first hand. There are many wicked souls who have taken eternal slumber that best remain undisturbed."

"However, a religious discussion might be inappropriate for now. If there are undead around, putting them to rest should be our first priority. But, if the inscription is a warning against disturbing the tomb, and it mentions a deity... then I would rather not interrupt the resting place of the dead. If they rise up to attack us, then I will gladly set their spirits free, but there seems to be no reason to disturb the tomb. There is shelter here, and I am perfectly happy to wait until the storm passes.

2014-05-23, 11:26 AM
Rheylu moves closer to the tracks Thoradin pointed out. "It looks like someone already did disturb this place, and recently at that. It's possible the burns are from the tombs defenses. The question is, did the invaders perish or might we have unexpected guests in the middle of the night.

Turning toward Falnar, he continues "Any idea whether disturbing the tomb is literal. Those warning are usually there to prevent graverobbing. It may be possible to visit the tomb without disturbing it, provided we don't touch anything, so long as the spirit aren't feelin inhospitable."

Doing a perception/nature roll to try getting a feel for how old the tracks are and if there any coming back out. [roll0]

2014-05-23, 03:51 PM
The tracks are difficult to make out, as there were probably multiple creatures, moving in multiple directions.

2014-05-24, 12:28 PM
Falnar lets out a sigh. "It feels wrong to enter the tomb. But if someone else is unjustly disturbing the dead, then it becomes our job to stop them. You are right: we should head down." Falnar hoists his shield. "And I can lead the way." With his shield in front of him, Falnar slowly descends the stairs into the crypt. Bahamut protect us. And Bahamut protect the dead.

Bounty Hunter
2014-05-25, 03:08 PM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

"Aye, tha' would be the best plan if'n somethings already chosen to disturb the tomb." Thoradin nods in agreement, his eyes a stoney and serious shade of grey. "But the lot of ya best be mindful not to do any disburbing while we're down there ourselfs, the spirits of this place may already be vengueful...could even be the cause of this powerful storm that beseiged us." He begins to gather up his pack and follows after Falnar keeping a few feet behind him.

Demonic Jester
2014-05-25, 07:03 PM
Apprehensive at first Varis concedes to the paladin. "How correct you are friend, the undead must be put to rest." While the others explore the tracks entering the tomb Varis has a thought "If the interlopers did enter the tomb, they could invoke the wrath of those who rest here. If nothing else we must make it our duty to see that does not come to pass."

With that Varis moves towards the tomb. He pulls out the small crystal of a wolf, gives it a small kiss and whispers almost inaudible words to the trinket. With a flash of green, the crystal increases in magnitude and changes form and contorts until it is a full sized wolf. However, it is clearly of some form of supernatural origin, it's body covered with arcane runes and markings that glimmer green in the low light of the night.

"Seehan, she is my faithful companion. She will help us seek out those who dare to enter the crypt." With that the two make their way towards the door, but not before allowing the others to enter before them.

Varis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=891776), Githzerai Druid (Sentinel)/Cleric
Init +5 HP 23/23 Bloodied 11 Healing Surge 5 (1 used /7)
AC 19 Fort 12 Reflex 14 Will 17 Speed 6
Str 10 (0) Con 11 (0) Dex 16 (+3) Int 8 (-1) Wis 20 (+5) Cha 10 (0)

2014-05-25, 07:27 PM
The foul smell of rotting flesh lingers in the air of the staircase. Not the flesh of the long-dead, but freshly-killed.

When the party reached the bottom of the staircase, the source of the smell is apparent. Two bodies, one elf and one human, lie decomposing on the blood-stained floor. Scattered around them are scraps of metal and machine parts, some of which resemble humanoid body parts. The smell of the decaying bodies mixed with the smell of lubricant fluids and dust.

The room is circular, with the staircase ending in the middle. There are bronze doors leading out of the rooms in each of the cardinal directions. The south door is open. Between the doors are small alcoves, although the southeast alcove is sealed by a bronze panel, save a small crack on the bottom. The panel has no obvious opening mechanism.

Demonic Jester
2014-05-25, 09:44 PM
Varis pauses for a moment at the bodies, he kneels next to them and performs one last prayer. After he finishes he examines the body to glean any clues as to their cause of death. His experience in the wild had taught him a great deal about the various injuries one can incur and the marks left behind from the experience.

After gaining whatever information he could about the unfortunate deaths of the fools who dared venture into the tomb he turns back to the group. "It seems that they may have caused the trails into the tomb we saw earlier." He points to the door. "But it seems something went into... or out of that door. We should press on with our wits about us."

With that he pulls out his holy symbol. A calm soothing light begins to emanate from it, providing negligible vision in the darkness of the abyss.

Heal check to determine their cause of death.

2014-05-25, 10:18 PM
The wounds appear to have been inflicted by heavy blades, although there are also signs of magic in the attacks.

2014-05-26, 01:51 AM
Rheylu slips down after the others. Stepping carefully around the bodies, he peers into the alcoves. At the sealed one, he'll put his eye close to the crack to see if can get a glance at anything that might be within.

Perception check [roll0]

2014-05-26, 02:03 AM
It's too dark behind the panel to see anything without holding a light source directly up to it. He does, however, hear the sounds of metal joints straining and loosening.

2014-05-26, 10:20 AM
Stepping back, Rheylu glances at the mechanical parts scattering the room. "We may not be dealing with undead at all. I suspect the guardians may have been more.. mechanical. There may still be one behind that last door so I'd give it a wide berth."

Having said that, he moves to the southern door and crouches down to check for any signs of passage.

Perception/Nature check [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2014-05-27, 06:14 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

At the sight of the bodies and machine parts stewn about the bloodied stone floor,Thoradin face goes stone serious once more and he mutters something unintilligble under his breath. He pulls his bone totem from its place at his hip and begins to lapse into a bit of a trance as he summons forth the powers of the spirits. A few seconds later the shimmering form of a wolf appears beside him, nearly as large as the dwarf himself, with a thick mane and large fangs. Its eyes glow an eeire blue as it finishes materializes at the bottom of the stairs. "Undead, machine, or otherwise... the tomb obviously has defenses in place and we best be on our guard... and worse yet it looks like the intruders have ventured further in." He nods in the direction of the opened door.

Minor : Summon Spirit Companion adjacent to Thoradin.

2014-05-27, 08:31 AM
Falnar takes a moment to examine the blood and gears on the ground before making a quick decision. "Well, here we have our grave robbers. I have to say, it serves them right. I would ordinarily be loath to press farther into the tomb, but the intruders must have gone farther inside, so we should follow. I am not worried about the machine behind that last door; if it was working, it would have attacked those who came before us. Shall we proceed?" Falnar begins to step farther into the tomb.

Bounty Hunter
2014-05-27, 02:49 PM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

Heal Check : [roll0] - To try and determine approximately how long the two bodies have been deceased.

2014-05-27, 02:57 PM
The bodies look to have been dead for 2-3 days.

2014-05-29, 10:26 AM
Hobb slips quietly down the stairs, following after the others. He stops a moment to watch the dwarf as he examines the bodies. "Not good news, I take it," he eyes the pieces of damaged metal scattering the floor, "They didn't get into a fight over this scrap and end up killing each other? I doubt I'd be so lucky."

He steps around the dwarf and further up to look at the sealed panel. "I suppose we're about to have a run-in with whatever it was did that to these fine gentlemen," he sighs, his right hand slowly, almost unknowingly making its way to his rapier, "Unless," the hand stops and he takes a step closer, "Perhaps there's something here," he mumbles to no one in particular as he examines the panel.

Perception check to see if there's anything to be seen about the panel:

And a Thievery check to see if anything can be done with or around the panel:

2014-05-29, 09:55 PM
Titan looks around, having loosened all of his joints. He has heard some noise out there, and is wondering what it his...and why he doesn't feel compelled to fight it.

If there are any out there who are not the enemies of the Emperor, I would appreciate some aid with this door. I am not in favor of this state of things, as I seem to be stuck behind it at the moment.

Perception check to see if there's anything inside that might help in opening the door


2014-05-30, 02:11 AM
The panel appears to have tried to open before, but it was jammed by something. Opening it manually could be accomplished with a DC 15 strength check, with one person able to assist from the other side.

Perception: The door has some fine ornamentation around its edges, but otherwise lacks features.

Thievery: Hobb thinks he could make it easier to lift with the proper application of grease. A DC 15 Thievery check will reduce the Strength check require to open the door by 2.

Titan notices that there's a stone jammed between the frame and panel, which is probably what prevented it from opening before. Removing it will make opening the panel possible with a DC 15 Strength check.

2014-05-30, 08:59 AM
Hobb is momentarily taken aback at the voice from behind the panel. He eyes the metal barrier warily. "Several others like you have already been set loose, and they made quite the mess of several others like us. What assurance do we have that you'll come out of there peacefully? I'd rather not be made a mess today," he continues his examination of the panel as he speaks. He runs his fingers across one of the creases where the panel meets the wall. The opening is small, but an opening nonetheless, "I may have found a way to get you out of there. Can I be sure you'll not pull me apart like your friends seem to have done?"

2014-05-30, 01:43 PM
If you are not one of the Emperor's enemies, I would be glad of any service you could render. It is not that I lack for anything in here, but I am becoming rather bored.

He pauses.

Boredom. That is new. I do not recall ever having been bored before...

2014-05-30, 05:15 PM
"I'm sorry you've been so bored. If only you your little door hadn't jammed, you could've been out here mutilating hapless wanderers alongside your kin," Hobb snarks offhandedly at the construct behind the panel, "Now wait a moment and I'll see if I can help in getting you out of there." He kneels down and quickly removes a small rolled-up strip of leather from one of the many pockets on his pants. He unrolls it to reveal a bevy of different files, picks, and other assorted tools. He brushes his fingers across them, stopping periodically, before finally settling on what looks like a tiny metal spoon with a neck several inches long.

He sets the other tools aside and dabs his fingers in the viscera coating the floor. He brings his hand to his face and slowly slides the liquid between his fingers and thumb. "More lubricant than blood, thankfully," he mumbles to himself. He spoons up a good bit of the slippery mixture from the floor, then carefully slips the tool into the crack beside the panel, upturning its contents into whatever mechanism hides within the crevasse. He quickly goes about adding several more spoonfuls of grease to the mechanism before cleaning his tool on one of the fallen grave-robber's cloaks and rolling it back into the leather strip.

"That should at least make it a bit easier to get this thing unstuck," he says, satisfied with his work, "It will still take quite the application of force to budge it. I believe I'll sit that bit out."

Bounty Hunter
2014-05-31, 05:36 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

Watching with a slight curiosity as,Hobb sets about his work on making the large door easier to open, Thoradin takes up of readied position a few paces away. Moving slowly and keeping its eyes on the door as well the spectral wolf that accompanies him prowls a slow half circle and takes up a spot slightly closer to the door making sniffing motions ever so slightly. "Careful there lad. I trust ye know what you're doing just be ready to use yer feet should things come a mess quickly. The rest of ya make yourselves ready as well, dont want to end of like the pair of these." The dwarf gives an offhanded motion to the bodies on the floor with the hand not currently holding his shamanistic totem. "Ready?"

2014-05-31, 12:26 PM
Rheylu steps forward, "I'll take a crack at it. I've got ways of dealing with threachery, should it occur."

Stepping carefully around the doors, he searches for any hint of what might be causing the jam.

Searching for any external causes of the jam with Perception [roll0]. How big is the crack? I'm thinking of jamming my trident into the openning and using the handle to get a bit of leverage.

2014-05-31, 02:30 PM
The trident easy fits under the panel and finds purchase in the floor behind. It will make a suitable lever.

Using a lever reduces grants a +2 bonus to the strength check. The DC is currently 13.

2014-05-31, 04:53 PM
Bracing his feet on what dry spots he find, Rheylu pushes on the handle in an attempt to crack open the door.

retrying Strength check [roll0] (previous attempt blocked by forum)

2014-05-31, 05:10 PM
The door groans and resists the strain for a moment, then snaps up. Rheylu barely manages to maintain his balance.

2014-05-31, 05:32 PM
As the large panel slams open, Hobb uses the ensuing commotion to slip into the shadows of one of the alcoves further back. He presses himself against the wall, attempting to hide should anything go wrong.

Stealth check to hide:

2014-05-31, 08:46 PM
You...are not at all what I expected. Fleshy, yes, but not monsters, nor even all of one race. The last thing I recall, there was a loud banging from outside the fortress, but you do not appear to be those who would cause such commotion. Who are you, exactly? Are you enemies of the Emperor?

2014-06-01, 12:27 AM
Rheylu steadied himself, using his spear for support. "I wouldn't call us his enemies as most of us don't even know the fellow. In fact, we're mostly down here because we suspect someone has been disturbing the tomb. Otherwise, we likely be still huddled up above waiting out the storm."

Demonic Jester
2014-06-01, 05:48 AM
Varis assesses the construct that stood before him. Although autonomous the creature seemed to have a level of sentience reminiscent of most humanoids. He turned to the creature and said "Greetings, how long have you been down here? How did you end up behind that panel?"

Bounty Hunter
2014-06-01, 11:20 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

The dwarf shaman shifts uneasily as the yes the large contruct from top to bottom, his eyes burn feircely benath his bushy eyebrows. At his side the wolf tenses but stands it's ground as if waiting for a command. "We're no enemies of the emporer I can tell ya that... but what do you mean fotress? You do realize this is his tomb don't ya lad?

2014-06-01, 10:15 PM
I...a...tomb? How very interesting. It is possible that I was trapped behind that door for longer than I though. I would be glad to go with you, then, and see what lies within the...tomb

Demonic Jester
2014-06-03, 10:14 AM
"What do you remember before being locked behind that panel? Anything you can tell us will make it easier when we enter further into the tomb."

2014-06-03, 01:38 PM
I was in the service of the Emperor. We heard loud banging from the upper level; many went upstairs to investigate, while I and others remained down here. There were the sounds of battle, and then... I do not remember.

The Emperor himself had the magical codes to have me fight for him. If he is truly dead, then there is nothing binding me, now. That has not been the case since...ever. Feeling no compulsion is...interesting.

Bounty Hunter
2014-06-06, 01:00 PM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

Thoradin finds himself a bit at a loss for words. He never expected to happen across a mechanical being when he ran in to find shelter from the storm. Furthermore, he'd never expected to be on-hand as a construct found itself suddenly free of a master and capable of making its path in life. "Well we certainly wouldnt mind the assistance in clearing out whoever seeks to befoul the tomb. Would you happen to know much more about the traps and defenses along the way?" The dwarf moves a bit closer to the door through which the trail lead and his spectral wolf follows behind still carefully eying Titan.

2014-06-06, 02:05 PM
I have not been throughout the entire fortress. But I do a remember a few of the people in charge of the defenses- Goblins of the first and most intelligent order.

History check to try and remember where traps and defenses might have been:

History check using Guidance of the Past power (rolling twice, take the higher, dazed until end of next turn if same number is rolled):


2014-06-11, 07:31 AM
Rheylu gives a grunt "Goblins eh? Traps do seem likely then. I'll take point then and see if I can spot any. Anyone who's got a keen eye or a quiet foot is welcome to join me. The rest of you folks might want to stay back a pace or two."

So saying, he advances on the door, scanning along the frame. He's keeping an eye out for any signs of passage as well, given that recent visitors may have tripped the traps already.

Perception Checks: [roll0] vs traps and [roll1] for signs of passage.

2014-06-12, 02:02 AM
Beyond the south door is a short hallway, fifteen feet long, which then branches east and west. The disturbed dust seems to indicate that the intruders took the western passage.

2014-06-12, 10:28 PM
Rheylu nods his head toward the west before edging his way toward that passage. "I looks like our visitors may have gone this way. Keep on guard. They're no telling how far ahead they are now."

2014-06-12, 11:35 PM
The hallway turns south and then west again before opening into a large room.

The room is rectangular, with two other passages leading out of the west end. In the space between, small darts are scattered across the floor. A corpse of some kind of humanoid lies about halfway across the room.

2014-06-13, 09:53 AM
Hobb hazards a look out of his shadowy hideaway at the mention of goblins. He had waited for the sounds of the construct going berserk and ripping his timely companions to bits, but they had never come. He finally steps back out into the main passageway. "Traps, hmm? Those're never fun." He moves carefuly around the construct and into the room after the humanoid.

His eyes come to rest on the corpse in the middle of the floor. "What do you think happened to him?"

Perception check to spot any traps between Hobb and the corpse:

2014-06-13, 01:35 PM
There seems to be an inordinate number of corpses around here. Has anything happened in the outside world that would bring so many inside to test these defenses?

Bounty Hunter
2014-06-13, 02:52 PM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

Cautiously, Thoradin takes up a positions near the back of the group, but makes sure not to be the absolute last of the adventurers in line. His spectral wolf keeps by his side as they devle deeper into the tomb, its blue eyes constantly searching for any signs of danger. As they reach the first split in the tunnels and the marks on the floor clearly show which way the intruders headed, the dwarven shaman hesitates for the briefest moment and glances off down the other tunnel into the dark unknown that escapes the light of his sunrod. "Keep in mind the turns we make lads, we're gonna have to make our way out of here at some point." He considers adding the word 'hopefully' but decided that it might come across as unnerving rather than dry humor.

As the group files into the larger room the dwarf lifts the light source higher and audibly gasps slightly. "Mind yerselves... theres more traps. Posion darts from the look'a'it."

2014-06-15, 01:25 AM
Rheylu circles the room, sticking close to the wall and edging his way toward the passage on the right.

Last trap check was 29. Here's another if it doesn't carry over [roll0]

2014-06-15, 03:50 PM
There are small holes in the wall, about the same diameter as the darts that litter the floor. There is no obvious triggering mechanism.

2014-06-17, 03:56 PM
Rheylu brings his hand down to the level of the holes and makes a quick pointing gesture out from the wall. He then crouches down and crawls forward, hoping to pass safely under the holes.

Bounty Hunter
2014-06-18, 08:35 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

Slowly, Thoradin enters the the room and tries to get a better look around. He wished he could see the corpse at the center of the chamber better that he might make a guess at its time of demise but from the looks of it the man had been pelted with darts from a hidden trap. The dwarf had no desire to likewise become a pincushion and so he clung to the wall on the righthand side of the threshhold and watched as Rheylu made his way along the side walls, noting the man's motions and his crouching. "Any sign of the trigger mechanism? Considering the build of the room I'd guess pressure plates in tha' floors."

Bounty Hunter
2014-06-18, 10:38 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

Looking for the trigger mechanism on the floor: buttons, sinking tiles, etc.

Perception : [roll0]
Dungeoneering : [roll1]

2014-06-19, 09:03 AM
Rheylu replies softly "None that I've seen, but give our deceased host there I suspect that just means I missed something.

2014-06-21, 04:08 PM
Rheylu is able to make it to the corner of the room. From that angle, he notices something strange about the posture of the corpse: the soles of its feet are flat against the floor, even though they should naturally turn over by the weight of their attached legs. In fact, one of the ankles is bent at an unnatural (and discomforting) angle to accommodate for gravity.

2014-06-21, 09:08 PM
Titan rounds the corner from the hallway, and immediately pauses.

That is...fascinating. I do seem to recall something about rooms like this...

He adjusts something near his eyes.

Ah, there it is. For reference, I would avoid stepping there, there, or there.

As he says this, Titan points to three areas of the floor: L-M 6 and 7, J-K 9 and 10, and G-H 7 and 8. He also moves further into the room, closer to the body.

2014-06-22, 09:35 AM
Rheylu gives a nod. "Check out the feet when you get close. If suspect there's some kind of binding in place. Likely magical if any of you have the knack for checking that kind of things."

Demonic Jester
2014-06-24, 12:10 PM
Varis hangs to the back of the group. He tries to glean the assorted fates of the corpses that littered the rooms of this dungeon, maybe discerning a common fate of the poor souls

Heal Check to figure out maybe a generic cause of death (fire, decapitation, poison, etc.) of all the corpses, maybe trying to figure out if this was all the work of the mechanical apparatuses.

2014-06-24, 12:49 PM
Even from the back of the room, Varis can see that the body is covered with small darts. There is little blood on the outside, so the creature was probably killed by whatever was on the darts rather than the darts themselves.

2014-06-29, 01:23 AM
Sliding along the wall, Reylu glances down the right hall.

Assuming he makes it without incident, he says "It look like we can make it safely around by sticking to the outer walls. If there's nothing else we can glean form here, it may be best to move on."

Bounty Hunter
2014-06-29, 07:55 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

"Yes... but of course." Thoradin answers, snapping out of the thoughts that had taken him. He mutters something undistighishable beneath his breath that the others cannot make sense of accomapnied with a small motion of his rattling totem towards the body in the center of the room. Afterwards be beings to make his way carefully along the side of the room as Rheylu had. He keeps himself low as he is able, and the spectral wolf creeps forward before him.

Move : Move along the wall through the same sqaures Rheylu did, keeping low and careful.

2014-06-30, 01:05 AM
The north-west hallway turns around in short order and heads back east. It passes a door on the left before turning north. It then splits; the east passage leads to a door, the west passes another door and empties into a room.

In spreadsheet form. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fs17kQjEoD0yMY08uvPBk5txRaZkykrrOiLzgnGrCdk/edit?usp=sharing)

Thanks to user Felhammer for showing me how useful this format can be.

I'll add to it on at least a few sides, so don't get attached to coordinates.

2014-07-01, 01:33 AM
Rheylu slips down the hall, eyes open for more devious traps. On coming to the door, he gives it a once over for pressure traps before pressing an ear to it. If nothing is heard, he will slowly open the door.

The door in question is the first one he came to, currently at G14. Perception checks for traps [roll0] and listening at the door [roll1], with a far less impressive stealth check should it be needed [roll2].

2014-07-01, 02:28 AM
Rheylu cannot hear anything through the doors, so he opens it, causing it to emit an unpleasant rusty squeal.

The inside of the room is a mess. A few statues once stood around the perimeter, and pieces of a broken pedestal are piled in the middle.

The bricks of the far west wall have collapsed, leaving the subterranean rock behind it exposed into which numerous tunnels have been dug.

The piles of debris on the floor are interspersed by pools of blood and acid.

2014-07-01, 10:25 PM
Titan follows behind Rhelyu. It appears you were telling the truth. This looks in rather more disrepair than I recall.

2014-07-03, 09:17 PM
Rheylu nods. "It does seem pretty broken down. My biggest concern right now is those tunnels. I don't think the folks who came through went into there, at least not intentionally, but keep your eyes peeled." So saying, Rheylu slowly works his way toward the opposing door.

Perception check for hostiles [roll0] and tracks [roll1].

2014-07-03, 11:39 PM
Perception check for hostiles: you hear the sounds of numerous legs skittering around in the tunnels, and the occasional soft chirping.

Perception check for tracks: you spot several tracks. There was at least one humanoid in the room, though there could have been more, and there are tracks of a smaller beast.

Rheylu can a nature check with a +2 bonus to identify the creatures.

Bounty Hunter
2014-07-04, 04:38 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

It appears you were telling the truth. This looks in rather more disrepair than I recall.

"Dont see much reason to lie to you on that matter." Thoradin chimes in to the large contruct behind him as they carefully make their way around the perimite of the room and into the tunnel behind Rheylu. "Exactly when is it that you thought it was?." The dwarf rethinks his words for a moment and corrects himself. "What year do ya think it is lad?"

2014-07-06, 12:07 AM
I am not a child, and have never been. Regardless, I last recall it being the year 872, the 17th year of the reign of Gavor II.

Bounty Hunter
2014-07-07, 08:14 AM
Thoradin Twiceborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886230)

"Never presumed that ya was." The dwarf answers, paying more attention to the construct’s mention of the year rather than its lack of understanding in the realm of colloquialisms. "Hmmm. 872? Interesting...That puts ya at just over two and a half centuries old by my count. Things have been still down here for a long, long, time."

2014-07-08, 08:55 AM
Rheylu whispers back "It looks like those tunnels might be inhabitted. You folks interested in pressing on or would you rather go around this room? Best I can tell, an invader came in here but didn't make it out again."

Off the top of my head, I suspect kruthiks. I've sent them againt starter parties myself a time or two. Let's see if I'm right: Nature check [roll0].

2014-07-08, 11:04 PM
Yup, it's Kruthiks.

2014-07-22, 11:57 PM
The party begins to crawl through the constricted tunnels. They vary in size; sometimes party members can stand, other times they can barely squeeze through. All of the roughly-cut walls have a slightly moist film of saliva on them; touching this film causes a tingling sensation which becomes a mild burning if it is not wiped off quickly.

The first chamber found is tall enough to stand in, and slopes toward a pool of acid. Traces of blood form a sparse trail through one branch of the tunnels.


You don't have to place yourselves yet. I'll put a P where the party is until individual tracking is needed.

"Small space" means that medium creatures need to squeeze to fit through.

2014-07-24, 08:36 PM
Rheylu circles the pool carefully, checking for any unusual details either along the shore or in it's depths, as well as keeping an eye open for other passages. Should nothing else turn up, he will follow the blood trail into the tunnel.

Perception [roll0]

2014-07-25, 12:06 AM
Rheylu looks into the pool and spots what looks like a darkly-colored pouch near the bottom, under about two feet of the fuming liquid. It doesn't show any signs of damage, so it may be resistant to the acid's corrosion.

2014-07-25, 04:08 PM
Rheylu will coat the end and part of the handle of his trident in the surrounding dirt, as the soil seems to be resisting the corrosion. Once that's done, he will try to fish out the pouch with said trident.

Not sure if a roll is need but if so.. [roll0], +4 if this a type of grab, +7 if it's an attack roll.

2014-07-29, 02:35 PM
Rheylu finds some soil that is sticky enough to protect his trident. He manages to retrieve the bag.

The inside of the bag is far bigger than it looks like it should be. It contains a single large blue gemstone, as well as some spoiled food and a broken dagger.

2014-07-30, 08:35 AM
After rubbing it down with some loose grit to clear any lingering traces from the pool, Rheylu will put the piuch in his pocket and continue toward the bloody trail in the southern tunnel.