View Full Version : DM Help lowering the epic feat threshold

Pinkie Pyro
2014-05-20, 02:06 AM
Due to the fact that most epic feats are severely lacking, I've decided that any mundane epic feat can be gotten at level 11 or higher. opinions?

2014-05-20, 02:35 AM
This is really something you want to adjudicate on a case by case basis. Things like Exceptional/Infinite Deflection are going to be massively OP at those levels.

2014-05-20, 10:10 AM
i do agree. epic weapon specialisation and favoured enemy stuff are ok for lvl10 - 20. (and in fact should just be able to be taken and condense the non epic tree).
but some epic feats are a bit too powerful for those levels. i would restrict it going through feat by feat, firstly you can take any epic feat (not deemed to powerful) at level 11 onwards which does not have epic feat prerequisites. for example combat archery and epic weapon spec feats. then after level 15 you can take epic feats that have epic prerequisites (still restrict a couple too powerful if needed). after level 18 they can take unrestricted.

2014-05-20, 10:15 AM
This is really something you want to adjudicate on a case by case basis. Things like Exceptional/Infinite Deflection are going to be massively OP at those levels.

I completely disagree with this. Sure, it makes melee extremely resistant to ranged attacks, but caster have been doing that since level 3. Anything that closes the gap is great IMO. No need to nerf melee even more.

2014-05-20, 10:36 AM
Something like Epic Prowess or Extended Lifespan though would be okay from lv1. Heck, it would be weak at lv1.

Holy Strike is just a broader version of Holy Ki Strike, and Improved Arrow of Death/Death Attack/Stunning Fist/etc. is just Ability Focus.

Legendary Leaper is a worse version of Leap of the Heavens, which is available from lv1, and Two-Weapon Rend has been reprinted as a non-epic feat.

2014-05-20, 11:46 AM
Heh. The 'alignment damage' abilities...holy strike, righteous strike, chaotic rage, and unholy strike are things their respective classes should never leave home without.

Overwhelming and Devastating Critical are fun, as melee finally get to save or die things.

Keen Fist and Vorpal Fist...well, nothing like doing Mortal Kombat fatalities whenever you happen to roll a 20 on your monk. "My character says FINISH HIM! And then rips his leg off and uses it to bat his head into the wall like a T-ball. My character then says, "FATALITY!""

2014-05-20, 02:21 PM
Most epic feats have other requirements which are very difficult to meet at level 11. Many require skills at 20+ ranks, which is nearly impossible to reach early. And even those without skill requirements often require things like dex 25, which while achievable at low levels, are very difficult.

Pinkie Pyro
2014-05-20, 02:43 PM
Most epic feats have other requirements which are very difficult to meet at level 11. Many require skills at 20+ ranks, which is nearly impossible to reach early. And even those without skill requirements often require things like dex 25, which while achievable at low levels, are very difficult.

the point is making them accessible at level 11, so you'd lower the pre-requisites as well, naturally.

really, is there any mundane epic feat that would be terribly unbalanced at that level?

2014-05-20, 03:03 PM
So long as it isn't extended to Epic Spellcasting/Manifesting, this sounds pretty reasonable. A few things like Always On Turn Undead extended to affect outsiders are probably problems, and should be allowed on a case by case basis, but all in all I'm not concerned.

2014-05-20, 03:06 PM
Distant Shot or whatever that feat is that lets you shoot anything in line of sight is probably too much.

I second that Infinite Deflection is too much. Because it's, well, infinite. Other deflection feats are okay though.

In general, there are very few feats that'd be too powerful. Remaking epic feats as something you can take at low levels was part of my own feat project, and was generally pretty easy.

Epic Spellcasting/Manifesting/etc. should be banned on principle.

2014-05-20, 03:37 PM
Always on Turning isn't that impressive. Positive energy field turns undead at your level -10, and destroys them at your level -20. Thus, always on turning, at level 11, is only turning like a 1st level cleric.

Not really a big deal. Even if it affected outsiders too, you're turning what, imps? Lemures? Other not a threat to level 11 characters anyway?

Also, the skill rank requirements should probably be reduced by 10 to account for level 11. (You can't hit 24 ranks of anything without being level 21. Level+3 ranks in the skill.) Most of the stat requirement should be thrown out too.

Epic Leadership could be fun on some characters (Paladins, Bards, Sorcerers) who have through the roof charisma and can essentially have cohorts stronger then they are.

Pinkie Pyro
2014-05-20, 06:42 PM
Distant Shot or whatever that feat is that lets you shoot anything in line of sight is probably too much.

Fling Enemy -- Fling an enemy you're grappling. Combine with Distant Shot for hilarity by throwing your enemies into the sun! prereq: str 19, Rock hurling, large size [RoS]

yeah, maybe a little too much.

2014-05-20, 06:58 PM
Pretty sure 'thrown into the sun' isn't RAI.

However, throwing a fully armored cleric/paladin/fighter to the distant horizon over the ocean isn't likely to end well when they start drowning. The cleric might have spells to get out of it, but even if he does, there's the small problem of water preventing him from using verbal components.

2014-05-21, 01:01 AM
I completely disagree with this. Sure, it makes melee extremely resistant to ranged attacks, but caster have been doing that since level 3. Anything that closes the gap is great IMO. No need to nerf melee even more.
Really? You think archery is so powerful that there needs to be a feat that completely shuts it down with no recourse?