View Full Version : Looking for a writing partner?

2014-05-20, 10:38 AM
My original post can be found below, in spoilers.

Writing Circle

The purpose of this thread is that, if you're a budding writer or enjoy dabbling around creating stories, you can find someone to give your work a read and offer a little constructive criticism. Below are a list of people who have very kindly offered to give a few things a read. Give them a private message if you have something you want feedback on.

You can message as many or as few people as you wish. You can also tailor the feedback you want--even if you don't want any feedback, but simply want an audience for your work. However, it goes without saying that there's no obligation on those you message to comply with your particular requests, or read your writing at all if real life is getting in the way or they already have enough stories on their plate already.


fergo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?64922-fergo)
Findpathfencer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?84201-Findpathfencer)
Grinner (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?65023-Grinner)
smoke-prism (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?72293-smoke-prism)
Duck999 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?74623-Duck999)
ShadowFireLance (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?64911-ShadowFireLance)
shawnhcorey (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?56164-shawnhcorey)

Comment below or PM me to be added or removed from this list.


Hey guys,

I'm finally finished college for the summer and want to turn my hand to writing a story I've had rattling around in my head for years now. The trouble is, whenever I start something like this, it sorts of trails off as real life gets in the way.

So, I'm hoping that someone on here is in the same boat--looking at doing a bit of writing over the next few months. I figure that it'd be good to have someone to bounce ideas off and share completed parts of the story. The semi-commitment would definitely encourage me to get the writing done, and I'd appreciate any feedback (especially since I haven't done any writing for years).

The story in question is historic fiction set on the borders of England and Scotland in the late 16th century. I'd be up for reading pretty much anything in return.

So, anyone interested?

2014-05-20, 12:36 PM
Hey guys,

I'm finally finished college for the summer and want to turn my hand to writing a story I've had rattling around in my head for years now. The trouble is, whenever I start something like this, it sorts of trails off as real life gets in the way.

So, I'm hoping that someone on here is in the same boat--looking at doing a bit of writing over the next few months. I figure that it'd be good to have someone to bounce ideas off and share completed parts of the story. The semi-commitment would definitely encourage me to get the writing done, and I'd appreciate any feedback (especially since I haven't done any writing for years).

The story in question is historic fiction set on the borders of England and Scotland in the late 16th century. I'd be up for reading pretty much anything in return.

So, anyone interested?

I'd be interested! I'm writing a fantasy novel, and developing backstory, world mechanics, and plot for the thing. I'm always needing such a person as you request for this sort of thing.

2014-05-20, 03:39 PM
Sounds great :smallbiggrin:. I'll message you with more information.

Anyone else interested?

2014-05-20, 07:14 PM
I'm not sure how much insight I can offer, but feel free to throw something at me.

As for myself, I like to fancy myself a writer, but I frequently get stuck in the prewriting stage.

2014-05-21, 07:50 AM
I can vaguely read and have some spare time, will that do?

2014-05-21, 10:20 AM
If there's still room, I'd like to offer my time with your writing.

2014-05-22, 02:25 PM
Thanks guys :smallbiggrin:. I'll send you all quick PMs.

2014-05-22, 04:29 PM
I'd be happy to have a look. I like writing and I'm pretty good at it. It's been a while since I've had a look at any scottish history though...

2014-05-22, 04:35 PM
I couldn't do too much serious writing, but my creativity could definitely help if you need someone to help with inspiration or to bounce ideas off of. I can do idea stuff, just not much actual writing for this.

2014-05-23, 12:23 AM
I have an interest in writing (especially fantasy) and history (especially times of war), but I always seem to lack either the ability or motivation. Expression of interest here. :smalltongue:

2014-05-23, 05:59 AM
Heh, I wasn't expecting such a response. I'll send you all quick PMs.

2014-05-23, 06:17 AM
Perhaps instead of taking on all of the offers, others could pair up with each other so you don't get overwhelmed, and everyone still gets to benifit. Afterall, if you're spending most of your time communicating with reviewers, you'll be less likely to complete things in a timely manner and such.

2014-05-23, 07:58 AM
Perhaps instead of taking on all of the offers, others could pair up with each other so you don't get overwhelmed, and everyone still gets to benifit. Afterall, if you're spending most of your time communicating with reviewers, you'll be less likely to complete things in a timely manner and such.

That depends on how many of us are doing some writing, and how much--not everyone is :smallsmile:. And I certainly don't expect detailed feedback from everyone.

2014-05-23, 08:21 AM
That depends on how many of us are doing some writing, and how much--not everyone is :smallsmile:. And I certainly don't expect detailed feedback from everyone.

:smallsmile: Truth.

2014-05-31, 03:20 PM
I think pairing is a good idea, but I'm not that good at meeting new people, especially over the internet (I spent half a day trying to decide whether to give my email or not). Are there any alternate ideas?

Also, I forgot to mention that my computer is very outdated, so any documents will need to be adjusted to text files or Windows XP. :smallredface: I should get a new one soon, but I don't know how long that will be.

2014-05-31, 07:28 PM
A thought: why not make this an open writing circle? Create an index of members in the first post so that people know who they should PM. Or just post right here.

2014-05-31, 09:41 PM
Not quite a writing offer, but still relevant. I like linguistics and have always wanted to make a conlang. But I always get stuck at the making words part. Not enough creative inspiration. So if anyone wants a fictional language for fantasy or sci fi, I'm willing to attempt one. (And I know enough about linguistics that I can make it feel right for the culture)

2014-06-01, 08:18 AM
Also, I forgot to mention that my computer is very outdated, so any documents will need to be adjusted to text files or Windows XP. :smallredface: I should get a new one soon, but I don't know how long that will be.

You can get free software.

Office suite: LibreOffice (http://www.libreoffice.org/)

Word processor: AbiWord (http://www.abisource.com/)

I would recommend AbiWord. It's closer to MS Word than LibreOffice and it's smaller.

A thought: why not make this an open writing circle? Create an index of members in the first post so that people know who they should PM. Or just post right here.

I like the ides. :smallsmile:

Not quite a writing offer, but still relevant. I like linguistics and have always wanted to make a conlang. But I always get stuck at the making words part. Not enough creative inspiration. So if anyone wants a fictional language for fantasy or sci fi, I'm willing to attempt one. (And I know enough about linguistics that I can make it feel right for the culture)

Here's my favourite conlang, the Anglish Moot (http://anglish.wikia.com/wiki/Headside).

2014-06-01, 10:03 AM
Not quite a writing offer, but still relevant. I like linguistics and have always wanted to make a conlang. But I always get stuck at the making words part. Not enough creative inspiration. So if anyone wants a fictional language for fantasy or sci fi, I'm willing to attempt one. (And I know enough about linguistics that I can make it feel right for the culture)

I've always loved your avatar, and I'm actually working on an actual full language for my novel, and I'd love some help. I'll shoot ya a PM. :smallsmile:

On the writing circle note; If anyone needs someone to read stuff, I'd be glad to, and I'd love to have my own Inkslave writing partner.

2014-06-02, 09:40 AM
Not quite a writing offer, but still relevant. I like linguistics and have always wanted to make a conlang. But I always get stuck at the making words part. Not enough creative inspiration. So if anyone wants a fictional language for fantasy or sci fi, I'm willing to attempt one. (And I know enough about linguistics that I can make it feel right for the culture)

I've always loved your avatar, and I'm actually working on an actual full language for my novel, and I'd love some help. I'll shoot ya a PM. :smallsmile:

On the writing circle note; If anyone needs someone to read stuff, I'd be glad to, and I'd love to have my own Inkslave writing partner.

I'm working on a bunch of languages! I'd love the help. So much help...

2014-06-11, 10:45 AM
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted for a while. I've been working on my next update. Any feedback on my first part is still very welcome :smallsmile:.

I like the idea of an open writing circle. That gives everyone the option of sharing their work with as many people as they feel comfortable with. I'll edit my post with a list of people willing to read others' work. If you're interested in being put on the list, comment below :smallbiggrin:.

2014-06-11, 04:57 PM
I'll happily read and give feedback.

smoke prism
2014-06-11, 05:42 PM
I'm interested.

2014-06-12, 09:16 PM
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted for a while. I've been working on my next update. Any feedback on my first part is still very welcome :smallsmile:.

Err....I never got the first....

Edit: And sure, add me to the list.

2014-06-13, 12:50 AM
The story in question is historic fiction set on the borders of England and Scotland in the late 16th century. I'd be up for reading pretty much anything in return.

So, anyone interested?

What you got to remember while making this book is why it takes place in its time period,you need to find a story that is made from the setting and a point for it being in the setting.

You can do this by Researching[and I'm better that you did do that] the time period and find out what they did all day and why they did it all day and learn what jobs they had at the time and what they normally buy.

But then a opposite thing can happen where you put too much details in there,it's good to say what they eat and what they wear but saying exactly how they persevered there food or how they made the paints is boring and there for pointless,you want to take advantage of the setting not weighed down by it.

Perhaps the most important thing you need to remember is why someone is reading the story and why should they care.

Something I've found out that a lot of bad writer don't do or forget that your story needs a theme,that is part of its reason to exist,a core something that latch on to so to not become just a boring historical book. Really anything can become a theme and I do mean anything can become a theme.

Um..yes I'll help you,and then maybe you will help me some day. [my device died on me so I had to write this ever again]

2014-06-13, 05:40 AM
I just finished the second part of my story :smallbiggrin:. If you haven't read the first, I can send you that instead, just post here or PM me if you're interested.

Err....I never got the first....

Edit: And sure, add me to the list.

Ah, damn. I'll send over a copy now, by PM, but emailing it would probably be better, so if you want, send me a message with your email address in.

What you got to remember while making this book is why it takes place in its time period,you need to find a story that is made from the setting and a point for it being in the setting.

You can do this by Researching[and I'm better that you did do that] the time period and find out what they did all day and why they did it all day and learn what jobs they had at the time and what they normally buy.

It's an area I'm at least passingly familiar with, so I think I have enough of an understanding of the time period and the people involved that any failures will simply be as a result of my writing skills rather than a lack of historical knowledge (although, of course, inaccuracies will inevitably occur).

But then a opposite thing can happen where you put too much details in there,it's good to say what they eat and what they wear but saying exactly how they persevered there food or how they made the paints is boring and there for pointless,you want to take advantage of the setting not weighed down by it.

That's a really good point. I want to add enough little touches to create an impression of a living, breathing world--not just a blank canvas on which the story is placed, but a 3D universe. The characters, I hope, will be defined by the social norms and cultural pressures of their time and place, and while the story itself will be character-driven, it is only through the understanding of the world that they're part of that the full impact of their decisions can be understood.

Perhaps the most important thing you need to remember is why someone is reading the story and why should they care.

That's the crux of the issue, really. That's what I have to remember, and what I hope everyone reading my work will remind me of.

Something I've found out that a lot of bad writer don't do or forget that your story needs a theme,that is part of its reason to exist,a core something that latch on to so to not become just a boring historical book. Really anything can become a theme and I do mean anything can become a theme.

My story has a few key thematic elements which may not be apparent from the start. I hope any readers will stay patient as they slowly come into play.

Um..yes I'll help you,and then maybe you will help me some day. [my device died on me so I had to write this ever again]

Thanks :smallbiggrin:. I'll message you a copy of my first part. I take it you're ok being put on the list in the first post? (Even when on the list there's no pressure to actually read anyone else's stuff).

2014-06-15, 04:20 PM
Ooh! Totally sending something's someone's way.

2014-06-16, 05:10 AM
I'd be interested in helping but I'm pretty busy at the moment so please put me on a reserve list for the time being. If you want serious criticism then I've used Writer's Beat (http://www.writersbeat.com/) in the past. They don't pull their punches.

2014-06-17, 06:03 AM
Hoverfrog, I'll leave you off for now, but send me a message when you have some more free time and I'll add you.

2014-06-23, 05:54 PM
I'll help any one who needs help for I've read books about writing and even one about making comics[make that four].

2014-06-23, 10:43 PM
And speaking of writing...
Come check this out! It's a thread devoted to helping inspire fellow writers. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?358404-Writers-Inspiration-Thread)