View Full Version : Using Eberron feats/items/spells/etc outside Eberron setting

2014-05-20, 11:37 AM
I don't know if this is a stupid question or not, but would it be alright to mix things from the Eberron book (or any other setting) with a "regular" setting?

Examples: Using the Kalashtar race, the xen'drik themed feats for Drow, the tattoos/dragonmarks (cant remember their proper name).

2014-05-20, 11:47 AM
That depends on your DM's take on region and campaign setting specific materials. Very few of the additional features of most campaign settings and their associated splatbooks depend on the setting. There are the regional feats from, for example, Faerun that would be difficult to do outside of Faerun unless the DM has regional proxies or just blatantly doesn't care about that prerequisite.

2014-05-20, 11:54 AM
I'd recommend the feat Song of the Heart in just about any campaign with Bards, just to make them suck less.

2014-05-20, 11:55 AM
Monster Manual 3 has reprinted some of the Eberron races, so those are technically setting neutral.

Red Fel
2014-05-20, 12:08 PM
That depends on your DM's take on region and campaign setting specific materials.

Pretty much this. The DM is the ultimate arbiter of the in-game cosmos; he could say, for example, that the Quori have to Faerun, or that someone in Greyhawk recently discovered Dragonmarks. He could rewrite various origins, and suggest that Warforged are a form of self-aware constructs accidentally created by a planar bleed between Mechanus and the Material. Or he could just hand-wave things.

Generally? Just ask.

2014-05-20, 12:09 PM
With the exception of the dragonmarks I'd think anything in Eberron would work decently enough in any setting. Who's to say all drow only worship Lolth? Maybe there's a group of them who do live above ground and worship a scorpion king. Halflings are theives and rogues? Why not also dinosaur taming barbarians? If humans can be that versatile, no reason the other races can't do it too.

2014-05-20, 12:12 PM
There's no such thing as a "regular" setting. Each setting will be different in terms of what sorts of content works in it. There's certainly precedent for later settings adapting content from earlier settings, though, just look at the history of the Education feat.

2014-05-20, 12:21 PM
As with all questions of "Should X be allowed in the game?" there are always only two questions, and they always need to be handled on a case-by-case basis.

"Will it cause mechanical issues?" and "Will it cause thematic issues?"

Speaking broadly, the answer to question 1 is "Nope" for most Eberron content. At least, I can't recall Eberron-specific feats or races being wildly overpowered. I guess if your group dislikes Tier 1 classes, they may object to having an Artificer around. (But it's been my experience that, even moreso than cleric, artificers get viewed as team players. Warblades love it when you grant them new armor and weapon enchantments every day, and the Bard isn't going to say no to discount Pants of Charisma)

Question 2 should almost always be "Nope" because it's really easy to refluff. Want to play a warforged in a setting without warforged? Fine, we can write you in as unique; some wizard's pet project. Or maybe have warforged be just one more mechanical race from the Plane of Law.

2014-05-20, 12:26 PM
As with all questions of "Should X be allowed in the game?" there are always only two questions, and they always need to be handled on a case-by-case basis.

"Will it cause mechanical issues?" and "Will it cause thematic issues?"

Speaking broadly, the answer to question 1 is "Nope" for most Eberron content. At least, I can't recall Eberron-specific feats or races being wildly overpowered. I guess if your group dislikes Tier 1 classes, they may object to having an Artificer around. (But it's been my experience that, even moreso than cleric, artificers get viewed as team players. Warblades love it when you grant them new armor and weapon enchantments every day, and the Bard isn't going to say no to discount Pants of Charisma)

Question 2 should almost always be "Nope" because it's really easy to refluff. Want to play a warforged in a setting without warforged? Fine, we can write you in as unique; some wizard's pet project. Or maybe have warforged be just one more mechanical race from the Plane of Law.

Some things in Eberron don't work if you're not using Action Points. But that list is short. And actually, using Monster Manual 3, there is (I believe) a section under most of the Eberron-specific races that gives an adaptation for Faerun and Greyhawk. At least, there usually is.

2014-05-20, 12:34 PM
Some things in Eberron don't work if you're not using Action Points. But that list is short. And actually, using Monster Manual 3, there is (I believe) a section under most of the Eberron-specific races that gives an adaptation for Faerun and Greyhawk. At least, there usually is.

I think it was just Faerun, don't think they mentioned anything about Greyhawk, but I could be wrong.

2014-05-20, 01:04 PM
Well, and there's a few schools of thought that say that Greyhawk-lite is the standard campaign setting for 3.5 depending on the books available.