View Full Version : The Two Knights (Secret of The Velvet Door)

2014-05-22, 03:43 PM
Sam walked through the Velvet Door, returning from his first trip to the other world. He stood to the side, and leaned against the nearby wall. “Okay. Now that the adrenaline is wearing off, I definitely feel like I’m in over my head here. What the hell was that place? Another world? And what exactly was it that I did in there?”

Sam spotted Dorian as he exited the door. “I suppose the best thing to do is to try and discuss the situation with the other students here. I guess this guy’s as good as anyone else…” he thought to himself. “Besides, there’s something about his Persona… It just seems so familiar.”

Sam spoke up, as he took a step towards the young man. “Excuse me, Dorian, was it? I don’t mean to disturb you, but I was hoping we could discuss some things. Specifically, your Persona? Do you… Er, well... did it ever tell you its name?”

2014-05-22, 04:13 PM
Dorian paused. Yes, this was the boy with the persona which had felt so familiar. He nodded. "Elsewhere. Who knows who may hear in this school?"

Dorian tried to think if he knew anywhere safe and quiet. Tennis courts were right out. "Tell me, have you settled into a room, yet?"

2014-05-22, 04:37 PM
"Actually, no I haven't. Things seem to be moving rather quickly around here. One minute, I'm arriving at a new school in a new country, the next, I'm fighting off fairies with a creature that up until today, I thought just existed inside my head. Finding a place to crash hasn't exactly been at the top of my list of priorities. Though, I suppose that I could go find somewhere now if you'd prefer a bit of privacy."

2014-05-22, 04:49 PM
Dorian nodded. "I understand. I'm new here myself." He looked around to see if there was anyone nearby who shouldn't be hearing things. "The instructors would rather we keep quiet." He paused a moment, then added, "Would you like assistance with your move in?"

2014-05-22, 05:22 PM
Sam begins walking out of the room holding the Velvet Door, gesturing for Dorian to follow. "Well, I don't exactly have much to move in. I only brought a few essentials. But any help you're willing to provide is welcomed."

Sam quickly looked around for eavesdroppers. Finding none, he began to speak, though in a much quieter tone, without even turning to look at Dorian. "I understand why we'd want to keep this quiet. Every comic book I've ever read leads me to believe that if people found out, we'd end up in some government lab somewhere, with scientists poking around in our skulls. "

Grabbing his single suitcase from the small corner he left it in, Sam followed Dorian towards the living quarters.

I'm getting the feeling you're trying to move the discussion to the dorm thread. Is that the case? I could always just jump into that thread now, saying I was right behind you the whole time.

2014-05-22, 05:27 PM
Dorian nodded. "Well, something like that, yes."

(I wasn't particularly, but I also can't think of anywhere to say anything about personas without outright asking the professors for a place, and heaven knows they'd pull things south in an instant. :smalltongue:)