View Full Version : Question about Greater Armor Enhancement (EbCS)

2014-05-22, 10:01 AM
Hey all, as per the title, I'm trying to determine the specific way that the artificer spell Greater Armor Enhancement from the Eberron Campaign Setting works.


RAW, it would indicate that you can choose one enhancement, but the guy in my group who knows the most about the system and its rules (he's like a walking encyclopedia) stated that because there aren't any enchantments that actually cost the 100,000 it says you can go up to, that it's meaning you can add multiple enchantments up to the +5 or 100,000g cap.

Naturally, as a player, I'd prefer to believe the RAI point to the latter, but I thought I'd best get some extra opinions before making any plans.


2014-05-22, 10:14 AM
You gain a special ability: that's just the one