View Full Version : Amber Scott's stories

2007-02-16, 12:23 PM
Ok, so I've finished the last one a while ago. when is the next installment?

2007-02-16, 12:37 PM
You mean the one after:

But she kept the front-door key with her, just in case.



2007-02-16, 03:09 PM
The Duke's Wolf is completed. Part four is the last of the series.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-02-16, 03:18 PM
Or is it.......

Da da da dummmm!!

2007-02-25, 06:01 AM
yeah, see that's exactly what I'm talking about. It's like a comic book: they covered the part witht eh duke's wolf, but now we've got a whole world to explore.

bah, she's probably off being an author for some magazine that'll never make it in the gaming industry; some rag, like Dragon, or Dungeon. wasting her time when she could be posting free fiction here on the boards!!!

muh, I better go pbp some more. My eberron game's sickly.