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View Full Version : DM Help Just Theological Pandering: 2 CP wanted.

2014-05-17, 04:38 PM
Alright, worldbuilding, I have always had very high frequency of nifty ideas for a campaign world I wanted to build, as any ambitious DM would, and I'm just looking for some criticism and advice on the work I have so far, specifically on my pantheon and those who channel the divine, with no clerics.

9 deities (nine alignments) which I kinda refluffed from GreyHawk. Each diety has a different caster which is associated with them, depending in alignment and domains.

-Pelor NG, guardian of time, plants and the sun:
Good Incarnates
-Bahamut LG, guardian of souls, and the downtrodden: Dragonfire Adepts
-Corellon, CG, (drop elf fluff), god of freedom music: Divine bards
Wee-jas, LN, guardian of death, trials, rebirth, and essentia: Law Incarnates
Boccob, TN, Knowledge, Truth, Philosophy: Truenamer
The Cloaked One, CN, Shadows, secrets, messin' with time: Shadowcasters(w/errata)
Tiamat, LE, Devil-Mother, Conquer, Tyrancy, greediness: Dragonfire Adept
Vecna, NE, Secrets, Nihilism, the Moon, :Evil Incarnates
Erythnuul, CE, slaughter, blood, genocide, war: Binders

Would you consider this balanced, and thematic?

Spirit-shamans worship nature, animals, and the cycle of reincarnation

Paladins//Soulborn are atheistic warriors of philosophy, who think (know) that the Gods are not gods, just figureheads of idealism. (The higher ups in the ranks discuss what a God is, and conclude that it's a being beyond our comprehension or demention, probably something from the Shadow plane). One should be good and just because that is what he would hope a person to act toward them, to put it simply, which they wouldn't do for you.

A close knit Pantheon, with each Gods theology tied to the next, and behaves like a check & balance system (like Congress, Courts, and Congress), which is why very little direct divine contact directly touches the Material Plane.

When anyone dies, they go to corrosponding plane for alignment, become outsiders (Unless true neutral, than it's direct recycling), when outsiders die (due to undending planar conflict) they re-enter the essentia stream (as Weejas dictates) to be introduced into a mortal being, completing a cycle. Resurrection does not take place, only through things like reincarnation can one be brought back (with malignant amnesia, due to the brain of the new body's synapses not perfectly corrosponding to the previous souls neural paths, unless they roll the same race)

Dragons are dinosaurs who lived beyond extinction countless centuries ago, attempted by the Aboleths. Evolution over this time, and dominance of power is what made Dragons who are to this day. One of the most apathetic creatures about, the dragon cares little for the lifves of humanoids, and their ilk, Good, or Evil. Very few loosely follow B&T with little cooperation.

No Astral, or Ethereal planes, just the Plane of Shadows, which behaves more like the Fourth Demention (Linear Time & Possibilities) and as the transient plane. Travelling this plane is dangerous, and could land you someplace outside of your own time. Pelor will try & help. The Cloaked One will strike a deal.

The Essentia Stream surrounds the entire Material Plane, keeping it firmly in place in the endless Shadowplane, and allowing time to pass regularly. Like the world is one big shaped soulmeld from some inconceivable being.

There is no Blood War, the Heavens and Hells are in endless conflict, fueled by the alignment shifts of the Material Plane. Tiamat manifested Hell, as punishment for mortals to fuel her fires. Baator, Carcerei, and the Abyss are lumped together as layers themselves (punishment/exile/destruction). Heaven is a sanctuary from the ailments of existence for Mortals who have suffered unfairly. Foothills (Beastlands), Mountainside (Ysgard), and Peak (Celestia) make up Heaven.

The Inner Planes are the churning core of the Material that keep the world itself (physical) turning through time, making outsiders from there rather apathetic about what takes place in the mortal realm.

Mechanus is Placed in the center of the Outer Planes, and acts like the first Cog of the machine to spin the Wheel, and where the Headwaters of the Stream begin, creating new souls when one Ascends. Wee-Jas oversees souls after death, and distributes accordingly after trial in this place. The power of the souls/essentia coming to and fro throughout the planes is what keeps the Planet in it's spin, and the world stable.

Ascending is gaining the consent from a Celestial/Infernal Being to continue your existence beyond your natural span, through fixed Reincarnation, Dragonborn, Hellborn, or a number of different methods. The Hellborn are sent back from Hell in a bet for their soul to become Dragonborn of Bahamut as redemption.

Undeath is having your essentia removed from the Stream, forcing yourself into time where you do not belong, and weakening the bond that keeps all things from falling into the Shadowplane. When an undead is destroyed, they become a vestige, and "exist" in the Shadowplane, frozen in a nothingness of an existence with what's left of their consciousness.

I might add more when more resurfaces.

What do you think? Is this a theology you would feel good about playing under?

Are my "Preists"/holy/unholy men diverse, and balanced?

Thanks for reading Fellow Playgrounders!