View Full Version : Shadowrun SR5 Lemur Shaman practicalities

Falcon X
2014-05-16, 02:18 PM
I've already put together the 95% of the character and everything between the DM and I are good. What I've done is created a Lemur Shaman who is detection based and what I need is advice on how I might most efficiently use myself on a run.

Do you have any ideas on how I might exploit his strengths during a run? Possible tactics, or uses ways I can become an asset to the party?

Here is our homebrewed Lemur Totem:
Lemur is the harbinger of the spirit realm, as comfortable in the æther as a fish in water. From his perch in the treetops, he sees all things. His bright, keen eyes pierce the veil and discern the unseen patterns of life. Holding himself above the fray, he prefers to observe as events unfold. He is the watcher in the woods, the ghost of the forest.

All: +2 dice Assensing tests
Magician: +2 dice for all Summoning tests
Adept: Free Astral Perception

Disadvantage: Followers of Lemur prefer to observe, rather than become engaged in conflict, and must succeed at a Charisma + Willpower (3) Test in order to take direct action in any matter.

Here's the breakdown of his character, for those who care about specifics:
Tony (Rangi) Ranaivo
- Human Lemur Shaman from Madagascar. Now in Seattle.
- 16 years old
- Has an Astral Addiction. Believes that he is more spirit than man
• A: Magic
• B: Skills
• C: Attributes
• D: Metatype- Human
• E: Resources

Athletics Skill Group- Gymnastics, Running, Swimming 5 (Parkour Specialization)
Palming (Specialization-Pickpocket) - 2
Perception - 6
Sneaking (Specialization- Urban) - 5
Survival (Specialization- Urban) - 1
Assensing - 6
Spellcasting - 6
Summoning - 6
Animal Handling – 1
Tracking – 1
Pistols – 1
Negotiation – 1
Lockpicking – 1
Banishing – 1

Knowledge Skills:
English – N
Language: Malagasy – 1 (Street Lingo)
Biology - 1 (Parazoology)
Economics - 1 (Microeconomics)
Sprawl Life - 2
Botany – 1 (Parabotany)
Pirating – 1 (Trade Routes)
Geography - 1 (Madagascar)
Sports - 1 (Soccer)

Body 2
Agility 3
Reaction 2
Strength 2
Charisma (A Strength) 6
Intuition (A Reaction) 5
Logic (A Agility) 3
Willpower (A Body) 5
Essence 6
Magic 6
Edge 5

Special Qualities:
Severe Astral Addiction
Gremlins 1
Astral Chameleon
Mentor Spirit Guide (Lemur)
Analytical Mind

SR5 Spell List 12
Influence – puts a suggestion in their mind.
Analyze Device
Magic Fingers
Trid Phantasm
Improved Invisibility
Increase Reflexes
Detect Enemies
Mass Confusion

Fixer (Connection 4, Loyalty 1)
Free Spirit Talismonger (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Dock Manager (Connection 3, Loyalty 3)
Crusading Reporter (2 Connection, Loyalty 1)
Mafia crew head (Connection 2, Loyalty 1)

Yamaha Pulsar
- Laser Sight
- Concealable Holster
- 8 Taser Darts (50 each)
Flash Pak
Lockpick set
Normal Clothing
Electrochromic Clothing
Chameleon Suit
Silver Credstick
- 2 Cannisters
Survival Kit
Obscure Squatter Lifestyle 2 Months
Parashield Dart Pistol
- 2 Narcojet Doses
- 2 Injection Darts of Narcojet

And, Basic Backstory:
He grew up in Madagascar, mostly on the street. He is an urchin, growing up in small gangs of kids that barely live to adulthood. (Think Bean from Ender's Shadow, with lower intelligence) He is presumed to be the bastard son of a prostitute and a pirate. He is a Lemur Shaman and has an uncanny affinity for the Astral plane and detection spells.

He met Lemur when he was about 12 years old. He just saw his best friend murdered, and Lemur showed up and taught him invisibility to hide him from his pursuers. He made a new family and home in the forest.

Much of his survival in his childhood came from thievery and contract jobs. Even while young, he used the basic thievery logic of, “Never hit the same place twice,” which quickly grew to “Little steal, little notice,” and “Know who you are stealing from” after a few close calls.
After a bit of this, he realized that he was learning enough about his targets to know what they need, and why. He started approaching people for jobs such as being a guide through the forest, thievery, or certain types of magical protection. But he only offered himself for jobs that he KNEW he could accomplish. He very rarely would accept any job from a person that he hadn’t already analyzed, assuming someone would know to approach him. Generally, you don’t find him, he finds you.
Therefore, for those who would hear of him, he has a high reputation for success, because he never takes a job that doesn’t fit him.
It is highly likely at some point he decided to tie himself to a large, influential family in the area. He would have gained trust by protecting them from either spirits or enemies, then accepting when they ask if they can hire him to protect the household. He would have done it for a place to live, steady food, and possibly education.
At some point, whether by falling asleep in the wrong spot, being kidnapped, or by choice, he ends up on a ship that ports in New Seattle.
Once in New Seattle, he pretty much sets himself up as he was before. However, it is a bit more difficult. It’s not his home turf, and it’s almost impossible to know everything that’s going on. He will halfway give up trying to know everything, and withdraw even more into the Astral plane, so as to have a greater feel for the spiritual nature of the city. He will have to trust people who find him jobs, and he will watch them to make sure he isn’t betrayed. His learned observation tactics will largely come into play when he’s preparing for a job.

On the job, he has an attitude akin to a power gamer. He always knows more than you and always has more tricks than you. At least, that’s what you see. He knows what he’s good at and does that excellently. He also tries to have a single, unexpected flourish in each mission so that people will talk. However, he never uses a flourish unless he knows he can pull it off.
Preparation, caution, and misdirection are his game.

He is all but addicted to the Astral Plane and spends an extensive amount of time there. As such, he is more built in mind than body, and is very gifted at Astral travel and interaction with spirits.
He generally treats spirits as peers, but if they are willing he will incorporate them into his jobs and tactics. He will explore all types of uses of spirits. Likely watcher spirits or spirits that he gets to do quick, easy jobs.

In brief, it would seem that my tactics are:
A. Mostly in preparation. I learn everything I can to a high degree before going into the run.
B. During the run, I hide myself. I use detection spells, send spirits out, and make runs through the Astral Plane to scout and give direction.
C. I am very capable of going stealth through air ducts, rooftops, etc. I am willing to do so if it's low risk of confrontation.

2014-05-17, 07:57 AM
Just out of curiousity (and a bit of ignorance), why did you go Metatype D and Resources E? With a human, wouldn't the opposite be wiser?

2014-05-17, 03:54 PM
Just out of curiousity (and a bit of ignorance), why did you go Metatype D and Resources E? With a human, wouldn't the opposite be wiser?


It's really good in 5e, particularly for mages, and Humans on priority D start with five points of it. With Resources E being pretty workable for an awakened character it's actually a good idea to go for an extra 45 karma worth of Edge over the 22 karma worth of nuyen.

As regards the actual character, did you buy that specialisation with Karma? If so, you should remember that your skill group is now split, so write down the skills separately instead of as a group.

You are missing a Fake SIN and a commlink to broadcast it on. This is the equivalent to wearing an 'arrest me' sign anywhere outside of the barrens. Ideally it should have a decent rating and come with some fake licences for your magic, but having at least a rating 1 will keep you from being arrested on sight. Also, do everything you can to get at least a point in Con and Etiquette in there. You are a professional criminal, chances are you're going to have to lie to someone at some point and the 'retrieve foot from mouth' skill is always useful.

Consider trading that point in Banishing for a point in Counterspelling. Banishing is very much a 'go big or go home' sort of skill and everyone loves having a magician with Counterspelling on their side.

An idea worth thinking about is trading Stealth for Silence. There's a lot of things you can get away with when you can just turn the sound in an area off. Like setting off explosives, driving a truck through a wall or any other nosy activity that might be of use if only no one could hear it. Clout for Stunbolt is another one. Stunbolt does a little less damage, but it cuts right through a lot of foes' defences (the heavily armoured troll goes down just as easily as the generic ganger).

If you can find the karma, rating 1 Focused Concentration is never a bad idea, particularly with a lot of Edge like you have.

Otherwise the character seems pretty decent. Some more social skills/Binding/Counterspelling might be good, but you're still bringing some hefty spells, excellent astral surveillance, spirits on demand and lots of contacts.

Your tactics seem good. Add dropping Mass Confusion + summoning up a spirit for any combat that happens and you should be good to go.

You don't, I'll note, actually have much in the way of detection spells. Analyze Truth and/or Mind Probe would be good additions. Maybe switch out Magic Fingers, since you have Levitate for moving objects and your palming/locksmith skills aren't really all that great (nor is Locksmith actually all that useful, since most locks that matter are electronic).

2014-05-17, 05:09 PM

It's really good in 5e, particularly for mages, and Humans on priority D start with five points of it. With Resources E being pretty workable for an awakened character it's actually a good idea to go for an extra 45 karma worth of Edge over the 22 karma worth of nuyen.

Arrrgh. I'm gonna have to get the book to follow.