View Full Version : Bunkers and Bumpkins: Taking your peasants below

2014-05-22, 03:32 PM
Table of Contents: Disclaimer
The Goal
Minimum People
Bringing Peasants
Food/Water Requirements
Assumptions and Exceptions
Resource Recap

Disclaimer: This is a lot of information and rules. The purpose of this isn't to get bogged down in all the rules, and just try to help make this a coherent, self sufficient community with the resources given. Know this: you can use any Core book, Splat book, Dragon Magazine Source, whatever. Please, if you suggest a non-core idea (PHB I, DMG I, MM I), note what book that idea is from.

The Goal:
You're trying to find out how many people you can feed/keep down here for and extended amount of time. This includes the 20 people minimum that you bring with you. I expect that the max is about 200, but I'd love to here all of your suggestions and please remember you aren't supposed to create the whole system of the bunker, only suggest parts of it (unless you want to create the entire system, in which case go nuts!).

You are the lord of a certain plot of land (the exact amount of land to be determined later). A seer has warned you about trouble brewing on the other side of the kingdom from you, and he warns that it will soon grow to envelope everything. Be it plague, revolution, Zombies, or whatever he tells you that the only way to avoid the disaster is to flee underground.

Minimum People:
Years later, the disaster is upon you, and the bunker city is complete. It is your job to find out how to keep the most people fed, clothed, warm, productive, and provide protection for everyone you wish to bring with you, which will be a minimum of 20 people. 8 people for your immediate family (You, your four children, your brother, and your parents), 6 for your spouse and his/her immediate family (Him/her, his/her parents, two sisters, and brother). Also, you're bringing along your court wizard (level 7), the court cleric (level 7, any good deity), the court steward and the seer (just some shmuck blessed with divinations every so often, no class levels beyond commoner).

Bringing Peasants:
You are trying to save as many of your peasants as possible, and thus will need to bring them down with you. The bunker is cold, harsh and rocky, and you're people are unable to grow food with it unless it's treated by some spell or other. Also, every 7 people require a policemen, (a level 1 warrior), a doctor (level 1 adept) and an entertainer (level 1 expert) who all must be fed and cannot do work beyond their own professions. The guard is to keep the people from revolting, as well as to guard from the odd external threats. The doctor is to keep hurt/sick people from taking to long out of the workforce and to keep people safe. The entertainer is to keep people happy and out of trouble. All inhabitants are human, and can only bring with them few belongings. You count as the protection, the wizard the entertainment, and the cleric the doctor for the twenty you brought in. Anyone that isn't one of these three jobs, or the original 20, is a "Peasant" and makes up the bulk of the people you shall bring. Remember, the adepts, while only level 1, do get spells per day.

Food/Water Requirements: The average human requires half a gallon (rounded up to 2 liters) of water per day to live, and about 1500 calories. To simplify the calories, we'll say a human will need 4 pounds (rounded up to 2 kilograms) of food to stay healthy.

Assumptions and Exceptions:
You can assume that the bunker is lit, and air is infinite. You can assume that there is enough lodging for everyone that is coming, including any peasants. You can assume that the disaster is successfully averted if you stay underground. You can assume that you will have no contact with the outside world, and thus cannot buy items/gain people from above. Assume any NPC's, such as guards, doctors and entertainers have the equipment needed to conduct their jobs accordingly. Assume that any miscellaneous items that are needed for every day life are brought in by the peasants, and jobs such as cooks, masons, smiths etc. are found among the populace that are considered the "peasants". You can assume that no diseases are brought in, and that all people are healthy, average adults.

Resource Recap: You have at your disposal the WBL of a 10th level character (49k) to buy anything you wish, for your character or the community. You have a 7th level wizard, with the ability to use any spell in the game of 4th level or below, and a cleric (of any good deity) with no restrictions to his spells beyond alignment. Each has the WBL of a 7th level character (19k), and can spend it on personal items only.

Please help out and suggest things! thanks for any and all posts!

2014-05-22, 04:58 PM
Buy as many auto resetting traps of Create Food and Water as you can. Each trigger will be able to feed and water 6 people per day. (at the minimum caster level) per casting. If people complain about the bland food, get an at-will item of prestidigitation to flavor it to anything your heart desires.

You now have enough food and water to house an arbitrarily large number of people.

2014-05-22, 05:34 PM
A casting of Create Food/Water at minimum caster level would create food/water for 15 people, seeing as its a third level spell. But I like the idea.

2014-05-22, 05:54 PM
A casting of Create Food/Water at minimum caster level would create food/water for 15 people, seeing as its a third level spell. But I like the idea.

It's an automatic resetting trap. You can fire it off every round. spend a minute triggering it and you have food and water for 60 people.

2014-05-22, 07:53 PM
To elaborate, this is possible because the rules DO NOT specify that traps (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/traps.htm) must be enchanted with offensive spells. Hence you can put defensive/utility stuff in them. And its cheaper a magic item that can spam the same spell, but is tied to a single location. The cost of such an automatic reset trap would be:

+500 gp × caster level × spell level, +40 XP × caster level × spell level

So assuming CL 5, and spell level 3, that would be 7500 gp and 600 XP if crafting yourself. In exchange, one such trap can be triggered every round (6 seconds), each time producing enough food for 15 people, so assuming you trigger it nonstop (have the peasants work in shifts or something):
-1 minute gives you food for 150 people
-1 hour gives you food for 9000 people
-1 day gives you food for 216000 people

You probably realize that if such traps become common place, then people would not need to farm anymore. This is incidentally the first step to Tippyverse.

Pinkie Pyro
2014-05-22, 08:24 PM
for the defense part,
resetting traps of true strike+hunter's mercy+(greater magic) weapon, your commoners could deal quite a bit of damage, let alone trained fighters.

shaped hallow+make whole to keep your outer walls in pristine condition forever.

shaped hallow+see invisible/true seeing to let your guards see invisible threats.

a lone resetting trap of cure illness, neutralize poison, and possibly remove curse, for obvious reasons.

underground resetting rock to lava traps to keep out tunnelers from below

if your cleric/wizard makes these, you can make it slightly cheaper if they take the sanctum spell feat and create the object outside of the sanctum, as the spell's effective level is lowered by one. IE: wand of neutralize poison: 750*4*7 = 21000, VS 750*3*7= 15750

2014-05-22, 08:28 PM
It's an automatic resetting trap. You can fire it off every round. spend a minute triggering it and you have food and water for 60 people.

I didn't mean to say it wasn't workable or even not a great idea, only that the minimum CL was wrong and that I liked the idea.