View Full Version : 1st level suicide commoners

2014-05-24, 05:41 PM
So I was thinking of an E6 nations game, well a "tribe" game really, with some friends.
You start as a level 6 character, leadership is allowed, normal E6 rules.

There is a vast empire expanding in to your tribes area, how do you stop them.

One example was to get your 1st level commoner followers, any race, to have the death devotion feat (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-champion--57/death-devotion--535/).

once they are taken as slaves, or walk in to a major settlement/camp etc. they:

Get an improvised melee weapon
Activate Death Devotion
Successfully stab themselves (a successful attack)
Fail the Fort save (willingly)
Gain the negative level, and Die.
rise the next night as a wight
Time this right and get all your followers to do it at the same time, and watch the ensuing chaos

True you now have to contend with the the wights as well.. but hey, you may have stopped the evil empire.

2014-05-24, 05:58 PM
Jihad = Suicide?


2014-05-24, 06:05 PM
Jihad = Suicide?

Sorry I did not mean to cause offence, I believed the term Jihad actually meant "struggle".
I was using it as a reference to the tribes struggle against an encroaching empire.

Changed the title.

2014-05-24, 06:07 PM
Its cool. I was just pointing out that using Jihad and suicide together might be abit... bad?

2014-05-24, 06:08 PM
Jihad = Suicide?


EDIT: Swordsage'd

Agreed. While not a Muslim, I cringe when I hear Jihad equated to suicide. I'm sure it was an innocent mistake, but Jihad (meaning "struggle") actually refers to, as I understand it (but take what I say with a grain of salt), an internal struggle between one's base urges and the desire to serve God. Some individuals have taken that to mean martyrdom by suicide, but that's not necessarily what it means.

2014-05-24, 06:08 PM
Cool idea but can ya tell me where it says they rise as a wight?

2014-05-24, 06:15 PM
Cool idea but can ya tell me where it says they rise as a wight?
Per the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#energyDrainAndNegativeLevels) :

A character with negative levels at least equal to her current level, or drained below 1st level, is instantly slain. Depending on the creature that killed her, she may rise the next night as a monster of that kind. If not, she rises as a wight.

2014-05-24, 06:15 PM
When something dies from negative levels it rises as a wight in, 1d4 days? something like that.

Edit: Ninja'd

2014-05-24, 06:17 PM
You only need one character with death devotion. Have him stab a bunch of other (willing or helpless) commoners, one each day. Each time he ganks a commoner, restrain the corpse before it can rise as a wight. Well-secured rope or manacles should be entirely sufficient to prevent the wight from escaping*, due to the wight's unimpressive Strength and Dexterity. Remember to gag their mouths so they don't make unseemly groaning noises. From there, you just position the wights where you want (or even move the wights to-be into position before ganking them), and release them when the time is right.

*The wight with its 12 strength cannot possibly make the DC 23 Strength check to burst hemp rope. Also, a wight is totally incapable of making Escape Artist DCs higher than 21, so anyone with +2 to Use Rope can take 10 while binding rope, get the automatic +10 for binding a character, and make bindings which a wight cannot possibly escape. Good thing natural 20s aren't automatic successes for ability and skill checks!

Jeff the Green
2014-05-24, 07:36 PM
EDIT: Swordsage'd

Agreed. While not a Muslim, I cringe when I hear Jihad equated to suicide. I'm sure it was an innocent mistake, but Jihad (meaning "struggle") actually refers to, as I understand it (but take what I say with a grain of salt), an internal struggle between one's base urges and the desire to serve God. Some individuals have taken that to mean martyrdom by suicide, but that's not necessarily what it means.

Well, it's complicated. I'd explain, but forum rules.

Anyway, to deal with the ensuing chaos, you'll want as many clerics as possible with Greater Turning. Unfortunately, I don't think RSoP is available in E6. Unless there's a way to get a random feat at 5 for Primary Contact to boost your Knowledge (religion) to 9. Pathfinder progression would do it, naturally.

Oh, or get some Sacred Armor, or an Ephod of Authority and Improved Turning, bringing your effective turning level to 8, enough to dust those wights with normal turn undead. So, yeah, someone with Death Devotion, an artificer, and a bunch of 6th-level clerics.

Or, for one character, a cloistered cleric of a desert sun god who offers both Sun and Death or Repose. Improved Turning, Leadership, and a butt-ton of leadership feats with the goal of maxing your followers out. Your cohort is an artificer. At first you don't care what your followers are, because you're just going to kill them. Then your followers are all clerics with the Sun domain and improved Turning. You deck them out with enough gear to bring their effective turning level up to 8, which should be possible for all of them except the level 1s. If you can get your leadership up to 25* that's 56 followers who can destroy wights 3+Cha/day, and 270 who can do it 1/day. That's pretty substantial.

*I'm not sure if this is realistically possible. I've not looked at LA, but an unseelie magic-blooded aasimar could have a Charisma of 24. Boost that by +6 because with an artificer and an unlimited pool of people to drain XP from, you can afford it. So level 6, plus 10 from Charisma, plus 4 from the [Leader] feats, and we're at 20. Add on an Admiral's Bicorne and you reach 25. So, yeah, it's doable, but only with serious WBLmancy.