View Full Version : Pathfinder Psionic Rise of the Runelords help

2014-05-21, 06:22 PM
New campaign starting this week (my first, actually), and it's the anniversary edition of the Rise of the Runelords adventure path. I opened up all my books for my players, and Ultimate Psionics was... popular. THe party currently consists of:

Dwarf Talented Fighter, specializing in a Minotaur Greathammer
Forgeborn Aegis, specializing in crafting, traded Naturally Psionic for Dwarf Weapon Familiarity
Human Wilder, blasting focus, Student's Surge
Soulthief Vitalist (race currently unknown)

So my query is, what am I gonna have to look out for? I've already ruled that Knowledge(psionics) is Knowledge(arcana), but the party as a whole seems a little low on Knowledges. I anticipate having to convert some arcane loot to it's psionic equivalents, but I'm going to try to keep that to a minimum.

And on a wider note, are there anythings in the Adventure Path I should look out for, as a rookie DM? Any advice is highly appreciated.