View Full Version : Jericho: The Rec(r)ap

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-02-14, 08:11 PM
Any of you watch Jericho from CBS?

Well, it disapears around December and doesn't come back til tonight. Now, are any of you so out of the loop that you need, what is so far 20 minutes of recap? At this rate they might be done by 8:30 and we'll have a half hour of show instead of an hour. Actually, with all these commercials we may have 15-20 minutes of show. Tops.

What absolute nitwit thought this was a good idea?

Edit: Yup, 30 minutes now and the recaps are barely halfway through. There isn't even going to be a show...

2007-02-14, 08:23 PM
I have a confession to make. 'Twas I who shortchanged you on tonight's episode. Now suffer, poor Tribble!

2007-02-15, 04:48 AM
lost does the same thing. yeah, i wanted some new material too. but i figure there will be 11 new episodes in a row coming up, so thats good. and it couldnt hurt to let some of the slower children catch up.

i for one would like to do away with the midseason hiatus. its a drag.

2007-02-15, 08:02 AM
Oh wow, I didn't even realize this came back tonight, I'd read in ET or something it returned Feb. 21st. At least it doesn't sound like I missed much...

2007-02-15, 11:42 AM
The first new episode is on the 21st, slapdash.

2007-02-15, 11:51 AM
Sweet! In your face, recap episode!

Gorbash Kazdar
2007-02-15, 12:08 PM
I turned it off after about 10 minutes once I ID'd it as a clip show. I've seen some watchable clip shows, but the framing is the key to making one, and Jericho didn't provide a good framework for this. Ideally, you need to offer up new information or a new perspective on events that causes the viewer to reflect on what they saw - or thought they saw - and examine it in a different light.

My impression was that this clip show wasn't going to do that, so I had no interest in watching it.