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2014-05-18, 03:50 PM
1st day of the fall term, 1st day of the 10th month, after breakfast at Aurora Plains Academy.

Bolten, Cyrus, Nerelia, and Tomoki , around a table with headmaster Golan outside his teaching lab.

Golan arrives precisely on time in a swirl of grey robes, sits down, and abruptly begins by saying "Welcome to fall term, and congratulations on reaching senior student, all of you. You are now eligible to join any field expeditions or research projects headed by one of our faculty, though as usual we have none the first week of term.

This term we have four mandatory seminars for all of you. As always, new senior students have a group combat seminar with the Master Magus, second and fourth day after lunch, in the courtyard. Also, Mistress Anilda will be leading her seminar Cults and the Underworld: a practical approach. I will be taking your Fae Theory seminar myself, as well as a new seminar, Practical interactions with the Fae, which starts this hour."

After a significant look and a pause, he resumes:

"In addition, besides the usual duels and expeditions, there are optional classes. I take it none of you are interested in alchemy, but if you like, you may join Mistress Anilda's discussion of current events or my advanced spell research class. The master magus is always willing to arrange for a variety of extra combat training as well. Other, more wizardly instruction is of course available on request - see myself, or whichever of our faculty you think most suitable for what you have in mind. As senior students, part of your education now includes learning to work with and learn from other practitioners of the art on a more collegial basis."

"Announcements being over, let us begin. I wish to see how prepared you are to deal with the Fae. To start us off, I have a question each of you must answer, and then we will discuss. What would you do if faced with something you guess is hostile, quite possibly some spirit or Fae being, but of completely unknown powers. Your answers are limited to only what you have available at this very moment. Assume for the sake of this question that you are in one of the halls of the upper basements, fetching something for myself. What would you do if you met one of the Fae there?"

Verelis, in Anilda's quarters in the tower.

After some small talk, Anilda brings up the real reason for asking for a meeting, saying

"There's some news we're not exactly sharing with the younger students, though some may figure it out if they know what is good for them. There's likely to be an increased faerie presence here this winter. It shouldn't be bad until the solstice, but its something we're preparing for. If nothing else, that means making sure the students are properly prepared for illusions. See if you can show them that the whole point of illusions is that you don't know its an illusion unless you're prepared.

As for the faculty, we're all going to need to stay at least a little prepared for intruders from down below. Keep your eyes out, and there are likely to be days when we ask pairs of faculty to keep watch in turns, so you'd be sleeping either quite early or quite late. As it is, I'm going to be on watch every dawn, and Golan will be on watch every twilight. On the plus side, we won't need to go out of our way to organize as much practical training for the older students.

Any questions about the term? Ideas for what we could do to get the older students ready? Comments on how you plan to prepare the younger students?"

Edit: bolded the speech

2014-05-18, 10:41 PM
Tomoki Sasaki

Tomoki was still unsure of what to think of this headmaster. Golan didn't seem to be as scheming and ruthless as his old headmaster, but in terms of people like these, you could never be sure. Still, at least the man wasn't pretending to be his friend to get something from Tomoki. He was both intrigued and grateful for the headmaster's straightforward approach. For now, the headmaster wasn't going to give him any headaches.

Fae incursions weren't really news to Tomoki. His ancestors had been fighting them - and other scum of the cosmos - for centuries; at the very least, one person every generation. What Tomoki thought was odd was that Headmaster Golan had decided to reveal this to only small group of students, even if we are senior students, he thought. The apparent urgency of this seminar on Fae was more concerning than anything. Though he himself could generally handle Fae fairly well, it sounded as though it might become a larger problem very soon. He could just be over-thinking it, but the best wizards were always considered paranoid. Paranoia was something, Tomoki decided, which made a wizard great. Even if he wasn't a wizard in the strictest sense.

Headmaster Golan's question was a little strange, but for Tomoki the answer was simple. "As with any unknown foe, one should avoid direct confrontation and try to assess the enemy's strengths and weaknesses. Personally I would need to assess whether they came prepared for me, or if it was a random incursion. In the case of a random incursion, it would be fairly simple, the fae would show blatant surprise at seeing Gatekeeper," he tapped the black blade on his hip, "and I would attempt to chase it off or exterminate it. A prepared Fae would be much more complicated and would likely try to manipulate me before revealing itself as a threat." He was a little nervous; having only had surface level interactions with the other members of the group, but he didn't think it would show through the tough exterior he worked so hard to build.

He started to wonder what the others were thinking, did they notice his cheeks heat up? Or that his left hand was now shaking? This was a fear he should not be so concerned about, he needed to relax. So after he was done talking, he took a slow but quiet breath and counted to ten and felt all the anxiety roll off of him. If there was one thing he learned from school in the west, was the importance of breathing.

2014-05-19, 09:32 AM
Cyrus Keyas

Cyrus was quite surprised at the immediacy of the headmaster's announcement and seminar. The fact that the seminar started immediately told him that it had certain amount of immediate importance while the fact that it was required told him that the senior students would likely be dealing with fae at least once this fall and winter...or at least in the near future.

Drat. I guess my tutor was right, I should have learned Sylvan instead of Auran.

"Given the fact that I cannot speak the language of the fae, I would take a quick moment to observe if the creature was obviously hostile. If so, I would cast invisibility before attempting to leave the basement in order to find other senior students or faculty. Without knowing the strength and abilities of the creature I could quickly find myself overwhelmed if it were far more powerful than I. Better to approach it with at least one other person.

If on the other hand it was not obviously hostile then I might try to communicate with it via Elven or Auran, though I would revert to my previous course of action should it attempt to attack me. If I couldn't get away even after becoming invisible, I would probably cast color spray followed by protection from evil."

Cyrus paused for a second in thought before continuing.

"I don't suppose that whatever we were fetching for you would happen to be any kind of communication device or magical weapon, would it? If so and I already had it in possession and I thought it appropriate, I would try to use it. If it wasn't a weapon or communication device...I think I would go for my first course of action as I would rather not have the item destroyed or stolen by the creature."

2014-05-19, 10:33 AM
Nerelia Rookwood

Nerelia frowned. Taking things rather quickly, aren't we, Headmaster? Is some fey about to come crashing through the wall and attack us? Well at least there wasn't any singing this year...

Setting that thought aside, the tiefling cleared her throat and rose to her feet. "Presuming it seemed hostile, Headmaster, I would attempt to avoid its notice and alert the nearest member of faculty. If my route were blocked I would retreat to a safe distance to prevent being overheard, before casting any protective spells that seemed appropriate. After this I would attempt to sneak past it while invisible, or distract it with a summoned creature if not possible."

That seemed the appropriate answer at least. In truth Nerelia thought Cyrus had a point about the weapon, though Golan might not appreciate students damaging it - better to blame it on "heat of the moment" if it came to that. Her eyes slid to the western swordsman, who seemed almost as tall sitting down as she did standing up, and then to her own weapon. Cold iron would do it, and a strong arm... maybe I should try to get my hands on some for Reaver.

2014-05-20, 01:20 PM
Bolten Cogturner

Being the shortest of the students at the table, only Bolten's head and shoulders are visible above the edge. His eyes widen as he realizes that it is his turn to speak. Why all the emphasis on Fae all of a sudden? I'm the absolute <<worst>> at that! The dwarf shifts nervously in his seat as he struggles to come with an answer that doesn't just echo what has already been said. In the end, failing to find new material to add, he raises his hand despite it being obvious that the others are waiting on his answer.

"Most of what they said. Speak Elven to see whether or not it wants trouble, and then try to get help if it does. Although, I'm not sure if I can outrun a Fae. If I can't, armor myself in enchantments and engage it with magic." He looks down sadly at his trusty warhammer, sighing. Despite how well-made it is, he doubted it would do anything against the fairyfolk. "Steel wouldn't probably do that much."

2014-05-20, 03:55 PM
Golan turns with a stern gaze towards every speaker in turn, then nods briefly in agreement towards Bolten before his face takes a more serious cast and says

"Instead of criticizing individual proposals, let us consider the issues you have raised. How would one discern whether an unknown presence is specifically prepared or more random? A prepared Fae is certainly more dangerous, though even Fae caught unawares are a risk for manipulation by power or by clever words. That raises the second question - what words or actions can reduce the risk of such manipulation? This is perhaps an especial risk when communicating with the Fae, but it is a risk at all times. Three of you have raised the possibility of assistance from the faculty. If I sent you underground right now and you encountered an unknown power, what would be your fastest way of getting such assistance, under conditions of possibly being pursued by a possibly hostile power?"

"More than answering, it is imperative that you keep these as questions. Jumping too quickly to conclusions when faced with any but the least of the Fae is as unwise as an illiterate rabble assuming that the best way to defeat a wizard is to get everyone together into a tightly packed mob and charge. The more dangerous Fae will see you like that mob. That said, any of you may answer my questions, and then we shall get to a simple test of your more direct solutions. So - at this moment, what could you do to detect preparation in a Fae power? What could you do to prevent manipulation? What could you do to seek faculty assistance?

He then folds his hands on the table and looks at the group intently.

2014-05-21, 03:25 PM
"I imagine the wards that we erect should suffice for that."

Verelis spoke with a rich, melodic voice over the top of the cup of earl-gray tea she held in her nimble fingers. The green eyes at the centre of her angular features seemed uninterested in the portents being handed down to her about student safety.

"I do imagine though, that while on watch, one of us will be granted an Eye of True Seeing from the vaults, yes?"

The elf took a sip of her tea, before arranging her eyes to kind of 'look upwards' as if she were thinking - her lips likewise pursed.

She then smirked.

"Imagine some of the hot-headed ones amongst our young...humbled by fairies." she snickered softly, taking another sip of tea.

"But, in seriousness...I can't imagine the fae growing that much of a pair that they would rise above the level of anything other than a nuisance. It could be beneficial for the students - a trial of fire, if you will. Natural selection will do the rest."

2014-05-21, 04:58 PM
Anilda's eyes get a thoughtful look when magic items are being discussed, but this is quickly replaced with shared amusement when Verelis snickers. This is replaced for a moment with a slight turn of the head when Fae cowardice is mentioned, but genuine amusement returns for her reply:

"Think of training the students as making one of our dispersed early warning systems more effective. Sadly, a gem of seeing is not a solution for a six hour watch, so we'd more be waiting in a place students can find us if they detect a problem. Until winter we're unlikely to see much beyond nuisance, but towards the solstice..."

Here she trails off, and the thoughtful look returns. A few moments later, she talks again with a wry look on her face:

"Hmmm. The junior combat class has assigned laps to the new juniors again. Some of them seem to have decided that sneaking out of their run was a good idea. Want the opportunity to strike the fear of faculty who know their every misdeed into them? They seem to be playing some sort of game with pebbles behind the kitchens, which would be out of sight if the faculty weren't wizards."

2014-05-25, 02:31 PM
Cyrus Keyas

Cyrus frowned and thought for a moment before speaking up.

"Well, if the fae had weapons in hand, then it would likely be hostile and more prepared than something just fluttering about. I suppose it's also possible for us to cast detect magic and take a moment to concentrate on the creature to see if it has any spells cast on itself...though that's likely more useful when it doesn't know that you're there, or doesn't know where you are. As to seeking faculty assistance...I suppose it would probably be prudent of me to find out if any of the faculty can speak sylvan. It would serve a double purpose for me as I have a fox familiar that could communicate to such a person as well as the fact that such a person could communicate with the fae. However, apart from simply trying to avoid contact and combat with the fae, I honestly don't know how I would prevent any kind of manipulation..." Cyrus said, his voice trailing off at the end.

2014-05-25, 10:57 PM
Bolten Cogturner

Fighting to overcome his feeling of inadequacy at being unable to provide a satisfactory answer, Bolten is determined not to answer last again. He nervously answers,

"I don't know about preparation, but I do know that being alone is never a good idea when it comes to dealing with illusions. Any Fae sightings should be reported immediately, so that any intruders could be repelled, or greeted, as a group. The more people that are present, the more likely that someone will see through its illusions and be able to classify it as hostile or not.

Now as for how to actually get assistance... I have an idea, if you are willing to hear it." He fidgets in his seat, quietly cranking a small, simple clockwork device that whirs softly. He often uses to focus himself and overcome stage fright. "What if everyone were given a special whistle or bell that could be used to signal a Fae's presence? As long as no one uses the item for anything other than emergencies, it would be very difficult for spies, Fae or otherwise, to replicate the sound and try to trick us. Those of us with spells that can manipulate objects from afar can use it to make it run ahead of us, making it more likely to be heard."

After he finishes speaking, Bolten regards the Headmaster with apprehension, unsure of what Golan will think of his idea.

2014-05-27, 11:44 AM
Golan turns to Cyrus and says "That's a start. And yes, of course I speak Sylvan, as does Mistress Anilda. Should any of you send a familiar to the tower, that will at least alert the faculty that there may be a problem. Given fae tendencies towards invisibility, illusion, and deception, the problem may not be what you think it is, so you may still be on your own for a time dealing with whatever caused you to raise the alarm."

Turning to Bolten, he says "Much the same goes for using a whistle. By all means, feel free to use whistles. The fae can easily replicate the sound, but at least it will be a warning that something is happening somewhere. The senior students at least may be trusted not to use them as a distraction for their own ends. They know what would happen to them if they did well enough by now. As for wandering alone, yes... prudence is one of the best defences against illusion, not to mention charm or outright ambush."

"Now, I did say this would be a practical seminar, and so I will show you some of the smallest of the fae, mere wisps drawn from the leftovers of some greater power usually. Hopefully this will be educational. Do stay in the room for this exercise - and for the purposes of this lesson, I am not here to help."

With that he gets up abruptly, walks out the front door of the room, and chants briefly.

[roll0] bright wisps appear in the room. They are winged humanoids with wings.

DC 11 Knowledge Nature to identify them as
Sprites, higher rolls can get information on their capabilities

Golan speaks two quick sentences in Sylvan, and begins chanting again (spellcraft roll to identify it as Summon Monster 3)

Initiative for the fae: [roll1]

Anyone beating that intiative (or a tie), post a round of actions. Anyone not beating it, wait until everyone else's actions resolve.

2014-05-27, 06:35 PM
Bolten Cogturner

The exact purpose of Golan's spell escapes Bolten, but he does know what the wisps are. Jumping up onto the table, he yells, "Sprites!" and unleashes a pair of magical missiles at the nearest one.

Caster level 3, Spell resistance DC 14
Missile 1 Damage: [roll0] force damage
Missile 2 Damage: [roll1] force damage

2014-05-27, 08:40 PM
Nerelia rolls her eyes at Bolten's response. "Yes, would you like a prize for that? There was a temp teacher last year who had one as a familiar." She lowers her voice so that Golan won't hear her. "I am sure there are far more dangerous things the headmaster is capable of summoning if he wishes, and he may yet wish to before this class is up. Fey may be harder to hurt with standard weapons, but these things are practically puffs of air."

Grunting, she tugs at a bracelet on her wrist until it snaps, scattering a miniature bird skull and a handful of beads to the floor. "Reaver, take care of these sprites please. Nonlethal strikes." As they bounce about, the fragments begin to grow and reshape. Soon they have recombined into a skeletal figure, human in shape and size but with bones thick and sturdy enough that some might have come from dwarves, some from orcs, and some from beasts of burden. Its skull is identical to the bracelet's - a giant bird - and twin points of light flare in its eye sockets as it advances on the fairies.

Nerelia uses total defense for a +4 dodge bonus to AC (total AC 17).

Reaver (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=886940) moves closer to the sprites and makes two claw attacks, each at separate targets, including a -4 penalty on the attack roll for nonlethal damage. Hopefully it draws their attention.
Attack #1: [roll0]; Damage [roll1]
Attack #2: [roll2]; Damage [roll3]

2014-05-28, 01:01 PM
All things considered, this "test" seems fairly straightforward, Tomoki thought, better keep an eye out for additional manipulations. He screwed his face in concentration as he tried to remember what he could about sprites. They were small and fragile, meaning that cold iron made them especially vulnerable. They excelled in remaining unseen and disengaging from combat. He could guess at the types of spells they had available, but he didn't very much feel like discovering firsthand. It would be likely he wouldn't need to burn any spells due to their inherent weakness to cold iron.

Glancing at the other students, he knew they would be able to deal with the other threats quickly, but as a safety measure, he leaped into action. He started forward, pushing Gatekeeper from its sheath with his left thumb. He only finally drew the sword with one fluid movement, jumping and striking the small fae, not giving it time to see how long the blade was.

Move Get a running start and make a jump check to be within reach of the fae.
Draw Gatekeeper as part of this movement.
Acrobatics [roll0]

Standard Attack the Sprite which hasn't yet been attacked.
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2014-05-29, 03:39 PM
Cyrus silently cursed. He realized that several of the spells he had memorized would not help against flying enemies.

"That'll teach me to do something so stupid like that...ugh"," he muttered underneath his breath.

Cyrus then quickly stepped forward in order to get close enough to the sprites to begin casting. He then called out his spell while stretching out his right hand. "Color Spray!"

A quick flash of colors sprang from his hand, striking out at the sprites.

The sprites obviously get saving throws, but if they fail:
2hd or less: [roll0] rounds unconscious, blinded and stunned followed by:
4hd or less: [roll1] rounds of blinded and stunned followed by:
5hd: 1 round stunned

2014-05-29, 06:20 PM
Even with the silent cursing, Cyrus reacts first, and there is nothing to stop him from launching his flash of light among the bright wisps. Unfortunately, the light appears to produce more giggles than unconsciousness.

Reaver and Tomoki both attack the sprites in their own way, but it is Tomoki's attack that cleaves through a sprite as if it were made of paper, ending it in a flash of light

DC 11 Will save or Tomoki is dazzled, for -1 to hit next round

Bolten's missiles end another sprite in a similar flash of light.

The remaining sprite hovers a few feet to its left and sends its own flash of colours back at Cyrus, then giggles something in Sylvan. Tomoki gets hit as well, and Reaver barely notices the hit even happened.

DC 11 Will save, vs stunned and blind for [roll0] rounds and stunned for one more

Golan's spell finishes, though the results aren't visible. Again, he speaks in Sylvan, only longer this time.

2014-05-31, 11:40 PM
Bolten Cogturner

Reaching into his pocket to activate the new pearl of power that he had made for himself, Bolten casts more missiles at the remaining sprite. Don't know what Golan is doing, but we don't need distractions. One thing at a time.
Using pearl of power to regain Magic Missile
Missile 1: [roll0]
Missile 2: [roll1]

2014-06-01, 12:04 AM
Gatekeeper sliced through the miniature fae like butter and it exploded in a flash of light as he did so. Fortunately, he realized what was happening in time and was able to shield his eyes with his free arm. He landed flawlessly, and was assessing the situation. Headmaster Golan was finishing a second summoning spell of a similar caliber, meaning more sprites would be joining the fray. Why was he doi-

A flash of multicolored lights and he could no longer remember a thing. Everything went white and his mind became a jumbled haze; he knew he was fighting, trying to win... against something. There was a metallic clatter beside him and he stumbled sideways a bit. He wondered which way was up, and felt himself heaving. There was something he was supposed to be doing, but he just couldn't remember...

Stunned forever! Nooo! (read: 3 rounds)

EDIT: And blinded for four :smallfrown:

2014-06-01, 07:30 PM
With a quick word and a gesture another skeleton appeared near the door, this one glistening red. "You two," Nerelia shouted, pointing at Reaver and the new arrival, "sweep for invisible enemies!"

She then darted over to Tomoki, reaching down to pick up Gatekeeper. "I'll be borrowing this if you don't mind." It wasn't like the swordsman was in any state to use it right now.

Summon Monster I to call out a bloody skeleton (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/skeleton-medium/skeleton-bloody) with +4 Str/Dex and +2hp. Standard action casting time due to Acadamae Graduate, duration 3 rounds.

The summon makes a touch attack into two adjacent squares as a standard action (50% miss chance) (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities#TOC-Invisibility). If one of these attacks hits and locates an invisible creature, then Reaver will charge at it. Otherwise Reaver will perform a sweep as well.
It's possible that Golan didn't summon an invisible creature, but she can't exactly order them to attack him. :smalltongue: In any case their AoOs will make it harder for more creatures to enter the room.

She doesn't have enough actions left to pick up the sword (unless it fell 5ft away) but she'll do it at the start of her next turn.

2014-06-01, 09:16 PM
Bolten's missiles force their way into the last visible wisp, ripping it into a momentary flash of light.

Gatekeeper is close enough at hand, but the blade feels unfamiliar in Nerelia's hand.

No invisible creatures are struck by the blind swinging. Instead, four sprites fly in through the very top part of the open door. No sooner have they all cleared the door when they unleash their magic.

However, they are within reach of Reaver's weapon, so before they can finish one faces a swift strike which immediately ends it in a flash of light.

That isn't enough to stop the incapacitating blaze of coloured light from the remaining sprites. Some of the light hits only skeletons, but both Nerelia and Bolten are hit by one of the sprays.

DC 11 Wil save again, vs the same stun and blind

2014-06-02, 12:26 PM
This thing is heavier than it looks... Nerelia gripped the oddly-shaped weapon in two hands to steady it, before running into the fray.

The skeletons each make two claw attacks.

Attack #1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack #2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Bloody Skeleton
Attack #1 [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack #2 [roll6] Damage [roll7]

If there are still sprites remaining then Nerelia will make a charge attack with Gatekeeper against whichever looks most heavily wounded. Otherwise she'll move to the side of the door and ready an action to attack the first fairy to come through (apply a -2 penalty to the attack roll below in that case).
Attack [roll8] Damage [roll9] (+50% vs creatures vulnerable to cold iron)

2014-06-02, 01:30 PM
Bolten Cogturner

Swirling colors flash before Bolten's eyes before he is able to shake his head to disperse them. Rushing forward, he jumps and extends his open palm to one of the sprites, roaring a Dwarven warcry as he does so.
Shocking Grasp
Attacking the sprite targeted by the red skeleton
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] electricity

2014-06-02, 01:33 PM
The remaining sprites dodge about near the ceiling, all the while keeping their tiny bows trained on Bolten and Nerelia, though they never do shoot. Still, they are swiftly brought down with some jumping strikes. Three flashes of light later, there are no more sprites. The summoned skeleton disperses into nothingness, and Golan reenters the room, saying in a dry voice

"I see you have discovered that some fae can fly. A number of areas downstairs have higher ceilings than this. Consider. Moreover, these are the least of the fae, and even so your minds are vulnerable to them. Also, you have discovered that knowing there might be something invisible can be frustrating without good preparation for the eventuality."

"There are more lessons to be learned of course. Also, if you would like to suggest a project which might improve your preparedness, I will be offering credit to motivate the more useful suggestions. You may spend the rest of the class considering and discussing. I will be in the tower if you would like to send a project proposal, or a request for education beyond what is required. After lunch you are free today, unless you wish to join Mistress Anilda's current events class.

With that, he abruptly turns to head out the door.

2014-06-02, 09:52 PM
Tomoki Sasaki

His mind reorganized itself eventually, until he realized he could barely see. Tomoki blinked out the rest of the white spots in his vision and gazed upon the scene. The fallen sprites were evaporating or had already gone to their home plane. The dwarf-what was his name... Bold- Bat- Bolten- stood over an evaporating Sprite and was breathing somewhat heavily. Cyrus hadn't armed himself with anything; evidently, he'd been suffering a similar fit as Tomoki. He was secretly pleased the duelist hadn't been able to resist the spell, it helped him feel less vulnerable. The Headmaster made his announcement and left, then his eyes finally rested on Nerelia. Her minion had seemed to be a terrible foe to engage and hadn't seemed any worse for wear. She herself wore a ruffling skirt and other finery, seeming so ill-mannered for battle. But in her hand he found what he was looking for: Gatekeeper. He remembered now that he dropped the blade when the Sprite sent him into his heaving fit with the Color Spray spell. Now that he was finally lucid again, he nearly forgot himself. He walked briskly towards the girl and snatched her wrist, almost violently, but then he eased up gently. He took the sword from her and replaced it in its sheath.

He was angry that she had taken his prized possession. He knew he couldn't wield it anyway at the moment she had taken it, but it didn't change the fact that she had used it without his permission. Used it at all. Somehow it felt sullied. Still, he knew it would be wrong to verbalize it. He knew that there weren't many people who would empathize. Cooling himself he exhaled, "Don't... Please do not touch my sword again." He hadn't realized his hand was still gripping the girl's wrist for some time before he released it.

2014-06-03, 05:57 AM
Reaver seemed to glare at Tomoki as he grabbed Nerelia, beginning to draw its weapon... "Stop."

Nerelia winced and withdrew her arm, rubbing at where Tomoki had gripped it. "What is your problem? It's just a sword." She'd been expecting the man to say something, but this had come as a shock. "We were fighting fey, letting a weapon like that go to waste just doesn't make sense." Is this some cultural thing? I can't get a read on this guy.

2014-06-03, 01:49 PM
He noticed the undead's glare only after releasing Nerelia. Tomoki returned its hollow leer, until he had formulated a response. He clenched his fists reflexively, then opened his hands, he had hoped something like this wouldn't come up. He barely raised his voice as he spoke down to her, "She is not just a sword. She is my sword, and you lack the proper training to wield my sword properly. You could have damaged the blade." How could someone so small be so infuriating?

2014-06-03, 02:37 PM
Cyrus Keyas

Cyrus shook off the blindness and when he came to, he found the room clear of fae, Tomoki and Nerelia arguing. His shoulders slumped in defeat.

"So much for contributing to THAT fight. I guess I'll know better next time," he muttered underneath his breath.

Cyrus then hummed to himself and came to a conclusion. "Yes, I think I know what I'm going to do next." With that said, Cyrus made his way to the tower where the headmaster was located. Once there, he knocked on the door before opening it, speaking while doing so.

"Headmaster? I'd like to sign up for the advanced spell research class. Having more spells is always useful and there are certain possibilities that I'm curious about."

2014-06-03, 02:41 PM
Bolten Cogturner

Oh no, not again... what is it with these humans? As soon as a fight is over, they immediately start squabbling.

As Bolten stand nervously off to the side, twiddling his thumbs, he considers Golan's words. We're not really ready at all, then.

He eyes widen as he remembers that the headmaster offered credit for a project to improve Fae readiness. A beaming smile appears on his face as he considers all of the different possibilities. I'll have to run down to the library and make a list of proposals for magic items. The headmaster <<has>> to approve at least one! First things first, though. Need to run down to the shop so I can grab some spare parchment.

So excited is he by the prospect of a new project, Bolten does not even observe the basic protocol of saying farewell to the others. He exits the room, whistling happily with a most undwarf-like spring in his step.

2014-06-03, 05:21 PM
He noticed the undead's glare only after releasing Nerelia. Tomoki returned its hollow leer, until he had formulated a response. He clenched his fists reflexively, then opened his hands, he had hoped something like this wouldn't come up. He barely raised his voice as he spoke down to her, "She is not just a sword. She is my sword, and you lack the proper training to wield her properly. You could have damaged the blade." How could someone so small be so infuriating?
Nerelia found one of her eyebrows twitching. "Proper training? Proper training? Do you have any idea who you're talking to? I, Nerelia Amarantha Rookwood, have had more than enough proper training in the art of swordplay." She gestured to the scabbard at her waist in an exaggerated fashion, then crossed her arms. "And besides, that's no reason to get rough."

2014-06-03, 05:45 PM
Cyrus sees the door immediately open at the first touch of his knuckles, revealing the headmaster finishing a gesture in the general direction of the door.

The headmaster does not even wait for Cyrus to come in before replying "Very well. Third day, after lunch, my teaching lab. Would you like to elaborate on your ideas now, or wait and share them with the rest of the class?"

Bolten is easily able to find the quartermaster doing paperwork at his desk, with rows of shelves behind him. The man appears to be in his fifties, and is slightly overweight. Peering down his long nose, he asks "What do you want?"

2014-06-03, 06:00 PM
Tomoki and Nerelia both hear Mistress Anilda's whispered voice out of no-where:

"Might I suggest that this is a classroom, to be used to discuss practical approaches to the Fae? Unless, that is, you two plan to distract them by flirting, in which case, carry on. Perhaps a discussion of... swordplay... might amuse them."

2014-06-03, 06:00 PM
Bolten Cogturner

Chewing his lip and doing estimations in his head as he gazes upward, Bolten finally settles upon what he needs.

"I need eight pieces of parchment, please." The dwarf places a gold piece and six silver on the desk in front of the quartermaster. A little excessive, perhaps, but I can save some for later if I don't use it all.

2014-06-03, 09:44 PM
The quartermaster looks up at the word "please", then takes the money. He pauses a moment, then turns to fetch the paper. When he hands it over, he says in a quiet voice "Politer than last year's students you are. If you take my meaning."

He then resumes his paperwork as if Bolten were not present.

2014-06-03, 09:52 PM
Bolten Cogturner

Nodding his thanks to the quartermaster, Bolten grabs the parchment and makes his way down to the academy's library. It takes an effort of will not to run as fast as he can to get there. What should I research first: items to enhance the will, foil illusions, or something that detects invisibility?

2014-06-04, 05:49 PM
Tomoki and Nerelia both hear Mistress Anilda's whispered voice out of no-where:

"Might I suggest that this is a classroom, to be used to discuss practical approaches to the Fae? Unless, that is, you two plan to distract them by flirting, in which case, carry on. Perhaps a discussion of... swordplay... might amuse them."

Tomoki stiffened as he heard the Headmistress's voice. He was embarrassed enough at being chided by a faculty member, but when he finally took several moments to realize the implications of what she said, he turned bright pink. Flustered, he began, "We weren't..." he glanced at the girl, "I wasn't... That wasn't my intention, Headmistress. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my chambers to polish my sword; by myself." He hurried towards the door, unaware that he had just made another blunder.

After cleaning Gatekeeper he made his way up to Headmaster Golan's office. After entering, he asked, "Train me to be able to resist the charms of the fae."

2014-06-04, 08:44 PM
Nerelia's face was as red as a tomato. "We weren't-" She glanced at Tomoki as he opened his mouth at the same time, too taken aback to be annoyed. "How could you think we... Hey, come back here, don't just leave me like this!" Realising that Tomoki was trying to make his getaway, Nerelia charged out of the room after him, only to collide with a junior student coming in the other direction.

"Ow. Sorry, sorry! Let me help you." After a quick prestidigitation to dust herself off, Nerelia reached down a hand to the young elf, helping to pull her to her feet and then gather up the books that had spilled across the floor. She held up one with an expression of approval. "These are pretty advanced. Yours?"
"Thanks. Some of them..." She stared at Nerelia curiously. "Were you looking for Tomoki?"
"Ah. Tomoki?" Right, that was his name. Nerelia tried awkwardly to hide her still-red face. "No- no, I wasn't looking for him. He just, uh-" Wait, I left Reaver back in the room. "Sorry, I forgot something! Got to go!" Leaving the confused girl behind, Nerelia ran back the way she came. Reaver was a big something, at that. Who knew what could happen if an uncontrolled undead was just left wandering around?

Anilda was giggling again. She'd really have to look into wards against illusions... and maybe divinations.

Nerelia peeked her head around the door to the library. That encounter earlier had reminded her of a few good sources to look up - she just hoped that there were still enough in stock. Luckily, the dwarf was the only face she recognised.

"Had any luck?" She'd mostly recovered from earlier, though Bolten might notice that her ears were a little pink.

2014-06-04, 11:13 PM
Bolten Cogturner

Luckily for Nerelia, Bolten is far too engrossed in scanning through a tome to notice such trivial details. A stack of other books lies neatly stacked beside his workspace on the table. However, her uncharacteristic manner is enough to draw him away from the piece of parchment he is scribbling on.

"Yes, actually. I had a few ideas already in mind, but I've found a few more. Some of these I've never even heard of before. Just a few more notes and I can bring these up to the headmaster. After all, knowing these items backwards-and-forwards doesn't do any good if I can't get the funding for them!" A light chuckle escapes him as he rubs one eye. Bolten shifts in his chair as he regards Nerelia.

"What about you? How are planning to go about this?"

A Taste of Power: Elixirs, Potions, and Poisons
The Eye of the Beholder: Combating the Unseen
What Comes Up, Must Be Brought Down: Countermeasures Against Flying Foes
Getting the Boot: An Assemblage of Magical Footwear
Helping Yourself: Enhancing the Mind and Body
Mind Tricks: Defenses Against Magical Manipulation

2014-06-07, 10:41 AM
Cyrus Keyas

Cyrus paused for a moment to think about his ideas before speaking up.

"Well, I'm particularly interested in teleportation effects. I have only recently learned how to teleport, but it isn't so much a spell as it is an ability. It is very limited, though, so I was looking to expand my repertoire in that category, if that is possible..." Cyrus trailed off, attempting to show deference to the headmaster.

2014-06-07, 05:16 PM
Golan replies to Cyrus:

"Ahhh. Yes. If you have a straightforward proposal for a spell research plan, you may of course write one up and give it to me when it is ready. Alternatively, come back in three days and I may have something a little more... unorthodox for you. Now, it is time for me to meet with the next student, so off with you."

When Cyrus is gone, he meets with Tomoki, replying in the mode of an authoritative lecture:

"For true mastery you would need to learn in the fae realms themselves, but I imagine that is more than you are asking. There are straightforward physical and alchemical precautions against glamour and figment, but those do not protect the mind. I will cover the simplest of those next week.

Against charm proper, Protection from Chaos and the like are of course the best options, and a good thing to have around here for a variety of reasons. For a student however, these require prior preparation. Indeed, for many serious assignments I am likely to provide you with just such a scroll so you are properly prepared.

But there is another way to handle the matter. Both against mortal magics employed by the lesser fae, and to some extent against the stranger things some of the more potent spirits might venture... I believe you have what is required. Most fae will find it difficult indeed to meddle with your mind if you are slicing yourself with a cold iron blade, with your will and intent behind the iron. That will have a strong tendency to preclude or end the influence of the fae over your mind. It is not a perfect defence, and with an obvious cost - the counter is the more potent the more deeply the blade goes. Do be warned that some fae may take poorly to this - and do not share this knowledge without reason."

"If you would like, you may get some practice, which is the surest teacher. As a senior student, you are considered eligible for twilight watch down in the upper basement tunnels. That should be tame enough this time of year, but you might get some practice all the same. For that, you would have the scroll I mentioned. If you are willing, see me after dinner on fifth day. Though I do recommend bringing some of your fellow senior students with you."

2014-06-10, 11:15 AM
Bolten Cogturner

Luckily for Nerelia, Bolten is far too engrossed in scanning through a tome to notice such trivial details. A stack of other books lies neatly stacked beside his workspace on the table. However, her uncharacteristic manner is enough to draw him away from the piece of parchment he is scribbling on.

"Yes, actually. I had a few ideas already in mind, but I've found a few more. Some of these I've never even heard of before. Just a few more notes and I can bring these up to the headmaster. After all, knowing these items backwards-and-forwards doesn't do any good if I can't get the funding for them!" A light chuckle escapes him as he rubs one eye. Bolten shifts in his chair as he regards Nerelia.

"What about you? How are planning to go about this?"

A Taste of Power: Elixirs, Potions, and Poisons
The Eye of the Beholder: Combating the Unseen
What Comes Up, Must Be Brought Down: Countermeasures Against Flying Foes
Getting the Boot: An Assemblage of Magical Footwear
Helping Yourself: Enhancing the Mind and Body
Mind Tricks: Defenses Against Magical Manipulation"That depends." Nerelia replied as she picked up the first book from the pile and began to skim it. "If we're fighting illusions then there's the choice of seeing through them or of dismissing them. The first is generally more effective, but in a group the latter is far more efficient. No sense in casting three spells where one will do, after all." She set the book down in a way that just so happened to expose Reaver's skull bracelet from under her sleeve, then took out another. "Now if we're coming up against enchantments..."

She cut out as she saw the title of the book in front of her, and turned to stare at Bolten blankly. "Footwear?"

2014-06-10, 01:30 PM
Bolten Cogturner

The implied insult flies completely over the dwarf's head. Quickly glancing at the skull bracelet around her wrist, he is tempted to ask how such a thing was designed. That thought was squashed as old words of wisdom came to mind: Don't ask the question if you're afraid of what answers you might get. Bolten's attention returns to Nerelia as he answers,

"Aye, footwear. Contrary to what everyone else thinks, not all wizards are able to fly around like pixies. Today's lesson made me realize that as useful as limiting an opponent's mobility can be, it might be just as important to have more options ourselves. Besides, for some reason boots are much easier to enchant than certain other items. Might have to do some research on why that might be."

Scribbling a few final details down, Bolten stacks his pile of parchment neatly together and shuts the book. Putting the pile under his arm, he says as he departs,

"Well, I'm off to see the headmaster and present my proposals. Good luck!"

In the Palm of My Hand: Figurines of Wondrous Power

2014-06-14, 11:52 PM
Golan replies to Cyrus:

"Ahhh. Yes. If you have a straightforward proposal for a spell research plan, you may of course write one up and give it to me when it is ready. Alternatively, come back in three days and I may have something a little more... unorthodox for you. Now, it is time for me to meet with the next student, so off with you."

When Cyrus is gone, he meets with Tomoki, replying in the mode of an authoritative lecture:

"For true mastery you would need to learn in the fae realms themselves, but I imagine that is more than you are asking. There are straightforward physical and alchemical precautions against glamour and figment, but those do not protect the mind. I will cover the simplest of those next week.

Against charm proper, Protection from Chaos and the like are of course the best options, and a good thing to have around here for a variety of reasons. For a student however, these require prior preparation. Indeed, for many serious assignments I am likely to provide you with just such a scroll so you are properly prepared.

But there is another way to handle the matter. Both against mortal magics employed by the lesser fae, and to some extent against the stranger things some of the more potent spirits might venture... I believe you have what is required. Most fae will find it difficult indeed to meddle with your mind if you are slicing yourself with a cold iron blade, with your will and intent behind the iron. That will have a strong tendency to preclude or end the influence of the fae over your mind. It is not a perfect defence, and with an obvious cost - the counter is the more potent the more deeply the blade goes. Do be warned that some fae may take poorly to this - and do not share this knowledge without reason."

"If you would like, you may get some practice, which is the surest teacher. As a senior student, you are considered eligible for twilight watch down in the upper basement tunnels. That should be tame enough this time of year, but you might get some practice all the same. For that, you would have the scroll I mentioned. If you are willing, see me after dinner on fifth day. Though I do recommend bringing some of your fellow senior students with you."

Tomoki listened intently as Golan lectured. The first method, Tomoki thought, should have been obvious to him, which concerned him because the next advice the Headmaster had to offer could be just as plain. But he was somewhat surprised to hear that the pain of cold iron specifically could bring him out of a charm. The last interested him, the Headmaster had made it sound as though it would be boring, but on the off chance he would get to deal with some real threats... it would be a test worthy of his might.

"Thank you Headmaster," Tomoki answered, "I would like to get practice. I will meet you on fifth day. I'm not sure I will need the aid of other students, but I will heed your recommendation." He bowed his head in gratitude as he backed out of Headmaster Golan's office.

At lunch, he ate alone in the gardens and considered who he might bring along. He didn't like people very much. People tended to be self-centered and Wizards tended to be self-important. Tomoki's own personality was much less self-centered and arrogant than other people. Truly.

He sighed and considered the morning's events and went down the line of people in the Headmaster's company who could be helpful. Nerelia's minion and talents could synergize well with his own, but she was incredibly arrogant and apparently lacked the idea of personal space. Cyrus was more helpful, and could lend to a back line artillery dynamic with his own "front-line" talents. But ever since the incident with the cultist, Tomoki had proved himself to be in the other student's debt; something which would bother Tomoki until he could repay his debt. The third member of their group had a more work-centered ethic and had a similar spell repertoire, despite being a pure wizard. Bolten seems to be someone I could work alongside, Tomoki thought.

He would head to the Current Events seminar and keep an eye out for Bolten should he appear.

2014-06-16, 12:14 AM
Bolten Cogturner

Passing Tomoki on his way in, Bolten approaches the headmaster with a stack of parchment under his arm. Placing them on Golan's desk, Bolten display unusual initiative by speaking before the headmaster's response. "Sir, I have been brainstorming ideas to improve our readiness against Fae intrusion. I have compiled a list of item proposals for you. Do any of these seem reasonable to you?" The dwarf attempts to maintain a calm and cool demeanor, but his nervousness shows through.

Spectral Shroud
• Pros
o Ability to see ethereal or invisible creatures
o Once per day, can become incorporeal and fly with perfect maneuverability
• Cons
o Requires two spells from at least a middle rank cleric
o Cannot attack while incorporeal
o Expensive
• Crafting time: 22 full days of work
• Estimated cost: 13,000 gold, plus the services of the cleric

Medallion of Thoughts
• Pros
o Allows detection of thoughts, not just from Fae
o Cheap
• Cons
o Security risk if stolen
o Requires concentration to use
o Stopped by barriers
• Crafting time: ten full days of work
• Estimated cost: 6,000 gold, plus either learning detect thoughts or scroll with said spell (more likely the latter)

Dust of Appearance
• Pros
o Very cheap
o Reveals invisible creatures in a 10 foot radius and defeats illusions
• Cons
o Only lasts for 5 minutes
o One use only
• Crafting time: two full days of work per bag
• Estimated cost: 900 gold, plus either learning glitterdust or scroll with said spell

Lantern of Revealing
• Pros
o Very simple to operate
o Reveals all invisible creatures and objects within 25 feet
• Cons
o Requires a middle ranked cleric
o Expensive
• Crafting time: 25 full days of work
• Estimated cost: 15,000 gold, plus services of cleric
Veil of Fleeting Glances (highly recommended)
• Pros
o Chance of avoiding gaze attacks when looking directly at a creature
o More likely to avoid gaze if averting eyes
o Offers better defense against visual effects and attacks
o Cheap
• Crafting time: eight full days of work
• Estimated cost: 4,500 gold, plus either learning of blindness/deafness and true strike or provided scrolls

Headband of Inspired Wisdom (highly recommended)
• Pros
o Makes user more wise (obviously), which makes them less susceptible to illusions
o Cheap
• Crafting time: four full days of work
• Estimated cost: 2,000 gold, plus either learning owl’s wisdom or scroll with said spell

Mind Sentinel Medallion
• Pros
o Cheap
o Offers protection from mind-affecting spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities
o Allows a second chance to resist domination or confusion
• Cons
o If second chance is used, magic is lost
• Crafting time: three full days of work
• Estimated cost: 1,750 gold, plus either learning protection from evil or scroll with said spell
Boots of Levitation
• Pros
o Allows creature to float straight up and down
o No limit to it, allowing for repositioning
o Cheap
• Cons
o No horizontal movement
o Floating can be unstable – continued attacks cause user to spin unless time is taken to restabilize
• Crafting time: seven full days of work
• Estimated cost: 3,750 gold, plus either learning of levitate spell or scroll with said spell

Slippers of Spider-Climbing
• Pros
o Enables walking on walls
o Cheap
• Cons
o Can only be used for ten minutes a day
o Useless on slippery surfaces
• Crafting time: four full days of work
• Estimated cost: 2,400 gold, plus either learning of spider climb or scroll with said spell

Elixir of Fire Breath
• Pros
o Can breathe fire up to three times on one target
o Range of 25 feet
o Will always hit
• Cons
o Will dissipate if unused after one hour
• Crafting time: one full day of work
• Estimated cost: 550 gold, plus either learning scorching ray or scroll with said spell

Rope of Entanglement
• Pros
o Can entangle airborne enemies
o Reduced damage from bludgeoning and piercing
o Self-repairing
o Strong
• Cons
o Only thirty feet long
o Can only reach twenty feet horizontally or ten feet vertically
o Repairs slowly
o Once severed, all magic is lost
o Requires a high-ranking cleric or bard
• Crafting time: eighteen full days of work
• Estimated cost: 10,500 gold, plus services of cleric, plus either learning animate rope or scroll with said spell
(unlike the other ones, this one is written in blue ink. Small sketches of parts and cosmetic diagrams are drawn in the margins)

Bronze Griffon
• Pros
o Can be used twice a week, 6 hours at a time
o Transforms into a full-size griffon
o Can engage airborne enemies
o Cheap
• Cons
o Requires a high-ranking cleric or a master bard
o Requires a large room to use, or outdoor space
• Crafting time: nine full days of work
• Estimated cost: 5,000 gold, plus services of cleric or bard

Silver Raven
• Pros
o Can deliver messages and understand commands
o Very cheap
• Cons
o Only active for 24 hours a week
o Requires a master bard
• Crafting time: four full days of work
• Estimated cost: 1,900 gold, plus services of bard

2014-06-16, 06:41 PM
The headmaster reads the list quickly, quickening his pace as he goes. Looking up, he says "Hmm. Expensive. Fortunately for you, the seminar on... issues with clerics is mandatory."

Flipping through the list again, he says "It is true that the Academy does not own a Veil. I may look into arranging an expedition to find one currently... underutilized. Making one is possible, but we do have a limited budget. Besides, expeditions provide so many learning opportunities."

"As for the rest of these proposals, I do think that a few scrolls and perhaps a minor cloak of resistance might serve better. And by better, I mean more affordably. As for the constructs, let us just say that the general idea has already occurred to us. Making your own would require a fair amount of specialization, with the magical item exceptions you have already discovered. Sadly, their status as magic items keeps them from permanent duty and raises the price considerably. Which means if one did want to spend the cost of this griffon... one could get something quite a good bit harder to injure and nigh immune to magic as well. Though admittedly, slower, but you can't have everything when making constructs. Do not let that dissuade you from such a specialization though."

2014-06-17, 11:22 AM
Bolten Cogturner

Bolten is unable to hide his disappointment. He bows his head to the headmaster, gathers up his parchment, and leaves without another word.

The young dwarf sits by himself in the cafeteria, the food forming a lump in his stomach. <<Another>> cloak of resistance? Been there, done that. The proof lay across his shoulders. I want to try something more complex! Maybe I should have tried to learned magic in a noble's household. At least <<they>> would have the money.

Why does everything have to come back to lectures and books and scrolls? <<Making>> things, putting them together with my hands, and watching them come to life is so much better! And what was his deal with constructs? A bronze griffon might not be as strong or immune to magic as whatever he was talking about, but at least it won't choke on poison gas or have ulterior motives! "Oh, why go with something as inefficient as a construct when we can just use something needlessly dangerous like binding a demon or an angry elemental?"

Bolten shakes his head to dispel the increasingly venomous thoughts in his mind and finishes his lunch. He needed to feed his stomach, not his frustration. After taking the last bite out of his potatoes, the dwarf drops the plates off in the kitchen and makes his way to the Current Events class.

2014-06-23, 03:03 PM
Mistress Anilda's classroom, first day of the term:

Two of the older senior students are already seated near the door, Baratha Thorn and Aliphon Caliburn. They seem to be discussing cheap ways to get reliable mercenaries, though their conversation stops suddenly. Mistress Anilda is nowhere to be seen, though she clearly has a map of the continent and a map of the Republic set up on stands, with a pointer leaning against one of the stands, and a comfortable chair between the stands, so she is clearly set up for the class. After a significant pause, Baratha says to Aliphon "I see we have... additional... individuals... who believe they can comprehend affairs of state."

2014-06-26, 05:43 PM
Bolten Cogturner

Not even Bolten can fail to detect that particular insult. Still, he knows better than to get into a verbal debate with the two of them. Despite only meeting with them for briefs periods of time, the dwarf had found that Baratha and Aliphon combined the worse traits of nobles and wizards. Any attempt to snark back would only lead to them twisting his own words against him. Tomoki and Cyrus were probably in the same boat.

Nerelia, however...

The thought of the feisty little tiefling (well, comparatively speaking) throwing the insults back in their face was enough to bring an uncharacteristically smug smile to his face. He quietly sat down in a desk, waiting to hear her response. I'll be patient. I'm sure she'll be happy to talk enough for the both of us.

2014-07-01, 10:21 AM
Ah, these two...

Nerelia stared deeply into Baratha's eyes, her lips curling into what was probably supposed to be a sweet smile. "I do hope so. After all, House Rookwood is so old I fear we may have grown out of touch. If the heir to a house which entered into state matters as recently as Thorn would be willing to update me, I would be most grateful." She gave the pair a little curtsy.

Bonus points if Baratha isn't actually an heir, and Nerelia knows it. :smalltongue:

2014-07-02, 11:12 PM
Baratha seems momentarily quelled, but Aliphon indignantly reacts saying "And your associates..." before Baratha hisses something to him, which seems to quiet him right away.

At this point, Mistress Anilda appears suddenly in her chair, and says without any hesitation "I see some of you have begun discussing apparent importance on your own. Nonetheless, we shall start... now.

First, this week's news. Senator Piso's campaign to punish public lapses of morals has stalled. There are rumours that several Senators, possibly including Senator Piso himself, have been discovered engaging in just such immorality. Senator Soranus has been kidnapped, apparently by means of a creature of elemental air. He is being held somewhere beyond the reach of standard divination techniques. There are credible signs of an incipient agricultural workers rebellion. We are due for one, it having been five years. Jungles academy has posted the results of their recent expedition to an ancient battle site, and has offered credible evidence that they have recovered a few high elven artifacts along with a reconstruction of a few high elven battle techniques, though it is unlikely that they can use most of what they have found. Though they did not post anything, they doubtless discovered evidence concerning demonic techniques as well, if not any artifacts. Lastly, Mountains academy has announced new results in alchemy. Something to do with attaching delayed poison bombs to birds.

Now, I do believe we shall allow our newest students to choose a topic on which to comment, or to ask a question. Choose wisely."

Knowledge nobility, local, and history will all give different and complementary information about the Thorn family if you'd like to roll. The Caliburns, being only a knightly family, would have higher DCs. For that matter, feel free to make other knowledge rolls if it would inform your response, though anything which has just happened would not be covered. But if you need background information, by all means roll.

2014-07-08, 07:39 PM
Bolten Cogturner

The silence in the room becomes deafening as no one speaks up. While he has no experience with the subject, there is one item that confuses Bolten to no end. It seemed like a good place to start.

Nervously, he raises hand as he sits in his chair. "Um, I'm sorry, but why should we expect a worker rebellion after five years? Is this a regular thing? What would upset them so?"