View Full Version : Question with Create Crawling Claw.

2014-05-20, 06:27 PM
So...could I use the spell Create Crawling Claw on the Hand of Vecna?

2014-05-20, 06:36 PM
As a DM, I'd probably rule 'no' because:

a) Crawling Claws need a bit of meat... Sort of
b) The Hand is an artifact
c) Vecna won't be pleased

2014-05-20, 06:39 PM
It would appear to be so.

2014-05-20, 08:35 PM
I would say it would be possible, but put it somewhere between "really bad idea" and "Gods no, what were you thinking? We're all doomed!".

Just to confirm, though, is the Hand of Vecna his left or his right? Because the spell specifically requires left hands.

2014-05-20, 08:38 PM
I would say it would be possible, but put it somewhere between "really bad idea" and "Gods no, what were you thinking? We're all doomed!".

Just to confirm, though, is the Hand of Vecna his left or his right? Because the spell specifically requires left hands.

I double-checked, it is indeed his left hand.

I'm on the boat with the rest, while it might be possible, having any part of him forced to serve you might miff him off a bit. Normally, he can smile at the corrupting influence of the hand, but now you deny him even that.

2014-05-20, 09:29 PM
No, he'd be fine with that, which is exactly the problem. Sure, the hand would be "serving" you, but then, it would also be "serving" you if you chopped off your own and grafted it on. In both cases, you're going to end up commanding the hand to do exactly what it wants you to do.

2014-05-20, 11:37 PM
As a DM, I'd probably rule 'no' because:

a) Crawling Claws need a bit of meat... Sort of
b) The Hand is an artifact
c) Vecna won't be pleased

For the record by RAW all the spell requires is left hands. It doesn't even say these need be from corpses. One could even animate the severed left hands of statues if one wanted.

Also the errata has the spell make a swarm instead of individual creatures FYI.

2014-05-21, 10:47 AM
For the record by RAW all the spell requires is left hands. It doesn't even say these need be from corpses. One could even animate the severed left hands of statues if one wanted.

Also the errata has the spell make a swarm instead of individual creatures FYI.

Um, I can't find the errata for it, could you point me towards it?

Never mind, I found it here (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20040313a)(It is a short block in the PDF).

2014-05-21, 10:51 AM
Um, I can't find the errata for it, could you point me towards it?

Never mind found it.

Tiny isn't it? I never would have found it myself, some other kind poster pointed it out to me.

I'm still unsure if the change makes the spell more or less powerful though.