View Full Version : Hogwarts Houses of OOTS cast??

Bleak Ink
2014-05-23, 03:50 AM
Now I KNOW I'm not the only Harry Potter veteran who loves sticking all characters ever into Hogwarts Houses. But please keep in mind!! Hogwarts Houses are determined based on the traits a person VALUES- they do not have to possess those traits themselves! That is why the Sorting Hat will listen if you request a House.
The Houses are as follows:

Gryffindor! For those who admire bravery, chivalry, and boldness.
Hufflepuff! House of the stalwart, of honesty, and of patience.
Ravenclaw! Intellect, individuality, and creativity are emphasized here.
And Slytherin! Ambitious, clever and resourceful, Slytherin is the "street smart" to Ravenclaw's "book smart".

Please, share your reasoning! For example, I'd put Elan in Hufflepuff; because while he does swing in through glass windows and save the day, he does it for the people he cares about. Adventure is fun, but Elan's priority is his friends.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-23, 05:42 AM
These are easier than I expected.

Roy: Gryffindor

Some of his values include helping people and protecting the weak.

Vaarsuvius: Ravenclaw

As a Wizard, intellect and creativity are among his main virtues.

Haley: Slytherin

Haley is clever and definitely street smart.

Durkon: Gryffindor

I think Durkon has some of the same values as Roy.

Belkar: Slytherin

While he's not terribly clever or ambitious, he can be pretty resourceful, and we have canon characters that are similar to him in Slytherin

Elan: Hufflepuff

I don't think he fits in the other categories, although Gryffindor might accept him.

2014-05-23, 05:57 AM
To me, Durkon SCREAMS Hufflepuff. Yes, he is brave, but everyone in the OotS is. It's Durkons honesty and patience that define who he is.

Elan is definitely not Ravenclaw or Slytherin. I'd say he'd get sorted in Hufflepuff as well, just because he lacks any ambition, cunning, smarts, not specifically because he posesses the a house's characteristic traits. Though he does fit the cheery, non-competitive side of Hufflepuff quite well, I do not see him as patient and Elan has had to learn to take his compassion more serously.

Haley seems to me to fit in both Gryffindor and Slytherin. I'd guess the Sorting Hat would have made his decision partly on what Haley would have wanted, and depending on where in the story she would be sorted, she would have a strong preference for either house. As a child, she'd want to be a Slytherin chick. As she is now, she'd wish to be sorted into Gryffindor.

Vaarsuvius to me is Slytherin. Ambition all around. If he'd be sorted as he is now, Ravenclaw might work as well.

The other two are easy: Roy in Gryffindor and Belkar in Slytherin.

2014-05-23, 08:31 AM
V's goal in life, before recent events, was to obtain ultimate arcane power.

That screams Slytherin for me, she was by far one of the most ambitious characters in the comic, if not the most.

2014-05-23, 08:39 AM
Roy: Gryffindor
Vaarsuvius: either Ravenclaw or Slytherin
Haley: Slytherin
Durkon: Hufflepuff
Elan: Hufflepuff
Belkar: Slytherin

2014-05-23, 11:51 AM
I think I'd make V a solid Slytherin since he's interested in learning magic for the power it can give, not for the sake of learning. Much as I suspect he'd hate being in the same house as Belkar.

I agree with Ceaon that I'd put Haley in Gryffindor as she stands now. She's certainly resourceful and clever, but she seems to lack a certain ambition and thirst for power that seems to characterize Slytherin. Roy would certainly sort there as well.

Elan feels like a solid Hufflepuff because of his sense of fair play, his desire to help others and his kindness. And Durkon would pretty much be the archtypical Hufflepuff if he were more personable. :)

Reddish Mage
2014-05-23, 12:16 PM
Roy: Gryffindor
Vaarsuvius: either Ravenclaw or Slytherin
Haley: Slytherin
Durkon: Hufflepuff
Elan: Hufflepuff
Belkar: Slytherin

Vaarsuvius cares only about arcane knowledge and arcane power. That's Ravenclaw.

Elan's bravery is a key defining trait. Hardworking? Diligence? No! Griffindor all the way!

Bleak Ink
2014-05-23, 12:37 PM
I agree with Ceaon that I'd put Haley in Gryffindor as she stands now. She's certainly resourceful and clever, but she seems to lack a certain ambition and thirst for power that seems to characterize Slytherin. Roy would certainly sort there as well.

That is excellent reasoning. I second Haley in Gryffindor! Roy, I think so too. I think the Slytherin/Ravenclaw archetypes reminds him too much of his dad, so he wouldn't put a lot of value on those traits despite being very intelligent himself.

Vaarsuvius cares only about arcane knowledge and arcane power. That's Ravenclaw.

But the difference between Ravenclaw and Slytherin is while Ravenclaws care about knowledge for its own sake, Slytherins care about what that knowledge can BRING them. For V, in the beginning at least, knowledge was a means of gaining power and a sense of superiority. And now, knowledge is the path to power and defeating Xykon. There's always been goals involved.

Elan's bravery is a key defining trait. Hardworking? Diligence? No! Griffindor all the way!

He is very bold, but I feel he prioritizes honesty and loyalty over being brave.

EDIT: What about O-Chul? And Team Evil?

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-23, 01:37 PM
EDIT: What about O-Chul? And Team Evil?

O-Chul is probably Gryffindor. As for Team Evil, Xykon is probably Slytherin, and maybe Redcloak is as well. I don't know which ones Tsukiko and MitD belong in.

2014-05-23, 01:47 PM
This may be unpopular, but I think I'd go with Gryffindor for Redcloak. It comes down to Gryffindor or Slytherin (as so many people do, the line between them feels so thin sometimes) and he's doing what he does for the good of his people, not the good of himself. He's willing to sacrifice a lot of his own personal happiness to do it. And starting a little further into the story, he seems to have discovered that there are things he's not willing to do to achieve his goals.

tl;dr: Redcloak isn't working toward personal power or prestige, but to help his people, and I think that tips him into Gryffindor.

Xykon, on the other hand, is like the embodiment of Slytherin - power at any price. Didn't have the cojones to stay in the game and all that.

MITD feels very Hufflepuff to me, despite his laziness.

Tsukiko is a difficult one, since she really doesn't have that many traits beyond "loves undead" and being a little bit bratty. I guess she could be like a Crabbe and Goyle style Slytherin, doing her own thing and riding the coattails of a stronger and more charismatic person while they pursue their own interests.

2014-05-23, 02:32 PM
I'd put Redcloak in Hufflepuff. One of its signature virtues is loyalty, and he's defined not by bravery or personal ambition but by commitment to his people.

Hufflepuff is not the house to fit people who you think don't fit anywhere else.

Elan is a Gryffindor, as is Roy.

Kurald Galain
2014-05-23, 03:23 PM
:roy: :elan: Gryffindor, obviously.
:vaarsuvius: Slytherin, equally obviouly.
:durkon: Hufflepuff. His defining trait is loyalty, not bravery.
:belkar: I'm going to say Gryffindor because his defining trait is still courage, even if he is a major jerk. Not all Gryfs are nice.

I don't see Haley fitting in any of them, really.

:xykon: Slythering, very obviously; classic "take over the world" ambition.
:redcloak: Ravenclaw, and Tsukiko would also fit there although less obviously so.
:mitd: Hufflepuff

:nale: Slytherin again
:sabine: Hufflepuff. Her defining trait is loyalty, and Slyterin is not the default group for all evil characters.
:thog: Gryffindor, same reason as Belkar.

2014-05-23, 06:15 PM
A succubus as loyal? I think we're overstating Sabine's relationship with Nale, yeah she was pissed he died but beyond that she hasn't really done anything about it (admittedly that we know of)

2014-05-23, 06:25 PM
Here's one...where would you put Miko?

2014-05-23, 06:33 PM
Here's one...where would you put Miko?

Gryffindor - what with their "daring, nerve, and chivalry" as well as being "the brave at heart".

Not every Gryffindor in the books is nice - after all. There are Gryffindors who are bullies, as well as at least one who turned traitor and joined Voldemort.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-23, 07:09 PM
A succubus as loyal? I think we're overstating Sabine's relationship with Nale, yeah she was pissed he died but beyond that she hasn't really done anything about it (admittedly that we know of)

She gave Vaarsuvius some useful information.

2014-05-23, 07:24 PM
Don't think she'd join Voldemort, though.

Instead, she'd be more, "You forgot to do your homework! Avada Kadevera!"

Bleak Ink
2014-05-23, 08:24 PM
O-Chul is probably Gryffindor.

I'd say Hufflepuff for patience.

This may be unpopular, but I think I'd go with Gryffindor for Redcloak. It comes down to Gryffindor or Slytherin (as so many people do, the line between them feels so thin sometimes) and he's doing what he does for the good of his people, not the good of himself. He's willing to sacrifice a lot of his own personal happiness to do it. And starting a little further into the story, he seems to have discovered that there are things he's not willing to do to achieve his goals.

tl;dr: Redcloak isn't working toward personal power or prestige, but to help his people, and I think that tips him into Gryffindor.

I love it! Don't be afraid to post unpopular opinions, that's what makes stuff interesting. Personally, I agree with everything you said- but, I say Redcloak's a Hufflepuff, because what you wrote here sounds more Hufflepuff to me.

Tsukiko is a difficult one, since she really doesn't have that many traits beyond "loves undead" and being a little bit bratty. I guess she could be like a Crabbe and Goyle style Slytherin, doing her own thing and riding the coattails of a stronger and more charismatic person while they pursue their own interests.

Mmm. I'd say Slytherin, but because she admired the traits, not because she necessarily had them. She was ambitious I suppose, but for attention and affection moreso than power.

Here's one...where would you put Miko?

Gryffindor of the worst calibre. Valuing bravery over rationality.

A succubus as loyal? I think we're overstating Sabine's relationship with Nale, yeah she was pissed he died but beyond that she hasn't really done anything about it (admittedly that we know of)

I'm gonna have to agree with Kurald Galain, actually. From what we've seen of Sabine, the majority of her development HAS been her devotion to Nale. Although, you could argue she's a Slytherin because Houses are based on what a person values, not necessarily what they are. Playing devil's advocate, it could very well be Sabine values ambition over anything else, and that's what attracts her to Nale. I'd still stick her in Hufflepuff though, because I figure dependability would be a trait she'd find both uncommon and important.

There's a lot of variation with Redcloak's house- let's get some more opinions with that one! He is a complicated guy to interpret. And what about Tarquin? Remember, it's what's IMPORTANT to a character- he may be all Slytherin in action, but what does he value?

2014-05-23, 08:40 PM
I'm going to agree with Kurald Galain that Belkar would be a Gryffindor. He's resourceful, so Slytherin wouldn't be the worst place for him, but he isn't terribly ambitious. He's brave, bold, and glory-seeking. Brave =/= heroic. I think overall his battle stategies seem more Gryffindor-ish than Slytherin-ish. Admittedly, he isn't chivalrous, except recently towards animals.

I like to thing that in a Hogwarts AU, Belkar would be a beater for the Gryffindor quidditch team. But he would get kicked off it for excessive aggression.

I want to put Elan in Hufflepuff largely so that Tarquin could send angry letters to the headmaster demanding that he be transferred to Gryffindor.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-23, 09:22 PM
I want to put Elan in Hufflepuff largely so that Tarquin could send angry letters to the headmaster demanding that he be transferred to Gryffindor.

That's a great reason. Imagine him going "Elan should be placed in Gryffindor, because that is how these things are done!

2014-05-23, 11:05 PM
I can't help feeling that this is the new debate over a very broad personality-classification system now that we know pretty much everyone's alignment.

Bleak Ink
2014-05-24, 01:03 AM
ORione, I love everything in that post. The brave =/= heroic thing was perfect.

I can't help feeling that this is the new debate over a very broad personality-classification system now that we know pretty much everyone's alignment.

http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4cmwla6Pq1qduiox.gif No!

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-24, 05:34 AM
I can't help feeling that this is the new debate over a very broad personality-classification system now that we know pretty much everyone's alignment.

So far there hasn't been much debate. The House sorting system is VERY broad, like you pointed out (which is why Redcloak has been classified as Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff), but so far no one has been arguing with each other. Maybe it'll stay that way. :smalltongue:

Kurald Galain
2014-05-24, 06:28 AM
Gryffindor of the worst calibre. Valuing bravery over rationality.
(re: Miko) I agree.

Tarquin? Slytherin, hands down. He values loyalty in everyone else but has no qualms cold-bloodedly stabbing his son to death.

2014-05-24, 07:04 AM
...which is why Redcloak has been classified as Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff.
No, he's obviously Ravenclaw. :smallwink:

He's one of very few characters seen holding (non-spell) books - he seems to have them on just about everything, and is certainly the most knowlegable person overall in the comic. He's a researcher, the world's only known chemist, someone who applies the scientific method to whatever he does. The fancy elementals are the only genuine innovation in magic we've seen, and he also has second place as the first person to create a lich in centuries.

Sure, he's interested in some of these things for the power and agency they give him, but I don't think he'd stop if that wasn't the case - he went to great lengths to find out if psionics existed, despite knowing that it wouldn't be useful at the time. As the world's premier innovator, researcher and scientist, Ravenclaw it is. :smallcool:

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-24, 07:18 AM
No, he's obviously Ravenclaw. :smallwink:

He's one of very few characters seen holding (non-spell) books - he seems to have them on just about everything, and is certainly the most knowlegable person overall in the comic. He's a researcher, the world's only known chemist, someone who applies the scientific method to whatever he does. The fancy elementals are the only genuine innovation in magic we've seen, and he also has second place as the first person to create a lich in centuries.

Sure, he's interested in some of these things for the power and agency they give him, but I don't think he'd stop if that wasn't the case - he went to great lengths to find out if psionics existed, despite knowing that it wouldn't be useful at the time. As the world's premier innovator, researcher and scientist, Ravenclaw it is. :smallcool:
I was actually thinking he could go into Ravenclaw for those reasons when I wrote that post. Also, Redcloak is one of the few characters who looks at the rulebook and knows the rules very well. He also is Xykon's strategist (and color codes his plans!).

2014-05-24, 11:25 AM
ORione, I love everything in that post. The brave =/= heroic thing was perfect.

Thank you!

Reddish Mage
2014-05-24, 01:11 PM
I think some are mistaking the desire for power for a specific purpose and power in the abstract for Slytherin's values of ambition and power, in the very political and concrete sense. V at least, doesn't have that though Red Cloak does (as well as having Harry's vulnerability and a desire to prove himself, which is what made the sorting hat try to place Harry in Slytherin).

2014-05-24, 02:19 PM
I think some are mistaking the desire for power for a specific purpose and power in the abstract for Slytherin's values of ambition and power, in the very political and concrete sense. V at least, doesn't have that though Red Cloak does (as well as having Harry's vulnerability and a desire to prove himself, which is what made the sorting hat try to place Harry in Slytherin).

I don't think Slytherinish power is quite that specific. Political power is Lucius Malfoy's goal, but Voldemort is at least as interested in controlling the Elder Wand as he is in controlling the Ministry. The houses are pretty flexible.

I think that for Vaarsuvius (before and during the soul splice, at least), knowledge was the means and power was the end.

Mike Havran
2014-05-25, 06:42 AM
I think the Sorting Hat would have it fairly easy with most of the characters.

Gryffindor: Roy, Belkar, paladins

Hufflepuff: Durkon, Elan, MitD, Malack

Ravenclaw: Redcloak, Shojo, the Oracle

Slytherin: Vaarsuvius, Haley (trending towards Gryffindor), Xykon, Tarquin, Nale

2014-05-25, 08:03 AM
I haven't seen anyone else suggest it yet, but I kinda feel Haley could be a Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw isn't all about book learning, it's also about being able to think on your feet. The riddles to get into the common room can't be easy to solve just through knowledge. As the member of the order with the fastest mind I feel that's where she'd belong.

2014-05-25, 11:29 AM
I confess, my answer is rather more cynical about the books in question than most of those here, so feel free to skip.

Roy, Haley, Durkon, Elan, Celia, the entire Sapphire Guard, every member of the Order of the Scribble except possibly Girard: Gryffindor, because that's where non-evil main characters go. ("Which house was Hagrid in?" "Gryffindor, naturally!")
Belkar, Vaarsuvius, Xykon, Redcloak: Slytherin, because that's where villains go. (Rowling's paradigm is if possible even less forgiving of Vaarsuvius' brand of power-hunger and racism than I am. Perhaps Vaarsuvius will cause Roy to muse that "we sort too soon" before the end of the story.)
No one named: Hufflepuff. The characters who are minor enough to be relegated to Hufflepuff (like Hinjo) generally sport blatant Gryffiindor qualities. "Hero's Temporary Love Interest" is the biggest role anyone from one of the two lesser houses ever has, and Miko would bisect the Sorting Hat if it didn't put her in Gryffindor.
No one named: Ravenclaw. The characters who are more focused on learning than on the kind of heroism that matters to Rowling generally sport blatant Slytherin qualities.

I don't approve of this metric, but I observe that it's what the books actually do, with one exception (Peter Pettigrew in Gryffindor) which is really just there because if he'd been a Slytherin, who the traitor was would have been immediately obvious.

2014-05-25, 11:46 AM
I confess, my answer is rather more cynical about the books in question than most of those here, so feel free to skip.

(Heh, It's not exactly a new take or criticism on the books.
Or as the parody musical would put it (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OyAnhDO9v4))

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-25, 02:10 PM
I confess, my answer is rather more cynical about the books in question than most of those here, so feel free to skip.
I think it's pretty well based on how things actual are in the book. However, I think most people are more looking at the qualities the houses are supposed to represent than examples from the book.

2014-05-25, 02:36 PM
Well, she at least put Merlin in slytherin, so there is that. That was after the books, though. The "slytherin=evil" seems to have started after Riddle came onto the scene.

Anyways, for Team Evil, I'd go with
Xykon: Slytherin
Redcloak: Gryffindor. He could fit in Hufflepuff as well if he chose to, though.
Tsukiko: I don't think she really fits any of them.
MitD: Hufflepuff

For the Linear Guild, I think it would be something like
Sabine: Unsure, probably slytherin
Thog: Hufflepuff
Hilgya: Either Gryffindor (running away from everyone she knew was pretty brave) or Slytherin
Z: Ravenclaw
The kobolds: Not enough information to tell, except maybe the one in Cliffport who was Gryffindor (maybe)
Pompey: Slytherin--not because of his actual character, but because he was a in-school rival of a certain Gryffindor (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0253.html)
Leaky: Hufflepuff

Kurald Galain
2014-05-25, 06:38 PM
Hufflepuff: Malack

Wait, what? With plans like these (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0875.html)? :smalleek:

2014-05-25, 08:02 PM
I'm going to go with the viewpoint of the traits that the Hogwarts Houses should most logically value.

i.e. Gryffindor is bravery but not to the point of stupidity. Hufflepuff is loyalty but not blind faith. Ravenclaw is nerdy and book-obsessed but not necessarily introverted and alienating of everyone else's views (i.e. not know-it-alls). Slytherin is ambitious but not necessarily evilly so.

People can fit into more than one house, obviously. It seems outright stupid to suggest that someone can be only brave, or only loyal, or only cunning. More than one apply, so I'm not going to say "so-and-so has to be in ONE particular house"

I list houses in the order "most likely first."

Roy: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff. (Ravenclaw is possible due to strip #855's flashback)
Haley: Slytherin, Hufflepuff.
Elan: Hufflepuff, Gryffindor.
Durkon: Hufflepuff, full stop.
Vaarsuvius: Ravenclaw, Slytherin. (I say Ravenclaw first because Darth V relied on pure power to win his/her battles rather than any sort of subtle strategy. And now he/she doesn't seem to be leaning towards the "ambition/I want power" part of the spectrum at the moment.)
Belkar: Gryffindor (brave people aren't necessarily good people), Slytherin (faking character development in #610) with Hufflepuff as second most likely. (Not most likely because his empathy for Mr. Scruffy and Durkon are still relatively recent developments. Loyalty hasn't traditionally been Belkar's sort of thing.)
Xykon: Slytherin. Intelligent, arrogant, cruel, and ambitious. Also very good at obfuscating stupidity and cunning/subtle strategies. He didn't win against Darth V because he was more powerful, he won because he played it smarter than Darth V did.
Redcloak: Slytherin, Hufflepuff.
MitD: Hufflepuff.
Ian Starshine: Slytherin. Trust no one. (I actually have a fanon theory that Mad-Eye Moody was Slytherin due to his "trust no one, assume everyone can be an enemy" mentality.)
Amun-Zora: Gryffindor or Slytherin. (Maybe she could be a Slythindor? She exemplifies the traits of both houses pretty well.)
Nale: Slytherin of the Draco Malfoy variety (i.e. less successful in his plans)
Tarquin: Expelled from Hogwarts for attempting to force the other students to be the way he wants them to be.

2014-05-25, 08:22 PM
Wait, what? With plans like these (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0875.html)? :smalleek:

From that same strip:

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Malack.png: Living or dead, we are all of us marching to our orders - you no less than I, Durkon. It does not matter whence those orders come, be it man or god. Our place is as an obedient slave to those who command us.

That's an extreme - if very twisted - argument in favor of loyalty as the highest virtue. Likewise, he seemed to place a pretty high value on friendship (though also in a very twisted manner). Hufflepuff "gone bad" seems like a pretty reasonable assessment to me.

Of course, from what we've seen of the High Priest of Hel ("Service is my sole purpose, my lady") this may just be part of how vampires - or at least vampire clerics - work in OOTS.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-25, 08:34 PM
Of course, from what we've seen of the High Priest of Hel ("Service is my sole purpose, my lady") this may just be part of how vampires - or at least vampire clerics - work in OOTS.

Here is Word of God on the subject:
Malack had free will. He was an Evil person, in the same way that Redcloak is an Evil person. If he was slavishly loyal to Nergal, that was because he was a cleric, not because he was a vampire. He chose to be devoted to something larger than himself when he could have just rampaged around the continent draining people. Everything he did, every action you saw him take, was his own decision. Nothing about the metaphysics of how vampirism works changes anything.

2014-05-25, 08:56 PM
Huh, I wasn't aware of that quote.

Then yeah, I stand by my point. Malack's most defining personal characteristics included his loyalty and friendship. Both were fairly distorted from a sane person's definitions, but that just shows he's evil, not that he's not Hufflepuff.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-25, 09:06 PM
Then yeah, I stand by my point. Malack's most defining personal characteristics included his loyalty and friendship. Both were fairly distorted from a sane person's definitions, but that just shows he's evil, not that he's not Hufflepuff.

I hadn't looked at it like this before, but it does make a lot of sense, especially looking at his friendship with Durkon.

2014-05-28, 04:46 PM
Then yeah, I stand by my point. Malack's most defining personal characteristics included his loyalty and friendship. Both were fairly distorted from a sane person's definitions, but that just shows he's evil, not that he's not Hufflepuff.Malack isn't a Slytherin, he's a Hufflepuff of the worst sort. I like it. It's not like the sorting rules say you have to reflect positively on your house, just look at Pettigrew.

2014-05-28, 08:22 PM
Roy: Griffindor. Roy actually has traits that could sort him into any of the houses, but since he chose to be a fighter (a class that kind of requires bravery and boldness), we'll put him here.

Durkon: Hufflepuff. Same reasoning as everyone else used.

V: Slytherin. Put here because of ambitions, but focus on intellect could sort the elf into Ravenclaw.

Haley: Slytherin. Street smart? Oh, yeah.

Belkar: Slytherin. Again, street smart.

Elan: Hufflepuff. His creativity and indiviuality would argue for Ravenclaw instead, but then there's that intellect thing.

Xykon: Slytherin. Ambition, d'oh.

Redcloak: Hufflepuff. Maybe. Like Roy, he has traits that could put him in any of the houses. I went with Hufflepuff because of his loyalty (he's very loyal to his god, The Plan, and what he sees as the cause of the goblins) and he certainly has patience (he's been trying to get The Plan in action for a looong time). Honesty? Well, that may be a sticking point. The next best alternative would be Ravenclaw because of his intelligence.

MitD: Hufflepuff. His defining characteristic (aside from a child-like innocence) is his loyalty to his friends.

Tsusiko: Ravenclaw. She seemed loyal to her "children", she was smart, and I guess creative.

Shojo: Slytherin: Again, definately street smart, despite being an aristocrat.

Hinjo: Gryffindor. Bravery, boldness, and chivalry? Isn't that a big part of what Paladins are supposed to be?

Miko: Gryffindor: See above.

Lien: Gryffindor: See above.

O-Chul: Hufflepuff. Paladins are also supposed to be loyal and honest, and O-Chul seems to have those as defining characteristics more than the other Paladins, despite having started as a fighter.

Tarquin: Slytherin. Ambition, again.

Malack: Hufflepuff. He seems very loyal, and he's certainly patient--his plans are very long term.

Reddish Mage
2014-05-29, 08:27 AM
I find some's take on Vaarsuvius here (in particular are attributing traits that belong to Slytherin) to be based on grossly misreading the character. In particular, it involves myopically focusing on a particular moment that occurred following what was basically a nervous breakdown, extended sleep deprivation, and a sudden violent threat to everything V thought was safe and held dear.

Outside of a brief period, understanding V's "power-hungry" and "ambitious" to be curious. Vaarsuvius relishes in "power" in the manner of a academic relishes in their special expertise, and like an academic V would just as soon talk you to death. His ambition is to master the subject for the sake of knowing it. V is basically an academic whose expertise is especially useful in the applied arts of blowing things up, something that isn't very different from the academic-types Harry Potter's world (what do most of the spells in harry potter do?).

Kurald Galain
2014-05-29, 08:53 AM
I find some's take on Vaarsuvius here (in particular are attributing traits that belong to Slytherin) to be based on grossly misreading the character. In particular, it involves myopically focusing on a particular moment that occurred following what was basically a nervous breakdown, extended sleep deprivation, and a sudden violent threat to everything V thought was safe and held dear.

Not at all. It has long been established that V's primary driving force was "power at any price", and this has been hinted at in the comic for years before. Bear in mind The Giant's quote that drama is all about taking away a character's easy ways out until he has to make a choice that actually matters, and then see what he picks. It's exactly like how people thought Tarquin was never a psychopath until seroiusly pushed. No. He was always a psychopath, he just eventually came into a situation where he couldn't hide it any more.

V may be reforming now after having been violently confronted with the consequences of his action. But up until the end of Don't Split The Party? Yeah, pure Slytherin material. Impeccable table manners, for sure, but pure Slytherin.

2014-05-29, 09:07 AM
For wizards, knowledge and power go hand in hand, so I can see how it would get difficult to decide if one is a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin.

The question is, does the wizard like power because it's evidence of their knowledge, or do they like knowledge because it gives them power? With Vaarsuvius, I'm thinking the latter. And it's been that way for awhile. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0033.html)

Vaarsuvius worries that if the classes were balanced, then no one would become a wizard, because they could get the same amount of power with less effort being a rogue or such. That suggests that V thinks power is the main goal.

Reddish Mage
2014-05-29, 10:18 AM
For wizards, knowledge and power go hand in hand, so I can see how it would get difficult to decide if one is a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin.

The question is, does the wizard like power because it's evidence of their knowledge, or do they like knowledge because it gives them power? With Vaarsuvius, I'm thinking the latter. And it's been that way for awhile. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0033.html)

See I was thinking of the same comics and what is striking me is that Vaarsuvius sounds like a particularly bombastic mystic here. He isn't interested anything as practical as cake decoration but in some rarefied understanding of the universe that happens to immediately result in the destruction of the kitchen. I can see however, that Vaarsuvius craves to be recognized for this arcane mastery and that V has argued on numerous occasions and, indeed it appears his driving motivation to learn magic, that basically magic should solve any problem. However, this sounds to me along the lines of an academic claiming mathematics or computer science can solve any problem, and like an academic, being more interested in the theoretical then the practical.

V would be happy if (s)he could spend all the time in a laboratory or the literal ivory tower unraveling new arcane mysteries. V doesn't go into adventuring because V desires profit, glory, treasure, the destruction of evil, or even items of power, V goes into adventuring because in OoPCs Haley explained how many experience points adventurers accrue from mucking around in dungeons and how that means that V can acquire far more arcane knowledge in a few weeks of adventuring then in years of study.

"Power at any price" doesn't sound so much like V as "knowledge at any price." V would happily give up a Kingdom from a shiny new spell.

I get that V would be (and actually did get) disappointed if(when) the spell did not prove able to get rid of entire conquering army. I get that V's obsessed with a sort of power, believes fanatically in this power, and proves literally willing to sell his soul for it, but it is this the same sort of power Voldemort, Lucius and Malfoy want? Does V want people bowing down or does V just want to be left in peace in a study?

Kurald Galain
2014-05-29, 12:22 PM
I get that V would be (and actually did get) disappointed if(when) the spell did not prove able to get rid of entire conquering army. I get that V's obsessed with a sort of power, believes fanatically in this power, and proves literally willing to sell his soul for it, but it is this the same sort of power Voldemort, Lucius and Malfoy want? Does V want people bowing down or does V just want to be left in peace in a study?

The former, very clearly, and for a long time.

Durkon would be content to be left in peace in a study. V wants (or at least, wanted) true ultimate arcane power, so that he could crush anyone who stood in his way, and show off how awesome he was to the rest. V is (was) all about arrogance, showing off, and proving he's better than anyone else. That's almost exactly like Xykon's speech about how far one must go to never show defeat, and that is why both are a perfect fit for Slytherin.

A Tad Insane
2014-05-29, 06:06 PM
I would like to add that V's question for the oracle was (paraphrased) "How will I get ultimate arcane power?" He didn't ask for knowledge, she asked for power. Furthermore, the phrasing implies that he thought the possibility of not achieving ultimate power was unlikely.

2014-05-30, 03:49 AM
Before I start remember slytherins are not evil the problem was that the house was full of death eater's kids who where running it. Overall they had people like Merlin in the house who fought for muggle rights.

Roy: Griffindor all the way. He is brave, daring, nerve, and chivalrous. All the traits griffindors look for.

Elan: Slytherin. He is cunning and is a strong leader who wants to prove himself and wants to achieve greatness. Yes he is foolish at times and does stupid things but look at what he did when he was left alone. That yells Slytherin.

Haley: Hufflepuff. She does not seek leadership positions in fact she hates it. She works hard every day to make her goals come to life she is loyal and will go down fighting for a friend and she is impartial. She wishes for nothing more then to have fun and for her family to be safe. That is a true hufflepuff. Someone who is self confident with themselves and seeks happiness above anything else.

V: Slytherin. Ne does seeks power above anything else when ne was allowed to ask any question hir question was this: How do I achieve power. Ne did not want knowledge ne wanted to be more powerful. On top of that the thirst to prove is overwhelming and is one of the main reasons ne came on this mission. While ne is very intelligent ne craving for power and to prove is too much.

Belkar: Griffindor. He is brave and daring not to mention it is known that griffindors have a very very short temper. The only reason people assume he would go with Slytherin is because he kills people. That is not a trait of Slytherins just something the Death Eaters (pushed by Voldemort) and the Death eaters kids pushed onto the school. No house is evil.

2014-05-30, 04:00 AM
Elan: Slytherin. He is cunning and is a strong leader who wants to prove himself and wants to achieve greatness. Yes he is foolish at times and does stupid things but look at what he did when he was left alone. That yells Slytherin.

This is a... rather unusual interpretation of Elan.

2014-05-30, 04:14 AM
This is a... rather unusual interpretation of Elan.

Well think on it. His biggest thing he wants is to prove himself to Roy. He wants to prove he is not some silly guy who is just a joke he wants to be taken seriously. That is something the slytherins want and a main reason Harry himself was almost put into slytherin. He showed how cunning he was with his illusions and even got out of a few jams without causing fights because of it and created a very detailed plan with Thog that is very Naleish. When Roy and everyone was discussing how to handle Nale and his group once they where captured Elan was the one who came up with Azure City. That is a very clever answer to the problem another trait the slytherins favor. He is also resourceful and determined traits dumbledore says are perfect for slytherins. The only thing that isnt very slytherin of him is how he wrote an apology to the shop keeper for stealing from him. Though the fact he did it shows he is willing to break rules. While Elan does share traits with griffindor i truly feel he would fit in better with slytherin.

Kurald Galain
2014-05-30, 05:34 AM
Elan: Slytherin. He is cunning and is a strong leader who wants to prove himself and wants to achieve greatness. Yes he is foolish at times and does stupid things but look at what he did when he was left alone. That yells Slytherin.
That makes absolutely no sense. Elan is probably the worst leader in the Order, and he doesn't want greatness at all, he just wants to help people.

2014-05-30, 05:43 AM
That makes absolutely no sense. Elan is probably the worst leader in the Order, and he doesn't want greatness at all, he just wants to help people.

Elan broke out of jail lead Thog back to the order of the stick creating a few plans to get them back until he finally returns to Haley and rallies the order to their first successful capture while Roy was asleep. Next creates the battle plan that gets the order of the stick out of his fathers control and lands them a ship that will get them to their destination. As for the greatest he has said before he is tried of being made fun of and was happy when he became competent. He even tried to become a wizard so that people would take him serious. Yes; wanting greatest isnt the most slytherin attributes but he shares more in common with any other group. People keep saying hufflepuff however they are best known for hardwork. Why did Elan pick bard? It required the least amount of work.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-30, 05:59 AM
Haley: Hufflepuff. She does not seek leadership positions in fact she hates it. She works hard every day to make her goals come to life she is loyal and will go down fighting for a friend and she is impartial. She wishes for nothing more then to have fun and for her family to be safe. That is a true hufflepuff. Someone who is self confident with themselves and seeks happiness above anything else.

Haley seeks things besides happiness though. For example, she has a deep love of gold that goes beyond its practical purposes. She also is quite cunning and definitely very street smart, both traits that fit into Slytherin. She also has tried to get into leadership positions, after all, how do you think she became Roy's second-in-command? It was only after she actually tried to lead the Order when she realized that she wasn't quite cut out for it.

2014-05-30, 06:07 AM
Haley seeks things besides happiness though. For example, she has a deep love of gold that goes beyond its practical purposes. She also is quite cunning and definitely very street smart, both traits that fit into Slytherin. She also has tried to get into leadership positions, after all, how do you think she became Roy's second-in-command? It was only after she actually tried to lead the Order when she realized that she wasn't quite cut out for it.

She has a deep love of money because that was the only way to free her father. She also became Roy's second because she felt she would get more money that way to again free her dad. Before the capture she was perfectly content remaining in the thieves guild as a lackey. It wasn't until the random came in.

Kurald Galain
2014-05-30, 06:13 AM
Haley: Hufflepuff. She does not seek leadership positions in fact she hates it. She works hard every day to make her goals come to life she is loyal and will go down fighting for a friend and she is impartial. She wishes for nothing more then to have fun and for her family to be safe. That is a true hufflepuff. Someone who is self confident with themselves and seeks happiness above anything else.

This one is evil sillier. If there's one thing that Haley is not, it's self-confident. Insecurity is practically her defining character trait.

2014-05-30, 06:16 AM
This one is evil sillier. If there's one thing that Haley is not, it's self-confident. Insecurity is practically her defining character trait.

That was with Elan in the beginning because she never really dated anyone to our knowledge. Yes there was a story arc about her being unable to tell Elan how she felt about him but look at her afterwards.

2014-05-30, 06:17 AM
Maybe we could quote the 3 Sorting Hat Songs - for the key features the Founders looked for, and the key features in present day Hogwartians?


"These cunning folk use any means / To achieve their ends"
"Power hungry Slytherin / Loved those of great ambition"
"I'll teach those whose / Ancestry is purest"
"For instance, Slytherin / Took only pure blood wizards / Of great cunning, just like him"

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-30, 06:18 AM
She has a deep love of money because that was the only way to free her father. She also became Roy's second because she felt she would get more money that way to again free her dad. Before the capture she was perfectly content remaining in the thieves guild as a lackey. It wasn't until the random came in.

I think there's a quote out there about how Haley still was greedy, even though she had a reason.

2014-05-30, 06:30 AM
I think there's a quote out there about how Haley still was greedy, even though she had a reason.

We haven't really seen her greedy side for awhile since we discovered her dad though if you find that quote please show me ><

As for the book quote: I would really recommend looking at pottermore also it goes a lot more in depth about the houses. Like apparently hufflepuffs are the best at keeping secrets and their common room is the only one of the 4 not to have a student of another house inside in hundreds of years. Haley does share 2ish traits with slytherin but a lot more with hufflepuff.

Kurald Galain
2014-05-30, 06:50 AM
Maybe we could quote the 3 Sorting Hat Songs - for the key features the Founders looked for, and the key features in present day Hogwartians?

Features in present day is easy: all the protagonists are in Gryffindor, all the antagonists are in Slytherin, and the other two houses are rarely mentioned :smallbiggrin:

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-30, 01:43 PM
We haven't really seen her greedy side for awhile since we discovered her dad though if you find that quote please show me ><

I have been unable to find it, although I will keep looking. However, I would point out that Haley values it beyond simply needing it for the ransom, since she polishes it and is emotionally distraught that she was unable to speak to her gold.

Reddish Mage
2014-05-30, 02:51 PM
Features in present day is easy: all the protagonists are in Gryffindor, all the antagonists are in Slytherin, and the other two houses are rarely mentioned :smallbiggrin:

If you truly feel that the actual personality traits of the characters don't matter and its only the story role that is important in the final sorting of the characters in the JKR novel, then we clearly would have to ignore using the "present-day Hogwartians" personalities as evidence (since its contradictory). Our choice is then to use the claimed personality traits that lead to being sorted into particular houses (as we have been doing), or story role.

The application of houses to OOTS based on solely on story role is absurd:

Belkar and V belongs in Griffindor because they were protagonists from page 1. Miko stands a better chance at being in Hufflepuff because she appears midway through the comic and leaves, and O-chul may be Hufflepuff on the grounds of not getting enough screen time in, but both are probably Gryffindor on account of being in enough strips to count as being important enough characters for more than one book (some of the other paladins are not as lucky). The Monster in the Darkness is certainly Slytherin due to its strong association with the villains from the first time MiTD is mentioned. About the only characters that could be in Ravenclaw are Sangwaan and Aarindarius because both characters are minor enough to be in the house that only contains those of no real importance to the plot and both characters clearly have some intelligence.

2014-05-30, 03:47 PM
I think that's still oversimplifying, actually. For one thing, as Kish pointed out on the first page, V has an awful lot in common with Rowling's villains. Even going with a cynical interpretation of the Sorting, s/he'd still be Slytherin.

2014-05-30, 07:53 PM
How about Shojo? Definitely "uses any means to achieve his ends", but I'm not seeing "great ambition" as any part of his character. Really, the only thing I can pin down about him House-wise is that he isn't a Gryffindor.

2014-05-30, 10:39 PM
How about Shojo? Definitely "uses any means to achieve his ends", but I'm not seeing "great ambition" as any part of his character. Really, the only thing I can pin down about him House-wise is that he isn't a Gryffindor.
Shojo lacks the desire for personal glory, but his goals are ambitious on a high scale. He is manipulative and cunning. He'd be a good, though unusual fit for Slytherin, I think.

Kurald Galain
2014-05-31, 04:50 AM
How about Shojo? Definitely "uses any means to achieve his ends", but I'm not seeing "great ambition" as any part of his character. Really, the only thing I can pin down about him House-wise is that he isn't a Gryffindor.

He could be a Ravenclaw: he's smarter than anyone else around him and knows how to actually run a city in a way that works, without caring too much about either personal power (Slytherin) or the ethics of the situation (Gryffindor). Even his last words are basically "ha ha, I'm smarter than you".

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-05-31, 08:04 AM
He could be a Ravenclaw: he's smarter than anyone else around him and knows how to actually run a city in a way that works, without caring too much about either personal power (Slytherin) or the ethics of the situation (Gryffindor). Even his last words are basically "ha ha, I'm smarter than you".

This answer makes a lot of sense but I feel like the way he manipulates people could also land him in Slytherin. I feel like the difference between those two can be very difficult to tell sometimes.

2014-06-01, 08:04 PM
The real question is in what house to sort Wizard Guy, Jiminy, and the Ranch Dressing Semi-Elemental!

I'd go with
Wizard Guy: Ravenclaw (high intelligence)
Jiminy: Slytherin (getting ahead at the expense of Ian)
Ranch Dressing Semi-Elemental: ???

2014-06-01, 08:33 PM
I have been unable to find it, although I will keep looking. However, I would point out that Haley values it beyond simply needing it for the ransom, since she polishes it and is emotionally distraught that she was unable to speak to her gold.

She was emotionally distraught after the money she needed to free her father was blown up not to mention her secret portion of her brain caused her to stop speaking and her biggest secret (remember she had to release one big secret to regain her speaking) was that her father was being held prisoner and that the gold she had was going to free him but now her once chance of getting him out is gone.

Haley use to be a one dimensional character and had jokes placed on her for it like polishing her gold and being the typical greedy thief. Then it developed and showed the gold was her way of getting her father out. If she truly cared more for money then anything else why didn't she become an adventurer before? She knows it makes more money faster then anything else. Instead she stayed in her home town waiting for her father to return because family is more to her then money.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-06-01, 08:40 PM
She was emotionally distraught after the money she needed to free her father was blown up not to mention her secret portion of her brain caused her to stop speaking and her biggest secret (remember she had to release one big secret to regain her speaking) was that her father was being held prisoner and that the gold she had was going to free him but now her once chance of getting him out is gone.

Haley use to be a one dimensional character and had jokes placed on her for it like polishing her gold and being the typical greedy thief. Then it developed and showed the gold was her way of getting her father out. If she truly cared more for money then anything else why didn't she become an adventurer before? She knows it makes more money faster then anything else. Instead she stayed in her home town waiting for her father to return because family is more to her then money.

The strip that shows the her being distraught that she was unable to talk to her gold occurs after she had gone through all that character development. She has reasons for wanting her gold, yes. However, she also is a greedy rogue. Even before she knew of her father's imprisonment, she resented that so much gold was being taken away from her, she just lacked the proper motivation to break away from the Thieves Guild (with all the danger that doing so entailed). After all, she must have had a reason for joining the guild in the first place.

Also, her biggest secret was not that her father was being held prisoner but that she loved Elan.

2014-06-01, 10:55 PM
The strip that shows the her being distraught that she was unable to talk to her gold occurs after she had gone through all that character development. She has reasons for wanting her gold, yes. However, she also is a greedy rogue. Even before she knew of her father's imprisonment, she resented that so much gold was being taken away from her, she just lacked the proper motivation to break away from the Thieves Guild (with all the danger that doing so entailed). After all, she must have had a reason for joining the guild in the first place.

Also, her biggest secret was not that her father was being held prisoner but that she loved Elan.

That is the reason why I think Hufflepuff for her; yes she liked gold however she was willing to let a large sum of it be taken away because it was comfortable and she had no drive to be a leader or to change anything. She let them take huge cuts of money because it was more work to stop them. It was not until something HUGE happened that caused her to change. Can you picture Slughorn, Snape, or even the black family letting someone do that to them?

And no her biggest secret was not her loving Elan. Out of the entire party only 1 person knew she didnt like him. Elan. Out of the entire party how many knew about her father? Her loving Elan was an embarrassing secret but the fact she didnt even tell Elan after she started dating him until the last second...

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-06-01, 11:10 PM
That is the reason why I think Hufflepuff for her; yes she liked gold however she was willing to let a large sum of it be taken away because it was comfortable and she had no drive to be a leader or to change anything. She let them take huge cuts of money because it was more work to stop them. It was not until something HUGE happened that caused her to change. Can you picture Slughorn, Snape, or even the black family letting someone do that to them?
I can picture any of them doing that if the risks out out weighed the benefits. Haley let them take large amounts of money because she could only stop them by leaving, something that carried so many risks that she didn't want to do it until her father was in danger.

And no her biggest secret was not her loving Elan. Out of the entire party only 1 person knew she didnt like him. Elan. Out of the entire party how many knew about her father? Her loving Elan was an embarrassing secret but the fact she didnt even tell Elan after she started dating him until the last second...
It was the fact that she loved Elan that allowed her to cure herself, not that her father was imprisoned. It might have been known by less people (only two in the party), but that doesn't make it bigger.

Edit: I really don't think that this debate is going to get anywhere. Personally, I think that Haley fits the attributes of Slytherin better, and you think that she fits Hufflepuff better. I don't think that there is anything either of us can say to get the other to change their mind.

2014-06-01, 11:33 PM
I can picture any of them doing that if the risks out out weighed the benefits. Haley let them take large amounts of money because she could only stop them by leaving, something that carried so many risks that she didn't want to do it until her father was in danger.

It was the fact that she loved Elan that allowed her to cure herself, not that her father was imprisoned. It might have been known by less people (only two in the party), but that doesn't make it bigger.

Edit: I really don't think that this debate is going to get anywhere. Personally, I think that Haley fits the attributes of Slytherin better, and you think that she fits Hufflepuff better. I don't think that there is anything either of us can say to get the other to change their mind.


it says any secret of hers not her biggest secret

and I think your right; personally I see how she fits 1 maybe 2 traits of slytherin but I can see her fitting 5-7 hufflepuff which isnt bad remember they have some awesome people

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-06-01, 11:39 PM

it says any secret of hers not her biggest secret
But it was one secret in particular that actually cured her condition, not any of the others.

and I think your right; personally I see how she fits 1 maybe 2 traits of slytherin but I can see her fitting 5-7 hufflepuff which isnt bad remember they have some awesome people

I honestly wasn't even aware there are that many Hufflepuff traits. :smalltongue:

2014-06-02, 12:04 AM
But it was one secret in particular that actually cured her condition, not any of the others.

I honestly wasn't even aware there are that many Hufflepuff traits. :smalltongue:

That secret cured it only because she blurted it out because it answered the question at hand and she said it without thinking. I am sure that if it was reversed and the only why she could save her father was to scream out "MY FATHER IS BEING HELD RANSOM!" It would have worked just as well.

And yes there are alot of traits for all the houses; Personally I am a huge fan of harry potter (it was the series that got me to read) and i read alot on pottermore which has all of the traits and values of all the houses. She really expanded the Harry Potter world with that. As I said before Slytherin is tainted by the Death Eaters and their children so people do not know that Merlin, a muggle rights fighter, was Slytherin. They would then forget that Artemisia Lufkin was the first female prime minister. Why? Because the books the books didnt go into detail on the other houses. People see the movie and read the books and view it as brave? Griffindor. Cunning? Slytherin. Smart? Ravenclaw. None of the above? Hufflepuff. Do not get me wrong I completely understand why but still when it comes to talking about sorting people into houses it gets hard when alot of people dont know why people go into certain houses.

Why did Wormtail get into griffindor? He more lesser griffindor traits then anything else. He was the picture perfect brave griffindor but he had the other qualities.

2014-06-02, 10:53 PM
Haley seems like a slytherin with those descriptions. She doesn't value honesty, as proven within the first 100 comics, and no true rogue values chivalry. And while shes not dumb, she isn't neccesarily super smart. Roy is Grffindor. Not really too ambitious, not oustandingly intelligent, and not any more or less honest than the next guy with 0 ranks in bluff. Elan, I agree goes into hufflepuff. See the very first post for explanation. Belkar is… hm, lets see… not honest, intelligent, ambitious or chivalrous. I'll just go with his intlligence score isn't high enough to know any wizard spells anyway. Vaarsuvius is ravenclaw. Anyone who has read even the first 50 comics should know.

A random person
2014-06-29, 01:28 PM
this is my guess
:roy: and :durkon:= gryffidor
:vaarsuvius: and :redcloak:=ravenclaw
:elan:, and :mitd: = hufflepuff
:nale: ,:thog:, :sabine:,:belkar:,:haley:(becuase greed is often regarded as evil),and you knew it :xykon:= slytrin.

:xykon: would likely take over hogwarts ,turn it into a prison in everything but name only and torture students for fun.

2014-06-29, 02:45 PM
I'm still not sure about the ranch dressing semi-elemental. I'm guessing it would be a hatstall and be allowed to choose its house.