View Full Version : The Living Castle

2014-05-20, 02:50 PM
So, in this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?349677-Monsters-that-look-like-Things), I speculated upon the potential of building a castle made entirely of living creatures.

The running gag so far is stone blocks that are alter-form'd Warforged, Light-shedding Psicrystals, and Stained Glass Golems. What else could a castle be built of that would make it all, in essence, alive?

I didn't want to perpetuate derailing a thread since a lot of it was the same answers repeatedly.

The idea I'm having for a campaign; the prologue goes something like this:

So, you and your group of adventurers (all level 3, so you're not EXACTLY new at this, but certainly still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed) are meandering down the road to the nearest town. You find a small crossroads with an inn. There's the faint sound of thumping off in the distance, but at this point in the evening there's no telling what it is. You stay the night here, enjoying their hospitality and relatively low prices. Good times are had. The next morning, that thumping sound has intensified a bit. In fact, as you and your partners adjust your armor and get your gear in line, the sound of the thumping has gotten closer to the town. You rush outside to see what it is. On the road is a single stone block, appearing to be somewhere in the nieghborhood of a meter on all sides, and every few seconds it rolls one side. Thump. Crrr-thump. Crrr-thump. Crrr-thump. Rolling down the road in the same way that moderately sized stone blocks shouldn't. At the crossroads, it stops, shifts as though it appears to be looking both ways, then crosses the street and keeps on thumping away towards the horizon. It seems completely unaware of your presence when you and the group inevitably decide to follow it, completely curious. Eventually, the road drops into a gorge. The block stops and sits there motionless for a while. After a time, it shifts side to side as though looking for a way around. Inevitably, the Ranger pulls out a map and a pipe and begins to look for a way around, puffing slowly on his tobacco. After a few minutes, he finds a way back up through the gorge if the group can just get down the side of the gorge safely. One by one, the wizard Levitates the party down. After the last person is down, the block comes tumbling down the side of the gorge and rests for a moment before coming to its senses (if that were a thing that a stone block is capable of) and begins thumping off with the party once they begin traveling. By the end of the day, the group has reached a long ramp made of hewn stone edging up the side of the gorge. The group opts to rest, as does the block. Night is strange. The watch fails his fortitude save to stay awake, and passes out in the middle of the night. The next morning, the block is gone and the sound of thumping has stopped. In the middle of the camp near a doused campfire is a small sack of gold pieces, maybe a hundred, maybe two. The group decides to look for the block in the gorge. It probably left, but if it didn't they're itching for some answers. Upon searching the gorge, the group stumbles upon a thick briar that appears to be wiggling. The group prepares for battle while the Druid draws and concentrates upon a scroll, then upon feeling nature's embrace upon her, speaks with the briar inquiring upon why it is wiggling. It says that there appears to be something inside it that is wiggling. Something large and stone that it grew around a long time ago. Curiosity coats the party like honey as they begin moving the plant, being very careful not to injure it too much. Inside is a somewhat different looking; but still very similar stone block roughly a meter in all dimensions. Once free, it begins thumping along as well, headed to the wall of the gorge. As it and the group ascend the gorge, it appears to be keeping pace with them. Never faster nor slower. BY the end of the day, the group has managed to reach a river. Feeling that it would be alright to rest, they fish and build camp and have a good evening there, the bard entertaining them with his music and the barbarian regaling them with tales of hardy combat. The group set a magical watch after the failure of the watch before and all slept soundly. The next morning, the magical watch had been dispelled and the block was gone. Again, in a pile near a doused campfire, was a small bag of gems. Maybe a dozen. The rogue wipes the drool from his mouth as the group begins to connect the two events.

What kinds of adventures could be had if the notion is that the "castle" is attempting to assemble itself, and all of its pieces are edging towards one central location?

2014-05-20, 02:55 PM
My group has a Warforged-Polymorphed-into-Charger that is Augmented Expanded with several portable holes nested inside one on his chest. He literally carries the party to locations. They tricked out his interior space to be very nice. So they have a nice living stronghold. That cannot be rezzed(Jug 5, healing immune)

2014-05-20, 05:56 PM
Sorry, a bit long and hard to read, lack of paragraphs and whatnot...

Livewood furniture and beams with Dryads inside
Living Metal metal bits
The blocks could be just animated objects or really stiff gel cubes (heh)

Relief Golems make up the wall paintings