View Full Version : Rules Q&A Sleight of Hand

2014-05-20, 09:28 PM
In a campaign I'm in right now, one of the players wants to use sleight of hand in a way that's similar to a profession check: make checks by the day, and the result determines how much you earned that day.

Is there a printed rule for using it this way? If not, is there a simple homebrew solution?

2014-05-20, 10:09 PM
Your player is slightly confused.
You can also use Sleight of Hand to entertain an audience as though you were using the Perform skill. In such a case, your “act” encompasses elements of legerdemain, juggling, and the like. It's Perform, not Profession, that the skill can emulate. (You can use Tumble to the same end.) Just look up the Perform rules, spend the time (anywhere from an evening to a full day), and then pick a DC. If you succeed at the task you then roll for the amount of money your act has earned; it you fail to meet the DC you have wasted all the time without earning anything.

2014-05-20, 10:50 PM
Your player is slightly confused. It's Perform, not Profession, that the skill can emulate. (You can use Tumble to the same end.) Just look up the Perform rules, spend the time (anywhere from an evening to a full day), and then pick a DC. If you succeed at the task you then roll for the amount of money your act has earned; it you fail to meet the DC you have wasted all the time without earning anything.

Unless they're using it as Profession (pickpocket) but the Perform (street magic) use of Sleight of Hand gives more cash and less questions from the local member of the city watch.

King Atticus
2014-05-21, 12:20 AM
From SRD: Perform (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/perform.htm)

1d10 Copper pieces at DC 10
1d10 Silver pieces at DC 15
3d10 Silver pieces at DC 20
1d6 Gold pieces at DC 25
3d6 Gold pieces at DC 30

for higher checks DR330 p76 added

1d6 Platinum pieces at DC 40
3d6 Platinum pieces at DC 50

This is the amount they can earn per day and should involve some time investment. Not a bad way to spend an evening, juggling in an inn. It'll make them feel good for getting to use skills in a different way and it isn't a game breaking amount of money.