View Full Version : OotS romance problem

Professor Tanhauser
2007-02-14, 02:25 AM
I think that all OotS romances have a serious problem.

Basically, necking is like the third stage, past hand holding/close proximity and kissing, right?


Seriously, only dragons and hydras seem to have necks. So I guess thye can neck, but humanoids are SOL on the necking issue.

I wondr what they do instead? Also, don't vampires have a helluva time? Maybe this is why rich never puts in vampires: He couldn't show bite marks on the neck.


2007-02-14, 02:36 AM
Depends are you using baseball or football as a metaphor?

If baseball, necking is still part of first base.

2007-02-14, 03:00 AM
I wonder if the baseball analogy for relationships has gotten more "risque" over the years. Does anyone know? Or perhaps it's just a relatively recent analogy? Because I just couldn't imagine anyone back when baseball first began considering 2nd or 3rd base to be... well... what it's considered to be now. =)

2007-02-14, 03:18 PM
That would make a good joke. Elan leans over to belkar and asks if the hicky on his neck is very noticable, because he dosn't want any hobgoblins making fun of him during the fight. Belkar stares at him for several seconds, "Neck?" It would be like the joke about noses back here in 339 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0339.html).

2007-02-14, 03:21 PM
I am one of the few people who has no idea as to what the baseball 'base' analogies ever mean. Though I've been told to go up to bat but it seems that all I do is sit in the dugout. Heck, I've never even pitched or went into the outfield to catch a fly ball!

Josh Inno
2007-02-14, 03:21 PM
o.O I always thought that necking was just a slang term for something else.

What IS necking anyway?

2007-02-14, 04:18 PM
I am one of the few people who has no idea as to what the baseball 'base' analogies ever mean. Though I've been told to go up to bat but it seems that all I do is sit in the dugout. Heck, I've never even pitched or went into the outfield to catch a fly ball!

In that case, you should be well familiar with term "strike out".

2007-02-15, 03:01 AM
I wonder if the baseball analogy for relationships has gotten more "risque" over the years. Does anyone know? Or perhaps it's just a relatively recent analogy? Because I just couldn't imagine anyone back when baseball first began considering 2nd or 3rd base to be... well... what it's considered to be now. =)

The fact that another generation was conceived to carry on the metaphor pretty much indicates that people in the 19th century got all the way home.

2007-02-15, 05:32 AM
o.O I always thought that necking was just a slang term for something else.

What IS necking anyway?

I thought it was kissing plus bonuses. (hickeys, bite marks, hands in naughty places) What is second base.:amused: woohoo! triple entendre!

What part of "Phn'glui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn" didn't you understand?

2007-02-15, 07:25 PM
I thought it was kissing plus bonuses. (hickeys, bite marks, hands in naughty places) What is second base.:amused: woohoo! triple entendre!

What part of "Phn'glui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn" didn't you understand?

In my day, 1st base was kissing/necking, 2nd was petting above the waist, 3rd petting below the waist and home was, well, obvious.