View Full Version : optimizing throwing charecter.

2014-05-22, 09:53 AM
Friend is going to play a halfling thrower who uses daggers and possibly shuriken or similar. Was wondering how to get damage up for a charecter like this.

He is halfling rogue with the ACF using ranged sneak attacks. Level 2 to start. Wishes to remain a mostly roguish type (assassin or something similar is alright) Does not want to cast magic just be really good at throwing daggers to kill things.

2014-05-22, 11:32 AM
Friend is going to play a halfling thrower who uses daggers and possibly shuriken or similar. Was wondering how to get damage up for a charecter like this.

He is halfling rogue with the ACF using ranged sneak attacks. Level 2 to start. Wishes to remain a mostly roguish type (assassin or something similar is alright) Does not want to cast magic just be really good at throwing daggers to kill things.

Assuming 3.5, sounds like he'll definitely want to look into the master thrower prestige class. Tricks will allow him to throw two weapons at once, deny dex to AC with a sleight of hand check, and target touch AC, among other things

2014-05-22, 12:08 PM
Drow of the Underdark has the Hit and Run fighter alternate class feature. Give up tower shield and heavy armor to get +2 initiative and add Dexterity to weapon damage rolls against flat-footed foes within 30 feet.

Two weapon fighting (along with quick-draw) for more throws.

If you have the dragonblood subtype, the Dragonfire strike adds an additional D6 to sneak attack and converts the sneak attack damage to an energy type.

Also, since he'll be using sneak attack, something to make foes flat-footed (invisibility, good at hiding, etc.) since flanking won't work for the ranged attack.

If Dragon magazine material is allowed, there is the Targetteer fighter variant (issue 310 I believe) that has an ability to add Dexterity to damage instead of strength with a ranged weapon (can't combine with the Drow of the Underdark variant above becuuase the targetteer doesn't get tower shield).

Dragon Compendium has the feat Dead Eye that adds Dex damage to a ranged weapon you have Weapon Focus in (note the errata changes the BAB requirement from +17 to +1).

I'm just about to start a campaign playing a halfling scout/fighter (targetteer) and the above are my plans for decent damage (especially as we'll be going against lycanthropes and silver weapons are more expensive due to the demand).