View Full Version : Enhancement bonus to any attack?

2014-05-20, 04:32 PM
So, I'm looking to build a character who doesnt care what weapon they wield (or even if she has a weapon) beyond the immediate tactical advantage. Is there a way to have an enhancement bonus to this characters attacks, beyond getting a golf bag of magical weapons and an amulet of natural attacks?

2014-05-20, 04:41 PM
+x Morphing Sizing Affinity Gauntlet

2014-05-20, 04:47 PM
Sources please?

2014-05-20, 04:50 PM
Sizing and Morphing are from the MIC
Aptitude is from ToB

The effect is that you can turn your gauntlet into any weapon and all your weaponcentric feats function with it.

2014-05-20, 04:51 PM
So, I'm looking to build a character who doesnt care what weapon they wield (or even if she has a weapon) beyond the immediate tactical advantage. Is there a way to have an enhancement bonus to this characters attacks, beyond getting a golf bag of magical weapons and an amulet of natural attacks?

I had a character once who was optimized around wielding clubs and quarterstaves, making use of the Shillelagh spell like no one's business. Since they're essentially free, and you can find normal ones just lying around in the forest. The thing is, the character itself was what made those sticks any good. At one point the character got into a duel with a renowned swordsman and won by sheer luck of dierolls and a lenient DM. The swordsman stole his club. The character picked up another one and beat the swordsman soundly this time. When questioned he totally did the Trunks line where he talks about the quality of the weapon not surpassing the quality of the one wielding it.

2014-05-20, 04:55 PM
Algid Enhancement will give you an enhancement irregardless of your weapon/s. You need cold subtype, which can be obtained with beckon the frozen. Algid Enhancement is an uncapped spell, so the higher the CL the higher the bonus.

Jeff the Green
2014-05-20, 05:32 PM
Vow of Poverty. One of many reasons it's completely overpowered.

2014-05-20, 05:50 PM
Psychoactive Skin of the Hero also does this, but it's only affordable at high levels.