View Full Version : TrueNamer?Warblade

2014-05-22, 04:11 PM
Hello. I have few questions there.

1. Trunamer. He has limits on spells per day ? Or i can use spells with out limits and any minus?
If i want to buff my self DC formule is 15+2xHD ?
2. lso abou warblade, I want to get Hunter’s Sense stance, but for that I must get Wolf Fang Strike as request for stance, Can i at 4 lvl change Wolf Fang Strike and leave Hunter’s Sense and still use it?
About Wall of Blades as I understood I use clear 1d20 dice and change it with AC for 1 attack, or is dice plus BAB?
And about maneuvers, correctly I understand that I can use stance whenewerth I want and change it with swift action, and if I used some maneuvers just recover it with swift action and use again, like every rurn in battle?

2014-05-22, 04:31 PM
2. Yes. The requirements are only for taking something. If you stop qualifying for it, it still stays, and is still usable.
Wall of blades allows you to make an attack, and then use whatever roll you got from attack instead of your AC (So d20+BAB+STR+whatever else that you have boosting attack)
You cant recover maneuvers every turn in battle, because after you recover them, you have to use your standard action as a normal attack (not a maneuver). So if you spent a turn recovering, that turn you cant use maneuvers.
And you are correct on your opinion on stances. (use stance whenever you want and change it with swift action)

2014-05-22, 08:42 PM
Hello. I have few questions there.

1. Trunamer. He has limits on spells per day ? Or i can use spells with out limits and any minus?
If i want to buff my self DC formule is 15+2xHD ?
2. lso abou warblade, I want to get Hunter’s Sense stance, but for that I must get Wolf Fang Strike as request for stance, Can i at 4 lvl change Wolf Fang Strike and leave Hunter’s Sense and still use it?
About Wall of Blades as I understood I use clear 1d20 dice and change it with AC for 1 attack, or is dice plus BAB?
And about maneuvers, correctly I understand that I can use stance whenewerth I want and change it with swift action, and if I used some maneuvers just recover it with swift action and use again, like every rurn in battle?

1. Truenamers don't cast spells at all, actually. They use Utterances, which are limited in other ways rather than being limited per-day.
As for the DC, yes that's correct. Look at the class's first class feature and you'll see it written explicitly.

Dorian Gray
2014-05-22, 08:58 PM
1. Truenamers don't cast spells at all, actually. They use Utterances, which are limited in other ways rather than being limited per-day.
As for the DC, yes that's correct. Look at the class's first class feature and you'll see it written explicitly.

To clarify, the skill check to cast an Utterance gets harder every time you use said Utterance (the DC resets every day, I believe). The check will thus quickly become unbeatable- you'll have a hard time hitting it the first time, actually.

2014-05-22, 09:03 PM
To clarify, the skill check to cast an Utterance gets harder every time you use said Utterance (the DC resets every day, I believe). The check will thus quickly become unbeatable- you'll have a hard time hitting it the first time, actually.

Unless you cheese it. Then you can hit it more times than Bob Marley hits a bong.

But even THEN Truenamer is awful. I suggest using a homebrew.

Safety Sword
2014-05-22, 09:27 PM
Truenamer Warblade example?

"I know your name is Bob. Bob, meet Kate. Yes, Kate IS a sword."

2014-05-22, 10:39 PM
When I saw "Truenamer?Warblade" in the title, I thought the '?' was meant to be a '/', but MizuDevil wasn't holding down the shift key. I was expecting a thread about a multiclass truenamer/warblade build...

So, ideas? Using Truespeak provokes AoOs, so mixing truenaming and warblade maneuvers effectively does not seem feasible. My best idea for optimizing a truenamer/warblade would just end up making it a truenamer 3/warblade 17 to get Archer's Eye. It might be feasible to focus on archery-compatible maneuvers and use utterances for buff and utility only. Other than that, the only thing I can think of would be truenamer 1/warblade 19, and just treat the truenamer level as a level tax.

2014-05-23, 01:00 AM
Hello. I have few questions there.

1. Trunamer. He has limits on spells per day ? Or i can use spells with out limits and any minus?
If i want to buff my self DC formule is 15+2xHD ?
2. lso abou warblade, I want to get Hunter’s Sense stance, but for that I must get Wolf Fang Strike as request for stance, Can i at 4 lvl change Wolf Fang Strike and leave Hunter’s Sense and still use it?
About Wall of Blades as I understood I use clear 1d20 dice and change it with AC for 1 attack, or is dice plus BAB?
And about maneuvers, correctly I understand that I can use stance whenewerth I want and change it with swift action, and if I used some maneuvers just recover it with swift action and use again, like every rurn in battle?

2. You must have a Tiger Claw maneuver to take the stance. I... Think it would then auto-qualify. Either way, you can. Also, there is no way to switch Hunter's Sense stance for something else. There is no stance-swapping mechanic. Once learned, always known.

Wall of Blades is a maneuver that lets you make an ATTACK ROLL and use it as your AC against one attack. So, basically, you roll d20 + BAB + ability mod + other modifiers. The same as your normal first weapon attack in a round.

Finally, you're wrong here. You do not "run out of" stances. Once you enter a stance, you remain in it indefinitely - until you become helpless that is. A stance is de facto a "status" of sorts. You can use a swift action to enter any stance you know. You do not prepare them and they are not expended.
So yes, you could switch stances every round. But swift actions have better uses. E.g. boosts.

Read the Maneuvers, Maneuvers Readied and Stances entries here. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060802a&page=2) It also seems that you should re-read Tome of Battle. The things you asked for are basic stuff, so you might want to make yourself familiar with it.

2014-05-23, 01:35 AM
To clarify, the skill check to cast an Utterance gets harder every time you use said Utterance (the DC resets every day, I believe). The check will thus quickly become unbeatable- you'll have a hard time hitting it the first time, actually.

Utterance gets harder every time you use said Utterance ->>> Next utterance at all gets harder or utterance getting harder if i am trying to use one utterance second time ?

Utterance getting harder, can u write it more precisely ?

2014-05-23, 02:35 AM
Utterance gets harder every time you use said Utterance ->>> Next utterance at all gets harder or utterance getting harder if i am trying to use one utterance second time ?

Utterance getting harder, can u write it more precisely ?

Saying an Utterance is a Truespeak check vs. a DC of 15+2*CR. Every time you successfully say an Utterance, all further uses of that Utterance that day are at +2 DC.

So the first time that you say the Lesser Word of Nurturing on a hurt level 10 teammate it has a DC of 35, saying it on another level 10 teammate would be a DC of 37, then 39, 41, and so on and so forth.

The first time you speak a particular utterance, you calculate
the DC as described under Speaking a Truename on page
232. However, the universe tends to resist being manipulated
with Truespeak repeatedly in a short period of time, so each
time you successfully speak the same utterance in a day, the
DC of your Truespeak check for that utterance increases by
2. If you fail a Truespeak check, however, the DC does not
increase on your next attempt of that utterance.

2014-05-23, 02:51 AM
Okay. I got it. next utterance +2 DC, but i can't find it in book oO http://feuros.com/D&D/Tome%20of%20Magic.pdf

2014-05-23, 05:24 AM
people who hate truenamer usually play high op games and ignore anything except wizards druids clerics and psions unless they cheese a character.

i play many heavy RP groups and i took true namer as it was an amazing concept
a character that basicly alters the binary code of the universe and bends it to his will through the use of a language older then the gods.
so i took it. did some very simple optimisation and i had a lot of fun with my character (we were level 5)
i found that i could use about 3-4 of each utterence each day before having to roll a die. so i could easily use 8-9 before it became a real challenge.

so since i knew around 10 utterences that was effectivly 90 spells per day. and that was without major cheese or homebrew or drag mag or item familiars or essentia.

just an intelligent grey elf with skill focus and a couple standard items and part of the prognostic assembly.

2014-05-23, 05:28 AM
Okay. I got it. next utterance +2 DC, but i can't find it in book oO http://feuros.com/D&D/Tome%20of%20Magic.pdf

tome of magic page 233 under "the laws" these are the laws of true naming. the +2 to DC for every successful truespeak check with that utterence. resets every day.

2014-05-23, 05:46 AM
...Personally I love playing at tier 3 and think Wizards, Archivists, Psions, Clerics, Artificers and Druids are just plain stupid being used as written. I also love the concept of true naming magic. But I still can completely hate the mechanics and also be a 'heavy roleplayer'. I am curious how you got that bonus, remembering that a masterwork tool and a competence bonus is homebrewing. Also using the prognostic assembly isn't cheesy, but it's not exactly standard fare either, particularly if your DM decides they don't exist in your world. Also the problem isn't the low levels, the fact the DC goes up 2 every level but you only get 1 rank matters less when you can still take skill focus for a +3. When your skill ranks are 20 behind though, the gap is very noticeable. Also at the end of the day even if you just let them use their utterances at-will, they're still tier 4, probably weaker than a warlock.

Anyway, that aside where the rule is pointed out already got ninja'd, I'm just sad this isn't about a Truenamer / Warblade. I had a player that loved true naming to bits, and wanted to gish it up / lead his allies, so he made a tactician/warlord like prestige class that advanced utterances and martial maneuvers, that was pretty cool. Things like using a strike and utterance in the same round. Also used temporal twist a lot for the whole feeling like he was leading his allies thing. ...Going off topic but if you wanted to gish, there are certainly worse full BAB fighter-esk classes to take over the warblade. XD

2014-05-23, 05:58 AM
Using Truespeak provokes AoOs

You can increase the DC to utter defensively.

I am curious how you got that bonus, remembering that a masterwork tool and a competence bonus is homebrewing.

Masterwork truespeak tools aren't homebrewed, unless you count all masterwork tools as homebrewed. The masterwork tool item is designed to be used for any skill you like.

At level 10, you can have 13 from ranks, 13 from item familiar, about 6 from INT, 3 from skill focus, 3 from being an illumian with improved power sigils, 3 from a masterwork tool which I maintain you're allowed to do, 10 from the greater amulet of the silver tongue... that's 51, against a DC 35 check, meaning you can utter up to 9 times per utterance before you even have to roll, using only things I came up with off the top of my head. Competence items are kinda brew, but a greater ring of truespeaking is no more stupid than a greater ring of jumping, and can anyway be made following the guidelines in the MIC, which are intended for player use, albeit with DM approval. That would push it up to 14 shots of each before you're rolling.

Feint's End
2014-05-23, 06:07 AM
You cant recover maneuvers every turn in battle, because after you recover them, you have to use your standard action as a normal attack (not a maneuver). So if you spent a turn recovering, that turn you cant use maneuvers.

This is not quite true. You can recover maneuvers in the following ways:
-as a swift action + a standard action
-as a swift action + attack (you can recover as part of a full attack since there is no specification of it being limited to a standard action)

Meaning recovering and full attacking is entirely legit.

You should note though that warblades specifically cannot recover maneuvers and use them in the same round.

2014-05-23, 06:27 AM
people who hate truenamer usually play high op games and ignore anything except wizards druids clerics and psions unless they cheese a character.

i play many heavy RP groups and i took true namer as it was an amazing concept
a character that basicly alters the binary code of the universe and bends it to his will through the use of a language older then the gods.
so i took it. did some very simple optimisation and i had a lot of fun with my character (we were level 5)
i found that i could use about 3-4 of each utterence each day before having to roll a die. so i could easily use 8-9 before it became a real challenge.

so since i knew around 10 utterences that was effectivly 90 spells per day. and that was without major cheese or homebrew or drag mag or item familiars or essentia.

just an intelligent grey elf with skill focus and a couple standard items and part of the prognostic assembly.

Demonstratably false. There are plenty of people who hate the fluff of the truenamer, since the wizard is altering the code of the universe and bends it to his will through the use of a language that most people aren't familiar with, so what's the truenamer doing different again?

There are multiple problems with the truenamer.
First: Without fancy tricks (such as the paragnostic assembly which may not even exist in a given campaign), the DCs are rather large. And they get larger rather quickly. This is without taking into account the Law of Resistance.

Second: Even with those tricks, a lot of the utterances are pretty meh. For example, at first level, you can use an utterance to give someone a +2 bonus to AC. Or... you could aid another to give someone a +2 to AC. You wanna know why noone does the latter? Because it's a waste of a perfectly good standard action.

Third: The law of sequence. No idea why this exists, but it stops some common things that a party might want to do. Like have multiple BSFs hasted. And there are no similar restrictions on any other class, including the T3 classes people play at real tables.

Fourth: There are very few AoE effects. The ones that you do get include Solid Fog, and a bunch of crap.

Fifth: Due to a lack of splat, you have very few options available. For example, the the lexicon of the crafted tool has 2 utterances per level, and generally speaking, there is a clear difference between the two options. You get one of each level. So, you can either take the better one and be cookie-cutter, or you can take the worse one and suck even harder.

If you want the fluff of a truenamer, play a wizard and pretend that you are actually a truenamer. Remember: Fluff is mutable.