View Full Version : Pathfinder Reworking the Wrath of the Righteous Campaign traits' resolution [SPOILERS]

Kol Korran
2014-05-16, 01:20 PM
Hey there! I'm DMing the Wrath of the Righteous AP from Paizo. The characters start with campaign traits who are basically loose end stories. At the third module (Demon's Heresy) each trait's story gets concluded while completing some quest or another.

To my opinion, (As well some other forumites from discussion in other threads) the conclusions to the stories are overly simplistic, and quite unsatisfying. I would like to build some kind of another resolution for these unfinished stories, and bring them some tension, evolution, some content and context. I would greatly appreciate suggestions, comments and insights to the matter. Even if you don't know the modules, any creative ideas are more than welcomed, and could be tweaked to work, I'm sure!

While I specifically would like to tailor these to my own party members, In this thread I aim for a more general way of working it, hopefully one that will suit others who try this adventure path.

What do I envision for a campaign trait.
- There should be some evolving story behind it. Not just "Hey the story behind it was X, congratulations!". Therefore I think there is a need to perhaps evolve the story. Either in Demon's Heresy (Which is fairly open ended), or maybe even starting in Sword Of Valor, maybe more as hints and rumors.

- Ideally, it could prove pivotal to the character's development. That however is hard to achieve and very specific to the party make up. But it should be important. This means this should have some influences on the character even before completing the story. Either big choices the character has to make, or some hardships or influences she needs to deal with. It needs to be more than "Hey, I got this trait, now I got some reward for happening to stumble upon it's ending encounter"

- If possible, the traits could somehow bind together to a story that may encompass all of the characters, just so they don't feel so disjointed. This is quite hard to do without being too railroady. Still, something to aspire to?

- If at all possible, it should end with some note that may lead to further character evolution in the future. possibly even future adventures?

Ok, lets break the traits one by one
1) Chance encounter:
- Basic story: The character is saved in it's youth by some powerful stranger who holds to the symbol of Desna
- Original resolution: Saving the risen demon called Arueshalae.
- My thoughts: This one could be made better fairly easily- you just need to build Arueshalae up more before: Let there be rumors about more people she might have saved. Maybe some rumors or people that she might have hurt during her evil ways. Let the party "meet" her before actually meeting her by stories of victims, saved ones and more.
The adventure suggest she may contact the PCs in a dream. I think this can be a further way to increase knowing her- her resolve is fading, so she is reaching out to the PC with the trait. She once saved him/ her. Perhaps now s/he could save her? On the journey there (providing no teleport) the PC has motivational talks with the demon each night, (Sort of a few steps social test). If he fails- she succombs to her base nature. If he succeeds, she may be saved.
If the PC lets known his connection, she may be hunted down by both demons who wish to use him against her, and crusaders who see him/ her as tainted.
- Further development: The process of redemption obviously. Of further persecution, and possibly... a love interest?
- Tying it up with other stories: Perhaps She had a hand in the events of the other traits, such as fighting or rescuing the parents of Child of the Crusades, or maybe a connection with the demon-turning PC in my idea for the Exposed to awfulness. Maybe some info about it?

2) Child of the crusade:
- Basic story: The PCs comes from a long way of crusaders. His parents may be missing or still alive. No special loose ends
- Original resolution: The PC finds a crypt in a destroyed town, meets a ghost of his family, which his parents didn't quell, and he finds a stash of cash for appeasing the ghost and let it rest in his family's tomb.
- My thoughts: Eh... weak... very weak. I like the idea of the crusading parents going far and wide, but I feel their story should have more meaning. Something more interesting. Perhaps they were part of this town and either fled it, bargained their lives for it or somehow escaped the devastation, but left vengeful spirits in this? The PC might be haunted by these spirits/ curse before getting there. Though the PC's parents are being besmirched here, perhaps the PC learns of some secret sacrifice they have made either to have him, ("a chosen one?" or to save many others? Some sort of a difficult choice of the crusades?
Your thoughts?
- Further development: Perhaps the PC can use the name or the location (Or the spirits?) to some aid in the future? Perhaps the story leaves some unclosed info.
- Tying it up with other stories:Maybe with Riftwarden orphan- the same adventuring party as the parents?

3) Exposed to awfulness:
- Basic story: After an attack by some sort of a demon, the PC lingered in COma for a long time, but arose more healthy and sturdy, but bearing some strange unhealing scars.
- Original resolution: The PC meets some barbarian half demon who wears the same scars, as part of exploring raiders. S/he may defeat him, learning that the demon Jerribeth (A glaberzu able to take humaoind form. Master manipulator temptress sort of type)may have something to do with this. (Frustratingly, the adventure doesn't say what or how)
- My thoughts: This is still a loose end even on resolution and explains nothing... I like the Idea of Jerribeth being somehow behind this. The module gives an interesting thought in Jerribeth' descripition- to tie this with Stolen fury. But how?
An idea in mind is that the PC may feel himself slowly turning to a demon, or some other form of demon influence. This puts a time pressure on the PC to find out before it's too late. It may also bring some persecution on the PC's head. A sort of a curse of lycanthropy, but only demonic?
As to resolution... A way to stop the process or reverse the process, fully or not?
- Further development: The PC may have gained a special understanding to demons, giving him/ her some insight. Or perhaps the resolution was not complete, or had unexpected side effects, leading to a further search of a solution?
- Tying it up with other stories: The succubus from Chance encounter could probably relate with the struggle with the inner demon. She might also know of why this is happening, and perhaps how to stop it.

4) Stolen Fury:
- Basic story: The PC endured some demonic ritual as a youth, but managed to survive it and changed it's energies for good use. The purpose of the ritual is unknown. Nightmares follow.
- Original resolution: The PC finds a site of the same ritual, and learns it is used to transform powerful humanoids into demons. Fights some vrocks. And is done with it.
- My thoughts: Very meh. There is mention of the researcher of this ritual, but little else. This is in some ways quite similar to exposed to awefulnes, so if just one of the PCs have these traits, the same solution could be handled. The two could be thematically connected- two experiments who sought the same thing. One was quick, but not that successful (Exposed to awfulness), and the other very slow, but very successful.
Another way of approaching this is to have either loved ones or followers be kidnapped and turned to demons, and then finding a way to keep the humanoid's personality within the demon (Yeah, there are similar themes here), While trying to find a way to reverse the process. The PC might get some serious flak for associating and helping "demons"...
- Further development: Same as with Exposed to awfulness.
- Tying it up with other stories: Same as exposed to awfulness.

5) Riftwarden orphan:
- Basic story: The PC is an orphan of the secret caster organization known as Riftwardens.
- Original resolution: The PC is talled the end boss of the 3rd module- Xanthir Vang, a worm that walks killed their parents. They must avenge.
- My thoughts: Quite boring. Nothing about the mysterious wardens, nothing about why the parents were there, why they were killed, why does it frakking matter?
I haven't yet read about the 4th module, but I understand the party goes into the Abyss? And from the little I know about the riftwardens they are all about rifts and extraplannar travel. So what if the parents explored the worldwound rift directly, and may have some insights or knowledge about it? And perhaps this is why they were killed? The PC needs to track down pieces of the puzzle (Perhaps the final puzzle lies with Xanthir still) in order to find a way to use/ move through/ whatever the worldwound rift? And by exploring the PC may learn more of the mysterious sect, plus some good/ questionable things they did to get their research.
- Further development: Not sure. Perhaps the player, as one of the only few riftwards left, needs to complete some ritual or research?
- Tying it up with other stories:I see this mostly tying up with Child of the crusades, with the parents of both children having perhaps formed the same adventuring party. The clue hunt may lead to some info about some of the others- perhaps exposed to awfulness or stolen fury?

6) Touched by divinity
- Basic story:The PC has some link to a divine deity. The link is unclear.
- Original resolution: Upon clearing some rather unimportant shrine the messanger of the god informs the PC that s/he are the god's child. Nothing further comes out of this.
- My thoughts: :smallsigh: This just raises a whole slew of other questions! This just feels like "Here, we thought it might be cool. With no explanation whatsoever!" Crappy writing! This needs something better. And it needs a damned good reason why the god doesn't help the player much more! (Especially since the module sort of pushes towards this trait fitting a divine caster).
I'm thinking that perhaps not a child of a god, but a child of a divine being, something like an angel or something? But I got no further than this so far. I'm thinking the angel might have been captured, is tortured, perhaps used somehow. THough this is a bit like the succubus thing...
Thoughts anyone?
- Further development: Don't yet know
- Tying it up with other stories:Don't yet know.

Any ideas, comments and creative input would be greatly welcomed. Thanks! :smallamused:

2014-05-17, 09:09 AM
I would probably connect Exposed to awfulness and Stolen fury like this:
Jerribeth was making some research and testing about mind control. S/he (ugh, demons and genders) looked for a way to get some mind control of crusaders, that couldn't be detected and could be activated remotedly at convinient time. Those who have Exposed to awfulness were among the first of her test subjects. The test probably didn't go as well as planned, but there was something different s/he found out while secretly watching the subjects. They are slowly turning to demons. Encouraged by this, new line of research was started and it concentrated on this side-effect. This is where Stolen fury comes in. Players with these traits need to find out more about the research (and they get first clues when meeting the half-demon barbarian) to stop it. Maybe they can even use it to give themselves some boost, you know fight fire with fire.

I would make the players roll a will saves when in very hard situations (emotionaly or physicaly) or sucumb to some demonic rage. Get rage benefits with some demonic resistances? Exposed to awfulness should probably activate more when emotionaly stressed, but it might give ability to hear demons telepathy, understand the demons if the PC doesn't have the language etc., while Stolen fury should probably give harder saves but also higher bonuses. Maybe allow players to call upon this power here or there willingly, but make it harder to resist next time it comes.

As for developement, you got nice powers, but they are corrupting you. And even if you manage to find out about the research and stop the demon changing process (or slow it down a lot), there is still the temptation. Willingly using these powers will make it harder and harder to resist and people might start to notice. But why not use it if you have it?

I will try to look at the rest a bit more and maybe I will come with something.

Also, your DM log is great, as usual. :smallwink: Can't wait for another update.

Kol Korran
2014-05-19, 07:39 AM
Hey Biotroll! Thanks for the suggestions. Linking the two together (Perhaps I could link all of the traits together? Will give the party a much more unified feel, and a nice subplot involving them all) Could work quite great. I like the difference you put between them.

You've given me somethings to think about. Thanks!

2014-05-26, 08:34 AM
Running away from responsibilites to post. :smalltongue:

Touched by divinity:
The angel thing sounds much better to me then "You are son/daughter of god! Huzah! But nobody (not even the god in question) cares much." This is really bad.:smallannoyed: Anyway, let's say there was an angel who was trying to help. And since it was angel of Sarenrae he tried to redeem evil-doers as this is kind of work he is supposed to do. One day he even redeemed a demon (Arueshalae? connection to the Chance encounter?) but was trapped in demon-lands and couldn't escape. After some time he was cought (even though the demon from before came to help him) and later humiliated, tortued and eventualy sacrificed to the demon lords. As angel his essence should go back to his god, but because he was sacrificed he was being pulled to the demon lord, so he could absorb him, get more power and knowledge etc. The pull was strong both ways so he had no choice but to find the closest living being (as in closest to his nature and mental strenght) and possess it. This is how your character got in touch with divinity - he has angel trapped inside him. Should the character die, the now weakened angel would most likely be pulled to the demon lord he was sacrificed to. The player can find more about actualy having the angel inside of him by series of dreams from his god/memories of things that the angel did that come emerging at location similar or identical to where it happened etc. The goal would be to actualy break the ritual that tries to pull the soul to the demon lord. Once this is done, the angel could focus more on helping the player rather then not being destroyed. The angel is not strong enough to get back to his god alone though, so he will stay with the player until he dies and then make their way to their god together.

This could be done by possession rules from eberron (I know there was something about both demon and angelic possession somewhere in it). Maybe give the player ability to manifest the angel more, say giving him ability to use Incarnate avatar from MoI at full power. This will give him some more AC (as it will most likely be good incarnation, right?) and fly speed. Maybe couple it with divine power spell for 1+cha bonus rounds. After he uses this, let him make fortitude save (DC 14+rounds in the incarnation avatar?). On failure he is exhausted for several minutes and then fatigued for some more. On success only fatigue?

As I said before, maybe connect it to Chance encounter. Maybe the angel can help with redemption of the demon again (or to keep her on the right road) if he knows what is going on.
I think I rambled enough, maybe you can use something from it, maybe someone else can help. Will look at others again once the time allows.

Kol Korran
2014-05-28, 06:41 AM
Hmmm... I like some of your ideas, and have been thinking upon them. I don't have everything yet, but I think I may have an idea of how the background story fits together:
- Some time ago an angel (Or some celestial) learned of a place where Areelu Vorlesh studied... something... befoe she opened the Worldwound. It thinks that exploring this again might reveal some weakness of the demon side. He contacted two of his champions (The parents of "child of the crusades") to launch an expedition deep into the worldwound, locate the place, and research the phenomenon. They contacted the top arcanist they could trust- the parents of the Riftwarden Orphan.

They ventured forth with a force of crusaders, and found the place, building a small camp/ settlement there while the mages did their research. Buy two fiends, Two sisters in life, Jerribeth and Arulashee (Souls can take different forms upon transforming to demons) Sought to corrupt the process. Under guise, and with temptation they "assisted" the mages, who came to learn (Amongst other yet undecided things) That in order to go through the worldwound, one must have some demonic essence in them, or they are doomed to perish in the Abyss. If any heroes seek to go there, they must attain this essence.

The mages, somewhat obsessed with the possibilities, sought to find a non harmful way to make this transformation possible. Jerribeth and Arulashee however subverted and changed the research, directign it towards their own goal- enabling an unwilling transformation of mortals to demons- infusing them with demonic essence. This was all kept secret, even from the crusader parents. Several of the crusaders in the camp came under the influence of some experiments, and were put down. It was attributed to the corruption of the demonic wastes. Still, this troubled the crusaders.

But when Jerribeth and Arulashee learned of the involvement of a celestial? Well, that could be an even more tempting "test subject" or a goal for corruption. Through trickery they got it to manifest, but then captured it. By this point the ruse was over. The mage were captured, and the crusader parents tried to reclaim the angel, but failed. The two sister demons sought to flee with their captives, to continue this somewhere else. The celestial, knowing that if he will be corrupted fully great harm could come, instilled part of his essence in two beings: Arulashee, the demon (By using some of the elements of the research on her. Tricking the trickster one time). This started her on the path of redemption unwillinlgy. But this was not enough- he also instilled it in a new born child, belonging to the crusaders' friends.

As the demons and captives fled, The parents were faced with the aweful realization that most, if not all of the crusaders with them are probably tainted by the effects of the ritual (Perhaps them as well). They did a tough decision then- they embarked upon killing them all. (Some may have fled, some may have been spared, which may give further info for the character). They manged to return the divinely touched baby to Kenabres and then... I don't quite know- perhaps went back to the worldwound to seek to undo what was done.

The angel was tortured since then till now, Jerribeth frustrated that something with it is "not quite right". Perhaps she grew bored with it and left it for the care of another. Arulashee slowly converted, till her current state. Jerribeth continued her research and experiments (which leads to the events of exposed to awfulness and Stolen Fury).

But Areelu Vorlesh, the demon witch queen decided to build upon this project, but on a much, much larger scale. The corruption of entire armies, and also a side project, which grew bigger- what if you could instill in demons the essence of greater demons? Of demon lords in fact? (This all leads to the current days events, and the NYhandiran crystals). She putthis project under her new pet researcher- none other than the riftwarden parent, who was awarded by becoming the worm that walks- Xanthir Vang. For it's experiment DID succeed! ("I did not kill your father, I AM your father!")

What do you think? :smallsmile:

2014-05-28, 12:56 PM
I think your players are going to hate you. :smallbiggrin: But that's ok, that's what DM is here for. :smalltongue:

The story makes sense. About the corruption of the crusaders: when they realized they might be corrupted they quarantined their camp/settlement and started with spells to detect who is and who is not really corrupted. Few might be lucky and those brought the child and some other things back to Kenabres. The rest either tried to escape and were killed, succeeded in escaping or stayed in the camp until they were all sure they are corrupted. Then, maybe the settlement/camp decided to stay there to continue the research so that their effort was not in vain? Isolated, slowly turning to demons, paranoid, feeling helpless. The camp/settlement of the damned living only to reach the goal they set so long ago. Only few people actualy knew they went on some expedition, maybe they still magicaly communicate with them? That's why the Worm that walks attacked the library in Kenabres? The settlement made some breakthrough at least but Xanthir Vang was still keeping eye on them and when they did he made sure that it doesn't get any futher, killing the riftwardens (or so he thought) and destroying their library and knowledge on this fact? (This is getting messy :smalltongue:)

About the angel: when he was captured and tried to escape by parting his essence, he tried to instil it to the child but was prevented from doing so in full by Arulashee who thought he was casting some spell. However in blocking him part of this essence stuck to her without her knowing it (if you have harry potter reference in player, you can at least use it some more here) and that's why she began turning to good.

Whatever way you do it, I'm itching to see the results in you log. :smallsmile: I hope your players will get well soon, so we can read some more.

Kol Korran
2014-05-28, 05:33 PM
My players (usually) love when I setthem up against a big challenge, or an interesting one, and mess with their heads. They love overcoming those. I am blessed with bloody magnificent players! :smallbiggrin:

I like your idea about the angel and Arulashee. An unexpected mistake that changed the course of one demon's life.

I also like the idea of Xanthir Vang seeking to attack the library at Kenabres, but he couldn't have done so before the wardstone was destroyed so... perhaps there was some piece of research there that he wanted for a long time, and then he had the chance to go for it and destroy it, and any who might know his real identity. Aravashnial may know something, or Quendys might. I think Aravash might be more suitable.

As to the ide of the corrupted crusaders, this has some good potential. It can force the PC with child of the crusades to some interesting dillema- save them or kill them? It also puts some onus of responsibility on him, sort of. I need to think about it more.

I am now thinking of how to have this story start to unfold, with some different hints to each of the PCs right from the second module. Some general Ideas:
- Conflicting reports on Arulashee- some robed figure who either fights demons or crusaders (As Arulashee fights her own nature)
- Dreams or visions from the trapped angel, of torment, of necessity, of anger? of pain?
- Some possible transforamtion or influence for Stolen Fury and exposed to awfulness. Also with fear and contempt from the troops led.
- Rumors about the child of the crusades parents. dealing with a bad reputation, and accusations of treachery and being corrupted. Perhaps some of the enemies the party face are former crusaders, now deformed?
- Revealing to the riftwarden orphan inklings of the research his parents did, perhaps with clues to where more info could be found. Perhaps a complex puzzle to have him figure it out if he wishes? (Not quite up to the player's tastes though, and too complicated). Perhaps associates in major demon adverseries that met the parents, or some hints to the research in Drezen?

Ok, need to think. :smallsmile:

2014-05-30, 03:36 PM
You are lucky to have such players. My group prefers to hack and slash withouth thinking too much about, well, anything. No tactics unless they get almost killed, and while they enjoy the story (or so they say) they aren't very active in roleplaying.

Aravashnial could recognize the PC after they restore his sight (if it is the blind elf, can't remember). And if they don't, the PC can overhear Quendys takling to Aravashnial about the missing expedition and how the PC looks familiar to the wizard that left with them. Or maybe they can talk about the Worm seeking to purge the information and mentioning that it is lucky, that the PC survived as he might prove vital for fighting him/they might use him in some ritual.

Also, it's good to see you will be playing again. Too bad the paladin is thinking about changing characters. Try to talk to the player why. In my experience it could be he feels overpowered by Mad Dog. The paladin is fighting with shield and sword, which is not very effective. One of my players played an elf ranger who twf with two longswords but decided to change the character after few sessions because of our dwarf fighter with greataxe. The paladin's damage output is lacking at this point and his special abilities and spells aren't enough yet to make a difference. (One 1st level spell is weak, and besides, Mad Dog can cast spells too.) Mad Dog is simply dominating the melee combat now. He hits harder, has more hit points and has some more skills than Andrew. (Also, Andrew got unlucky AoO crit, which might make him doubt his character as it almost killed him.) If it isn't about not being effective in combat, maybe he feels he isn't given chance to play the knighly archetype? And now with Arabeth (the half-orc paladin right?) he might feel overshadowed. Or perhaps it just isn't for him.

If he changes character now, he might be one of the defenders in town, who disobeyed orders and came to help (or even was sent with some urgent message?). If he stays at least untill the end of the first book, he can join the queen and his new character might be someone assigned to help them.

Kol Korran
2014-06-01, 10:47 AM
We are strating from the topic, and moving more to general campaign issues. I'll be transferring this conversation to the Journal log, ok?

2015-06-13, 04:08 PM
Know I'm kind of late on the topic, but doesn't your plan kind of leave out the child of the crusades? Not trying to poke holes in it, just had that question due to the fact that you set up the Riftwarden Orphan perfectly for the hole "Luke I am your father" bit, but as far as everything goes he gets very little in the plot, and making it "we are all your parents" kinda takes away from the uniqueness of it.
Finding out that one of your allies is part demon, one has been tainted by them, and one is basically the holier version of an Aasimar (yeah I went there) Then entire thing needs to be unique to just one of the characters, meaning one of the would have to be left out of the I am important and awesome set.

Almost forgot about the the Chance Encounter one, but if you go for an angle that the demon is slipping and really needs to be saved by him/her it would be good for making them feel important, you just have to really play up the "You are my only hope" angle to it, maybe the angelic power is enough to give her a conscious to recognize what she was doing is wrong, but at the same time her demon side is still there, and she really has to fight with it.

Again hope you don't think I was criticizing, what you have so far is amazing, just don't like the idea of one player getting gypped story line wise. It's also one of the main reasons I like you versions of events rather then the modules version, where everybody gets very little role play with it and out of all the endings possible the god's son/daughter one sounds the most powerful and important