View Full Version : Good Third Party books for d20 or D&D 3.5?

2014-05-16, 11:37 AM
I'm looking for more books to add to my collection, any books or publishers you guys recommended?

Also would like to know some you don't like, and some books that are in your opinion over powered.

2014-05-16, 01:04 PM
I have generally liked Malhavoc Press' books. Lots of fun new options by some of my favorite d20 designers. Hyperconscious is perhaps my favorite of those, an expansion for psionics.
Green Ronin has some nice stuff flavor-wise but the mechanics are a mixed bag.
Mongoose Publishing's Encyclopedia Arcane/Divine series was fun. Lots of stuff for casters, looking either at schools or new subsystems, including chronomancy, blood magic, star magic, rulership magic and chaos magic, to name a few. The mechanics are again a mixed bag, fromthe ridiculously useless to the really powerful.
Lastly, if you are more interested in settings rather than mechanics, I highly recommend Fantasy Flight Games' Dragonstar setting. D&D in spaaaaaace! Not the silly (if awesome) Spelljammer type, but more like Shadowrun with better tech and more dragons.

2014-05-16, 01:20 PM
Someone else will be by to endorse the solid Psionics and binder splatbooks, but I'm a big fan of the Tome of Horrors books for sweet old school monsters, Into the Black/Green/Blue for further supplements in the vein of Frostburn or Sandstorm.

Rule of thumb with the big publishers, Green Ronin, Paizo, Fantasy Flight and Dreamscarred Press have reliably solid material, Mongoose and AEG are dry and unreliable but generally usable, and Avalanche is just bad.

Falcon X
2014-05-16, 01:30 PM
Most books are themed, so ask if you are looking for a specific type of thing. Encyclopedia Arcane series gives you in-depth on specific types of magic, Mongoose's Quintessential series expands on the standard base classes and races, Green Ronin's Races of Renown series goes into secondary races and character archetypes, and the Slayer's Guide series goes into depth on types of enemies.
Here are some highlights that I've used:

Monte Cook himself published 3rd party once. It's very legit as he is the guy who made Planescape, 3.0 edition, and Numenara. Check out:
"Sword and Sorcery: Book of Hallowed Might"
"Sword and Sorcery: Book of Eldritch Might"

I'm a fan of Mongoose's "Encyclopedia Arcane" series just because you can cherry-pick magical things you are really interested in A few highlights:
"Crossbreeding: Flesh and Blood" - If you've ever wondered about crossbreeding creatures
"Illusionism: Smoke and Mirrors" - Lots of flavor on different kinds of illusionists.
"Elementalism: The Primordial Force" - Cause I like elemental magic.

Green Ronin's Bastards and Bloodlines
- Is focused on new intelligent races. If you've ever wondered what a Half-Beholder looks like, or a half-ogremagi half elf, or a half blink dog. I've enjoyed this book way more than Savage Species.

Book of Erotic Fantasy or Mongoose's Nymphology, if you're into that kind of thing ;)

2014-05-16, 02:07 PM
Mention of Mongoose's Quintessential series, but no warning about the terror that is the power of their Chaos Mage?
One of my top 3 favorite classes by the way, do give it a go sometime. Worth the experience.
Otherwise, I am a fan of their work. The "Encyclopaedia Arcane" Series are some of my favorite 3rd party books. I recommend Chronomancy, and Necromancy for some neat player options. And Constructs, Crossbreeding(Preferably, mix with the former), and Sovereign Magic for some great DM tools.

2014-05-16, 03:02 PM
Whats so bad about the Chaos Mage? I haven't heard or read it.

2014-05-16, 03:11 PM
Whats so bad about the Chaos Mage? I haven't heard or read it.

It's a lot of fun, but you end up ruining your character very easily, IIRC. It's been years since I read that book. Bascially, you channel raw chaos stuff through you, making some sort of die roll to control it. If you fail, you start mutating, and eventually you become unplayable.

2014-05-16, 03:14 PM
It's also really really breakable. It's been a while since I read it, but iirc, about 5 minutes tinkering with it yielded Polymorph Any Object at ECL 2.

2014-05-16, 03:17 PM
I liked and instituted Green Ronin's Holy Warrior's Handbook, and the counterpart, Unholy Warrior's Handbook. They integrate the standard, core paladin into a system designed to represent all types of religious/spiritual warriors, regardless of alignment, as base classes (though they do focus on the holy/unholy thing more than I'd like). They have a really cool use of "domains" to flavor the various paladin-esque types that work for each church, so you could be an unholy warrior with the destruction and pride domains, that come with granted powers and some tiered powers that go up by levels.

Not sure how it comes out in balance, but as paladins really aren't going to bust open game balance around most tables, I think it's fine. And the fluff and crunch are both pretty interesting and a novel approach on the "meh" of the core paladin.

2014-05-16, 05:35 PM
Any other books? Highly customizables?

2014-05-16, 06:24 PM
Since I don't see any mention of it yet, secrets of Pact Magic is pretty sweet. It's pretty much the full book of binder that people say they wish ToM was. The revised Pathfinder version is also popular and is free on d20pfsrd.com.

2014-05-16, 06:47 PM
What about books that are viewed as OP?

2014-05-16, 07:24 PM
Dont know about OP books, but anything by DSP is gold.
Those guys are better than WotC.

2014-05-16, 08:15 PM
Dont know about OP books, but anything by DSP is gold.
Those guys are better than WotC.

I have most of their books.

2014-05-16, 08:49 PM
Book of Erotic Fantasy or Mongoose's Nymphology, if you're into that kind of thing ;)

Isn't there a Eunuch Harem Guard PrC or something in that book?.

2014-05-16, 08:57 PM
Got two good things from that book.

Mixed Faerie Mysteries Initiate (Passions) with Tantric from BoEF as a Dvati factotum to boost my int score.
Second, it is the home to metaphysical spellshaper, the 3 level, better incantatrix.

2014-05-16, 09:18 PM
Got two good things from that book.

Mixed Faerie Mysteries Initiate (Passions) with Tantric from BoEF as a Dvati factotum to boost my int score.
Second, it is the home to metaphysical spellshaper, the 3 level, better incantatrix.

Dear god, how broken is it?

2014-05-16, 09:27 PM
Dear god, how broken is it?
Full casting progression of any spellcasting class, can be entered relatively early:
Skills: Craft (sculpting or basket weaving) 3 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks.
Feats:Any two Metamagic Feats.
Spells: Ability to cast 3rd-level spells.
Level 1: DMM, but instead of turn attempts, you can take ability damage (use Mitigate Suffering for max effectiveness)
Level 2: Free Metamagic Feat
Level 3: Incantatrix Capstone

Favored Soul with Versatile Spellcaster, Heighten Spell, and Sanctum Spell can enter at level 2, and eventually get Mitigate suffering.

2014-05-16, 10:10 PM
Christ. What other books do you guys recommend? I would like anything that's not really mundane.

Falcon X
2014-05-17, 12:38 AM
Oh, so we're talking broken, eh?

Dear god, how broken is it?Yeah, Metaphysical Spellshaper is what he says. Incredibly broken and like a 3-level Incantatrix.

Kalimar - It's not exactly 3rd party, but most people treat it as such. It has some nifty new classes such as Basirian Dancer, Brigand, Gladiator, Infiltrator, Shaman, and Spellsinger.
It also has the ridiculously broken Metamagic feats: Envelop the Wall and Irresistible Spell. And I quote:

Irresistible Spell [Metamagic]
Nobody can resist your spells
Prerequisite: Spellcaster Level 7+, Envelop the Wall, Maximize Spell
Benefit: Spells you cast that normally allow a saving throw do not allow a saving throw. an irresistible spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than a spell's actual level.

Or how about the Half-beholder from Bastards and Bloodlines? They get awesome ray attacks. Check this build:
Half-Beholder (Haven't figured out the other half. Kobold?)
Okay, so:
7 Level Adjustment
3 Levels Ur-Priest
1 Level Rogue
5 Levels Spellwarp Sniper
3 Levels Mole (Dragon 310)
1 Level Paragnostic Disciple
- 7 rays (touch attacks) every turn that do high-spell-level effects + 5d6 sneak attack damage each + Coup de Grace on any of them. (21 + Con Saving throws)
- 9th Level Cleric Spells
- 225 lb telekinesis
- Bite attack (in addition to rays)
- Burrow 10'
- See 360 degree, darkvision, through stone
- Auto Feather Fall
- Rebuke Undead
- Stone shape/Meld to stone 3/day
- Bardic Lore (+2 +Int)
- Improved Initiative
- +4 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha
- Before Feats...

Oh, and those Rays that do 35d6 damage + 9th level effects can be used WHILE casting 9th level spells, because those Rays don't take your standard action.

Oh, and he burrows and can see through stone. He can literally burrow into the castle, pop the top of his head out of the ground with a 5' step, blast everything to death, and then retreat in the same round.

Yeah, I just won.

2014-05-17, 12:44 AM
Speaking of Bastards and Bloodlines, aren't they the book with the feat that can change one's casting stat to any ability score?

Falcon X
2014-05-17, 01:16 AM
Speaking of Bastards and Bloodlines, aren't they the book with the feat that can change one's casting stat to any ability score?

Lost Tradition (General)
You are descended from a group of spellcasters who had very different ways of mastering magic, and you follow their tradition.
Benefits: Choose one spellcasting class. You may change which ability score governs spellcasting with that class. That ability cannot be changed again.
For example, Meishel Ellazen is a houri cleric. She takes the Lost Tradition feat and chooses to base her clerical casting on Charisma instead of Wisdom. She now uses her charisma score to determine her bonus spells, spell save DCs, maximum spell level she can cast, and any other calculating regarding her cleric spells.
Special: You can take this feat only at 1st level.


It also has:
Large feat, which lets you be large size if you have a large creature in your bloodline.
Hardy Stock: Get get bonus HP equal to 2 + your HD.
Old Blood: Though you look normal, you have traces of blood in your background that fully qualify you for feats, prestige classes, etc from that race. I've applied this to get the Chameleon prestige class before and plan to use it for Illithid shenanigans.

And many more!!!! Truly one of my favorite books

2014-05-17, 01:22 AM

It also has:
Large feat, which lets you be large size if you have a large creature in your bloodline.
Hardy Stock: Get get bonus HP equal to 2 + your HD.
Old Blood: Though you look normal, you have traces of blood in your background that fully qualify you for feats, prestige classes, etc from that race. I've applied this to get the Chameleon prestige class before and plan to use it for Illithid shenanigans.

And many more!!!! Truly one of my favorite books

Muscle Wizard can now be a reality.

Also keep the supplements coming.

2014-05-17, 01:42 AM
1. Be a Half-Minotaur Human Wizard 9/Ur-Priest 2/Mystic Theurge 7/Metaphysical Spellshaper 2
2. Take Lost Tradition (Wizard, Strength) and Lost Tradition (Ur-Priest, Strength) as your first level feats.
3. Contract Festering Anger
4. ???
5. Profit

I practice Armstrong family wizardry, passed down through my family for generations!

Falcon X
2014-05-17, 01:44 AM
Er, "Bride of Portable Hole: The Book of Neurotic Fantasy"?
- It's got Foam Swords, Drow Poodlemancers, and even Beaver Hunting!!!

2014-05-17, 01:45 AM
I JUST realized! I recommend Dragon Magazines, all of them. (Made by Paizo)

Falcon X
2014-05-17, 01:51 AM
1. Be a Half-Minotaur Human Wizard 9/Ur-Priest 2/Mystic Theurge 7/Metaphysical Spellshaper 2
2. Take Lost Tradition (Wizard, Strength) and Lost Tradition (Ur-Priest, Strength) as your first level feats.
3. Contract Festering Anger
4. ???
5. ProfitHoly poop, I didn't even think of applying it to Strength :smalleek:
How about the Cancer Mage build with that applied to it: http://ihititwithmyaxe.tumblr.com/post/46007651740/breaking-d-d-3-5-the-muscle-wizard-or-how-to

I JUST realized! I recommend Dragon Magazines, all of them. (Made by Paizo)Is Dragon Magazine considered 3rd party? If it is, I double that recommendation. Dragon just has so much great stuff in it. I've actually made pdf compilations of Dragon Magazine Spells, PrCs, and class commentaries. If anybody wants them, personal message me your e-mail or facebook account and I'll send them. Likely in chunks though, cause they are HUGE files.

2014-05-17, 01:56 AM
Holy poop, I didn't even think of applying it to Strength :smalleek:
How about the Cancer Mage build with that applied to it: http://ihititwithmyaxe.tumblr.com/post/46007651740/breaking-d-d-3-5-the-muscle-wizard-or-how-to

Is Dragon Magazine considered 3rd party? If it is, I double that recommendation. Dragon just has so much great stuff in it. I've actually made pdf compilations of Dragon Magazine Spells, PrCs, and class commentaries. If anybody wants them, personal message me your e-mail or facebook account and I'll send them. Likely in chunks though, cause they are HUGE files.

I really never considered it as 3rd Party. :Q

2014-05-17, 01:57 AM
Holy poop, I didn't even think of applying it to Strength :smalleek:
How about the Cancer Mage build with that applied to it: http://ihititwithmyaxe.tumblr.com/post/46007651740/breaking-d-d-3-5-the-muscle-wizard-or-how-to

Would require a few more feats and the loss of the unnecessary Metaphysical Spellshaper level, but yeah to avoid the downside to festering anger.

But yeah, those feats mean anyone can be a muscle wizard, and do it even better than illumians.

Is Dragon Magazine considered 3rd party? If it is, I double that recommendation. Dragon just has so much great stuff in it. I've actually made pdf compilations of Dragon Magazine Spells, PrCs, and class commentaries. If anybody wants them, personal message me your e-mail or facebook account and I'll send them. Likely in chunks though, cause they are HUGE files.

Yes, technically. 3rd party made by Paizo, but Wizards of the Coast had their hands in it.

2014-05-17, 09:08 AM
Book of templates deluxe 3.5 edition and green ronin's advanced bestiary. Templates galore

Akal Saris
2014-05-17, 09:36 AM
I really enjoyed Pact Magic Unbound for Pathfinder. There is a d20 version called Secrets of Pact Magic which is likely quite similar: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8ar8?Secrets-of-Pact-Magic

Basically, it's a 3rd party (Radiance House) take on the Binder from Tome of Magic. So if you like binders, then you'll like this.

2014-05-17, 09:07 PM
Are there any magitech-y books?

2014-05-17, 09:16 PM
My first thoughts are Iron Kingdoms and Chaositech from Privateer and Monte Cook, respectively.

2014-05-18, 01:35 AM
My first thoughts are Iron Kingdoms and Chaositech from Privateer and Monte Cook, respectively.

How magitech are we talking about? I was hoping Spelljammer level or around there.

2014-05-18, 02:01 AM
Iron Kingdoms is not so much Spelljammer as it is World War One meets Final Fantasy. Certainly worth a look for clockpunk and dragonpunk(I guess you could call it?).

2014-05-18, 02:31 AM
I second the following books which have been mentioned here thus far:
Complete Book of Eldritch Might
Advanced Bestiary
Iron Kingdoms Character Guide
(Book of Erotic Fantasy)

And to these, I would like to add the following suggestions:
Monsternomicon I
Monsternomicon II
(Both are from Privateer Press)
Dragon Compendium
(Ptolus: City by the Spire)

The Monsternomicons are very good, although the mosters sometimes have redundant abilities and badly chosen feats in particular (not worse than MM, mind you). Thet cover a wide range of monsters from the Iron Kingdoms, and my personal favourites are their take on the Fey and Dragons, as well as the Totem Hunter. The latter is basically a Predator which looks a bit like an alien grey; it chooses a particular prey and moves up in tiers to stronger and stronger opponents, stealing their abilities, until it reaches a climax where it momentarily gains all the abilities of all the creatures it has killed.

2014-05-18, 04:28 AM
I JUST realized! I recommend Dragon Magazines, all of them. (Made by Paizo)

This. 100 times over, this. Dragon Magazine can be hit or miss, but some of their material is golden. Even if you're not looking for PrC's, classes or races, there are organizations and tons of other useful stuff for DMs.

I'll also +1 Hyperconcious and Bastards and Bloodlines.

I will admit, there is a lot of stuff that's shown up here that I'll have to look into.

2014-05-18, 04:30 AM
Are there any magitech-y books?

Chaositech by Malhavoc Press is sort of magitech. Just really creepy and unpleasant. And a lot of fun.

Za'hynie Laya
2014-05-18, 08:28 AM
I second the following books which have been mentioned here thus far:
Complete Book of Eldritch Might
Advanced Bestiary
Iron Kingdoms Character Guide
(Book of Erotic Fantasy)

And to these, I would like to add the following suggestions:
Monsternomicon I
Monsternomicon II
(Both are from Privateer Press)
Dragon Compendium
(Ptolus: City by the Spire)

Here, here! I completely agree with the above choices. Excellent taste!

Below are a few gems I'd add to those already listed:

Book of Hallowed Might
Book of Hallowed Might II: Portents and Visions
The Book of Iron Might
The Book of Roguish Luck
The Collected Book of Experimental Might

Gary Gygax's The Canting Crew is a d20 hardback published by Troll Lord Games. This book is helpful in fleshing-out your campaign's criminal underworld. It contains lots of detail for DMs, but it's prestige classes are average at best.

Keith Baker's Crime and Punishment is a d20 hardback published by Penumbra. This book is helpful with establishing your campaign's system of laws with various court systems. It contains new base and prestige classes, an NPC class "The Justice", and lots of new spells.

One of my favorite "monster books" for d20 is Liber Bestarius: The Book of Beasts. It contains plenty of new creatures to surprise jaded players with. Some critters are suitable for PC races.

These recommendations provided many months (and years) of new twist and mystery to add to your campaigns and PCs.

2014-05-18, 01:28 PM
For Magitech, I've used Blood and Circuits and the Mecha d20 SRD.

2014-05-18, 03:00 PM
What is so messed up about Chaositech? Also what's the Book of Eldritch Might about?

2014-05-18, 03:33 PM
What is so messed up about Chaositech? Also what's the Book of Eldritch Might about?

Well, Chaositech basically gives rules for playing the villains in Monte Cook's Ptolus. I think the closest parallel would be calling them cyberpunk grafts in high fantasy. O, and they are of course infused with the power of chaos, as the name implies. Also, the style resembles certain Cryx units from Warmachine:

The Book of Eldritch Might contains Monte's alternatives for Bards and Sorcerers, and in general, everything he has written and which is directed at arcane casters. The most notable parts of the complete book include magical locations which also often involve interesting new rules such as an item class for intelligent items and rules for 'frozen memories'. The spells the book contains are also in very good taste.

Also, I second The Collected Book of Experimental Might. I own both Books of Hallowed Might as well but have only skimmed them thus far, and the Book of Iron Might as well as Mindscapes have not yet arrived. Thus, I cannot really say much about them, although Book of Hallowed Might II might have focused a bit too much on its own pantheon when I went through it superficially.

Oh, and when magitech is involved... There is always DragonMech as well, although I cannot really recommend the books that much. They are decent, and especially the idea of citymechs appeals to me but at least the classes and feats these books contain are mostly quite bad. However, such crunch is of course not the primary indicator of quality or lack thereof in books.

2014-05-18, 04:14 PM
OH, and Dragonstar has a lot of magitech in it.
Dermpatches: load up to 10 potion doses in a glorified nicotine plaster and activate it as a free action (3.0 - I'd probably make it a swift action in 3.5)
scrollware: electronic scrolls: Buy them online, transfer to your portable computer from other sources, keep spellbooks and scrolls in one place.
Spellware. magical cybernetic enhancements such as Wolverine claws, enhanced skeletons, magical wings that grow from your back, ports to jack into computers, armor skin, fast healing, increased smite and turns, etc. etc. It's part of your body so it can't be stolen without killing you, useless to looters, always available except in AMF, and not much more expensive than normal magic items.

Falcon X
2014-05-19, 01:17 PM
Not sure exactly what Chaositech is, but you could try the Perdido Street Station mods for D&D that they made in Dragon Magazine 353. It has Remades, which are people who are fused with machines. Has a few other goodies too.

If you want Spelljammer, you can use the fan-made conversion at: http://www.spelljammer.org/
or look in Dungeon Magazine 151

You could use the sourcebook "Legends and Lairs: Portals and Planes" by Fantasy Flight to create your own universe, then start with Eberron and mod some elemental vessels for interstellar flight.

An airship sourcebook is Osseum Entertainment's "Airships and e-ships"

2014-05-19, 08:24 PM
Ooh, keep it coming, guys.

2014-05-19, 10:14 PM
AEG's Feats book (3.0, has an orange cover)
the DM needs to look over each feat individually, as some stuff is over-powered, but there is some really solid stuff in this book

2014-05-20, 02:13 PM
Is there books that tend to be really easy to customize to your fitting, or at least low flexibility, in vein of how Chaos Magic allows you to "craft" spells. (Also I read that sourcebook, christ, that is horrifying.)

2014-05-20, 02:48 PM
Is there books that tend to be really easy to customize to your fitting, or at least low flexibility, in vein of how Chaos Magic allows you to "craft" spells. (Also I read that sourcebook, christ, that is horrifying.)

True sorcery would fit.

2014-05-20, 06:38 PM
I thought that was d20modern?

2014-05-20, 06:41 PM
I thought that was d20modern?

It's 3.5 and d20 modern the only difference being which base class you pick. the spellcaster for 3.5 and the modern spellcaster prestige class for d20 modern.

It also has conversion notes for true 20, iron heroes and thieves' world

2014-05-20, 06:45 PM
One of my favorite D&D 3.5 books is BESM 3.5 (Big Eye Small Mouth), lots of fun and compatible with 3.5.

2014-05-20, 07:40 PM
d20 Slayers

2014-05-21, 03:36 PM
What exactly is d20 Slayers?

Also I have BESM, but still confuse on what it will entail, any teasers? :p

2014-05-21, 04:17 PM
It's a d20 ruleset for the anime world of slayers. http://www.amazon.com/The-Slayers-System-Role-Playing-Game/dp/189452585X It's a rather well put together book with a great magic system.