View Full Version : Pathfinder: Pure Steam - Best Build? Chaplains?

2014-05-19, 12:20 AM
My GM will be running a Pure Steam game soon, which can be quickly summarised as Steam-Punk America.

I wanted to play a Chaplain, but their organisations are so weak, and I've been told not to play the Evil Freemasons.
I really like the idea of being a Chaplain though. Using rhetoric to command the battlefield and believing in furthering humanity. I picturing playing a Andrew Ryan/Comstock character now, but with less megalomania.

So - Does anyone know an effective build for Chaplains?
OR - Can anyone recommend a good alternative class for this idea?

I was thinking maybe a Haunted Battle Oracle (using guns), or maybe just an Alchemist (again with some guns). The idea of being a Half-orc proficient with a spiked chain shouting about the Great Chain also appeals to me. May go play some bioshock now ^^

Would appreciate any suggestions!