View Full Version : The uses of Prestidigitation - goofy / insane uses

2014-05-20, 07:18 AM
I want all the Goofy, Insane, and Broken uses of Prestidigitation by raw.
What is Prestidigitation?

1. Make a plate into a necklace, wait 58mins and give to king. (by raw no, but whatevs)
2. Create gold out of copper
3. Turn roses in King's garden to poison ivy then offer to fix it for gold.
4. Make the King's ale look/taste like poison then give him an "antidote" (water w/Prestidigitation) and earn his favor.
5. Copper pieces? I think you mean Necco Wafers.
6. 200,000gp enchanted axe? You mean 20gp (copper -> Platinum)
7. I not even ganna even start with what you can do with a shuriken.

2014-05-20, 07:39 AM
(this is more utility)

The main things i use prestidigitation for are: Instabath and seasoning. I look and smell well-kept and even the most subpar of meals will taste friggin' delicious.

2014-05-20, 08:11 AM
Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure Prestidigitation cannot make things look convincingly like more valuable materials. Just because a metal coin is the right color doesn't mean it really will convince anybody who's looking for a fake. Even a simple weight test on a balance would suffice. The "enchanted" axe might work on particularly gullible adventurers, but you're probably better off with Magic Aura since appearance isn't as important as the strength of its aura to the discriminating adventurer.

You COULD use it to open a restaurant and serve the best-tasting "gourmet" food in the world...while serving the same low-quality slop as anybody else.

You could also use it to cheat in a cooking contest not just in the above fashion, but also by making others' submissions taste awful.

It works as a(n extremely) poor man's mage hand, too.

It WOULD be useful for giving that haughty princess or even enchantress a blemish (magical zit?).

With a suitable Perform or Craft(Painting) check, it could conceivably be used to animate a picture (whether starting with a real one or a blank page) by changing the colors selectively on the surface.

While it's no Endure Elements, causing your garments to be chilled in the hot desert or warmed in the cold tundra can certainly help your comfort levels in those environments.

The brave warrior you want to humiliate can be made to look a coward with a strategically-placed wet (or soiled) spot on his trousers when the big monster shows up.

In a game set in a more modern world, it would be a forensic investigator's worst nightmare. What fingerprints? What stains? The place is spotless!

With painted dice (rather than those with divots), it can be used to cheat by discoloring the appropriate locations on the upward-looking face, if you can do it before anybody notices the real result. It could similarly be used to cheat at cards, turning any card in your hand into any card you can envision (these may require Craft(Painting) checks). I don't recommend trying to see if you can full a Deck of Many Things this way.

Fake tattoos! Only last an hour! Impress your friends! Hide from your enemies! (Temporary tattoo removal also provided!)

2014-05-20, 10:27 AM
19. Where did the king's favorite Gem go?

2014-05-20, 10:33 AM
Instabath and seasoning. I look and smell well-kept
Prestidigitation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/prestidigitation.htm) says it can clean or soil ITEMS. There's nothing that says you can do the same to creatures. However, it does say "Saving Throw: See text", which suggests there are things that can save against the spell's effects (such as magic items, or attended items in a creature's possession).

2014-05-20, 10:34 AM
It says that you can make small objects that can't be used as weapons.
Make a small ball of cesium. It retains all chemical properties that cesium would have. (A wooden ball made by prestidigitation still burns.) Throw it into a lake filled with monsters. It explodes with the force of a hand grenade. Roll in EXP.

2014-05-20, 10:46 AM
Many of the tricks here won't work.

If you're undead and worried about it being too cold and you freezing (this is RAW, per Frostburn. Non-cold-immune undead can freeze if they're in a cold environment for too long, and start taking penalties), then you can warm yourself up pound by pound. After all, the undead are by definition non-living material.

John Longarrow
2014-05-20, 11:03 AM
The best use is to pretend you are Evil Betty from "Kung-Pow, enter the fist"!

My shirt is Blue... now my shirt is White!

2014-05-20, 11:37 AM
Many of the tricks here won't work.

It is worth noting that the excerpt you have listed is pulled from Tome and Blood, a 3.0e material. Is there a difference between 3.0 and 3.5 prestidigitation and the rules on how it's handled?

2014-05-20, 11:48 AM
It is worth noting that the excerpt you have listed is pulled from Tome and Blood, a 3.0e material. Is there a difference between 3.0 and 3.5 prestidigitation and the rules on how it's handled?

The only difference is that in 3.0, the spell is referred to in plural, while in 3.5, it's singular. For example, 3.0 has "Prestidigitations can slowly lift 1 pound of material. They can color, clean, or soil items in a 1-foot cube each round." and so forth, while 3.5 has "A prestidigitation can slowly lift 1 pound of material. It can color, clean, or soil items in a 1-foot cube each round."

Other than that difference, the text is identical.

2014-05-20, 11:52 AM
Just making sure. I'm AFB for now. Have the rules on how the spell itself is handled changed at all? (Rules editations on duration or the magic system that would affect it at all.)

2014-05-20, 12:12 PM
Just making sure. I'm AFB for now. Have the rules on how the spell itself is handled changed at all? (Rules editations on duration or the magic system that would affect it at all.)

Doesn't look like it, as far as I can tell. Range, duration, components, etc. all look the same, and the fundamentals of arcane magic didn't change between the two editions. We're talking Prestidigitation, not Polymorph.

2014-05-20, 12:29 PM
Well, considering how awkward the transition between 3.0e and 3.5e were for certain things (Favored Enemy and a lot of spells), it's worth checking into sometimes. Assuming the DM doesn't like unupdated material. That could just be me, however.

2014-05-20, 12:34 PM
It says that you can make small objects that can't be used as weapons.
Make a small ball of cesium.
Nothing in the text says you get to decide what the object is made out of. In fact, since all items you create with prestidigitation have the same physical limitations, it's heavily implied that all objects are made out of the same psuedostuff.

2014-05-20, 12:54 PM
Also, anything that can do enough damage to kill lakes full of monsters is definitely a "weapon." "Obviously fake" objects would not operate the way real ones do, as well, or they would be far less obviously fake. So your "ball of cesium" would be an obviously magically created ball of whatever color you wanted. It might even spark a bit if dropped in water. But that's it.

2014-05-20, 02:14 PM
You know how real-world magicians sometimes make fake flowers out of tissue paper or the like? That's how I envision Prestidigitation working. You can make a tissue-paper flower. You can even make it out of colored tissue paper, if you want. It might impress the fair maiden you give it to, but it's not going to be exactly practical for anything.

2014-05-20, 02:26 PM
Black dragon fight (don't remember age). It was the boss of an arena of increasing-difficulty waves, and I had run out of fireballs. I started spamming grease on it. After the fourth or fifth cast, I prestidigitated a lit candle. Nice, cheap constant-damage dealer.

DM and I discussed it, and he eventually ruled it legal. So nyah, hypothetical naysayers.

2014-05-20, 03:55 PM
My 8oz wizard used it to fly after running out of Mage Hands.

Eliana Solange
2014-09-06, 05:27 PM
Many of the tricks here won't work.

Does anyone have this archived? Wizards is giving a 404 on it

2014-09-06, 05:58 PM
I've heard the tale of an Assassin who once used it to change the taste of a mug full of poison as well as its color. Like 16 saves later the guy was dead as a doornail.

Ive personally used it to melt a giant icicle which impaled a frost troll which then caused a bit of a cave in.

2014-09-06, 06:23 PM
Does anyone have this archived? Wizards is giving a 404 on it

Change the "www" to "archive" like so: http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20010707

2014-09-06, 06:40 PM
##. I don't take credit for this, but it's the best idea for Prestidigitation; The Ice Cream Shop (warning: Somewhat gross)

Step 1: Grab some manure;
Step 2: Use prestidigitation to make it pink, chilly and with strawberry taste;
Step 3: ???? (sell your wonder food on cities across the land);
Step 4: Profit!

2014-09-06, 11:01 PM
Had a chaotic evil bard in a game I was running do the following (spoiler for innuendo)
Contraception (it cleans, and technically a sperm isn't an independent living thing, it's a cell from your body, until it forms a zygote)
Beer goggles (warforged don't qualify as "living")
Having paladins release you from prison because unsanitary conditions that violated your rights as a prisoner to them
Drugging the party druid (looks like applejuice, tastes like applejuice, still 98% alcohol)
Dire wolf urination stains everywhere (that really did not work out in his favor, the party druid caught him casting the spell)
Pretending to be undead to scare good aligned clerics (he learned holy water still affected his evil a--)
Sold a bridge to a troll (he used the spell on a sheet of paper so it looked like the king's seal)
Disguising deadly caustic spider venom as makeup (the drow matriarch was not happy)
Changing color palette to look like a drow
Same as #1 again
Casting it in futility as a last desperate act against the holy mother of all angry drow (these last four happened the same day he died)

2014-09-07, 02:33 AM
The best use is to pretend you are Evil Betty from "Kung-Pow, enter the fist"!

My shirt is Blue... now my shirt is White!

You sir... You're awesome :).

The Random NPC
2014-09-07, 03:37 AM
I just used it in a game to make my eyes one solid color. My GM was going to make it blind me, but I pointed out the no replicating other spells clause and that Blindness was a spell. If he ruled that it would blind me, I'd get a 0 level blind spell. If he ruled that it wouldn't, I get what I wanted. Either way I win.