View Full Version : Abjurant Champion?

2014-05-24, 05:37 AM
I'm actually unclear as to the potential benefits of duskblade/abjurant champion over pure duskblade.


2014-05-24, 05:52 AM
Past 13 levels of DB, you're really only getting extra uses per day of class features. PrC's give extra class features. AC gives full BAB, improves casting and gives new stuff. You also don't need anything extra to qualify.

2014-05-24, 06:02 AM
At Abjurent Champion 5 your CL will equal your BAB, allowing you to multiclass into other (Full BAB) melee classes at no CL loss.

2014-05-24, 06:08 AM
Huh, I hadn't looked at it that way... Thoughts on gestalting that? I haven't even chosen race yet, heh.

2014-05-24, 06:39 AM
Duskblade will gestalt very well with rogues, the extra skillpoints will help a lot. SA is great if you like extra d6.

You either go DB 3 or DB 13, for the arcane channeling feature. But it only gets really good at 13

The full round arcane channel is VERY good if you combine it with stuff like shadow pounce. Arcane channel 13 makes the touch attack stay active for the entire round. It applies to all melee attacks you make during the round (not just one weapon). So get a ton of natural attacks and other good stuff, and go to town.

2014-05-24, 07:06 AM
All attacks... Very pretty...

I'm toying with DB13/AC5/Ranger2//Rogue5/Kensai10/????

Spiked Chain as Signature Weapon.

Critique please?

2014-05-24, 08:23 AM
I would try and get access to Shield, even if its a one level dip in an other casting class because Abjurant Champion will make your Caster level equal to your BAB and net you a +9 Shield bonus to AC as a swift action that lasts for many minutes.

Basically go Duskblade, then Abjurant Champion asap, then more Duskblade and Gestalt with a Touch of Wizard for Shield and Warmage for more Damage and Touch Spells and Arcane Strike fuel. Could dip a level of Lion Totem Barbarian for some Pounce cheddar.

This really depends on how optimized you want to go, Gestalt builds with some Optimization will break things.

2014-05-24, 10:04 AM
All attacks... Very pretty...

I'm toying with DB13/AC5/Ranger2//Rogue5/Kensai10/????

Spiked Chain as Signature Weapon.

Critique please?

Go Duskblade//Wizard, use your Arcane Channeling Full Attack with... Maximized Shivering Touch (18 Dex damage, no save), Vampiric Touch... you'll have the spell slots to add metamagic like Fell Drain, Fell Frighten, etc. on whatever touch spell you choose to use. Eventually get the Whirling (MIC) property on your chain so it allows you to use Whirlwind Attack, use Enlarge Person or similar to grow bigger and get a 20 ft. reach, and you can hit everyone in range with an Irresistible Dance (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/irresistibleDance.htm) (Extended and Rod of Maximized for a 10-round duration).

On a gestalt character, you cannot take two prestige classes at the same level. I'd recommend something like Duskblade 15/ Abjurant Champion 5// Wizard 5/ Incantatrix 10/ Wizard 5. Use Metamagic Effect and Cooperative Metamagic to add Persistent Spell to your buffs with a spellcraft check, you can use Cooperative Metamagic on your own spells outside of combat because the action economy system only exists during initiative. Keep things active like Persistent Fell Drain Fell Frighten Death Armor, Persistent Fell Drain Fell Frighten Fire Shield twice (hot and cold), Persistent Fell Drain Fell Frighten Cloud of Knives, Persistent Draconic Polymorph into a War Troll for Str 39, Dex 16, Con 31, +14 natural armor, large size, and Dazing Blow, Persistent Bite of the Werebear to make that Str 55, Dex 18, Con 39, and +21 natural armor. Abjurant Champion makes your Persistent Shield spell add +9 AC, and it makes Greater Luminous Armor add +13, as though you have a +5 Tower Shield and +5 Full Plate, but you're not encumbered or slowed down by it and there's no max Dex bonus to your armor.

2014-05-24, 10:32 AM
I dont want to ruin your party bad if you read the feature carefully, full attack chanell means that you can chanell the spell as part of the full attack instead of an standard attack. I dosent mean that you deliver your spell in EACH hit, only that you can cast and fullattack instead of just casting and attacking with your weapon as a standard action.

You can deliver the spell to multiple targets tho, just like the description implies. Ask in the QnA by Rules as writen if you want.

The chanelled spell lasts for the entire round instead of dischargin so if you are going the AOO route with your spiked chain you deliver your spell to each target you hit with your AOO.

2014-05-24, 02:26 PM
I'm actually unclear as to the potential benefits of duskblade/abjurant champion over pure duskblade.


That's more than understandable - AbjChamp doesn't really do anything on most DBs. It's much much better in Wizard gishes, where its chassis is a feature rather than the status quo, and where decent Abjurations are available for the free modifications.

In gestalt, the best thing Duskblade does is add a Full BA/d8 HD/Good Save chassis and spell channeling to other casting classes, so you'll probably want to glue Archivist or Wizard onto its other half to give it some spellcasting power and some ridiculous spells to channel. With either of those classes, you'll get a whole lot more useful Abjurations to mess with than you will from DB.