View Full Version : DM Help Dreams of a Vengeful Lich

2014-05-23, 07:03 PM
TLDR: Ideas for Temporary Rewards

We killed a lich, except there's the whole phylactery thing. When the lich gets himself together, he will want to let us know his feelings about the matter.
Also except my character never attacked the lich--he was busy cleaning up minions and allies while everyone else was on the other side of the room.

Also, I'm the candidate for backup DM when our real DM needs a break.

It occurred to me that whenever RealDM needs a week off, I could run a dream sequence--a nightmare, sent by the lich. The first "night" might have the characters on a plain of bone sand, under a dark moon, when behold, skeletons of ancient beasts arise silently. A month or two later, the next dream might be frost giants pursuing them on a bridge across an icy crevasse, with snow and sleet howlilng. Necrotic and cold stuff, to match the lich. All kinds of settings are possible: ruined temple; taiga with wolves; islets floating in the void. The party is level 8 but the dream characters might be level 3 one session, level 12 the next; and if someone wants to try out a different class, then this would be an opportunity for the ranger to try a session as a blast wizard, and the shaman to see how a barbarian works. (The party: paladin of Bahamut, shaman, ranger, swordmage).

I'm thinking that a character who spends 2 surges during the dream session will wake from that Extended Rest with one surge down. If you get killed, you wake with half your surges gone. You have the option to go back into the dream, if you don't mind risking the rest of your surges...

My question ("At last!") is: what sort of rewards should I give? This is dream time, so gold and items don't make sense, but there should be something more than XP. A token that will buy your waking character a reroll for one daily? Warlord type buff on your AP for the next session?

2014-05-23, 11:23 PM
Boons seem made for that kind of thing (reward-wise).

2014-05-24, 04:05 AM
Is this something like an illusion-punishment from the lich, or is its conscience somehow meddling with yours?

If its the 2nd one, you could do all that you said, and, in the end, fight the lich again. If they manage to kill it, then the lich could, by mistake, reveal the place where the phylactery's is stored in the real world, since it would be really weak at that point.

2014-05-24, 08:38 AM
Is this something like an illusion-punishment from the lich, or is its conscience somehow meddling with yours?

If its the 2nd one, you could do all that you said, and, in the end, fight the lich again. If they manage to kill it, then the lich could, by mistake, reveal the place where the phylactery's is stored in the real world, since it would be really weak at that point.

More lilke an illusion attack from the lich. He wouldn't be appearing directly and the party may not realize who is sending the dreams, at least not at first. The lich isn't going to want them to realize "Hey, we should have stuck around and excavated the collapsed lair".

2014-05-24, 08:48 AM
Boons seem made for that kind of thing (reward-wise).

A boon would be perfect for the "end of series" reward" after they've had four or five dream nights and are ready to face the lich in reality , but I'd like to hand every player a reward for every (successful) dream session, and I think a boon would be overpowered for that.

2014-05-24, 12:20 PM
Give them the benefits of a consumeable item of their level for the remainder of the day? Or just make it that they can call upon the effect one time during the following day.

Fluff it as their mind having learned new things because of the dream battles.

2014-05-24, 03:17 PM
Give them in-dream rewards that
carry over to the next dream.

When the sequence completes, have one reward follow them out.

Alternatively, have them start to find the in-dream rewards in the real world.

2014-05-24, 03:30 PM
Give them the benefits of a consumeable item of their level for the remainder of the day? Or just make it that they can call upon the effect one time during the following day.

Fluff it as their mind having learned new things because of the dream battles.

"You have this dream flask, which in the real world has no weight, takes no space, is usable as a free action which does not provoke." Yeah. that'd work for at least some things.