View Full Version : 3rd Ed Making a NFL style tackle

2014-05-22, 09:46 AM
What rolls would need to be made for this maneuver? Is it a bull rush, trip or grapple? Or a combination of all 3 of them? Bull rush for the initial hit, grapple to tie them up, and then a trip to take the opponent down? Is it even possible to pull all of these off in a single round? Been trying to find a 3.5 explanation for this moves legality, but I can't find anything specific to tackles.

2014-05-22, 09:58 AM
Well, there is the knockdown feat which allows you to attempt to trip someone for free if you deal more than ten damage. Combine that with improved trip and a way to deal damage on a bull rush and this would work as you would hit them with a bull rush, deal damage, get a free trip attempt, trip them, and get a free attack that you grapple with. The one that comes to mind is the warforged juggernaut, but there are others.

2014-05-22, 10:03 AM
Honestly, the simplest feat or similar ability that comes to mind would be something similar to the Punishing Kick from Pathfinder.

Unarmed strike (refluff to be required from a charge if desired)+if successful, push foe back X distance like a bull rush+Fort save to avoid going prone. Or treat it like an overrun?

Personally, just to create consistency, I'd rule that the attacker goes prone either way, but that is just me.

2014-05-22, 10:22 AM
I'd look into maneuvers from ToB. Charging Minotaur is a level 1 maneuver that charges and bullrushes, and with the right feat you can probably somehow also get this to grapple.

Alternately, play a fleshraker. Constant charge to trip to grapple scenarios. Fleshraker would be the star of the NFL.

2014-05-22, 10:54 AM
It'd probably be either a Depends on exact nature of tackle. If it's a nosegaurd taking out a running back going up his assigned hole, it's probably going to be a grapple on one turn, then a pin on the next (giving skilled runners the ability to twist out of it with Escape Artist). If it's a linebacker open-field tackling, it's more like a charge attack, using attack on charge to trip (likely with improved trip to follow up with a grapple).

2014-05-22, 11:49 AM
Grapple is probably the closest system. There are rules in one of the old Wizards Rules of the Game articles for moving a creature you are grappling. You could probably modify those rules to perform the trip manuever with an opposed grapple check. An assisted tackle would be adjudicated with the rules for multiple grapplers targeting a single creature.

2014-05-22, 11:59 AM
The thought arose from a hypothetical situation I put a certain character concept I was working with in. Basically a fight against a much higher level opponent on the top of a tower, and having no better choice, the character would more than likely just attempt to rush and tackle the opponent off the top of the tower and ride them all the way down to their probable deaths at the base. I have to do this to myself a lot so I can try to imagine as many different situations that my players could try and put me in and not get tripped up trying to figure it all out on the fly. My players really like to use the environment to their advantage a lot.

2014-05-22, 12:30 PM
I'd say the effect of the tackle is how to do it. Want to tackle them down? Trip with +2 to hit from charging. Want to grapple them and tie them up? Grapple attack with +2 for charging. Move them? Bull rush. All three of those are tackles.

2014-05-22, 01:25 PM
I'd say the effect of the tackle is how to do it. Want to tackle them down? Trip with +2 to hit from charging. Want to grapple them and tie them up? Grapple attack with +2 for charging. Move them? Bull rush. All three of those are tackles.

An overun attempt with improved overun could also work.