View Full Version : Optimization Sorcerer gish spell selection ???

2014-05-24, 10:25 AM
I want your opinion people of the playground.

You are playing the following character Monk 2/Battle Sorcerer 4/Enlightned Fist 4/ Master of the east wind 10.

Master of the east wind (dragon 314) gives you full casting and acces to air domain, making this character a Sorcerer lvl 17 for spell selection

We are playing a battle sorcerer so our number of spells known would be.

1st 4 / 2nd 4 / 3rd 3 / 4th 3 / 5th 3 / 6th 2 / 7th 1 / 8th 1

You qualify as dragonblooded for all the spells in the draconomicon.

The other members of the party are a straight cleric, a twf ranger and a ranged rogue.

What are your choices? all sources allowed!

2014-05-24, 10:28 AM
Fist of Stone
Wings of Cover
Alter Self

2014-05-24, 10:58 AM
Chill touch (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spellLists/sorcererWizardSpells.htm#firstLevelSorcererWizardS pells) for flurry of chill touch blows. Depending on how lenient your DM is you might hold the touch on it all day (see touch spell rules) so that you don't lose your first round of combat. Wings of cover (races of dragon IIRC) for defense for you and your allies. 24 hours of mage armor, 24 hours of false life, 24 hours of greater magic weapon. Spell compendium also has greater mage armor and IIRC BoED has [greater] luminous armor. A lesser rod of extend spell helps you get to 24 hours. Spell compendium has a bunch of swift & immediate spells for your swift actions: nerveskitter, swift expeditious retreat, swift fly, bladeweave and blades of fire. A monk's unarmed strike counts as manufactured weapons for buffs btw.

You might also pick up a battlefield control spell or two to open in round 1 for fights against large numbers of foes. Web, sleet storm, solid fog, evard's black tentacles or wall of force.

I would be extremely careful with standard action round/level, min/level and usually 10 min/level spells on a sorcerer. You only have time for 1 and even that might be worse than your other options. If you're always in dungeons then 10 min/level spells can be ok to cast at the entrance (not round 1), but if you're in the wilderness often then it's the same as the other two.

2014-05-24, 11:53 AM
Why would you not reduce your Monk levels by one, increase your Enlightened Fist levels by one, and get Sorcerer 18 spellcasting? You currently get a +14 BAB, you would get +13 if you did that, and you would get +12 if you didn't use Battle Sorcerer. Losing one spell per day per spell level and one spell known per spell level is not worth the +1 BAB that Battle Sorcerer gives you! Seriously, by not having 9th level spells you're missing out on things like Hide Life and Iceberg.

Do This trick (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?267805-Sorcerer-Handbook#4), get as many spells known as you want.

Assuming you have Persistent Spell with Practical Metamagic so your 3rd level and lower personal-range spells last all day (Shield, Wraithstrike, Swift Fly, Magic Circle against Evil, etc.), you can put those on the above Ancestral Relic Runestaff at 1/day each instead of spending spells known on them. You should also put natural 24-hour spells on that, such as the Primal X spells from Dragon Magic, Mind Blank, Greater/Superior Resistance, and Endure Elements, as well as hour/level spells like Heart of Fire, Wings of Swift Flying, Greater Magic Weapon, Greater Mighty Wallop, and Greater Mage/Luminous Armor, plus situational spells like Mass Resist Energy, Command Undead, and Ruby Ray of Reversal. Also put Polymorph 1/day on that if you take the Minor Shapeshift reserve feat, and any other spells you need for activating reserve feats. You should also have utility and other few/day spells on that, like Rope Trick, Shrink Item, Alarm, Teleport, etc.

1st (4):
Benign Transposition
Silent Image
Lesser Shivering Touch or Chill Touch for Arcane Fist

2nd (4):
Wings of Cover
Heart of Air (or put it on the Runestaff)

3rd (3):
Heart of Water
Melf's Unicorn Arrow
Shivering Touch or Vampiric Touch for Arcane Fist

4th (3):
Heart of Earth (or put it on the Runestaff)
Wings of Flurry
Black Tentacles or Solid Fog or Blinding Breath or Celerity

5th (3):
Friend to Foe
Draconic Polymorph
Wall of Force

6th (2):
Greater Dispel Magic

7th (1):
Arcane Spellsurge

8th (1):
Superior Invisibility

2014-05-24, 12:21 PM
I want your opinion people of the playground.

You are playing the following character Monk 2/Battle Sorcerer 4/Enlightned Fist 4/ Master of the east wind 10.

Master of the east wind (dragon 314) gives you full casting and acces to air domain, making this character a Sorcerer lvl 17 for spell selection

We are playing a battle sorcerer so our number of spells known would be.

1st 4 / 2nd 4 / 3rd 3 / 4th 3 / 5th 3 / 6th 2 / 7th 1 / 8th 1

You qualify as dragonblooded for all the spells in the draconomicon.

The other members of the party are a straight cleric, a twf ranger and a ranged rogue.

What are your choices? all sources allowed!

Quick question, why battle sorc? You get one more bab, but you have to settle for the penalties for 17 levels.

2014-05-24, 12:24 PM
Im already going deeper of what Im used to in the full caster route so I may consider droping some BaB, its not like i get extra attacks with BaB 14 instead of 12... But the original concept for this character is to be more martial than casting oriented. I like the idea of a diferent aproach tho, magic is fun.

All those spells are good to keep in mind for the final list, Im familiar with the ancestral relic idea and my DM prefers me to avoid it for now...

Also for persist spell we can only persist min/lvl or hour/lvl. After years of playing we are leaving more and more of the high optimization behingd.

2014-05-24, 12:29 PM
Quick question, why battle sorc? You get one more bab, but you have to settle for the penalties for 17 levels.

The build started more martial oriented, going for swiftblade instead of master of four winds, that means arround Sorc lvl 13.

2 lvls of Cobra monk variant were used to get Dodge and Mobilty for the PrC.

I want to avoid swiftblade now cause the last time it brought along some trouble with the other players in the table... "that *** is OP" and stuff like that. Meh, I can kick ass without it....

I want a more full caster oriented aproach and mantain the monk gish concept as much as i can. I dont know if its worth to lose another caster lvl for HOLD RAY in enlightned fist 6.