View Full Version : Rules Q&A Getting around a teleportation block. Is this viable?

2014-05-20, 12:36 PM
My party and I are currently stuck on a plane that does not allow for teleportation. We have been able to summon, but not teleport. There is a VERY high chance of us not making it out because our cleric is now made of dead and not helpful. Would it go against all rules to have the party step into my Bag of Holding IV and use planar shift to return to the material plane?

My reasons for why this would work are that Bags of holding and Portable holes use the terms extradimensional and nondimensional as interchangeable terms. The definition of a Demiplane says

"This catch-all category covers all extradimensional spaces that function like planes but have measurable size and limited access. Other kinds of planes are theoretically infinite in size, but a demiplane might be only a few hundred feet across. "

So a bag of holding is technically its own mini Demiplane. And while I cannot teleport from the current plane, if I were to go into the bag and close it I would be on a different plane where the same anti teleportation/planar shifting features would not exist. So I could in theory jump into my bag and planar shift to save myself/rest of the party? I need an air tight case for this as my DM may be less than thrilled at the creative use of spells to get out of TPK free.

Edit: I am aware I would be leaving the bag on the not fun plane of suck.

2014-05-20, 01:09 PM
The problem that comes up is that "Limited Access" clause. Otherwise, you could just planeshift into people's bags of holding and take their stuff. Plus, if any one of you has another extradimensional space on you, you might run into problems.

2014-05-20, 01:09 PM
Yeah, strictly by the rules that would work. Step inside the bag, close the bag. You are now in a distinct space from the one that has the blocking effect, because the closed bag breaks Line of Effect to the outside. Plane Shift out at will. (You could also make this argument with any spell that creates an enclosed space, such as floating inside a Telekinetic Orb or Plane Shifting out from a Magnificent Mansion, but I suspect your DM will be a bit more willing to go along with it if your plan involves sacrificing a useful item like a Bag of Holding + whatever stuff was in it that you couldn't personally carry.)

2014-05-20, 01:28 PM
The problem that comes up is that "Limited Access" clause. Otherwise, you could just planeshift into people's bags of holding and take their stuff. Plus, if any one of you has another extradimensional space on you, you might run into problems.

Isn't the bag of holding extremely limited access. the only ways into a bag of holdings pocket dimension is through the opening or a wish spell. Getting out of a demiplane is the easy bit.