View Full Version : Clouded Sight {MtA}

2014-05-18, 06:27 AM
The fog was thick in the streets of Chicago. The headlights of cars did little to cut through the thick, soupy haze as six people arrived at an apartment complex outside the University of Illinois Chicago. The first person to arrive was dressed in a well tailored suit, not entirely out of place, but unusual enough to draw the attention of a few students returning to the nearby campus after a night of drinking. Especially when they realized she was a not unattractive woman. As more of you arrived, the young men lost their interest and moved on, not wanting to get involved in a fight.

Greeting each of you as you arrived, the woman introduced herself as Serene Wind. She waited until you had all arrived before leading you upstairs. She led you up to the seventh and top floor of the complex. The hall was arranged, you can tell, to gather magical energies and direct them into one focused place.

"The lost cabal was here, in their Sanctum when they were killed. This is a grave matter. This sanctum was not easily reached. And it was built on a leyline of power years ago. This was a well established cabal, its members were practitioners of some talent, notably in Time and Space magics. Yet for their ability to See, they could not sense their impending doom. This scene has been untouched by any hand since the police were here earlier. The Consilium has managed to secure this scene for you for three days. The heirarch wants you to determine who did this, and how. I do not need to tell you that the fact that an entire cabal was killed in their Sanctum is a matter of some grave import for us."

2014-05-18, 09:30 AM

Ryan is dressed in a tan brown jacket and a maroon turtleneck and dark blue jeans.

"Do you have the crime scene report?"
If given a dossier, he will scan through it and note pertinent points. Especially a time of death.

"And has anyone spoken to the deceased mages themselves?"

2014-05-18, 10:58 AM

Rune wears fairly bland clothes, but a fair amount of jewelry. Nothing expensive, of course, just things he thought looked nice. He has two anklets on his left leg, and they clink when he walks. He has a ring each on his left index and middle finger, and another on his right index finger. Finally, he has a bracelet on his left wrist.

After Ryan speaks, he asks "Indeed. Has anyone magicked anything up yet? Have they been unable to? Did anyone with the grim sight check the bodies, and has anyone met with their ghosts?

2014-05-18, 11:25 AM
"It was the desire of the hierarch that no one touch the scene, save those chosen for the task. By any means, even magical. We abide by her wishes."

Serene holds a knife up to the door.

"Are you prepared to enter?"

2014-05-18, 02:16 PM
Christer, dressed in a thick coat and somewhat scruffy jeans, heads up the stairs with the rest. "So whats the deal, why send us in? Don't get me wrong, I'm concerned and interested, but this seems like you might be able to get more out of a more experienced group of mages." As he talks, he checks his gun, makes sure its properly loaded, and puts it back in his pocket. "I'm ready... well, almost ready." Crhister puts up a basic fate warding, as well as a guarantee of good fortune. It always helped when investigating, and it probably would now.

Shifting the Odds (rote): Wits+Science+Fate+Free Council+Probability [roll0] (if not probability, ignore last dice) 5 Successes
Fortunes Protection: [roll1] 3 Successes

Mana 10/10

2014-05-18, 02:56 PM
"Brown," was the grunted greeting a slightly overweight man with signs of recent weight loss strolled up and joined the crowd. Fairly bland and unremarkable in features and look Nathan frowned at the explanation of the situation, his natural curiosity drawing him in quickly.

"No-one but us then. Perfect. Don't suppose we've got the police reports by any chance?"

Asked if ready he nodded agreement

2014-05-18, 03:03 PM
"That is also not for me know. You would have to ask the Viziers about that."

With her knife, she cuts the tape and pushes the door open. She then stands aside to allow you entry.

The first thing you notice is the smell. The coppery metal scent of drying blood hits your nostrils. The strength of the scent alone clues you in to how much blood you will have to deal with, but even that is not enough to prepare you for the sight.

They were spread across the living room. The bodies, what was left of them, were torn to shreds. Entrails lay in piles on the floor, and the blood had been taken and spread along the wall. Much of it was smeared and ran down the wall, but there is one place where you can read what was written on the wall.


2014-05-18, 04:39 PM
"Jesus. How the hell did neighbors not call the cops? This doesn't look like it was quiet at all"Christer has his gun out almost immediately, scanning down hallways and keeping his eyes on the entrances. Better safe then sorry. "8:10. Maybe a time? Could be a bible reference. Maybe Banishers?"

2014-05-18, 04:53 PM
Turning notably pale Mr Brown paused a moment in the doorway to clear his head and let the smell seep out.

"This is... God. I mean who would do this?"

Entering the room hesitantly he too focused for a moment on the clear patch on the wall and shook his head, "That's what we can see now. Blood runs. Might be there was other letters or numbers on the wall." Slowly he began to circle the room remembering his lessons. Assess, evaluate, acknowledge and then put it all together.

Assessing the area first
[roll0]Displays individual dice results, then cumulative.

Extra for if need for re-roll 10s. I will use the first X where X is the number of 10s
[roll1]Displays individual dice results, then cumulative.

2014-05-18, 05:04 PM
"Is anyone here from Stygia? We need to know what you know and what you see. How did they die." Rune pulls out his phone. He doesn't much care for using the internet on it, but sometimes it's what you have. He curses. "I hope this isn't a bible passage." He reads out loud. "Nehemiah 8:10 'Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.': He pauses before continuing. "Luke 8:10 ' He said, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, "'though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.' He gave his teammates a meaningful glance.

2014-05-18, 05:13 PM
"Or there's Romans. "But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness." Truly a great sentiment."

Shuddering slightly Nathan continued with his investigation.

2014-05-18, 07:29 PM
"Right. Sorry I asked." Christer begins the thoroughly distasteful task of searching about the room, searching under furniture, checking rugs for scratches of some variety, anything for a possible clue.

Shifting the Odds for 9 again on investigation roll: Wits+Science+Free Council+Fate+Probability [roll0]
Investigation: Wits +Investigation[roll1] 1 success
Encyclopedic Knowledge to turn up common associations for 8:10: [roll2] 3 Successes total.

re-rolls in OOC if necessary

2014-05-18, 09:45 PM
Ryan nods to the others. "Hello. Call me R, I guess" by way of a brief introduction. He smiles politely. He figured there would be a better time to get to know the others later.

He looks exasperated at the announcement that no report from the mundane authorities would be forthcoming.

Typical...Making things harder than they have to be

Despite steeling himself for it, he still turns visibly pale and covers his face with the elbow until he gets accustomed to the smell.
"JESUS!" he curses softly.
Crime scenes were a thing in a television show usually rather than something he viscerally experienced.

Ryan paces around the room, rubbing his temples and regaining his composure.

Supernal Vision
Cast as a Rote. Duration: Prolonged (1 Scene)
(Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17487977&postcount=40))
=> 2 successes

Failed Phantasm
2014-05-19, 03:51 AM
Brandon hadn't been the last one to arrive at the complex, but he was the last one up the stairs. Since they'd already been spotted by several people, it was only when he was reasonably sure that they weren't being shadowed that he followed Serene Wind and the others up to the top floor. He slowly plodded along behind them, periodically glancing over his shoulder, his brow furrowed and a slight frown on his face. There was very little that he'd been told about what to expect, only that the first responders themselves were disturbed by what they'd seen and that he shouldn't wear anything he didn't mind replacing the next day. Even with the heavy nighttime fog, Brandon had become accustomed to cold climes again, so he wasn't dressed too warmly: he wore a light, tattered gray aviator jacket over a dark blue V-neck shirt with torn-off sleeves, a frayed and faded pair of black jeans, some steel-toed workboots he'd picked up at Goodwill, and an old white bandana tied around his head. He was also wearing his sap gloves, though the leather was a bit stiff in the cold, even after flexing his fingers repeatedly to loosen them. It was a mostly monochrome outfit, to be sure, but he'd been in Chicago long enough to know which colors and combinations to avoid wearing out on the streets, especially late at night.

When they reached the door of the apartment, Serene Wind began her explanation of the situation and his new colleagues asked her their questions, while Brandon listened quietly and attentively. When the subject of ghosts was breached, he rubbed his chin and uttered a very soft “Hrm.”, but otherwise kept his thoughts to himself: 'Didn't think every death resulted in a ghost. Not sure I'd want to run into one here, either.' He crossed his arms patiently and shifted his weight, drumming his gloved fingers against his thick bicep while a few more brief words were exchanged. When she was perhaps satisfied that there were no more questions forthcoming, Serene Wind then cut through the police tape — Brandon's muscles tensed as he braced himself, shifting into a ready stance; he didn't know what to expect — and pushed open the door. The sheer stench was the first thing that hit him, causing him to gag for just a moment, though he fought it back. He quickly reached up and untied his bandana, holding it with his left hand over his mouth, finding that he greatly preferred the smell of his own sweat over the cloying aroma of drying blood. He had no words for what he was seeing.

He took a moment to breathe the clean air of the hallway and regain his composure, and then stepped over the threshold and into the room, a calm and stoic expression on his face even though inside he felt like throwing up. 'Christ. Hardly anything left of them, poor sods.' Brandon glanced down as he took a few more steps forward, partially because he didn't want to step in anything that would make a sickening *squelch* underneath his boots. 'Doesn't look like magic was used to... to carve them up like this,' he thought grimly, 'but it might have been magic that killed them.' If nothing else, the ambient Resonance might reveal any lingering spells cast by the murdered Cabal or their mysterious attackers, and whether or not they'd put up a defense or if they'd been caught completely off-guard and slaughtered. Brandon began to chant in High Speech as he prepared to cast a spell, though he did not speak nearly as loudly as he otherwise would have; it felt wrong somehow to break the silence. As he completed his spell and his metaphysical senses flared with renewed power once more, Brandon felt a soothing warmth and familiarity blossom within his soul, and for the briefest instant, he felt relaxed and at peace. He knew he ought not to trust his supernatural senses too much — he knew from experience how easily they could be fooled — but knowing how much he was missing otherwise, he felt half-blind without them.

Remembering where he was, Brandon steeled himself and started analyzing the remains of the fallen mages, as well as the rest of the immediate vicinity. He noted by the smeared blood on the floor that it didn't appear as if they'd been killed here, but he was going to take the time to investigate carefully and thoroughly.

Brandon chants in High Speech before casting a Supernal Vision spell to analyze the Resonance of the immediate vicinity. If he fails to cast his spell, he will try again until he succeeds. He will then assess the room for any signs of magic that may have been used in the Sanctum prior to, during, or after the murder.

Instant action: cast Supernal Vision as an improvised spell. (Prime ●, Covert, 0 Mana)
Gnosis + Prime + 2 : [roll0]
10-again and/or modifiers (from left to right) : [roll1]
Result: 5 successes. (9, 8, 9, 9, 9)

Extended action: spend five turns (15 seconds) scrutinizing the Resonance of the room he is currently in (per page 277-279 of Mage: the Awakening), with particular attention paid to the bodies of the deceased mages. Supernal Vision grants a +1 dice bonus to sense Awakened magic of any kind.

Turn 1 — Intelligence + Occult : [roll2]
10-again and/or modifiers (from left to right) : [roll3]
Result: 1 success. (10)

Turn 2 — Intelligence + Occult : [roll4]
10-again and/or modifiers (from left to right) : [roll5]
Result: 2 successes. (9, 9)

Turn 3 — Intelligence + Occult : [roll6]
10-again and/or modifiers (from left to right) : [roll7]
Result: 0 successes.

Turn 4 — Intelligence + Occult : [roll8]
10-again and/or modifiers (from left to right) : [roll9]
Result: 1 success. (9)

Turn 5 — Intelligence + Occult : [roll10]
10-again and/or modifiers (from left to right) : [roll11]
Result: 2 successes. (9, 10)


Active Spells = 1/5 (Gnosis + 3), Spell Tolerance = 3 (Stamina), Mana = 7/11 (max 2 per turn)

Supernal Vision (Prime ●) — Mage Sight; Prolonged (one scene), Potency 5.

2014-05-19, 12:50 PM
Ryan Atwood / 'R'

Hearing Brandon cast in High Speech has Ryan wince in self-annoyance.

Now I'm making things difficult for myself!

Ryan finishes surveying the scene with his Primal Mage Sight and moves on to see if the ritualistic event that occured stamped its own resonance in the timestream.

He chants in High Speech to pull Fortune towards himself and then holding the energy for a moment, releases it to the next spell he cast.

Exceptional Luck
Instant Casting of Improvised Spell in Ruling Arcana. Duration Prolonged. Mana Cost -1.High Speech Modifier.
Gnosis + Fate + 2: [roll0]
10-again and/or modifiers (from left to right) :[roll1]
Result 4 Successes

Temporal Eddies
Instant Casting of Improvised Spell in Ruling Arcana. Duration Prolonged (1 scene). High Speech + Excpetional Luck Modifier.
Gnosis + Time + 2: [roll2]
9,10-again and/or modifiers (from left to right) :[roll3]
Result 1 Success

2014-05-19, 02:03 PM
It is perhaps with no irony that you can determine there as a significant event here at 8:10 last night. The flows of time are greatly disjointed here, but you can tell they began at that specific time.

With an eye to the forces at work here, the room resonates with dark power. Something terrible occurred here, and it was not just the murder. There is still conflict in the room as you watch the threads vibrate from the power still in the apartment. You aren't sure what it is, but there is still something here. Something dark, sinister.

2014-05-20, 10:30 AM
Ryan/ "R"

"Guys! We AREN'T alone!! Timestream's still messed up since 8pm yesterday"

He tries to reposition himself so he's closer to the others and the door.

****! Is something Abyssal here? What messes up TIME this bad?

Ryan focuses on where the temporal resonance is most disjointed in an attempt to detect the presence.

Active Spells - Max
Supernal Vision
Temporal Eddies

Unveiled Resonance Using Gnosis + Time = No success

Unveiling Resonance as an Extended Action for 5 turns
Intelligence + Occult= 3 dice pool + modifier
Turn 1
10-again/+/- modifiers: [roll1]
Turn 2
10-again/+/- modifiers: [roll3]
Turn 3
10-again/+/- modifiers: [roll5]
Turn 4
10-again/+/- modifiers: [roll7]
Turn 5
10-again/+/- modifiers: [roll9]

2014-05-20, 11:26 AM
"Damn. And that's what I get for neglecting second sights." Christer scans around the apartment as quickly as possible, probing for local emotions, as well as tangles of resonance. Time was already ****ed. Why not check something new?

Activating Third Eye: Mind+Gnosis: [roll0]

I am just amazing at typing the wrong thing. Christer will immediately release the spell, instead using Sense Consciousness: roll in OOC (it got 3 successes).

2014-05-20, 02:19 PM
"Well great. In that case I'll try to break this all down quickly in case there's anything relevant enough to get attention."

Getting his back to a wall Mr Brown carefully eyed the room at large whilst speaking, flicking his gaze around the area, "This area's definitely been tampered with. But more than that the cabal were on edge. They either knew something was coming or they'd done something to get negative attention. Check the books they've got out, see what the research topics were. Looks like leylines might have been a focus."

Briefly jerking a thumb at one body he added, "They were killed by resonance disruption in their minds. Something messed with them and the bruises on their heads are a symptom of the magic. Odds are the coroner will call it blunt force trauma but every injury outside of those was done after death. There's still some magic lingering on them, get the feel now."

"Main thing though is I'd say that whoever was the killer was acquainted with part of the cabal somehow. Looks like an emotional connection rather than purely professional though. The entire cabal's accounted for right?"

Failed Phantasm
2014-05-23, 03:35 AM
A hint of a frown, hidden behind his bandana, tugged at Brandon’s face as his spell revealed the true extent of what had transpired in the apartment. The event, whatever it had been, had left behind such a cacophonous, roiling distortion in the local Tapestry that finding a specific trace of aura or energy would be as difficult as hearing a pin drop over the roar of a windstorm. Still, behind all the metaphysical “noise”, Brandon could sense something — a presence of some kind, vaguely sinister and foreboding — lurking at the very edge of perception. After only having given it a cursory inspection, it was hard to gauge the entity’s level of intellect and awareness: if it had noticed the new arrivals, it wasn’t seeming to give any indication of that, but if it were somehow sensitive to magic, it might notice that it was being scrutinized and become actively hostile. Brandon diverted his senses and focused his attention towards the floor for a moment, wondering how best to proceed. He didn’t have long to think, however: a sudden, startled yelp of “Guys! We AREN’T alone!!” made Brandon simultaneously stiffen in shock and cringe at what was potentially a tactical blunder. When a few moments had passed and nothing appeared to have happened, he relaxed very slightly and shot the offending mage a quick glance. ‘Could you yell a little louder, please?’ he quipped to himself.

One of the others — the slightly overweight one who had introduced himself as… Brown, was it? — moved over to one of the walls and, putting his back to it, started gazing around and talking for roughly a minute, discussing his findings as he did so. While Brandon could appreciate the substantive information that was being provided, he also wondered how this Mr. Brown had been drawing all of these conclusions in such a short period of time and with so little scrutiny. More to the point, if was really that good, why had the Heirarch assigned so many others to work on the same investigation? He was currently the only one of them to have learned anything of any real value; the other four of them seemed redundant or unnecessary in comparison. Still, when asked “The entire cabal's accounted for right?”, and when no one else had replied after a few moments, Brandon spoke up. “Couldn’t say.” He made a sweeping gesture with his left arm, indicating the shredded remains and entrails that had been strewn across the floor. “They’re everywhere.”

Returning his attention to the center of the room, Brandon decided that broadening his search might yield results. With a quick, barely perceptible shake of his head, he dismissed the spell he’d recently cast and started concentrating on a new one, intoning the syllables of High Speech in a low voice as he started drawing together strands of power from both the Aether, whose power evoked in his soul a feeling of familiarity and knowing, and the Primal Wilds, whose energies were a foreign but not uncomfortable medium with which to work his will. The trick to Life magic, he had been told by a comrade in the Arrow, was to let the rhythm of his own body help guide the forming of the Imago in his mind. There was much more to it, of course, but Brandon only needed a little to fashion the spell he was casting. As he finished chanting and the magic coalesced, he threw himself into another concerted attempt to both analyze the ambient Resonance and to try — cautiously — to learn anything more about the skulking presence.

(See OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17509859&postcount=87) for original rolls.)

Instant action: combine the effects of Pulse of the Living World, Read Matrices, and Supernal Vision into one spell as creative thaumaturgy. (Forces ● + Life ● + Prime ●, Covert, 0 Mana)
Result: 4 successes. (10, 8, 8, 9)

Extended action: spend another five turns (15 seconds) scrutinizing the Resonance of the room he is currently in, with particular attention paid to the bodies of the deceased mages and searching for any identifying auras that may be found in the vicinity.

Turn 6 — Result: 2 successes. (10, 9)

Turn 7 — Result: Failure.

Turn 8 — Result: 1 success. (9)

Turn 9 — Result: 1 success. (10)

Turn 10 — Result: 3 successes. (8, 8, 8)


Health = 8/8 (no wounds), Willpower = 7/7, Mana = 7/11 (max 2 per turn)
Active Spells = 1/5 (Gnosis + 3), Spell Tolerance = 3 (Stamina)

Pulse of the Supernal Matrices? (Forces ● + Life ● + Prime ●) — Mage Sight; Prolonged (one scene), Potency 4.

2014-05-23, 08:48 AM
The lines of power flow into the room. Gravity, electricity, the light coming from the incandescent bulbs burning in their sockets.

Auras scintillate your senses, multicolored hues that smell wrong. Tastes in your mouth that just don't look right. And from the next room, behind the still closed door, a fetid rotten scent howls, ringing in your ears.

There is nothing living in this apartment. There is nothing alive in the vicinity that you can feel with any of your senses.

You begin scrutinizing what you can see and feel, but you can come to no better conclusion than the others have. Something was here. It killed this cabal, and then did a very good job of concealing who how and what was responsible.

But the feeling from the other room is very strong, and it starts pulling on you...

2014-05-24, 02:55 AM
Ryan / "R"

Ryan dismisses the Supernal Vision Rote.

He leans forward, bracing himself on his knees. The drain of his reserves exhausting him. Combined with the stench of blood and dead bodies, he was a little lightheaded.

He waits for the other mages to finish their analysis, while moving around taking pictures with his handphone.

2014-05-24, 03:09 PM
Taking a steadying breath and satisfied that nothing ahd attempted to murder him Ryan shuffled around the edge of the room towards the door leading deeper in.

"Look, I'm not bad at this sort of thing though got to say seeing it point blank is a bit...off putting. But I think there's more we still need. The bodies were moved here, we're not going to work out the murder by looking where the corpses were laid to rest but by checking where they were killed. So let's keep going."

2014-05-27, 03:05 PM
The next room is covered in blood and gore. It covers nearly every surface, from the floor to the ceiling. Some of it is blackened and dried, some of it still drips bright red down the wall. At the center of the room is a pool of water. The water is flowing in several directions, some of it is standing, and gives off the smell of stagnation. The level rises up in some places, and ebbs down in others, giving a very unnatural appearance to something that, if this were not a sanctum, would be very out of place to begin with.

Above the pond is a floating stone pulsing with inner light. But deep within you can all feel a wrongness, a darkness that threatens to swallow it and the room, and plunge it into nothingness.

More papers, books, and minutia of daily life is strewn about the room, in varying states of decay.

Some of the places in this room are severely out of sync with time. Your guess is that they are anywhere from two hours from now, to several years in the future. You can even feel the presence of some of the other mages who will occupy this place.

2014-05-29, 04:24 PM
Ryan Atwood


Ryan examines the temporal distortions intently.

I wonder if this might work

Chanting in high Speech, he moves his hands

Improvised Casting of Ruling Arcana
Gnosis 1+ Fate 2 + High Speech 2
10-again/and modifiers left-to-right: [roll1]

Ryan is trying to see if he can see how the people in the future are connected to himself, the room in the present or each other

2014-05-30, 04:32 AM
Pausing to repress another gag both at the smell and sight beyond Brown made his way into the room slowly, taking in what he was seeing before shaking his head and focusing again.

"Gah. That's foul. Give me a moment and I'll see what I can make of it. Also people mind checking to see if there's anything linking in to that stone? It's giving me shudders just looking at it so I'm sure it's got to be relevant."

2014-05-30, 10:41 AM
"Goddam. And here I was thinking the other room was bloody." Christer searches through the room in a manner similar to the he had done so before, while simultaneously scanning around for any distortions of Fate in the area, attempting to ferret out items of particular, or potential, importance. He mutters to himself in High Speech as he does so. It may sound like bull**** mysticism, but it definitely helped.

Oh. Well then. "Right, so I found this thing here." He holds up the book "Either these guys liked really creepy fan-fiction, or this might be important"

2014-05-30, 05:22 PM
Ryan / "R"

Despite the horror, Ryan experienced as well as the feeling he was out of his depth, Ryan's mind was set ablaze with the curiosity of what had happened which had disrupted time and 'infected' the apartment with the malignant presence.

"Guys, you know timestream is fractured in this apartment. The room with the stone seems to be the epicentre. I can even feel the future and the deaths that are continue to occur in this room. Someone with the Space arcana should be called in to analyse this place. They may better appreciate the presence that is here."

He dismisses Interconnections while leaving Temporal Eddies in place.

As Christer holds up the book, with the earmarked chapter, Ryan attempts to recall if he had ever read or heard anything about the Il Ordo Vitae, Mili Sine Morte.

Latin.... history... maybe theology or european classics even.Hmm.. this may be familiar territory

He then pulls out his Macbook from his slingbag, powers it up and does a literature review in a few search engines specifically catering to academicia. Realising that it will take a while for the engines to compile the full results, he clicks on a few seemingly pertinent links before keying that the entire query be sent to his email address. He then shuts his laptop.

Encyclopaedic Knowledge = 7die pool
10-again/modifiers (left-to-right): [roll1]
Success: 1

Research = Academics +Intelligence = 6 diepool
10-again/modifiers (left-to-right): [roll3]
(we can assume that Ryan spends the better part of half an hour - cradling the macbook air in one hand and typing and clicking with the other.)

His mundane skills aside, Ryan felt that as the only Mage who had kept yielding information via the arcana of Time, he had a responsibility to push the envelope as far as it would go. Some of the most obvious effects of what had occured were evident only in Time. Nathan had mentioned an obscuring of the truth, a darkness that clung to this place. Ryan himself had also noted the dearth of information with his Supernal Vision and seen a little of that malignant dark presence in the prime with little else.

I may not get much more than a snapshot but it would have to be enough.

The event seemed to have left most of its mark on the Time and possibly Space of this location.

I have to try

Quantum Flux - Fate 1
Improvised Casting of Ruling Arcana with High Speech
Gnosis 1+ Fate 2+ 2
10-again/modifiers (left-to-right): [roll5]
Discharging spell by Using successes received on next Spell
Success 1

Postcognition - Time 2
Improvised Casting of Ruling Arcana with High Speech - Temporal Sympathy Modifier (Intimate) + Quantum Flux Successes (1)
Gnosis 1+ Time 2+ 2 -2 + 1
Mana -1; Paradox Die Pool 1
Target: Current Location, 8.09pm 59sec yesterday
10-again/modifiers (left-to-right): [roll7]
Successes: None unless DM knows of a reason to award me a modfier of +1 then single success

Paradox die: [roll8]
Result: Dramatic Failure: No Paradoc and next Paradox roll for this scene does not invoke +1
Total -1 mana

2014-05-30, 09:58 PM
Rune begins looking through the books as well. "If these are fan-fics, there really good. And really obscure. Are we allowed to keep any of this when we're done?" He sees what he can glean from the books.

Intelligence + Occult: [roll0]

Explosions (First to Last): [roll1]

2014-06-02, 04:36 AM
"Well I didn't know for sure time was disrupted here till someone confirmed it but now I do. So that makes matters a bit easier."

Scratching his chin momentarily Brown added, "Can we think of a way to stop the disturbances? Because that strikes me as trouble waiting to happen and it'll also probabaly be hindering our efforts."

2014-06-02, 05:59 AM
"About that whole time thing. These fanfics here have a lot about vampires. More specifically, about using distortions in time to cheat death."

2014-06-02, 12:27 PM
"Man, I thought mages were supposed to be smart. Who the hell thinks that's a good idea?"

2014-06-02, 01:34 PM
The voice is a whisper that tickles your ears. To everyone it says the same thing.

Everyone seeks to cheat death. Especially the Magi.

2014-06-03, 10:14 AM
"Wait is that how it works? Are vampires all time travellers because if so I'm worried about where the BBC got Doctor Who inspiration from. Or maybe those actually are fanfics, I mean vampire Doctor Who sounds like something that would crop up online."

Shifting around to look at the books and picking his way carefully across the floor as he went Brown paused at the sudden voice at his ear, flicking a hand up reflexively as though trying to brush away a fly. Pausing mid-swing he glanced around the room before speaking again in a notably more nervous tone, "Anyone else just head a random voice muttering creepy things?"

2014-06-03, 04:03 PM
"Not creepy. But yeah, I did. I figured we've got a ventriloquist."

2014-06-11, 02:13 PM
This is only the beginning, little wizard... the voice then chuckles softly, sending shivers down your spine. When you finally come to realize the extent of what has been put into play. When you realize how extensive the field is. When you realize what is truly at stake.

More chuckling.

Then it will be too late.

The chucling turns to maniacal cackling.

2014-06-17, 06:00 AM
"Okay now I'm definitely classing this as creepy. Seriously can you hear us or are you just like recording set to sinister?"

Finding an increasing amount of glibness as his nerves grew more rattled Mr Brown kept glancing around looking for any signs of where this noise might be coming from. Of course magic being what it was there was no guranteee anything in here was causing it but still.