View Full Version : DM Help Need help to build a campaign from a song

2014-05-24, 08:33 AM
Greetings Playgrounders !

In my group of 4, we're going to be 2 DMs masterizing different parts of a campaign. Actually, we have a concept, but nothing solid.

The idea we had came from a song of The sword : tres brujas


Here is the verses that motivated us to start a campaign based on the song :

"A strange voice within his mind
From the glowing orb in his hand
Spoke of the properties of certain herbs
Growing wild all across this land

Three witches you shall meet
Along the road to your fate
The first at twilight, the second at night
And the third at the coming of day

Three witches you shall meet
Upon the path to your fate
The first will love you, the second will deceive you
And the third will show you the way"

What really interest us, is to meet 3 different "witches" on our way to something epic.

I guess my request is weird. I saw some people post threads about their campaign and you guys give great advices/ideas. So I said to myself that playgrounders could help me out!

My main problem actually is to find something that will motivate all the characters to commit themselves on a quest/mission/trip. Here is how the group looks like :
Halfelin rogue : TWF acrobats/ninja chaotic good. He likes gold/challenge. He's been approached to work as a spy/diplomat for a king. At first he said no, but now he wish to work for this king.
Dwarf figther : Went on an adventure to pay his father's debt. Now that his father's debt are paid, he just wandering around, trying to get songs written from his battles.
Half-elf gish : He's trying to revive a forgotten tradition (duskblade). He wants to build an order of duskblade sworn to protect the kingdom where he came from.
Half-elf ranger : He's the son of a clan's chief. His duty is to walk the lands far from his home to gather knowledge and to protect his homeland against monsters.

Here is an history of our group : The group met in a civilized kingdom (we called it the Eastern Kingdom) many months ago and did some missions for local nobles. The halfelin is born in the Eastern Kingdom. Eventually, they had to help the king against big bad guys. They've remained in the King's city for a while. Then, the ranger get a call from his clan to help defeat a dragon. The group accepted to help so they make a long trip to beat the dragon. They went from the Eastern Kingdom into the Wild Lands. The ranger and the gish are from the Wild Lands. The Wild Lands are a vast land with no government/king/political structure. There is a civilization centered around lakes and rivers, but it's just a bunch a villages and small towns living in autarky. Elves came from the Wild Lands. Also, there is a lot of monsters living in the Wild Lands. In the south, there is some barbarian tribes and giants. The dwarf came from a Kingdom south to the Wild Lands and the Eastern Kingdom.

The group is lvl 6 and the campaign should bring us to lvl 10-12.

I like to put the spot light on each PCs at different time (using pieces of background or building a situation around a PC's ability). Actually, I have a hard time to figure a way to motivate all the PCs and to build a campaign around the idea of 3 witches and a fate.

I hope my post is somewhat clear lol.

2014-05-24, 09:52 AM
This rather reminds me of "Ready Player One" and the campaign based on the Rush album.

I would advise starting it off with a plague of some sort, as survival is a mutual interest in most parties. From there, they could encounter the orb, which may be the key to stopping the plague before everybody dies.

2014-05-24, 10:41 AM
It could be as simple as a popular song throughout their kingdom. Popular in the sense everyone knows it. Not "top of the charts" eh. So they meet someone who tells them a prophesy that says something along the lines of "hey know that epic story we've been told since childhood? that turned into a song? Yeah its actually a prophecy AND its about you dudes."

The draw of the mysticism surrounding the story, the fact its a root metaphor in their culture, and the fact they'd be adventuring should be enough to get them going. Selfish characters can continue on this path because of fame/forturne.

2014-05-24, 11:01 AM
This rather reminds me of "Ready Player One" and the campaign based on the Rush album.

I would advise starting it off with a plague of some sort, as survival is a mutual interest in most parties. From there, they could encounter the orb, which may be the key to stopping the plague before everybody dies.

Will look into that "ready player one" campaign. I'm curious about it.

Yeah, a plague of some sort could be easily implement. Thanks !

It could be as simple as a popular song throughout their kingdom. Popular in the sense everyone knows it. Not "top of the charts" eh. So they meet someone who tells them a prophesy that says something along the lines of "hey know that epic story we've been told since childhood? that turned into a song? Yeah its actually a prophecy AND its about you dudes."

The draw of the mysticism surrounding the story, the fact its a root metaphor in their culture, and the fact they'd be adventuring should be enough to get them going. Selfish characters can continue on this path because of fame/forturne.

Hahaha! That's a cool idea.

Kol Korran
2014-05-24, 11:46 AM
Hmmmm... a campaign about a song. Now that sounds interesting. I once read on these boards someone (Admiral Squish?) planning to do a session around "Hotel California". Hmmmm...

Anyway, and idea:
I focus my idea on hags, as a personification of "Witches". I mainly use my rendition of them (In my sig, under "the compendium of..." or for simplicity- part 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=7848169&postcount=50) and part 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=7848311&postcount=51). I think these can work splendidly.

Some signs of an impending cataclysm starts to show- an incurable plague, strange monsters who are hard to kill, crops not growing, general unrest or several stuff together. The king summons a meeting of his advisors and heroes, but none seem to have the answer till a strange figure approaches- a dusk hag, holding a golden orb. She speaks of a prophecy, of going through out the land and gathering special herbs from far away locations, if the country is to be saved.

The king and the hag may each offer motivation: Working for the king for the halfling, fame and fortune for the fighter, the hag may hint that the secrets of the lost art may be found on the way (Perhaps the withc that will show you the way". And some prophetic destiny for the chief's son). The golden orb might be some sort of a mysticla guide/ GPS/ communication method with the hag or such. I suggest to work it out as a multi layered puzzle of some sort, with clues coming as quests progress.

I'm don't have quite some time to discuss each quest, but I suggest there may be 3, leading to... "interactions" with 3 powerful hags- 1 land hag, 1 sea and 1 annis. I suggest to not make it as straightforward as a simple fetch quest, and if possible reveal the ancient race and it's complexities, rivalries or such between the hags or their followers, and so...

At the end of it all, the party comes to realize that at the core of the matter lies a powerful night hag (Who might start interacting with the PCs earlier via dreams and nightmares). The night hag might be pulling some strings, or might be (as her daughter the dusk hag says) be pulled by them as well.

As a rough outline at least. If you're interested, we might be able to work out more specific details.

2014-05-26, 10:19 PM
I think he is not referring to a campaign setting "Ready Player One"
Maybe he was referring to this http://www.amazon.com/Ready-Player-One-A-Novel/dp/0307887448