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2007-02-14, 01:49 PM
Okay character concept is a half human half Githyanki the class doesn't matter at the moment but i want to hear peoples opinions reguarding the racial abilities. I'm looking for a 0 level adjustment.
Now go crazy!

2007-02-14, 03:59 PM
Half Githyanki, eh? Here's what I'm thinking
Half Githyanki
Medium Humanoid (Extraplanar)
+2 Dex, -2 Wis
Base Speed 30
Darkvision 60
Naturally Psionic: +3 PP
Psi-like abilities:
-Far hand 1/day
-Psionic Daze 1/day

Really it's just a watered down githyanki. Probably a little underpowered.

2007-02-14, 04:02 PM
I'd say that looks pretty good for LA 0, the only thing is that traditionally a bonus to a physical score is offset by either another physical penalty or two mental penalties. Of course the dwarf ignores this, and wisdom is one of the more relevant mental ability scores so I wouldn't say it's overpowered.

2007-02-14, 04:10 PM
thanks i cant believe it took 2 hours for someone to come up with something.
Favored class fighter or psychic warrior?
I'm not sure i think +2 con, -2 wis. Because this is not a half Githzerai.
And yes to the power point bonus

2007-02-14, 04:28 PM
Okay, first, ew.

Second, that block looks good to me. It's about on par with the Dwarf. And for a Half-Yanki, probably Favored Class Psychic Warrior.

2007-02-14, 04:42 PM
The concept is a classic one. A orphaned child raised by loving humans the mother was a Githyanki Psychic Warrior, she was powerful too powerful the Lich queen had her recalled from the matieral planes but not before giving birth to a half child with her traveling companion a human cleric.
The Father was given one of the silver swords to give to the half child when he grows up.
He's been over seeing the child from afar because his god told him that this child needs to find his own path and if the other Githyanki was to know of the childs existance they would not only kill the child but the rest of the church too.
So the pained father gaved up his only child the only thing reminding him of his glorious dead wife.
And in 20 years time that child shall be my character a Githyanki half child unburdern by the taboos and the horror of living in the Astral plane with all the other other Githyanki a child with the goodness of the human heart and hopfully the child that will set the Githyanki free of the Lich queen.

2007-02-14, 04:47 PM
Don't Githyanki and Githzerai lay eggs?

Fax Celestis
2007-02-14, 04:55 PM
Half Githyanki, eh? Here's what I'm thinking
Half Githyanki
Medium Humanoid (Extraplanar)
+2 Dex, -2 Wis
Base Speed 30
Darkvision 60
Naturally Psionic: +3 PP
Psi-like abilities:
-Far hand 1/day
-Psionic Daze 1/day

Really it's just a watered down githyanki. Probably a little underpowered.

+3 PP is NOT LA+0. +1 PP is LA+0.

That'd be like saying, "Here, have three extra first-level spells (or a second-level spell after you level) per day!"

2007-02-14, 04:57 PM
Don't Githyanki and Githzerai lay eggs?

? I haven't read anything about them that says that? I mean they look alot like savage elves. And i've never seen or read about a humanoid laying eggs.

2007-02-14, 04:59 PM
axraelshelm: Still ew. Giths always looked too reptilian for me to consider them "biologically compatible" with mammalian humanoids. Also, Lizardfolk are humanoids, and I'm pretty sure they lay eggs.

Fax_Celestis: this is why I need to learn the psionics rules.

2007-02-14, 05:01 PM
Yup, they do. It has something to do with Mind Flayers torturing them for centuries and making sick experiments.

2007-02-14, 05:20 PM
In one of the older books (maybe planescape) it said they were descended from planar humans if I remember correctly.

2007-02-14, 06:04 PM
Don't Githyanki and Githzerai lay eggs?
Hmmm, one of the members of my group, a first-ed old hand, played a Githyanki in one of my campaigns, and he seemed to think the same thing.

2007-02-14, 06:12 PM
I remember that the 3.0 book about planes (can't remember the name) said they lay eggs. Or was it the monster manual? Anyway, I'm sure they do.

So, pretending that a human-githyanki hybrid was possible, would it have been born or hatch from an egg? I think that it'd depend on the mother's race - if she was a human, the baby'd be born, if githyanki, she'd lay an egg.

Now forgive me, I need to make myself stop thinking about this. Which won't be easy.

2007-02-14, 07:46 PM
Don't you mean Psionics?

2007-02-14, 07:57 PM
Gah, that spoiled the psionics for me! I've seen all those gaunt, bald, tattoo-covered, creepy guys as so innocent up until now...

2007-02-14, 08:32 PM
Magic and Psionics? Working in perfect disharmony to produce a truly mind-rendingly horrible offspring? Yuck!:smalleek:

2007-02-14, 08:39 PM
Shouldn't this be in homebrew?

2007-02-14, 10:28 PM
Magic. The baby is born by magic. From magic.


Wait...is his name going to be Anakin? 'Cos if so, this isn't going to end well. And it's going to have a really cheesy romance.

/Yoda is a Goblin
//Actually, that'd be kind of cool...

2007-02-15, 12:02 AM
Shouldn't this be in homebrew?

Yes. Yes it should.

2007-02-15, 01:41 AM
This seems more and more like teh mario bros the movies all over again.

2007-02-15, 02:06 AM
Wait... but the standard Githyanki favored class is MONK... I don't see why a Wisdom penalty is there...

I'd say a Charisma penalty but no one cares about Charisma...

2007-02-15, 04:42 AM
Wait... but the standard Githyanki favored class is MONK... I don't see why a Wisdom penalty is there...

I'd say a Charisma penalty but no one cares about Charisma...

Um, actually the Githyanki favored class is fighter, you're thinking of the Githzerai. Admittedly, very similiar, but since full Githyanki have a wisdom penalty, it's not unsound to give one to the half-githyanki.

Half Githzerai seems like it would be hard to make a balanced version by just cutting things about in half, since they have a +6 to one physical score, and their mental scores balance out.

2007-02-15, 11:29 AM
I think a +2 con and a -2 wis is fair but the bonus psi points should either be 1 or 2.
But not sure about the favored class.

2007-02-15, 12:16 PM
I'd go with the +1 power point, personally. It seems much more fitting for the +0 LA. Favored Class should be Psionic Warrior if Psionics is allowed in the campaign, Figher is it's not.

2007-02-15, 12:37 PM
Favored Class should be Psychic Warrior if Psionics is allowed in the campaign, Figher is it's not.

And heresy! Psionics not allowed in a campaign? I understand magic being banned, but psionics? You want to be staked and torched and mauled?

2007-02-15, 04:17 PM
OK, their are few misconceptions here.
1. Nether of the Gith races lay eggs. Their are not reptlian in the least. They are green (or yellow) skinned yes, they are really really freaky looking yes, but they are not replties. They looks as freaky as they do because of their experience under mind flayer control and their envoiment. Githyanki look even freakier because they come from a world with no gravity. And they are not decended from elves or humans. They are their own stock of creatures.
Now, as disterbing as it seems, a half Githyanki is not an unthinkable idea. It is rarer than a half-orc because of the location, but if you look at the races, the odds of a human mating with a githyanki is far highter than an orc. It would not likly be rape, as
1. Githyanki is mildly female domanat but not to extend of keeping males as a breeding as a breeding stock, and Githyanki don't like to accosaite with lesser beings. HOwever as they have very deadly slave camps, it is quite possible.
More likly however, it would be a breeding program to have a score of slave races to serve them on the material planes, as spiesand such.
Githyanki will treat the slave badly but allow them to exist to serve their needs. They are a miltary race and are willing to do anything to preserve their power.
As for favorite class, that is easy. If you play with sonics, have their favored class be pyinoic warrior, because that is what pure breed githyanki's class is. If nott, than have it be fighter, like non pyonic githyanki.
Not a half breed Githzerai would be far
rarer, as they like to avoid matieral plane races. However, they are not evil so...any hting is possible.
And one more note, cross breeding ewwwwwwww

2007-02-15, 05:27 PM
EVilelitest? where do you get your information from? about the gith races anyway?
I'm thinking about doing some light reading on the two races and hopefully play one at some point because of the level adjustment for both race i decided i need to find a level 0 equiflent.

2007-02-18, 02:25 PM
I really liked teh Gith races. After playing demon stone, the first game where i acully encounted them, i decieded to look into their cuilture. MM 3.5 has them, the expanded pyonics handbook as them, Lords of Madness has them, plane scape has them, planar handbook has them, the FR Underdark book has them, Maunal of the planes has them, MM 4 hasthem, (Is their a 5, i'm to lazy to to it up my self, but if their is its four or five) and they have a slightly different stroy in the player guide to Ebberon. Their are also some adventure with them. However, i really like the race, and so i looked them up online for for details, and if you goodle ether one you find a few more details about their culture. As for the half gith part of my post, that was my idea, because it seems to match the githyanki culture.
As for playing them, if you don't want ot play a half gith race, they are a player race in expanded pyonics hand book. In my own world, i've divied their race even more, making 95 percent of the race the phyic kind from the pyonic hand books, and the last 5 percent the normal kind from the monster maunels.
Oh they might be in savage species, but i don't have it so you would have to check. or are you asking about their culture.

2007-02-18, 09:06 PM
Any body have any nice role play ideas about this thread?


2007-02-18, 11:42 PM
Magic. The baby is born by magic. From magic.


Hey, if John Carter can have a kid with the egg-laying Dejah Thoris, I say the concept's fair game in fantasy.

2007-02-19, 06:19 AM
It's common knowledge that giths lay eggs. It goes way back to the AD&D and planescape setting, where do you think all of us got that idea that they lay eggs? Nobody said they're reptilian, just that it's their way of reproduction. Platipus also lays eggs, but it's a mammal. Check out the planewalker website, you got all the info on them there. There's an article about them, and it couldn't be more clearer than this:

"Like the githyanki, the githzerai are an egg-laying species due to the horrific mutations made while enslaved by the illithids. "

2007-02-19, 07:23 AM
Hello thread starter here I had given hope that someone would post on my thread again. And yes the Gith do lay eggs and have a pact with the red dragons to Protect their eggs in the Material plane so they can hatch because in the astral plane you don't age.

And I'm so playing a half gith I realy want to play a Gith with a human heart because he was raised on the matieral plain umongst humans.

2007-02-19, 09:07 AM
Just in case anyone else is curious, yes, Gith do lay eggs:


You can also look at the downloads section for the full 3.5 conversions of the races. This is stuff posted with Wizards' permission so I'd say I'd trust the source.

As to Half-Gith... well, were it a game I were running, I wouldn't allow it, probably, ruling that githyanki are too mutated and warped to mate with humans--I'd say an egg-laying species trying to mate with a live-birthing species would cause problems. OTOH, we do have half-dragons... *sigh* That's what happens when you live in a magical universe I guess. But in that case, the suggestions already provided here in the thread seem to be a good place to start.

And simply IMHO:I also think it would provide more dynamism and potential tension if you simply played a Githyanki child raised by humans. I believe there are rules to remove certain race abilities if you want to lose level adjustment and/or gain them as you level up. Interesting things could occur--perhaps the child would ultimately try to be claimed by cruel Gith relatives, etc.

Otherwise, to the OP: it's great to get ideas from the board, but ultimately, you need to be discussing this with your GM. This needs to be something you and your GM can live with. Does he/she have an opinion on this?

2007-02-19, 11:17 AM
my gm has always been sensible and generous of what we as a group can play.
In the sense of having a good time everything can be discussed we had a winged elf, a half drow taking the human racial stats, he's all up for us playing homebrew races aslong as he gets a look at it first before making characters.
Anyway we all help with the plane creation process, including social and economics structures.
Our group take roleplaying very seriously it feels more like a creative team for a movie rather than a gaming group.

Anyway the Half Githyanki is my take on the superman storyline but his races home lands are still intact.
For him i probably go with the psionic warrior and take a few incarium feats. I realy want to use those books!

2007-02-19, 11:26 AM
I could not find anything on them laying eggs in MM books, but i don't have access to planescape. However i still have acress to their culture, (githyanki more than githzeria but) and it makes sense for the githyanki to breed with humans to make a material plane race of slaves to hunt the flayers their.
Good luck

2007-02-19, 12:22 PM
Evilelitest your idea of human clave breeding is a valid one but i'm going for a more lighter character but i will make it a mindflayer killer.

2007-02-19, 02:56 PM
Evilelitest your idea of human clave breeding is a valid one but i'm going for a more lighter character but i will make it a mindflayer killer.

Ok, but why would a Githyanki mate with a human? even a good githyanki will view them as an inferoir species. Githzerai

2007-02-19, 03:08 PM
That would depend on the individual wouldn't it? In myths and legends gods and other magical beings take human lovers because of the most basic emotions lust or one of the most poetic love. Either way The impression i got from the Githyanki was a love for freedom and chaos while the Githzauri valued law and calm.
I know that most of them are evil and may have a more nastier bent on other races but it doesn't mean ALL the people are in that particler social structure.

2007-02-19, 10:22 PM
That would depend on the individual wouldn't it? In myths and legends gods and other magical beings take human lovers because of the most basic emotions lust or one of the most poetic love. Either way The impression i got from the Githyanki was a love for freedom and chaos while the Githzauri valued law and calm.
I know that most of them are evil and may have a more nastier bent on other races but it doesn't mean ALL the people are in that particler social structure.

True but Githyanki are strongly miltarian. While they are often Neutral and Choatic Evil, their goal is complete conquest of the multi universe. I am not saying that your idea is bad, i am just saying that you would have to come up with a very good back story to why these Githyanki would breed with humans. I would like to point out about Githyanki, while they are evil, cruel, rude, arrogent, racist, and milterist, they do have some morals. They will not work with mind flayers, and i imagine they will not work with any other pyonic race like them (Aboleths). They also belive in martail strengh, don't belive in gender differences, and are midly honorable fighters. They are not so much evil to the "lesser races", they more don't consider them human (or gith i surrpose) and are more like animals. However, exceptions could very well exist. I like the idea, in fact i have already made one as a cohort to the Githyanki character in my champain. But good luck non the less

2007-02-20, 01:42 AM
I dont agree with the great plan of the Githyanki is to concur the multiverse, they like to fight yes and have the protection of the red dragons but thats because of their unhatched young.
They want to fight because they never want to go back to being a slave race again, they had been cattle for too long and that has built aggression beyond almost all of the other races of the multiverse.
Offcourse they are militeristic they need to be to hunt down their former aggressors which are evil in the cthulu sense of the word but I don't think that as a former slave race they would take slaves anyway.

Your thinking that this bunch of Githyanki breed with humans, while I'm thinking of one Githyanki breeding with a human I think thats where we don't agree on the existance of a Half-Gith.

2007-02-20, 02:42 AM
No, I'm pretty sure the Lich Queen of the Githyanki actually does want to conquer the Multiverse. Your character's parent could have easily been in disagreement with that idea, though, and just wanted to exterminate the Flayers. And maybe the 'Zerai.

EDIT: Okay, maybe not conquer per se, but as Wikipedia summarizes:

Gith, however, was not satisfied with the destruction of the illithids alone, and sought to spread the war to any race that could potentially enslave her people again. She was opposed in this endeavour by the followers Zerthimon, who believed that such a path would lead their people to corruption and ruin. Thus, at the Pronouncement of Two Skies, the gith race factionilised into the githyanki and the githzerai...
Their society was founded on genocidal paranoia, basically.

2007-02-20, 03:00 AM
No, I'm pretty sure the Lich Queen of the Githyanki actually does want to conquer the Multiverse. Your character's parent could have easily been in disagreement with that idea, though, and just wanted to exterminate the Flayers. And maybe the 'Zerai.

EDIT: Okay, maybe not conquer per se, but as Wikipedia summarizes:

Their society was founded on genocidal paranoia.

So they would fight against another race that would pose as a mindflayerlike threat at enslaving them again so they would fight other organised abberation groups aswell as other slavers, doesn't seem half bad to me.
It's the Lich queen that wants to conquer the multiverse doesn't mean all of them wants to also it's their freedom the are fighting for, the lich queen gives them the freedom and they offer their essense to her willingly or through trial of combat depending on the Gith.

I thought the Lich Queen wants to be a Godess thats why she consumes the essense of heros to one day arise from the mortal coil to become more than just undead.

2007-02-20, 05:04 AM
They will not work with mind flayers, and i imagine they will not work with any other pyonic race like them (Aboleths).

Well, you're wrong on this one. Lords of Madness says:

Mind Flayers take steps to prevent their enemies from becoming too numerous or too powerful. They recruit spies among the githzerai and githyanki: members of those races who, through blackmail or a desire for vengeance, have turned against their own people.

2007-02-20, 03:17 PM
Well, you're wrong on this one. Lords of Madness says:

Mind Flayers take steps to prevent their enemies from becoming too numerous or too powerful. They recruit spies among the githzerai and githyanki: members of those races who, through blackmail or a desire for vengeance, have turned against their own people.

They AS A RACE, will not work with the flayers willingly. Mind Flayer will trick them to do their bidding, but it will not be willing
As for the lich queen, he does want to conquered the universe. She hates the flayers as much as the next gith, but her goal is complept conquest and godom. She kills high level githyanki because she does not any threat to her power from her own race. The githyaki at that, are fine with mutiuniverse conqest, as they view most races as mere cattle. That is the reason they split with the githzerai
That being said, i don't not like your idea. I am just putting mine out as a way to explain the prensence of multiple half githyanki, not your specific one.

2007-02-20, 04:18 PM
So they would fight against another race that would pose as a mindflayerlike threat at enslaving them again so they would fight other organised abberation groups aswell as other slavers, doesn't seem half bad to me.
It's the Lich queen that wants to conquer the multiverse doesn't mean all of them wants to also it's their freedom the are fighting for, the lich queen gives them the freedom and they offer their essense to her willingly or through trial of combat depending on the Gith.
Exactly. Well, mostly. Their central government are pretty much xenophobic nuts; all I'm saying is that your character's mother would have been an exception. Not even necessarily an uncommon exception. Oh, and most of the Githyanki I've seen played in games consider pretty much anything with an intelligence score and a culture a potential threat to be eradicated: abberations, elves, humans, celestials... Again, an individual who thinks differently is nowhere near inconceivable. I'm just trying to explain exactly what baggage this idea carries.

2007-02-20, 04:27 PM
They AS A RACE, will not work with the flayers willingly. Mind Flayer will trick them to do their bidding, but it will not be willing
As for the lich queen, he does want to conquered the universe. She hates the flayers as much as the next gith, but her goal is complept conquest and godom. She kills high level githyanki because she does not any threat to her power from her own race. The githyaki at that, are fine with mutiuniverse conqest, as they view most races as mere cattle. That is the reason they split with the githzerai
That being said, i don't not like your idea. I am just putting mine out as a way to explain the prensence of multiple half githyanki, not your specific one.

i find it quite hard to believe that a race that had been cattle would treat other races as cattle. I know they veiw other races as weak and they are very rude but i think it's because they are very proud of themselves.
They had over threw the greatest monsters that the multiverse had ever witnessed which had an empire that span worlds and had ruled for god knows how long, thats something to be proud of.
Are you thinking about the Githyank pirate?

2007-02-20, 05:05 PM
Heh, it may seem counter logical, but it certainly is the sort of thing that might happen after a generation or ten.

2007-02-20, 05:34 PM
i find it quite hard to believe that a race that had been cattle would treat other races as cattle.Really? Really? I guess I'm cynical, but I could come up with lots of examples from history where being treated like crap by some other group does NOT make a people realize how wrong that is, and be really nice and considerate. Rather the trend seems to be that you remember the wrong that was done to your group, and use that as a justification for treating some other group like crap.

I guess I can't really go into examples on this board, though, since it'd be real-world politics and/or religion :smalleek:

2007-02-20, 10:34 PM
i find it quite hard to believe that a race that had been cattle would treat other races as cattle. I know they veiw other races as weak and they are very rude but i think it's because they are very proud of themselves.
They had over threw the greatest monsters that the multiverse had ever witnessed which had an empire that span worlds and had ruled for god knows how long, thats something to be proud of.
Are you thinking about the Githyank pirate?

Look at it this way, in american history we treated african-americans as animals for the simple reason because we could. The nazis treated the jews like cattle because of their culture, the japonese treated the chinese like cattle for the same reason. I view the githyanki a bit like facist japan, miltarist, proud, ambitions, loaly, strong, honorable, arrogent, cruel, vindictive, brave, educated, patroitic, ethocentric, zealos, uncaring, deadly, devout, xenophobic and dedacated. Also some of the greatest fighters in the world.

The githyanki view the other races as cattle because they overthrew such a powerful race. From my favoirite PC githyanki, Greth the Mind Flayer hunter (he has gotten lost underground and is forced to work with material races for protection) words when asked why he thinks himself great

"Their is no question to our greatness. We are Gith, direct decendents of the legendary race from beginning of time. We overthrew the Flayers and achieved our freedom. We are strong, and have no time for the weak willed, who slow us down, like are cowardly kin the githzerai. We defeated the flayers, we stole their pyonic secrets. We were teh first race you understand ways of the pion (not really true but he belives that), we mastered the pyonic warrior, we are the worlds greatest swordsmens. We started off with nothing, NOTHING, no possistion, not power, no magic, no weapons, no money, no FREE WILL, and we not only lived but thrieved. We rule the astrel planes, none stand against our fleets. Even the gods bow to our will, their bodies being used as our cities. We are Gith, the true pyonic race. Even the dragons bow to our will. We defeated the flayers again and again, drove our cowardly kin to limbo, defeated the flayers in our plane, helped free the Durrgear and Derro (in my world the gith races helped) and domanate the astel plane. We travel worlds without a thought, why should we can for you and your little plane. You are but dust compared to our glory. You quack in fear and fall before the flayers, and we destroy them. If you can't fight the flayer yourself, then we shall do it for you. We shall destroy them and take you under our protection, for it is the only thing that will protect you. We are the gith, we have no need for allies, no need for gods, no need for anyone but our selves. We are strong, whe have survied and will will domanate, and rule. ONly though strengh will we rule, human swine. We are gith, and we are strong"
Now this is from a NE member of the race who is far more arrogent than most, but teh point is still their, they think they are justified in their arrogence.
That being said, it is far more likly to find a good githyanki than a good drow. They have a code of honor, and are stronly anti flayer. They also travel a lot and experience many different cultures, which will inflence their judgement. I get the impression that their "new" leader has made them more miltary orented tham their are most of the time, but their are not irredeemable and good githyanki are quite likly to exist.
However, while many half githyanki could quite likly exist outside this program, githyanki forming half githyanki so they could have materail plane agents fits their morals, to stop the flayers at all costs
Bear in mind, githyanki are not evil in a drow sense, they just don't care about other races.

2007-02-20, 10:40 PM
Look at it this way, in american history we treated african-americans as animals for the simple reason because we could. The nazis treated the jews like cattle because of their culture, the japonese treated the chinese like cattle for the same reason. I view the githyanki a bit like facist japan, miltarist, proud, ambitions, loaly, strong, honorable, arrogent, cruel, vindictive, brave, educated, patroitic, ethocentric, zealos, uncaring, deadly, devout, xenophobic and dedacated. Also some of the greatest fighters in the world.

The githyanki view the other races as cattle because they overthrew such a powerful race. From my favoirite PC githyanki, Greth the Mind Flayer hunter (he has gotten lost underground and is forced to work with material races for protection) words when asked why he thinks himself great

"Their is no question to our greatness. We are Gith, direct decendents of the legendary race from beginning of time. We overthrew the Flayers and achieved our freedom. We are strong, and have no time for the weak willed, who slow us down, like are cowardly kin the githzerai. We defeated the flayers, we stole their pyonic secrets. We were teh first race you understand ways of the pion (not really true but he belives that), we mastered the pyonic warrior, we are the worlds greatest swordsmens. We started off with nothing, NOTHING, no possistion, not power, no magic, no weapons, no money, no FREE WILL, and we not only lived but thrieved. We rule the astrel planes, none stand against our fleets. Even the gods bow to our will, their bodies being used as our cities. We are Gith, the true pyonic race. Even the dragons bow to our will. We defeated the flayers again and again, drove our cowardly kin to limbo, defeated the flayers in our plane, helped free the Durrgear and Derro (in my world the gith races helped) and domanate the astel plane. We travel worlds without a thought, why should we can for you and your little plane. You are but dust compared to our glory. You quack in fear and fall before the flayers, and we destroy them. If you can't fight the flayer yourself, then we shall do it for you. We shall destroy them and take you under our protection, for it is the only thing that will protect you. We are the gith, we have no need for allies, no need for gods, no need for anyone but our selves. We are strong, whe have survied and will will domanate, and rule. ONly though strengh will we rule, human swine. We are gith, and we are strong"
Now this is from a NE member of the race who is far more arrogent than most, but teh point is still their, they think they are justified in their arrogence.
That being said, it is far more likly to find a good githyanki than a good drow. They have a code of honor, and are stronly anti flayer. They also travel a lot and experience many different cultures, which will inflence their judgement. I get the impression that their "new" leader has made them more miltary orented tham their are most of the time, but their are not irredeemable and good githyanki are quite likly to exist.
However, while many half githyanki could quite likly exist outside this program, githyanki forming half githyanki so they could have materail plane agents fits their morals, to stop the flayers at all costs
Bear in mind, githyanki are not evil in a drow sense, they just don't care about other races.

Edit: Oh and have you found any 3.5 sources that say githyanki lay eggs, none in MM or Expanded Pyonics handbook, or MM 4

2007-02-21, 01:44 AM
Thats cool I guess hatred just breeds more hatred in the end.
So does anyone have another roleplay character idea for a half Gith?
I don't see them as a facist japanese culture though because they aren't that structured they believe in anarchy and freedom.

Freedom i think it's that word that I can't conceive a race thinking that is the most important thing would keep slaves, it just doesn't make sense to me.

I see them as a proud almost punk like society, they fight learn psionic powers because it's easy for them rather than studying magic because of the fact that they are naturaly psionic.
But theres no need to farm or eat because they live in the Astral plane so they concentrate on fighting because theres nothing else to do and it'll prepare them for the hunt for mind flayers.

2007-02-21, 02:57 PM
Thats cool I guess hatred just breeds more hatred in the end.
So does anyone have another roleplay character idea for a half Gith?
I don't see them as a facist japanese culture though because they aren't that structured they believe in anarchy and freedom.

Freedom i think it's that word that I can't conceive a race thinking that is the most important thing would keep slaves, it just doesn't make sense to me.

I see them as a proud almost punk like society, they fight learn psionic powers because it's easy for them rather than studying magic because of the fact that they are naturaly psionic.
But theres no need to farm or eat because they live in the Astral plane so they concentrate on fighting because theres nothing else to do and it'll prepare them for the hunt for mind flayers.

I am not sure but i don't think they keep slaves. As for as i know, when they capture "Lesser Races" they uses them as task workers. They give them protection and a place to live, but they are in reality slaves, except they can't be sold or traded. The githyanki view themselves are "protecting them". I'm not sure thoug, can sombody else find out, and while their at it find out if they lay eggs in 3.5, as i can't find a book that say they do.
As for why they are so structered, when your a slave you entire life is structer, and it can be really unerving when that is taken away. They become facist (i think) because it is comferting, it is a lot easier to take orders then to make them. They would rather not go though the trouble of orginazing themselves into a productive nation, and would rather reley upon miltary might than diplomancy. Bear in mind, in Expanded Pyionic handbook, it points out that they have not allies and don't belive in any gods.
Half-githyanki on the other hand, i think would be like punks. You could base them after Drow in D20 modern. The half-githyanki were never forced to endure the horrors of the mindflayers domanation, and don't live on the same plane as the githyanki. They would most likly be far more chaotic, in an attemp to differ themselves from their milterent parents.

2007-02-21, 04:18 PM
I dont know dude rather than a organised army they seem more warband or a sabbat pack (vampire) kind of like Klingon attitude even.
They are the kind of people that after a hunt would parade their trophies around while soilders in a organised army wouldn't.

Thats one reason and i think is a very important reason why Githyanki and Githzauri could never peacefuly co-exist one values chaos and freedom while the other desire structure and climbing the ladder of power.
Thats why they have 2 very different favored class's
one being fighter the other being monk.
Fighter can be opened ended with alighments while monk you can't you need the structure for it.

2007-02-21, 11:32 PM
I dont know dude rather than a organised army they seem more warband or a sabbat pack (vampire) kind of like Klingon attitude even.
They are the kind of people that after a hunt would parade their trophies around while soilders in a organised army wouldn't.

Thats one reason and i think is a very important reason why Githyanki and Githzauri could never peacefuly co-exist one values chaos and freedom while the other desire structure and climbing the ladder of power.
Thats why they have 2 very different favored class's
one being fighter the other being monk.
Fighter can be opened ended with alighments while monk you can't you need the structure for it.

You can play githyanki in your world however you want, and i like the idea of playing half githyanki as punks, but in core githyanki are quite miltarent. They did not split with the githzauri because of law chaos differences. It was a peace war diffference. After gith freeded the slaves, she wanted to unite all her people as a one giant army and wipe out the flayers and anyone else who stood in her way. Her second in command (something with a Z i forget) wanted to make the race instead focus upon peace and inner salvation, or more focused on become as people govern nation rather than a miltary ruled one. A civil war broke out, with gith killing her second. The red dragons aided teh githyanki who drove their cousins to Limbo. THeir they remained, wheire they focused upon inner enlightment and self reflection, orginazing them selves into monestaries to preserve knowlage and the art of medatation. While the gityzerai are a fighting race, that are far more peaceful than their miltant cousins, who devote their engeries upon war and conquest. The githzauri themselves focus upon self reflection, but they to have grown cynical and sarcastic, needed little of the "lesser races" but unlike their cousins, they just prefer to distance them sevles from them. The two races always war, but will work together to fight hte flayers.

2007-02-22, 01:32 AM
work together? yeah they would but after the mindflayer is dead they'll kick of again.

Anyway has anyone have another roleplay idea for the half Gith?

2007-02-22, 04:12 PM
work together? yeah they would but after the mindflayer is dead they'll kick of again.

Anyway has anyone have another roleplay idea for the half Gith?

I said that, whatever.
As for the half githyanki, it think that they would be played like the punk idea you had. Think about it, the githyanki are miltary minded warriors with a taste for conquest. They are also deemed inferior (i imagine) but htey still have pyionic powers. They are also told that might is right, and to hate the flayers and githzerai. I think they will become obssesed with gaining strength and overcoming their githyanki parents (this only appleas to those raised by the githyanki) and would be very insecure with their indivusalality. The pure breed githyanki don't care about lost of identaty, because they don't think they really need one, they just need to kill the flayers. The half githy don't have that luxerary, and would mostlikly become more chaotic and do all kinds of stuipied things to get attention. They also want to let out their creativity, and would have a far greater inteste in art and music, as well as a greater interest in pyonic power for non miltary matters. Or are you asking about a specific character?

2007-02-23, 01:19 AM
Shame that bard is so weak a Half-Gith punk band can be the new craze.

2007-02-23, 03:20 AM
Two words: Sublime Chord (PrC from Complete Arcane [or Adventurer]) that makes a Bard into a worthwile spellcaster. Seeker of the Song can do similar things for his song, and Fochlucan Lyrist...I have no idea what that does.

Also, I'm a player in a certain humorous Planescape-based campaign on another board. I can guarantee that I will find some way to incorporate a Half-Gith punk band into the game somewhere.

2007-02-23, 04:27 AM
Fochlucan lyricist is, well...insanely powerful.

Full BAB, 6+int skill points per level, FULL DOUBLE SPELL PROGRESSION (as good as the mystic theurge, and that's that Prc's only claim to fame), continued bardic music progression, let's druids wear metal armor (at first level), and you no longer take experience penalties for multiclassing. Ever.

The only thing that even puts a slight damper on it is the requirements, and even those are very easy to pull off. Bard 5/Ur-Priest 1/Rogue 2/Bard +2/ Sublime chord 1/Fochlucan lyricist will do it nicely, and few DMs will even see it coming. 15 BAB, 9th level spells both divine and arcane. You do have to be nuetral evil, however.

2007-02-23, 10:21 AM
Fochlucan lyricist is, well...insanely powerful.

Full BAB, 6+int skill points per level, FULL DOUBLE SPELL PROGRESSION (as good as the mystic theurge, and that's that Prc's only claim to fame), continued bardic music progression, let's druids wear metal armor (at first level), and you no longer take experience penalties for multiclassing. Ever.

The only thing that even puts a slight damper on it is the requirements, and even those are very easy to pull off. Bard 5/Ur-Priest 1/Rogue 2/Bard +2/ Sublime chord 1/Fochlucan lyricist will do it nicely, and few DMs will even see it coming. 15 BAB, 9th level spells both divine and arcane. You do have to be nuetral evil, however.

na not big on neutral evil the only evil i want to play is lawful evil nothing like Alphicino from devils advocate.

2007-02-23, 10:50 PM
Half Githyanki punk rock band. I bet the pure githyanki uses them as the "Secret weapon" in their war against the lawful githzerai.

2007-02-24, 04:23 AM
Now cant stop thinking a slightly reptilian Sid vicious with a silver sword

2007-02-24, 11:27 AM
Now cant stop thinking a slightly reptilian Sid vicious with a silver sword

This thread burns my eyes.

2007-02-24, 08:09 PM
I dont know dude rather than a organised army they seem more warband or a sabbat pack (vampire) kind of like Klingon attitude even.
They are the kind of people that after a hunt would parade their trophies around while soilders in a organised army wouldn't.

Never heard of a Roman Triumph? Pride and disorganization are not necessarily correlated.

2007-02-24, 10:15 PM
Nicly said.

2007-02-25, 05:26 AM
Never heard of a Roman Triumph? Pride and disorganization are not necessarily correlated.

roman triumph? don't know that saying

2007-02-25, 10:11 AM
It's not a saying, it's a triumphal procession through the streets of Rome following a successful campaign, usually in recognition of a particular General.

2007-02-25, 02:03 PM
It's not a saying, it's a triumphal procession through the streets of Rome following a successful campaign, usually in recognition of a particular General.

Okay what did they do in such a procession? party?

2007-02-25, 02:34 PM
Okay what did they do in such a procession? party?

Behold (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_triumph).

Basically a glorious parade to impress the citizens.

2007-02-25, 02:50 PM
Oh thats cool. so Apart from evileiltest does anyone else have other character concepts for the half Gith?

2007-02-25, 09:04 PM
Oh thats cool. so Apart from evileiltest does anyone else have other character concepts for the half Gith?

I'm hurt. you made me cry.

2007-02-25, 09:06 PM
Oh thats cool. so Apart from evileiltest does anyone else have other character concepts for the half Gith?

I'm hurt. You don't like my options? Now you've made me cry.

2007-02-26, 01:32 AM
As if I love that you posted so many times on my thread I just want to hear different ideas.