View Full Version : DM Help first time DMing with a bunch of noobs

2014-05-18, 08:11 PM
So I'm a DM and I was just wondering with this situation is it okay to kind of lead them with a deity heavy campaign?

2014-05-18, 08:28 PM
Deity heavy is not necessarily a bad thing. The question I have is more what are the ramifications of "deity heavy"? If they are new there is something of a need to teach them the game while continuing a story so if your setting has a lot of gods maybe send them out on quests dedicated to certain gods? What are they playing? If clerics, druids, rangers, paladins, even wizards, or sorcerers you could make their patron deity a very real motivation for them to work for or a rival deity to work against. Need a little bit more info. I wish you good luck. Newbie games are the easiest and hardest typeo f game to run. They are also some of the most fun however :)

2014-05-18, 09:41 PM
It will be better to lead them a little than otherwise. One of the hardest transitions for a noob is to shuck off what they "know" about how they act around religion. It's probably 2nd hardest to what they "know" about acting around authority.

So it is better to 'cue them in' as to their own mores as you mention, for example, that they all give way as a holy procession goes by. Perhaps some out of town rube walks the wrong way around a holy marker. You share their inner amusement (or demonstration of anger against the infidel if that's appropriate). That way, it's you and them on the inside of the circle, knowing something that someone else doesn't. People feel special when admitted to an inner circle. That creates a very positive feedback for your players to act the "right" way (the way you want them to) around deities and all the trappings. They will then look for more cues from you for the 'right' behavior, which will become a full-immersion experience inside the campaign, making it special for them. And for you.