View Full Version : Optimization Jumpermancer!

2014-05-22, 09:21 PM
Hello guys :B Im trying to create this character (name based on Jumper) that have the ability to teleport, not everywhere but anytime it is needed and in different ways.

Things that come to mind:
Swordsage X: Shadow Jaunt,Stride,Blink
Totemist 2: Bind Blinkshirt to Totem Chakra
Warlock 6: Flee the Scene
Wizard 1: Abrupt Jaunt

It doesnt need to have good saves,hit dice,bab. It just needs to teleport literally AT FREAKING WILL. (:

Hope you can help e.e

2014-05-22, 09:44 PM
You could always grab one of the demons or devils in lieu of some class levels to get greater teleport at-will.

Erik Vale
2014-05-22, 09:50 PM
Warlock 21 Shadowmaster. Has entirety of wizards conjuration school up to 8th level at 80% reality. Which means just about the only thing he doesn't have is gate...
Oh, he can do it as an spell like ability [no cost standard action] unlimited times/day.

2014-05-22, 10:16 PM
As some nice person suggested to me in my Horizon Walker thread, take a look at the Jaunter prestige class from Expedition to the Demonweb Pits.

2014-05-22, 10:41 PM
Thanks guys!

Well...the level of optimization in this table is...medium i think.
That fiend stuff is not allowed, nor epics. I just need a build from 1-20 with teleport stuff

I'll take a look at Jaunter e.e

2014-05-23, 04:56 AM
A 10th-level Binder can bind Dantalion, gaining the Thought Travel ability (teleportation within line of sight). That's usable once daily for every Binder level.

An Anklet of Translocation (Magic Item Compendium, page 71) allows 10' teleportation 2x/day.

A Bolt Shirt (Magic Item Compendium, page 75) allows 60' teleportation 1x/day.

Boots of Big Stepping (Magic Item Compendium, pages 76-77) allows 60' teleportation 3x/day. Boots of Swift Passage (Magic Item Compendium, page 78) allows 20' teleportation 5x/day. Dimension Stride Boot (Magic Item Compendium, page 94) has 5 charges, allowing 20'/40'/60' teleportation for 1/3/5 charges.

2014-05-23, 05:13 AM
It might be worth considering Telflammar Shadowlord or Crinti Shadow Marauder if you're planning on teleporting a lot for their Shadow Pounce abilities (make a full attack after using any teleport effect (even after DD)).

Horizon walker (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/prestigeClasses/horizonWalker.htm) 6 gets you Dimension Door as an SLA every 1d4 rounds.

Most of these abilities give Dimension Door or shorter range, if you want to teleport further then you'll need the actual teleport spells and I think the best way to get them is from Wizard or another casting class.

2014-05-23, 07:15 AM
Note that you can get Blink Shirt without any class levels at all, just a single feat. Binding it to your totem chakra lets you do it as a move action, but you can still do it as a standard with just the base soulmeld. And either way, it's based on Dimension Door, so you can't act afterwards, which makes turning it into a move action less useful than you'd think.

Red Fel
2014-05-23, 08:36 AM
And either way, it's based on Dimension Door, so you can't act afterwards, which makes turning it into a move action less useful than you'd think.

... Unless you get Shadow Pounce. And really, in a build like this, you want Shadow Pounce. Yes, it will cost you feats and five levels, but then... Shadow Pounce. Every time you teleport, full attack. Take it with Warlock. Use Flee the Scene. Bam, Shadow Pounce. Then do it again.

2014-05-23, 10:03 AM
Thanks again guys!! I'll look on how to fit Telflammar Shadowlord in the build. It was going like this:

Warlock 6/ Wizard 1/ Jaunter 1/ Swordsage 9/ Jaunter +3

1) Dodge, Mobility, Darkstalker, Wedded to History (This feat is mandatory)
3) Weapon Finesse
6) Spring Attack
9) Shadow Blade
12) Adaptive Style
15) Improved Initiative
18) ?

Should I drop the Jaunter levels for Shadow Lord???

Feint's End
2014-05-23, 10:11 AM
Short question. If you don't mind a different approach is porting in stuff from pathfinder ok for your group? Meaning do you have a permissive dm?

Pathfinder nomads (psion) can teleport from level 2 onwards as a standardaction and with a feat as a moveaction. It's not that far (starting at 25 feet and increasing by 5 each level) but if you combine it with shadow pounce it could make for a very strong gish chassis too.
Alternatively just stay psion since they have other great dimensional abilities. Dimensional swap let's you swap allies and yourself. Dimension door and teleport are on the list too. Also you get the rather nice time hop power at level 5 which let's you jump objects and creatures through time.

Red Fel
2014-05-23, 10:25 AM
Thanks again guys!! I'll look on how to fit Telflammar Shadowlord in the build. It was going like this:

. . .

Should I drop the Jaunter levels for Shadow Lord???

Here's the thing. Two things, actually.

First: Jaunter is great if you want to travel great distances (that Plane Shift ability is nice), but as far as reusable short-range teleportation is concerned, the Warlock's Flee the Scene invocation is good for all day, every, constant boom-boom-boom. 25 feet plus 5 feet / 2 class levels is pretty good distance. If you don't want to spend 6 levels on Warlock to gain access to a lesser invocation, as others have mentioned, the Blink Shirt is useful; it's at-will and a standard action, like Flee the Scene. On the plus side, it's easier to get than Warlock 6; it just takes one feat, Shape Soulmeld (Blink Shirt). On the minus side, it's shorter range - only 10 feet. My point is that if you get the ability to teleport from either of these classes, it's a standard action you can perform any time you want, every round, all the live-long day. You don't need Jaunter for anything more, unless you want the more elaborate teleportation powers (with admittedly limited uses) it provides. Frankly, you don't need Swordsage either, but it makes you more melee-effective, and I've postulated a number of particularly nasty tricks you can perform with Shadow Blink + Flee the Scene + Shadow Pounce. But I digress.

The point is that there are lots of cool teleportation abilities. But you likely won't make use of all of them. The question is which ones you want. And being able to BAMF at will is something you can easily achieve from six levels of Warlock or the Shape Soulmeld (Blink Shirt) feat (or two levels of Totemist, which gets you the soulmeld anyway, plus the ability to bind it to the Totem chakra).

Second: Remember that Telflammar Shadowlord is not the only way to get Shadow Pounce. Both it and Crinti Shadow Marauder have that feature. Here's the difference: Telflammar Shadowlord: Gets Shadow Pounce at level 4, one level sooner than Crinti. Also gains some spellcasting, plus upgraded Darkvision, plus Blur and some additional teleport abilities. It's kind of nice, but for the cost - it takes a whopping four feats, plus 10 ranks in two skills, native teleporting or a template, plus sneak attack. The class is an absolute beast to get into. Crinti Shadow Marauder: It gets Shadow Pounce at level 5, one level later than Telflammar. On the way there, it gains sudden strike, a choice of bonus feat (generally not great ones), and some additional teleport abilities. On the other hand, the requirements are much lighter - two feats, and some 8s and a 4 in several skills, and a fluff requirement.Ultimately, it's up to you, but I tend to prefer Crinti just because of the reduced requirements.

2014-05-23, 10:36 AM
Eberron has the mark of passage from the dragonmarked feat tree, you could get dimension leap 3/day dimension door 2/day teleport 1/day for 3 feats and open up the door for a few more related feats and the Blade of Orien prestige class which is all about teleporting.

Piggy Knowles
2014-05-23, 11:03 AM
I would get Flee the Scene OR Blink Shirt, but not both. You really don't need two forms of at-will short range teleportation. Honestly, one of those two plus Shadow Stride, Shadow Blink and a few longer range teleports a day should realistically be enough, and you can focus the rest of your build on other things. If you want to spam blink/stride more frequently, get them on a Warblade chassis via Martial Study, Master of Nine or Shadow Sun Ninja. Then you can recover the maneuvers as a swift action, letting you use them every other round during combat.

Feint's End
2014-05-23, 12:25 PM
I would get Flee the Scene OR Blink Shirt, but not both. You really don't need two forms of at-will short range teleportation. Honestly, one of those two plus Shadow Stride, Shadow Blink and a few longer range teleports a day should realistically be enough, and you can focus the rest of your build on other things. If you want to spam blink/stride more frequently, get them on a Warblade chassis via Martial Study, Master of Nine or Shadow Sun Ninja. Then you can recover the maneuvers as a swift action, letting you use them every other round during combat.

Warblades specifically have a restriction of not being able to use maneuvers the round you recover them to avoid such shenanigans.

2014-05-23, 12:36 PM
Hence, every other round.

2014-05-23, 12:42 PM
I would get Flee the Scene OR Blink Shirt, but not both. You really don't need two forms of at-will short range teleportation.

Umm, why not? nothing in shadowpounce's description does it state that you can only gain its benefits once per round. If you can teleport as a standard action, a move action, swift action, and immediate action, you would get 4 full attacks in one round. Best of all you could choose, assuming everything is within range, to split up those attacks between up to 4 targets or all on 1.

2014-05-23, 01:00 PM
Getting multiple shadow pounces depends on at most one of them being based on Dimension Door. If you can DD as a move, standard, and swift, for instance, you can use one of them, get your full attack in... and then not be able to take any more actions that round to use the others. Shadow Pounce provides an exception that allows you to make your attacks, but the restriction still applies to all other actions.

Feint's End
2014-05-23, 01:01 PM
Hence, every other round.

My bad. Overread the "other".

Red Fel
2014-05-23, 03:36 PM
Getting multiple shadow pounces depends on at most one of them being based on Dimension Door. If you can DD as a move, standard, and swift, for instance, you can use one of them, get your full attack in... and then not be able to take any more actions that round to use the others. Shadow Pounce provides an exception that allows you to make your attacks, but the restriction still applies to all other actions.

This. Since your teleport (which, as recommended, should either be Flee the Scene or Blink Shirt, but both is a waste) prevents you from using any additional actions apart from Shadow Pounce, you won't be using two in a round.

However, there are other tricks. A demonstration, if you will.

Suppose you have Flee the Scene, just for sake of argument. That's your standard action at-will Dimension Door effect, followed by a full attack, and then nothing else (because Dimension Door). That's a bit of a pain, isn't it? After all, it's just a standard action, and there are still move and swift actions to be had. So you'll have to get them in before you use Flee the Scene. But how?

The Shadow Jaunt/Stride/Blink line of maneuvers are teleportation effects, triggering Shadow Pounce just like Flee the Scene does. But unlike Flee the Scene, they don't reference Dimension Door. In other words, there is no limitation on action after using them. I want you to picture this for a moment.

First, as a swift action, you use Shadow Blink, pop out next to an enemy, full attack. Next, move action, Shadow Stride, full attack. Finally, standard action, Flee the Scene. Note that this will involve casting defensively, so make that Concentration check, teleport, full attack. In the alternative, five-foot step out of thread range (your move action), followed by Flee the Scene (your standard). This ends your turn. On your next turn, Flee the Scene again, pop out, full attack. Use your full attack to recover maneuvers (as per the Warblade ability). Again, ends your turn. On your next turn, do it all again.

Note that this assumes you acquired Shadow Stride and/or Blink via the Martial Study feat on a Warblade chassis, which is the only way you can recover them with the Warblade method. (If you got them from Swordsage, you'd have to use the Swordsage method, also known as Adaptive Style, which requires a full round action.)