View Full Version : Which Spell like Ability should I take-Dragon Blooded Paladin/Sorcerer

2014-05-23, 09:45 AM
Hey guys, first time on this part of the forum. I was wondering if you guys could help me out.

I'm currently playing a Draconic Template (+1LA, but I can buy off LA later) Paladin which is level 4. I'm planning to either at 6th level or 7th level start taking levels in Sorcerer. I'm looking to in the future take the Spellsword PRestige Class from Complete Warrior.

Anyway onto the question. Dragonblooded sorcerers at level 4, have a racial substitution level (http://marksworld.zeemer.com/files/Racial%20Substitution.html#4) that can turn one of their spells into a spell-like ability that can be cast 3/day. Each time they gain a new caster level they can change the supernatural ability to something else, such as a higher level spell.

What I want to know is, which spell should I pick for my spell like ability? I was planning for my sorcerer spells known to only take spells that didn't have somatic components so I could keep wearing my armor, such as True Strike. I originally thought true strike would be a good option, when I realized at 4th level I could cast it at least 6 times a day.

Then I researched spell-like abilities and learnt that a spell-like ability doesn't have any Somantic components. So I could take any spell which I normally couldn't cast without chance of failure and turn it into a 3/day ability. However, I'm going to have to carry around that known spell from level 3 before I can turn it. What I wanted to know is, which spell should I pick? I would like something that can make me a more effective warrior-I don't want to become the ranged fighter, or get in the way of our main arcanist's exploding fun.

For context, the campaign is in one eternal dungeon crawl. If you suggest a spell, please list which book it's from, just for my ease.

If it makes a difference, or will help you guys make a choice, my character sheet is here: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=876685

2014-05-23, 10:16 AM
Web is always a superb way to open a fight if your arcanist doesn't have it. Maybe even if he does but if there are a lot of opportunities to cast it a 2nd time. Since you're always in a dungeon there's almost always superb times to cast it.

For actual melee combat alter self into a troglodyte for +6 AC is nice. It's lizardy/dragony looking too. There are also movement forms for utility such as climbing or swimming. It's amazing for dungeon crawls since you can cast it as soon as you start and it'll last for the whole 15 minute adventuring day. That way you don't have to waste a round in combat. If your crawls last longer than 40x3=120 minutes then you're in trouble. But I doubt that. OTOH if you can cast it ahead of time, then you can also take your armor off to cast it. Likewise false life is nice to cast in the morning.

Bigby's Slapping Hand (Spc under "Slapping Hand") combines well with melee. You get next to a foe, slap him, grab the attack of opportunity for your own attack, then allies get an attack too. Effectively no attacks lost to cast it, adds a big chunk of damage and slapping enemies with a hand made of force is cool. There's also bladeweave for a nice weapon buff as a swift action, though you may as well take it as a spell known instead since it has no somatic component. Ditto for blades of fire, swift fly, swift expeditious retreat, nerveskitter, and the brokenage that is wraithstrike. Nerveskitter combines well with slapping hand because you can help get an ally to close to melee before your turn and then give him the attack of opportunity. These are all spell compendium.

Wings of cover (races of the dragon) is an infamous immediate action sorcerer only spell, but it has a somatic component so you'd have to SLA it. Also lets you protect adjacent allies from attacks if you are dragonblooded so it's perfect for you.

So my money's on wings of cover, web or slapping hand for your SLA. And hopefully I gave you some ideas for swift action spells and casting spells ahead of time so you don't have to waste your turn casting true strike. Attacking twice is usually better than reliably hitting once btw. Treasure your standard actions.

2014-05-23, 11:04 AM
Man these are all really good ideas, however there is a small problem. These are all level 2 spells. When I gain my 4th level racial substitution, I can only turn my 1st level spells into a spell like effect. Once I reach level 6, I can change my spell like effect to one of your ideas, since I will have access to 3rd level spells.

Are there any first level spells you would recommend? Or alternatively, any feats or something that will give me access to level 3 spells faster?

2014-05-23, 11:43 AM
D'oh I missed that detail. That's why I focused on 2nds. Well the 2nd levels can be taken later.

Turns out nerveskitter has a somatic component and it's 1st level. So there you go. But that's too bad for the nerveskitter + slapping hand combo. You could see if any other of the swifts I listed actually have a somatic component since some are 1st level. You might pick up scrolls of shock and awe to replace nerveskitter for boosting party initiative during surprise rounds and eat the spell failure chance. Worst case scenario you're out 25 gp for nothing. Alternatively eat the spell failure on nerveskitter later once your SLA is 2nd level since while it's always great it's never essential. Couldn't find any useful 1st level core spells. Maybe obscuring mist as a run away button, but then you may as well buy smoke sticks instead.

2014-05-23, 11:59 AM
Grease, its first lvl and is a wonderful control spell