View Full Version : Lords of Nations: Beta

Venetian Mask
2014-05-22, 09:40 AM
0E3 - Update

The second era, the Era of Heroes has ended and some of the great empires that ruled the land have faded from memory. The world had reverted to a more primitive state. Small tribes and settlements squabbled amongst one another for power, but none could find the unity to band together and achieve their potential

Until today.

This day, that marked the beginning of the Third Era would in later days be seen as a miracle. For on that day 9 nations blossomed into life at the same time. Whether it was a coincidence or an act of the gods would remain forever an act of contention amongst scholars, but all of them agreed that this was the beginning of a new age.

The Era of Nations

http://i.imgur.com/NMCyb1C.png (http://imgur.com/NMCyb1C)

2014-05-22, 10:55 AM
The Land of the Righteous
The Grand Vizier

The Grand Vizier sits in his tent, counting his many gems. He grasps one in his palm, feeling the rush of power that came with that act. He grasps each in turn, feeling the strength. Ruby. Agate. Quartz. Graphite. Tiger's Eye. Dozens of gems, all his. Someday his people would be ready to learn of them. Today was not that day.

Soon his tent flap flies open, a man entering with a confused look on his face.

"You sent for me sir?" he inquires, not daring to look his leader in the eye.

"You will refer to me as Grand Vizier," Zimun says, his voice carrying the weight of divine right but no threat.

Still, the man visibly cows. "I'm sorry si- Grand Vizier. You sent for me?"

"I understand that there are those within the city that question my rule. Claim that The Lord Above is a god of my own creation. Question my divine right. Is this not true?"

"Yes Grand Vizier," he murmurs, avoiding Zimur's piercing gaze.

"Take a dozen priests. Kill the heretics that decry the power of The Lord Above. It is your duty to protect the holy name of The Lord Above. You will ensure insurgents are quickly removed. You will begin our expansion, so we may carry the Word of The Lord Above across the world. Do you understand? You are the hand of a being far greater than yourself."

The Grand Vizier doesn't deing to elaborate if said creature is himself, or The Lord Above.

"Yes Grand Vizier."

"Good. Now leave," he murmurs, turning back to his gems, feeling the euphoria as he grasps each in turn, not bothering to learn the man's name. It was unimportant.

Caltor de Zimunar, Advisor of Expansion

Caltor shakes from his experience with the Grand Vizier. The man didn't seem that imposing; lean, spry, perhaps twenty? In all actuality, Caltor should have been able to kill him. But those eyes. Those horrible, horrible eyes...

Caltor shudders as he makes his way towards the priesthood. Even from a distance he can hear the sound of their sticks rapping together. The Lord Above commanded that all men be at their physical prime, and so it was. The priests drilled nearly as much in combat more than they spent in prayer it seemed.

After explaining his purpose to the priest in charge he is granted control over a small number of priests. Soon they were walking through the streets of the city. The sight of the priests cowed some of the rebels, their blasphemous tongues swiftly becoming silent as they slunk away. Others were not so intelligent.

Eight hours later that day, the priests had bludgeoned twenty-two men to death. While the number of heretics truly captured was small, the example was made. Those that questioned The Lord Above would be dealt with severely.

Starting AP: 10
Hire Advisor (Caltor de Zimunar) - Caltor is the advisor when it comes to settling and controlling cities. He will aid in the expansion of Zim and ensure it is not challenged. - 2 AP
Stabilize - Zimunar is now stable. Rebels have been put to the sword staff. - 1 AP (Using Caltor's discount)
Priesthood (Basic Concept) - The Priests of The Lord Above have been established. - 0 AP
Martial Training (Advanced Concept) - Priests of The Lord Above are expected to be competent in battle and keep their bodies at the peak of fitness. All are trained in the use of a staff and make formidable warriors. - 1 AP

Final: 10 - 4 = 6 AP

2014-05-22, 12:10 PM

This morning king Ren sat with the representatives of the great Houses. His wife was absent from this meeting, as she paraded through Nymerahl, the capital of their fledgling nation. Both had agreed that they must consolidate their control of the capital, as they were but newly crowned, before looking outwards. However, upon examination of what would be known as the Treaty of Accord, lord Vyle and and lord Wespan had both agreed to add their own cities to the nation. No longer would it be an alliance, but they agreed to cede their land in name as well as law.

"Tinespire, the seat of House Vyle in the north, is yours my king," announced Jaron Vyle, the sleek head of his House.

"So to is Aelmar in the south," promised lady Olise Wespan, trying not to be outdone.

"I thank you my lord, my lady," replied Ren, "You're willingness to join this new accord shall not be forgotten." Though willingness was far too strong a word, Ren thought, it's taken the whole first year of our reign, and who knows how many years before that just to get to this point. But he would thank them, in the hope that the others would rise quickly. The other lords controlled the isles South of Nymerahl, and would be harder to sway.
"For your boldness and insight, I shall grant you the position of Prince of the Realm, lord Vyle. Rise, Prince Jaron." He had devised this system in order to grant each of the houses a say in the runnning of their nation, and an incentive to join him before the positions of true power were gone.
"Lady Olise, you shall be the Prince of the Border," a clunky title, especially on a woman, but it would serve.

* * *

The Streets of Nymerahl

Queen Lyth marched through the streets, surrounded by her honour-guard. They were few in number, for her aunt, the previous queen retained a few, and the others were required throughout the land. There had been uprisings in the past year since their crowning, partly, she suspected because of the old queen, who had never been one to relinquish power. They must start afresh with these people, just as the nobles were having to be won back to their cause. House Tarion had been preparing for the day that Lyth would take the throne, for in her, the Tarion magic was come again. Their's was in the ascendancy, and she would make certain that her reign was long and lasting.

"Stop here," she called to her retainers. She stood in the centre of the main market square. All sorts of men and women came here, rich and poor, minor nobles and beggars. Here she would make her speech. "Men, women, people of Nymerahl. A new age begins. The Great Houses are signing the Treaty of Accord as we speak. The isles will be united once more, and Alzayar great! Our star is in the ascendant, and all other nations will pale beside us." Some members of the crowd cheered, whilst others went on with their work. "And the success of our nation shall be reaped by all," she announced with a grim smile. Ren had told her she would need to to do this, though it galled her that the people would not rise for her. She was their queen!

A number of coffers of gold looted and confiscated during the wars a year ago when they were crowned, as well as baskets full of food were brought forward. The cheers this time were more heartfelt.

* * *

Back at the palace

Once Lyth returned to the palace, she joined her consort and the council of Princes and lords. "Is it time?" she asked.

"Yes." Was the short reply. "Princes, lords and ladies. With the expansion of our new realm, and the signing of this treaty, I proclaim Alzayar restored. We rule the island, united once more, just as in the days of Nymmea. We are a nation in truth!"

Advisor: Jaron Vyle, Prince of the Realm (Stabilising or Upgrading Settlements etc) 2AP
Stabilise: Nymerahl 2AP
Upgrade (Town) (Use Jaron's discount) 1AP
Upgrade (City) 3AP
Settle- 19.15, Tinespire 1AP
Settle- 24.18, Aelmar 1AP

Edit: Nymerahl is now the Capital (Minor Edict, which is free)

2014-05-22, 12:49 PM
Lysudan Capital - Lydusa

Bodies pressed up against each other and seating was scarce within the public forum - an expansive, elaborately decorarted speaking centre whose walls were adorned with the emerald, white and black sigil of this fledgling nation. The popularity of this event would normally be far less, but on this most auspicious of ocassions a very special someone had deigned it a public service that she would appear before the necromancers and commoners alike of this nation and address in her lorldly manner.

Talking was kept to a soft murmer - but then, a silence. Before them upon the elevated dais sauntered into view a woman whose magnificent bearing and cool grace elicited the smiles and prostrated gratitude of a cavern filled with her subjects.

Offering small waves, curt nods and reassuring smiles, Empress Lysander neared the helm of her elevation where both of her hands found the single podium that had been erected for her address.

"My people, sons and daughters of Lydusa.

For many years our nation has been only an apparition, a thought to comfort us while hiding from the zealotry of the masses. Shunned - oppressed! A persecuted and degraded existence, we toiled away beneath the heels of those we only once dreamed of escaping. Years ago I asked for loyalty, and that loyalty was granted by you; the steel of my will, the shield-bearers of our dreams.

The landscape that we have crossed to get here was not an easy one. In coming to this land we completed the greatest exodus in the history of this world. An exodus for freedom - Lydusa became that freedom! At first this corner of the world tried to repel us. But what others would behold as rejection we saw for truth - a test. I stand here now, humbled by the magnificent examples that you my brothers and sisters, have shown the world. I pity those who lurk within the walls of other nations, for they will never know the touch of greatness as we do!

In the time you have given me, I will build us a nation!"


Samarkan and They'ron

Tree's slowly contorted to take upon themselves new and tougher forms and the land quivered and clenched as veins of magic were supplemented into the earth. The obstacles of nature that would not bend to the will of the necromancers were hauled from the earth by lumbering stitched-beasts of burden, while skeletal, human-hoid shaped shadows slithered back and forth between supplies and the foundations of buildings beneath the behest of living foremen.

Neither night nor day could tire the activity of this workforce. Rain, sun, heat and cold - none of these could halt the construction either. Needing no rest, refreshments, food or consideration, a legion of skeletons toiled away beneath the direction of the necromancers as the great hulks of buildings took shape to firm the first hamlets of future cities.


"I will galvanise our knowledge into a speartip aimed at the hearts of those who would seek to enslave us once again!


Black-and-green robed figures watched from the elevated ramparts across a field of corpses - broken, mangled and long since gone. Bodies once limp were reanimated with fresh vigor as silent, skeletal figures dragged themselves up to their feet and stood in unison before the ones that had drawn them back into the world of the living.


"And I have rebuilt our pride!"


Dark waters lapped at the habour bays as deathless workers loaded black-sailed deep-sea going vessels for the long journey's ahead. Living crew, startled and timid in the presence of unlife, stood addressed by the living harbor master whose smile only widened as his eyes descended across the ship manifest that equaled the sale of goods to lands beyond.


"Defenders of the Lydusan Dream - our stars are ascendant!"

The Empresses words were met with a unified applause; the rapture and loyalty enfusing across her lifeless form as her amber eyes swept across the adoration, approbation and the elevation.


10 AP:
- Raise Unit of Basic Skeleton Warriors - free from Necromancy Specialisation - go to 5.13
- Stablise 5.13 Lydusa. - 2AP
- Settle Samarkan at 5.09, Stablise- 4AP
- Settle They'ron at 8.11, Stabilise - 4AP
- Become County
- New Specialisation: Undead Workforce (just the same as Master Builders)

2014-05-22, 01:03 PM
The Land of the Righteous

Caltor de Zimunar

The wagons had been packed, the mules lined up. Two bands of settlers, each heading out in opposite directions. The word of The Lord Above needed to be spread, and both small nations would be able to provide a great deal of support in that endeavor. Each had a small band of priests present as well; not nearly enough to force those that would oppose their rule into submission, but perhaps enough to begin that role.

"You are to set out on this journey," Caltor says, reading from a script given to him by the Grand Vizier, "To spread the name of The Lord Above across the world. You will create your own cities, your own nations. You are the first cities of The Lord Above. Leave with his blessing and stay true to his ways. Go forth, settlers of Rumia. Go forth, settlers of Trutik. Light the way for others."

He hands the new governors small rolls of parchment. They detailed the new rules required for the new nations, particularly some of The Lord Above's tenants. They would help to guide the settlers in their journey and to stay true to The Lord Above. They also detailed one small fact; Zimunar was the capitol of those that worship The Lord Above, and tithes must be sent to the grand city to aid in that endeavor.


Trees fell, cut down by crude axes. Saws moved, creating a basic wooden palisade. Soon enough two small, thriving settlements came in to creation.

The Lord Above seemed to pay them little heed. The winters were cold, famines sharp. It became harder and harder for each settlement to support its ways. Soon heretics had arisen in both of the settlements, loudly decrying both The Lord Above and the Grand Vizier. Still, enough loyal members remained to send in tithes, but only just.

6 AP to start

Settle (24.13) - 1 AP
Settle (29.15) - 1 AP
Create Basic Concept - Tenants of The Lord Above - 0 AP
Create Advanced Concept - Tithes - 1 AP
Minor Edict - Zimunar is Capitol - 1 AP

2 AP now

2014-05-22, 03:12 PM
The Settlement of Tolen

Scattered across the expansive clearing between the river banks, the tree line of the great forest, and the coastal beach are scores of wagons, carts, tents, and even a few ramshackle wooden huts. In the center of the gathering, in a kind of square eighty feet across, is a large gathering of people, with many a loud, and a few angry, voices rising above the din.


"My good Ptah, while it is certainly true that a great number of trees fall during the great storms or to our merciful axe, look behind you, at the greater number of trees so ancient and large that they were old even before the creation of the beasts and Toleners. Look then also at the meek, running hare. Ever chased across the land, destroyed by the purging fires and cleansing floods. True is it, that in the past, our people have been able to survive as the hares, continually moving across the land, always in the shadows of the father mountains, moving with the herds. But we have grown too large for such activity any more. Look even at the great herds that we have lived off of, never more than ten score, no? And when even was the last time we found a herd even as large as that in memory? How many Toleners do you see here, Ptah? Twenty score? Thirty score? Far more than any of the largest herds since the very beginnings of lore. I say then, that we must continue setting our roots here, live from the bounty of the great sea. Certainly it will change our people and our society for all of time, but change can occasionally be good, and it is necessary." A deeply tan, and tall at 5 feet, man replied calmly, constantly looking about the gathered crowd as he spoke, judging the emotions and reactions he saw and adjusting his speech to best soothe those most emotional.

Jabari, the latter man, was elected to the position of Chieftain by a resounding 85% of the people gathered in the square that day, which in later years would come to be known as Founding Day.

Over the coming months, the Tolener people settled into the new life-style that they were building for themselves and their posterity, developed a method of building boats far more ocean-worthy than the dug out canoes that they had been using for years, building ships of up to 25 feet in length, allowing their fishermen to sail into much deeper waters for more plentiful, and hardier, fish. The new and bountiful food supply allowed the population of Tolen to expand rapidly, rising from about 550 on FD to nearly 980 on its fourth anniversary. In addition to developing how to build sea-worthy ships, a standard model of architecture evolved, with the trunks of large pines being used as the corner pins of the public buildings and most private, with horizontal wooden slats casing the buildings and sheets of shale carefully quarried out lining the roofs.

On the third anniversary, the Toleners developed and adopted a constitution, setting limits on governmental authority, establishing a penal code and establishing punishments for such crimes. At the same marathon-convention, which lasted almost 56 hours straight, man named Seth was appointed to the newly created office of Vice-Chieftain to assist Jabari in the running of all things domestically, from setting up the wharves to the planning of eventual expansion of the town.

Stabilize Tolen (-1 AP (advisor discount))
Minor Concept-Architecture (-1 AP)
Advanced Concept-Shipbuilding (-2 AP)
Hire Advisor (-2 AP)
Major Edict Establishing the Constitution of Tolen (-3)

Left over: 1 AP

2014-05-22, 03:14 PM
The High Queen was observing her settlement from the top of the hill. She observed her settlement as it went through the early morning routine. The settlement of Afgar has grown since her mother ruled it. It was a city now. She knew this was the beginning of an empire.

Stabilize Afgar
settlement to town
town to city
Afgar becomes capital

2014-05-22, 04:30 PM

The first years of Kifrel III's reign were quite. The new king seldom appeared and more seldom spoke. Then, on the day that would come to be known as the start of the Tempest hundreds of messengers were called for and sent throughout the settlement and the world detailing a thousand plans and purchases written in what was later revealed to be the king's own obsessive hand.

ap rollover 10
stabilize Kifrel -2
upgrade Kifrel to town -2
upgrade Kifrel to city -3
build national project: efficient bureaucracy(-1 to national projects) -2
build national project: civic plan(-1 to improvements) -1
build improvement: underground aqueducts (miles of sealed tunnels connecting Kifrel to all the nearby rivers, accessible by pump from all the major buildings) -0
build improvement: sewer system (miles of sealed tunnels similar to, but totally separate from the aqueducts using Kifrels natural slope to drain rain and waste from the cities gutters and deposit it beyond the harbor walls) -0
build improvement: city grid (a lattice of strait streets enclosing complexes of buildings and courtyards, each courtyard and intersection named by tall stone pillars which all double as sundials marked on the surrounding buildings) -0
build improvements: district system (an assignment of each complex of buildings for governing its standards of residential and commercial use and a dedication of certain districts to gather together a single major industry) -0
build improvements: raised walkways (around every complex and bridging every intersection are raised pathways restricted to foot traffic above the stables, loading bays and storage spaces accessible from the ground roads) -0
0 net ap

2014-05-22, 07:35 PM
The Sovereign Academy of Peritia

People come to the Academy in dozens, droves- ships sailing through vast expanse of ocean, caravans winding through the jagged Mirages, like broken glass scraping the sky. All true devotees, willing to traverse any barrier in order to discover the secrets of the ancients that had lived there an age ago, or take that magic for their own. The first vestiges of the Academy are buildings clinging to the side of the great volcano, highest of the mountains. Their first task is to turn the great destructive power of this fire-bringer to purposes of this own, and after many months of work and the concerted effort of some of the finest minds on the planet, it is finally accomplished. A great enchantment is woven, one that will take the heat and rage of the volcano and turn it to constructive purposes, the brute force channeled into the most delicate of enchantments and the powering of devices, the source of power for almost all work done in the Academy.

10 AP

3 AP: Build National Project (The Academy), which provides a -1 reduction in costs for all Magical Concepts. It doesn't say how long it takes to complete, so I assume I can apply it to

0 AP: Basic Concepts (Metallurgy, Art, Literature, Architecture, Medicine, Carpentry, etc.)

2 AP: Advanced Concept (Engineering)

2 AP: Magical Concept (Thermal Power)

3 AP

And with this done, more and more came, seeking the volcano's power for their own experiments, overflowing the buildings that had already been built, and yet still more came. Those came with knowledge of carpentry and architecture, and they not only built more but also improved on what had come before, until there was not just one academy but a town surrounding it, buildings nestled in the cliff face or carved out of rock, and others spread out in the valleys around, overshadowed by mountains. And eventually it came to be that this town, which was named Peritia in honor of the principles of learning and education on which it had been founded, needed a governor.

The Academy itself had a leader: a woman named Eliza, and given the title of Truthsayer. She had been the first to propose the ardurous journey to the far-off continent, the first to seek the wisdom of the far-off ancients not just in theory but also in practice. She was not only one of the founders and one of the most knowledgeable scholars of the Academy, but also one of few who had experience directing academics, which could be likened to herding cats. A vote was taken and the result was near-unanimous. Eliza Truthsayer was elected Chancellor of the new city of Peritia.

In her acceptance speech, Eliza said, "The Academy was founded on the highest ideal: the pursuit of knowledge. We hail from everywhere, and whether we crossed the desert or sailed across the sea or traveled through the plains to get here, we all came for the same purpose. Too many of the nations of today have been corrupted, by the influence of power and wealth, by political pressure, by the ease of simply giving up. I assure you, proud citizens, whether you are scholars, mages, politicians, craftsmen, or of any trade, that Peritia will not become another such example." The name already sounds familiar in her mouth. "We will show that it is indeed possible to remain true to one's ideals, to uphold tradition while uncovering the new and startling. And together, my friends and colleagues, we can change the world." While some people wondered at the secessionist overtones in her speech, the applause shook the amphitheater. And was it not true that the pursuit of knowledge was an allegiance higher than that to any nation?

These were the thoughts that ran through the people's minds one year later, when they voted to formally secede from any nation that may have laid a claim on the Mirages and make Peritia the name of not just their city but their nation- and one day, perhaps their empire. But for now, it was still small, still little more than the grand Academy itself... and yet, it was growing.

3 AP

2 AP: Improve the Academy to a Town.

1 AP

2014-05-22, 10:17 PM
It was long ago, far into antiquity, that the Orzlanni conquered the skies. Back when they lived on the plains of the northeastern shore, when they still rode horses across them, in their herds and in their tribes. But while they were intimidating cavaliers, defeating all that challenged them in open combat, there was one foe that they could never best. The Eagles of the Mountains, that swooped down upon them and carried many off to their aeries. While the Konlanni, as they called themselves then, hated and feared the predators, there was one who admired them from afar. Czaviek was what he was known as, and he looked on them far differently than his clansmen did. The eagles were just animals, he realized, and like any animal, they too could be trained. He saddled his horse and bid his family goodbye, and rode south. He traveled for many days and nights, before he reached the sacred grove. Here there lay a spring, which frothed and turned and led out to sea, and here there lived a naiad who, as legend held, would reward anyone who could best her in a race to the ocean. Thinking his horse to be swifter than the stream, he challenged her to a race, and again when he lost. Twice he failed, though here he did not give up. Taking his axe, Czaviek dammed the stream before returning to the naiad and challenging her one more time. She accepted, and they began their race. Again she was swift, though when she came upon the dam she could do nothing for she could not leave the water, and he bested her challenge at last. Indeed, she was true to her word, granting him one request. He said that he wished to tame the eagles. She smiled, and told him to return at the next full moon, before sinking into the pool, never to be seen again by the eyes of man.

Czaviek returned at the full moon, and in the light of the full moon, he saw a Great Eagle drinking from the pool. He waited in the bushes, watching the beast. It was not long before it had finished, and fell into a slumber. Taking his rope, he crept out from the bushes and looped it around the creature's neck, rousing it from it's sleep. It took to the skies with Czaviek holding on tightly. It twisted and turned in the air, screaming and bellowing a curse to shake the heavens, with every second he believed to be his last, and yet still he held on, until finally the sun broke across the horizon. It sank back down to the earth, and with an exasperated breath, it asked, "Who are you, to conquer me, to conquer nature as you have?"

"I am Czaviek, and I would have your loyalty."

The Eagle replied, "You are truly my better, and I am truly yours." He returned to his people, and thus began a new marriage between the enemies.


Aloysius Majirick sat alone on his terrace, contemplating the past, contemplating the future. He wore red robes that were trimmed in both fur and feathers and certainly went a long way in indicating his station. He had jet-black hair, accompanied by a long black beard, and atop his head sat a gold crown. He had been King for a number of months now, though the title had yet to grow on him. He was the third of his name, and the people had begun to take to calling him "The Wise," for his shrewdness in uniting the clans and houses under one banner. Perhaps he was shrewd, though it had taken him a number of years to finally settle on a solution that most were satisfied with. Parliament was an interesting-sounding word, though it had not met since the day of his coronation. In due time he would summon them, though it was not needed just yet.

A screech broke the silence, as it did every few minutes. This one was hollow and distant, its maker no doubt several miles away. He stood up and looked over the edge of the terrace over the farmland, his farmland, below. Of course, they had always his land, for the terrace was that of Zamek Madry, the keep of his House that governed the valley below, though now they would be maintained by his brother while he himself attended to matters of the state. The state which was to be governed from the new citadel of Aloysto, as the Parliament had decided to name it. He had always considered himself a humble man, though he still felt that it was better to accept gracious praise than to dismiss it and the enthusiasm behind it entirely. He could see the citadel being built from where he stood, the towers and walls rising from the peak of Mount Kamien. After the fortifications were to be finished, housing would need to be constructed, as well as aqueducts and eyries and other necessities to make it a proper city, the likes of which had not yet been seen in the Greyheart Mountains, and with it they could finally have a central rallying point for all the Houses.
He heard the flap of wingbeats. He looked up to see a Skryssar bearing his colors and heraldry. The bird itself was brown dappled in yellow spots, while the rider wore red. It was his youngest brother.

The soldier alighted on the edge of the terrace, sunlight glinting off his breastplate, and called out, "Good morrow, Ally, I mean, my liege!"

"Good morrow, Izak," Aloysius replied, not helping but to smile, "It's a beautiful day for a flight, isn't it?"

Of course he knew it was, and if he knew his brother, he knew that Izak wasn't one to stop and make idle chit-chat. At 19, Izak was still serving his due time as all men did at that age in Orzlann, though it seemed he would most likely stay in service. Izak replied, "Indeed brother. So what have I missed since last I visited?"

He sighed, "Besides the petitioners, not much is really new. So what news do you bring?"

Izak smiled back, "Lord Jarog wishes to talk with you, of some urgent matter," as it always was, it seemed. Jarog of House Kulwak was one of his first appointees, to oversee much of the military, small as it was. He was a good man, if a little paranoid at some times, but still dedicated and trustworthy. That didn't keep House Pazur from having a fit about it, but Aloysius had the last word on the matter. The king sighed, "We do have a system in place for this, but if he deems it urgent, then I'll see him right away."

"I'm sure he'll be excited to hear that. Well, I suppose I must get back to him them. Goodbye, brother." Aloysius watched him take off and soar across the valley, before sighing and turning back to enter his keep.
AP Actions:
-1 Basic Concept: Chivalry
-2 Advanced Concept: Eagle Riding
-1 Basic Concept: Architecture
-2 Recruit Advanced Unit: Skryssars
-2 Hire Adviser: Lord Commander Jarog Kulwak

2 AP remaining.

Venetian Mask
2014-05-23, 08:23 PM
Myrne - Docks
At the break of dawn two men looked out over the Bay of Mists. The reddish morning light shone brightly over the sails of a galleon. "She's a beaut, ain't she, mayor?" the younger man says. "Yes, Victor," replies his elder, "when you came to me suggesting this venture I imagined you crazy, but it seems you have proven me wrong. The Nereid truly is a beautiful ship, and I believe she'll do our city proud." The mayor pondered for a moment, it was scarce a year ago that his people only sailed their small fishing craft and coastal runners, now they had made a truly seaworthy ship. A small tear of pride fell from his eye as the ship first dove into the water, receiving the blessing of one of the Priests of the Goddess of Oceans. The mayor turned to the younger man: "Will you accompany me to my offices?".

Myrne - Mayor's Offices
"I believe our trade fleet will be much larger soon," the young man speaks as they enter Martin Gull's office, "if rumors gathered by our Coastal Runners are to believe quite a few upstart nations have sprung up." With a single nod the mayor agrees: "I believe so. This is why I have asked you to my offices. You were the one who convinced me of this endeavor and you oversaw the construction efforts. For this I would name you Lord Admiral of Myrne."

Later that day
Mayor Gull looked over the settlement of Myrne. Settlement? No. Myrne had grown a lot over the last years. It was now a larger town looking out over the shores of the Bay of Mists. He looked out over the bay and felt a twinge of pride. As he looked out over the town he saw a small caravan leaving. He had ordered a settlement to be formed at the entrance of the bay. He would have to go host a meeting of the houses. With this new settlement the republic would be greater than ever.

The Nereid - En Route to Alzayar
The Galleon called the Nereid sailed swiftly through the Azure Sea, heading south. The island of Alzayar had been fabled for their strong kingdom and richness. For this reason Captain John Adams had set a course to its lands. John was not of one of the ancient or great houses, House Adams was young and had just earned a seat on the minor council. He was determined to, as the first trader captain, make his house one of the great houses of Myrne.

Starting AP: 10AP
10-2=8: Stabilize Myrne
8-2=6: Upgrade Myrne to a Town
6-1=5: Basic (Sailing)
5-2=3: Advanced (Seaworthy Ships)
3-1=2: Settle Manta (14.15)

Myrne is now a county.

2014-05-23, 08:38 PM

Kifrel III watched as the city as he envisioned it sprang fourth, but as ever he was unsatisfied. He called for awnings that stretched far beyond their buildings so that they would not overheat, but it narrowed the space between them where light could hit the street. He had curving outer pillars stretching from the highest of these awnings to the ground set with glazed tile to catch and reflect light to the ground in order to compensate. He had the ivy he had wanted set on building walls to insulate and improve the air draped instead on these awnings bound now with pillars to hold the weight.
How when he was planning did he fail to think of it in early spring? With the ivy growing on them the awnings could not be safely cleaned of snow and ice as it began to melt and it would be a road hazard for weeks! And the builders were having a hellish time with the pillars. Why could no-one reliably build a ceramic pillar of uniform dual concavity? Even when they got it right the guild leaders he'd asked to determine where their optimal loading areas required a gap in said pillars bridged by a supporting arch-lattice couldn't for their lives seem to decide.
Some of his messengers sent furthest for supplies or experts had not even yet returned and his supposed masterpiece made him sick.

Venetian Mask
2014-05-26, 04:13 AM
5E3 - Update
It had been 5 years since the first ten states had formed. One had already crumbled, the desert hive was no more. The other nations spread like wildfire across the continent, some settling many new territories, some improving their current holdings.

http://i.imgur.com/zHKVdYd.png (http://imgur.com/zHKVdYd)



2014-05-26, 11:02 AM
The Land of the Righteous
The Grand Vizier

The gems were so beautiful in the sunlight. It was a risk to remove them from the tent, but a necessary one. What would he be if he could not call down the divine will of The Lord Above?

The Grand Vizier chuckles, closing the box then, after thinking for a second, reopening it and taking a ruby, tucking it into his sleeve. Better to be safe than sorry, no?

He strides through the streets, surrounded by dozens of monks. Redundant, but appearances were important. Had it been so long ago that the city had been naught but wooden huts? Now there were markets, elaborate homes. The temples seemed grander than they had been before. The tithes, while meager, from the smaller towns proved to be a great boon in slowly building up the walls and as the word of The Lord Above slowly spread, eager pilgrims flocked to the city like flies to a carcass.

Some fanatic attempts to throw a stone brick at the Vizier. He can only grin as he watches the citizens of the city deal with the issue before his guard can even move.

2 AP + 4 AP (Rollover)
Upgrade Zim to a town! - 2 AP
Upgrade Zim to a city! - 3 AP
Final: 1 AP

The (Near)Wilderness

Caltor trudged through the wilderness, priests following closely behind. Why couldn't the rebellion have been in Zim? Or at least right outside the walls? Why did it have to be over a hundred miles away?

When the group finally reaches the settlement known as Rumia they are understandably annoyed. The insurgents are found swiftly, an easy enough task since it seems the whole damn city has joined in.The priests make short work of them, swiftly leaving only bloody lumps behind. The settlement had order, if only for now.

1 AP
Stabilize Rumia (Using Advisor discount) - 1 AP

The Lands of the Unrighteous


The priest had traveled for what felt like an age. He had slowly made his way across the world, seemingly crossing an endless range of mountains with the great sea always in sight. The sea! Nothing above it to block out the view of The Lord Above.

He'd had companions for some time but they had split some time ago, stating that The Lord Above wanted him to go further west. Who was he to argue?

When the priest finally sees the smoke on the horizon that signifies a new settlement he rushes that way, hoping to spread the teachings of The Lord Above.


The priest had been alone for quite some time. When the group had first split three had remained with him. However, when he began to go south the others had abandoned him, continuing further west.

It was no matter. The priest had somehow made it through the desert, nearly dying yet somehow making it, likely due to the grace of The Lord Above. When he can just make out the faint outlines of a city, he thinks he is losing his mind, only to quickly realize that there is in fact a town there.

The priest marches on with renewed vigor, determined to do his holy duty.


When in the distance the priest and his companion could just make out a city the other had left, saying The Lord Above called him south. He quickly hikes towards the city, hoping to make it by nightfall. It felt like years since he left The Land of the Righteous, perhaps longer since he's had a true meal and a warm bed. He begins to cross the mountain trails with renewed vigor, hoping to make it within the day.


The priest had been alone for quite some time. He'd left his final companion in the mountains as they went west. The land here felt wrong, vile, or was that just his mind? When the priest finally can make out a city on the horizon he rushes forward, the strange sights he had seen in this land temporarily forgotten.

2014-05-26, 02:11 PM
Hey, baby, want to see my ship? It's a longship.

At the coast was a man working on a wooden construct, a ship. He worked on it day after day till it was finished. The ship was long and thin with one sail sticking up. It was graceful and light, so it moved fast, especially with strong rowers. The bow and stern were symmetrical, allowing for turns to be done quickly. His first longship was complete.

-1 shipbuilding
-2 Longship

Crossing the channel

"So you are saying we can now cross the Valeland channel?" The High Queen asked. She was staring at the new longships being made. Each man was diligently working on each ship.

"Yes, my Queen." replied the man who is directing the construction. "We can send settlers now if you like."

"Do it." she said.

Volunteers started to enter next to the first boat, loading their possessions onto it. After it was full, they waited for the other 5, which then set off once they were ready. They sailed the seas till they reached a peninsula across the channel. The first one on the mainland was a cleric of Velia, Karina. She prayed to her goddess and then the others got on the shore. Each settler off loaded their possessions and started to work on building their new home. Once it was established, Karina named this settlement "Velia's Bastion," for it would be a great location for raiders to come home after liberating slaves and destroying tyrants because of it's location.

-1 Settle 26.05 - Velia's Bastion

2014-05-26, 03:44 PM

Kifrel III received the priest from Zim in his palace. He tracked the people who entered his city as he tracked everything else about it. He suspected this visit might be of import and wanted to control it.

Where most palaces would contain tapestries and sculptures, the Kifrel palace was bursting with texts and models. Hanging from the walls and ceiling. Placed in every corner and alcove. Even carved into the furniture. Kifrel III sat on his throne assembling a model of a drainage connection as the priest was brought before him.

2014-05-26, 08:20 PM


Kifrel III received the priest from Zim in his palace. He tracked the people who entered his city as he tracked everything else about it. He suspected this visit might be of import and wanted to control it.

Where most palaces would contain tapestries and sculptures, the Kifrel palace was bursting with texts and models. Hanging from the walls and ceiling. Placed in every corner and alcove. Even carved into the furniture. Kifrel III sat on his throne assembling a model of a drainage connection as the priest was brought before him.

The priest stands in silence, head bowed, waiting for some sort of introduction to the leader before speaking. It was only polite for the host to speak first.

2014-05-26, 09:13 PM
The Sovereign Academy of Peritia

The Academy

Fabius wiped the sweat from his brow. He'd been excavating for weeks now, and although at first he had been as enthused as any other about the prospect of potentially discovering some of the ancients' ruins, by now he was beginning to wonder if it was anything but an elaborate hoax perpetrated on all those who came after them. While the Academy's purpose of learning the secrets of this mysterious race was well, it had been five years and still they knew little more than they did at the very beginning. And yet... he knew he wouldn't give up. He knew that no one would give up, and that someday their patience would be rewarded. Perhaps sooner rather than later.

Such was the case when, a few hours later, he crested yet another hill to find what he sought lying in the valley below: the massive hulk of what might have once been a ship- although they were far from the ocean, here- lying half-buried in the sandy soil. The ribs of its hull, formed of something that glittered in the sun, arched towards the sky in rows. Fabius gasped, sitting down heavily on the ground and collecting his thoughts for a few moments before starting back towards the rest of the party. "I found it!" he yelled, as much a prayer for the gods as a call to the rest of his party.

Transporting and dissecting the behemoth was a massive, coordinated expedition the like of which had not been undertaken since the taming of the volcano half a decade earlier. Using massive mechanical devices powered by volcanic fire and complex threads of magic capable of lightening the load, it was slowly taken apart and moved to the Academy itself, which had grown substantially in five years. There, everything about it was studied, analyzed minutely with powerful dwemeorscopes, until finally the magi-scientists of Peritia understood how it worked, although some particulars of its construction would necessarily remain a mystery.

Then, they put it back together, and they rebuilt it- around the metallic exoskeleton, they fitted a massive balloon of sturdy cells filled with volcanic gas, and the quarters below it they repaired and refitted. And then they built another, though they could not match the first in physical strength. And another, until they had half a dozen of the things in a number of sizes, great ones that could fit half the student body and smaller ones that were suited only for thirty passengers or so. And thus, having conquered the mountains in their vast blimps, the Peritians set out for horizons until that point unknown.

5 AP

-2 AP stabilize the Academy (forgot to do this last turn, sorry)

-0 AP Basic Concept (Volcanic Gas)

-2 AP Advanced Concept (Zeppelins)

1 AP

2014-05-27, 05:10 AM

Archnecris Elaine Fel peered across the window at the skeletons of tall buildings that were becoming a common sight within the Lydusan capital, their numbers swelling every day. Towers half-finished, each facility was bedecked with scaffolding that granted the image of half-digested beasts trapped in the thralls of a giant spiders web.


This simile was enough to make the Archnecris smirk.

"Archnecris Fel, we are humbled by your presence." came a soft voice from behind.

Turning to look over her shoulder, the light-haired woman spotted the spindly majordomo of the Empress, Ser Halbert. A prime and quiet-spoken man, his thin visage and well-kept manner nonetheless lent his image to snobbery.

"You flatter me, Ser Halbert," Elaine replied, turning so that she was facing him and taking several steps forward. "Strength and cunning."

"Strength and Cunning." Halbert repeated. The two met upon either side of the large, decorate piece that centred itself within the Empresses antechamber; an ornate, well-carved affair, its black oak was as strong and steel and almost four times as heavy.

"I regret to inform you that the Empress will not be present to personally deliver you this appointment, as much as she wished to," Halbert stated, producing a scroll from within his well-manicured vest.

"She's a busy woman; we have half a continent to claim."

At this Ser Halbert offered a rare smile, "How curious you would frame it in such a manner." Holding out the scroll in his hand, he watched as Elain reached forward to pluck it suspiciously from his grip, "A task that indeed requires her utmost attention - and one with which you will now be intimately entwined."


The distance between the three population centres of Lydusa were a hive of activity. Grand Administrator Elaine Fel had handed down the Empresses most recent edict: the construction, maintenance and patrol of a road system. These veins would allow the swift passing of material, military units and services across the fledgling nation and would be expanded to accommodate new acquisitions in the future.

This was a construction project so ambitious that the likes of it had never been seen anywhere else in the world. Visitors, surely, would marvel at the masterpiece of engineering that was being constructed and would no doubt take tales of its utility back to their own corners of the world.


Zims Priest

The priests was soon discovered within the Lydusan realm. Whether by his god above or a touch of fate, he had chosen to arrive during the hive of activity centring around the construction of a nation-wide road network.

Flanked by skeleton warriors and greeted by a living overseer, he was taken to the Lydusa where he would meet with the diplomatic services.

Round Two:
- Unit of Skeleton Warriors raised in Lydusa - free from specialisation.
- Build National Project; "Road Network" - 2AP (down from 3 via Master Builders)
- Hire Advisor: Master Adminstrator Elaine: -1AP to building - 2AP
- Upgrade Lydusa to Town - free from -1AP cost via National Project, and Administrator +1 AP.

= 4; 1 left for next turn.

2014-05-27, 11:12 AM

King Ren sat alone in the council chambers. The other lords and princes were about their business throughout the realm and now there was little for him to do. His wife already chafed to gather their armies, and Ren was tired of restraining her.

A messenger arrived and reluctantly interrupted his weary looking lord: "I have the reports from Tinespire and Aelmar, your majesty. The princes say they are stable."

And with that the isle is mine, Ren thought. The first step, and soon the others will fall in line.

0AP + 4AP from rollover
Stabilise Tinespire - Use Prince Jaron's discount (1AP)
Stabilise Aelmar (2AP)
Minor Edict to establish Alzayar as a County (Free from specialization)

1 AP remaining.

2014-05-27, 11:29 AM
Tolen, Chieftain's offices

"CHIEFTAIN, CHIEFTAIN!" Came a frantic cry from down the hall along with the sound of running feet, when suddenly Jabari's flew open with a bang. A short man at four feet tall, stood, breathing heavily in the door way, and behind him Jabari could see Seth's head poking out from his own office, a look of puzzlement on his face.

Jabari looked up from the reports on his desk and spoke calmly to the man. ""My good man, what is wrong..." he paused for a moment searching for the man's name, "Topeketh?"

The sudden visitor took a moment to catch his breath while shaking his head. "Tomek, sir; but the news sir! Thefantastic, unbelievablenews! Chieftain, thefishingcrewsthatmoorednotmore than ten minutes past bring stories of land sir! Not of our Motherland, but distantlandsacrosstheeverlastingsea! They say they found acouple of smalllandstothesouth, but to the North, muchlargerlands, an almostendlesscoaststretchingforleagues in every direction!" The man now identified as Tomek rushed out, speaking so quickly to be almost incomprehensible.

The taller man's jaw literally dropped and hung open as he quickly stood and stepped around his desk made from ancient oak. "Do you know what you're saying man? If there's truth in the tales you are telling me, that means that the stories and fables from lore are true! That the Otherlands exist!"

"Yes Chieftain! That's why I ran straight here from the wharf when I heard it!"

"Come along with me then and show me the crew that informed you of this! SETH! I wish you along as well!" Jabari called as he ushered the men out of the building.

The Wharf

Tolen had expanded exponentially in the eight years since Founding Day, now more than 12 times the population at sixty-six hundred souls living in the town. On the complete opposite of the town from the government building on the bank of the river is the Wharf, dozens of piers with scores of fishing boats sit moored, off-loading hauls of fish, crab, shrimp, and lobsters, and taking on stores of food and water for the return out to the fishing grounds, while hundreds of people mull about in the market, peddling fish and other assorted goods in complete chaos. On the south side of all of this sits the main wharf officer, outside which were eight men and a couple women talking animatedly, but quietly, amongst each other.

As the three men from the government offices approached the group, Jabari stepped ahead of the group and addressed the fishing crew, "I would talk to you quietly and in private. Is there anywhere that we could talk?"

A stout, heavily muscled man turned to look at Jabari, and widened his eyes in recognition. "Chieftain! I appologise, but my ship is too busy to receive a private conversation, and my home is across the city." He said with shrug.

Frowning, the chieftain looked around the area and studied the Wharf office. Suddenly he gestured for everyone to follow him and walked into the office. He quickly talked to the staff in the building, and they all left, leaving Jabari, Seth, Tomek, and the fishers.

"Now, tell me exactly what you saw, and how you saw it." Jabari instructed the man who spoke earlier.

"Well sir, we were scouting for more fishing grounds to the south east, when we found land! It was fairly small, I suppose you could call it an island like those in the middle of the river, but on a huge scale! The island to the east probable was about a hundred leagues around, and it appeared, from what we could see, to be nothing more than grassy plains. That island spooked us, right? So we then sailed to the north for a couple days, when we found it again! Three days north from our own Land is a great huge land. We sailed for a fortnight, and yet we never found an end to the land. It is many times larger from our own Land, if it ever ends at all! Chieftain, I think that these may in fact be the Otherlands from lore!"

Jabari nodded slowly as the other man finished. "I believe you to be correct. And of course, if the Otherlands are real, then the Oppressors could be out there as well."

With the Chieftain's last statement, everyone took a look of fear on their face.

Seth turned to look at Jabari, "Chieftain, if that is true; if the Oppressors are truly out there somewhere, waiting for the right time, then we must prepare! We must send people to the north to keep watch, and warn us if our enemies approach!"

"You are absolutely correct, my friend," Jabari said, almost under his breath, before turning to the man who told him the story, "what is your name? You took great initiative, and have provided a great service for the Toleners. I would have you lead to Navy that we shall be creating in response."

The man's eyes widened in surprise. "It would be an honor, Chieftain. And my name is Mabizi, sir."

"Mabizi, good. It will have to be confirmed by the convention tomorrow night, of course, but after the people hear of this, I have no doubt that you shall be elected to the position." With that, Jabari and Seth left the building, quietly talking about the developments, and everything that must now be done.

Over the following months, six of the largest ships ever, 75 feet long, 20 feet wide at the beam, with two masts rising from the deck with lateen sails, rising 20 feet out of the water, three decks, and enough oars for 50 rowers, were built. After the the ships were finished, they sailed to the north with provisions to last a year, with orders to scout the northern lands. They were ordered to avoid contact with any others outside emergency circumstances, and to report back with what they had found.

The news that the fleet returned with, a year and a half later, was astounding. They reported that there was a single, huge continent, to the north, and a half-dozen large islands to the east. The fleet was unable to investigate further down several channels because it appeared that they were controlled by large settlements sitting on the coast. The had observed eight seperate settlements of various sizes, including a couple of very large cities before turning back, eight months into the voyage. (Saw Lydusa, Manta, Tinespire, Alzayar, Aclmar, Zim and it's two settlements.)

A year after the revelation, 500 volunteers settled a new location, to be called Katar, in the forested hills to the north of Tolen, on top of a hill to provide the greatest view possible.

Left over: 1
Rollover: +4
Total: 5

Recruit(Advanced) (-2)
Upgrade to Town (-2)
Settle Katar (05.22) (0)
Minor Edict: Voyage of discovery (-1)

2014-05-27, 03:15 PM

Kifrel III spoke without looking up from his model. "I suppose you want to convert me. In a way you're barking up the wrong tree, even if I did convert I would not convert my nation with me. Even I can only control my subjects so much before they snap, and outlawing their gods would send them further that way and a hundred of my other edicts. You will never persuade me to do so. That doesn't mean you wasted your trip, necessarily..." He finished that last adjustments on his model and handed it to a retainer. He folded his hands in his lap and looked at the priest. "I am in need of a god. My plans for Kifrel will have it grow - grow larger I think than any other city in the known world. And it will be a marvel. I have ideas to make it a city every other aspires to be. But it lacks a center. Of all my ideas none far surpasses the others and can serve as the cities heart. I have reached the end of my inspiration, and I can sense I have nearly reached the end of my life. If your god will lend me a sutable inspiration I will be his."

2014-05-27, 05:42 PM


Zims Priest

The priests was soon discovered within the Lydusan realm. Whether by his god above or a touch of fate, he had chosen to arrive during the hive of activity centring around the construction of a nation-wide road network.

Flanked by skeleton warriors and greeted by a living overseer, he was taken to the Lydusa where he would meet with the diplomatic services.

Round Two:
- Unit of Skeleton Warriors raised in Lydusa - free from specialisation.
- Build National Project; "Road Network" - 2AP (down from 3 via Master Builders)
- Hire Advisor: Master Adminstrator Elaine: -1AP to building - 2AP
- Upgrade Lydusa to Town - free from -1AP cost via National Project, and Administrator +1 AP.

= 4; 1 left for next turn.

The priest looks towards the skeletons on either side of him, a bit confused. The dead walked in this land? The Lord Above did not have any laws regarding the walking dead in his tenants; was he even allowed to broker a peace? The priest ponders this question as he is taken towards diplomatic services.

"I would speak to your Lord about our Lord Above," the priest says simply when he arrives to the diplomatic services. "I should hope to enlighten him to His ways."



Kifrel III spoke without looking up from his model. "I suppose you want to convert me. In a way you're barking up the wrong tree, even if I did convert I would not convert my nation with me. Even I can only control my subjects so much before they snap, and outlawing their gods would send them further that way and a hundred of my other edicts. You will never persuade me to do so. That doesn't mean you wasted your trip, necessarily..." He finished that last adjustments on his model and handed it to a retainer. He folded his hands in his lap and looked at the priest. "I am in need of a god. My plans for Kifrel will have it grow - grow larger I think than any other city in the known world. And it will be a marvel. I have ideas to make it a city every other aspires to be. But it lacks a center. Of all my ideas none far surpasses the others and can serve as the cities heart. I have reached the end of my inspiration, and I can sense I have nearly reached the end of my life. If your god will lend me a sutable inspiration I will be his."

"The gods must have great favor towards you to illuminate my purpose," the priest begins, unsure of how the king would have known of his role or that he would hope to convert him.

"The Lord Above can show himself in many ways. Comfort for those in need, strength for those that require strength, even vengeance should vengeance be required. If you accept The Lord Above as your savior and protector, inspiration should be of no issue to him."

The priest was a bit perturbed by the fact that the man refused to force his nation to convert but that would come with time.

2014-05-27, 06:15 PM

"The gods must have great favor towards you to illuminate my purpose," the priest begins, unsure of how the king would have known of his role or that he would hope to convert him.

"The Lord Above can show himself in many ways. Comfort for those in need, strength for those that require strength, even vengeance should vengeance be required. If you accept The Lord Above as your savior and protector, inspiration should be of no issue to him."

The priest was a bit perturbed by the fact that the man refused to force his nation to convert but that would come with time.

"I have been favored. I had the fortune and talent to become king. My predecessor was eager for the city to have dealing with many nations, I mearly recognized you and made an educated guess." Kifrel III spread his arms. "But I am afraid if what you say is true I must be disapointed, for I accept your god already as I accept any other god and he has given me nothing that will do. Even If he could inspire me it would seem he needs persuasion to do so. My belief and my worship I am similarly uninclined to give out freely."

2014-05-27, 06:45 PM


"I have been favored. I had the fortune and talent to become king. My predecessor was eager for the city to have dealing with many nations, I mearly recognized you and made an educated guess." Kifrel III spread his arms. "But I am afraid if what you say is true I must be disapointed, for I accept your god already as I accept any other god and he has given me nothing that will do. Even If he could inspire me it would seem he needs persuasion to do so. My belief and my worship I am similarly uninclined to give out freely."

The priest bows his head slightly, taking the criticism with some humility. He was simply a lowly priest; the Grand Vizier would know exactly what to say.

"My lord, if you please, The Lord Above is a jealous god. He cannot provide his aid to those who accept him as readily as any other god; he must be the first and only among them. If you gave a thousand farmers a single grains, could they raise a crop?" he says, resorting to parable.

"Even the greatest of farmers could not be expected to take that task seriously. But give a single farmer a thousand grains, could he not yield a harvest? It is such with The Lord Above. He needs no persuasion to accomplish his goals, only complete trust and worship. I urge you to accept him as your own so our two cities may find a common ground."

2014-05-27, 07:26 PM

The priest bows his head slightly, taking the criticism with some humility. He was simply a lowly priest; the Grand Vizier would know exactly what to say.

"My lord, if you please, The Lord Above is a jealous god. He cannot provide his aid to those who accept him as readily as any other god; he must be the first and only among them. If you gave a thousand farmers a single grains, could they raise a crop?" he says, resorting to parable.

"Even the greatest of farmers could not be expected to take that task seriously. But give a single farmer a thousand grains, could he not yield a harvest? It is such with The Lord Above. He needs no persuasion to accomplish his goals, only complete trust and worship. I urge you to accept him as your own so our two cities may find a common ground."

"Could a thousand farmers each raise a crop of a single grain? That is a question closer to me than you could know. For a good king must persuade his subjects to do just that. The roads I build can not give the people who will walk on them a livelihood on their own, and my laws and taxes must take no person's full labor. Yet from my works I give my people grains to sow, by my laws I bid them plant them, and at my taxes I ask for their harvest.
I think I am a good king. My kingdom has grown under me and by my direction they have built well. But gods have served me less well than humans. You say The Lord Above can only work where he has trust and worship already gathered and built? How can he do great things and many things if he has much of those but nothing at all when he has little? Were I king only of this palace with no other wealth and followers but what it contains, I could manage it well and grow it."
Kifrel III gestured as he fell silent, his gaze wandering from the priest and displeasure moving across his features and fading.
""But well do I understand jealousy. If The Lord Above also suffers from it then I will give him a chance to work and be his a lone for one night. I have very little trust to give, but from first dark to first light he may have my worship. Tell me, do you think he will show me a heart for my city before next sun's break?I have heard tell of a thousand gods and I doubt I have so many more nights that his turn would come again."

2014-05-27, 08:15 PM


"Could a thousand farmers each raise a crop of a single grain? That is a question closer to me than you could know. For a good king must persuade his subjects to do just that. The roads I build can not give the people who will walk on them a livelihood on their own, and my laws and taxes must take no person's full labor. Yet from my works I give my people grains to sow, by my laws I bid them plant them, and at my taxes I ask for their harvest.
I think I am a good king. My kingdom has grown under me and by my direction they have built well. But gods have served me less well than humans. You say The Lord Above can only work where he has trust and worship already gathered and built? How can he do great things and many things if he has much of those but nothing at all when he has little? Were I king only of this palace with no other wealth and followers but what it contains, I could manage it well and grow it."
Kifrel III gestured as he fell silent, his gaze wandering from the priest and displeasure moving across his features and fading.
""But well do I understand jealousy. If The Lord Above also suffers from it then I will give him a chance to work and be his a lone for one night. I have very little trust to give, but from first dark to first light he may have my worship. Tell me, do you think he will show me a heart for my city before next sun's break?I have heard tell of a thousand gods and I doubt I have so many more nights that his turn would come again."

"The Lord Above works in mysterious ways. I have not heard of him speaking to any directly save for the Grand Vizier but perhaps it shall pass that he favors you this night."

The priest instantly begins to rack his mind. He did not wish to be forced to move to the third part of the conversion actions, yet this lord seemed stubborn in his beliefs. The Lord Above preached the work ethic of his followers upon the mortal plane; perhaps it was his duty as a priest to determine what needed to be done?

2014-05-28, 07:02 PM

In the lands of mortals

The reign of Kifrel III was to end in its 13th year. Never married and ever too busy to raise and mentor potential heirs from young adulthood as had his successors, Kifrel III appointed in his last days a fellow candidate of Kifrel II with whom he had long had good relations and who's service he had employed in his own reign. Kifrel IV ascended to a thrown she had long resigned not to be her's and a city far changed from the days of her mentor. Kifrel III had spent one of the worlds great fortunes to realize his vision, leaving her a modal city who's function had never been tested. Her subjects were a multitude she could never command as servants as had her predecessors. Nor had she the treasuries to support such an employ if she could. If the rule of Kifrel I, II, and III was given to their people her's she would have to take.

4 ap
upgrade: grand city -4 ap
efficient bureaucracy -1 to national projects this turn
civic plan -1 to national projects this turn
build national project: library of codes (-1 to improvements this turn) [+1 master builder, +1 efficient bureaucracy, +1 civic plan] -0
build improvement: courtyard gardens (artful beds of planting placed around each courtyards pillar with benches and tables for use by those who lived in the buildings or frequented the courtyard markets) -0
build improvement: Low Road gardens (raised plantings that divide the ground level streets that handle Kifrel's carts and animals in half along their length with gaps before each intersection and raise circular planting around the pillar at the intersections center, with laws that each side could go in only one direction and in each intersection traffic must turn a given way) -0
build improvement: courtyard markets (in each district, vendors were licensed to set up stalls in an interior courtyard which were inspected to be safe and ethical and who's merchandise was deemed complementary to the use of the district) -0
build improvement: stone harbor (tall thick covered stone walls who's tops are roads in their own right. Sunk into the bay of Kifrel bordering and extending its natural harbor with towers placed at the gap between them that served at lighthouses and watchtowers and stone piers going inward about their full length and across the land beyond them) -0
build improvement: waylights (mounted lanterns placed in every Low road planting to rest at waist level to the high streets and lit every night so men and goods could travel safely at all hours) -0
national project: standing army (-1 to advanced units this turn) -0
national project: iron monarchy (-1 to advanced inits this turn) -0
recruit advanced units x25: the numbered companies -0

2014-05-28, 07:08 PM

While The Lord Above may be subtle in his ways, he still has them. So, it should be a surprise that Kifrel awoke with no visions, no great dreams and no shining pilar of light.

However, when Kifrel left his room he nearly put his foot through a simple pile of sand.

Then again, at a second glance, the pile was more than that; a perfect pyramid, each side perfectly flat, elegant lettering carved on each face.

While no pilar of flame, it would seem The Lord Above was true to the prest's word.

2014-05-30, 12:37 PM

The pyramid Kifrel III saw did inspire him. He spent much of his remaining moments working frantically to design a structure that would reflect what he felt that morning. Although it would not be completed until several years after his death, the Temple of the Frozen Sand was agreed by most to be his finest work. The structure is said to have brought more converts to The Lord Above than any edict he could have written.

2014-06-02, 05:02 AM

The antechamber was composed of polished emerald metal that resonated with a cool induction. The priest had been provided for - food brought before him and drinks to his liking arrayed next to his meal. Across him him sat a well-preserved and presented man that sat in a relaxed and comfortable fashion.

"From across the continent, you said?" he confirmed, taking a grape from before him and sampling its sweet taste.

"We are fortunate to receive guests this far out into the east!"