View Full Version : Totem Druid Questions - HELP

2014-05-19, 10:13 PM
I've been looking over the Totem Druid recently. It has me thinking about playing a Shifter Totem Druid/MoMF. I love the fluff of the class, but there are a few things I'm not sure about.

Firstly, in the text for Totem Shape, it says it functions like wild shape. Shouldn't that mean you're limited by your HD for what you can turn into? That would mean, even though you have totem shape at first level, you wouldn't really be able to turn into anything until later (much later for some animals).

Secondly, it's a little vague about the bear totem. I was looking at it, because I've always had a soft spot for bears, but it doesn't specify which bear. Are you supposed to choose? Do you assume whichever has the lowest HD? Is there a ruling on this?

Any help is appreciated.
